. , . 'iiiiiii . mi . it A I: I, , , , , VOL. XX, NO. 277 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1983 (HOOT 9, 1361 ILS" ' m rmvit flo Karmal honours '4 Y ' J "Ml army heroes s ?! ;:.i ff KABUL, February ; 28 and their revolutionary (Bakhtar) Babrak state as well as under the Karmal, General ' Secret- wise guidance of, Babrak ary of the PDPA CC and Karmal fri person," '"'(y',' President of the RC aw- arded the Order of,,, the According to another re- Red Banner here yester- port, a number of soldiers day to a number of offi- and officers of the air and cers of the army in appr- -, air defence forces, who dis- eciation of their valuable played devotion and sacri- fice in the cause of the de- -' services in defence f, of, the gains of the Saur Re- fence of the gains' of the' Saur Revolution, also recei- volution. V .... ,r. ved medals and insignia's at ' On behalf of the Central a function yesterday. Committee of the PDPA CC, , its Politburo and Secretariat Maj Gen Khalilull.ah, De- and the Council of. Minis-,- , puty Minister of Defence, ' ters. and on his own behalf in a speech,' praised the and devotion congratulating ; the recipi- heroism of the ents on receiving the Order soldiers and officers in en- creating of the Red Banner, . Kar- suring security and 7 ' mal said that the great role a peaceful atmosphere .; in Babrak Karmal, General Secretary of the PDPA CC and President of the RC, with the recipients of the Order of the played by the army in def-- , , the country. Red Bannar. .. !' .1 1 J (Photo: Bakhtar) ence or inear sacrea , iana He ' congratulated and the honour of the na-- , 'jthem tion were recorded in lett-- . on their successes in gulf-- " Villagers appreciate Goyt ers of gold in the history of illing their duties and' JANGALAK WORKERS UP wished them further 'vict- SET Afghanistan. 1; ories in carrying out their efforts for nation-buildin- g assigned duties. ' " He wished them furth- 1 !. CIVIL DEFENCE GROUP MAIMANA, February 28 Mullah Faizuddin and Jalal, er successes in the annih- . (Bakhtar). The toiling peo- on others behalf expressed ilation, of the enemies of The commander of the KABUL, ..February 28 er, in a speech at the func- undeclared war unleashed Aca- ple of the Cuzari Qala villa- happiness for the attention ' Air and Air Defence (Bakhtar). The , militant tion, praised the; bravery by the imperialism against the revolution. , demy,' on behalf of other of- workers of the Jangalak Fa- and devotion displayed by the country, Danesh said: ge in the Khuaja Namoas of the party and the state., : people, and ' ficers, pledged "devotion ctories held a function in the workers in fheir ef- "Our people need peace, subdistrict of the Pashtoon towards the Later, Chief of Staff of , sacrifice realis-- hall of the factory to forts to raise production because we can build a Koot district and the Tor-bakh- to especially towards the pe the Armed Forces Gen : and for, the ' the village of the same sants in this distant. Baba Jan assured Karmal, ation of the aspirations of form a civil defence group. and defend the gains of prosperous and blossoming Dan-es- district, in separate gather- They also expressed all on behalf of the officers the Saur Revolution, par Mohammad Ismael the Saur Revolution. society and implement the ings, expressed their grati- round cooperation with the and commanders of, the ticularly its new and evolu' alternate member of the Reaffirming the need to democratic reforms in the " CQ - form civil gro- mass- tude for the helpful mea- party and state to ensure sac- -, v rDPA Politburo aMi- the defence interest of the broad army, of "unflinching ' r sures taken by the revoluti- security in their regions. rifices on the part of the1 SVi-l- nes and industries Minist ups under the conditions of es only under peaceful con- ditions." onary state on the benefit Revolution defence gro-- 1 army defending v for the of the people of Afghanis- ups were also formed by the objectives of the ' v Saur The president of the fac- tan. residents of the villages. Revolution under the lea- -' dership of the PDPA CC tories and the care-lak- of the civil defence groups They once more; pledged Paikargar Czech envoy of the Kabul province, the their readiness in realising Governor of Kabul and Am- the objectives of the new attends rally wor- and evolutionary !: phase ir v Mohammad, , a of hosts reception ker of the mould'Pj section the Saur Revolution. The gatherings att- in Kandahar ' of the factories, spoke on were KABUL1, 28 February : the need to form c;vi def- ended by the Deputy Agri- KANDAHAR, February (Bakhtar) The 35th an- ence groups and Ihe duties culture and Land Reforms 28 (Bakhtar) Sayed niversary of the victory of of the groups Ministry. He explained the the working people of Cz- good aims of the party and Tahir Shah Paikargar, alternate member of echoslovakia over fascism Al the end, a message of the state and also spoke of the PDPA CC and deputy in- was marked at a reception the workers of the Jangalak the charter of the Saur Re- rt ? i,i charge of the organisat-- , hosted by the Czechoslov- j' (.mm !.'' Jsruit ., r , addressed to the PDPA CC volution for the prosperity ional department of the ak's ambassador in Kabul Mohammad Ismael ' Danesh, addressing the function held to form a and Babrak Karmal, Gene- of the suffering people of yes- party CC, attended a ga- in his residence here ' group In' Jangalak ,, ral Secretary of the PDPA this country. ' ' civil defence the Factories. v "' ' : thering held by wor- terday.,, ',. (Photo: Bakhtar) CC and President of the RC Haji Mohammad Akram, the in person, about the contin king people of the Arg-hand- ab Some members of Poli- uation of the struggle New medical district of the tburo and the secretaries, inst the mercenaries sent Kandahar province at the . of MANY NEW COMMUNICATIONS district centre. the'Central Committee from abroad and the counter-rev- institute nears of the PDPA, other CC olution, was read out high-rankin- g .' members and by the president of the tra- Pakargar spoke on the . state PROJECTS UNDERWAY measures of Governm- officials, and the . de union of the factories. , completion the ambassadors of friendly'., (1983-1984- ent for the prosperity of." ' '.KABUL, February 28 ). the gratis aid of the Sov-- office of ci- Then, the the KABUL, February 28 the people bloss- countries in Kabul were Mazar-Hairata- n ch- and the (Bakhtar) . For the first The iet Union. vil defence organ of tl;e fa- the quests at- - the recept- (Bakhtar) The constr- oming of revolutionary a channel system of annel project has been In the Kabul city, the ctory was inaugurated by ' time, uction of the State Medi Afghanistan. ion.- ; .. establ- telex a cap- telephones will be completed and., is ready station with Daneh. cal Institute of Kabul is ished between several pr- for Communications pur- acity of 80 lines was not almost completed. Abdul Samad Akhim-dzada- h, MEETING ovinces of the country., poses., The 'Channel stat--: enough to meet the needs Tnc participants of the ...'I , V( one of the resid- - In a detailed report on, ion was provided by the of the city. Therefore, it function visited the weap- KABUL, February ( The project is being bu- ents, on others' behalf, postal and communic- - Soviet Union for the Co- is planned to expand it ons depots, the dormitory, Anahita Rate-- the ilt on an area of 20,000 sq- expressed "all-rou- so- daily Ha-- ', mmunications Ministry. by 20 more lines. The ap- and primary health ser- bzad, member of the PDPA' r ation services, the uare metres. lidarity tele- with the party qiqate Enqlabe 'paur, or- This project . ensures paratus and equipments vice of the organ. CC Politburo and President and the Government in PD.PA.CC, wri-- ,. phone and telegraph lin--, for this project will be It has 14 block of one of the Peace Solidarity and gan of the implementing theV ks with purchased from the cre- As many as 240 workers, to five stories. Three bl the plans Friendship Organisation had tes that, with victory the Hairatan port Revolution; through channel lines dits of Iraq. including men and women, ocks are for teaching 600 - a an introductory meeting in ' of the Saur. and .u.uuventdefending fttuHpnta . nnp anrf the gains of renovation and expa- - , an expansion of commun- are organised in nine units, tim her office with Lopez Pene-l- a, the the Saur Revolution." co- Radio of participate in self-- . two for the UNICEF incharge in: nsion of the cpuntry's ications links between stations the to the administration -, CPB-- 7 in- wi- ; . services, ha- the DRA and the Soviet type have been defence activities, besides and a projection hall Kabul. ' : o . mmunication, Union.. stalled a production work. a of 1,200 per- ve been included in the , with view to the th capacity Land deeds Five-Ye- ar Plan and is . broadcasting local progra- sons. KABUL, i Mo-qo- r, February 28 specif ically i- - considered As many as .325 : kms mmes in the cities of The nine units are those (Bakhtar). Sugar contract one of the economic dut- of telephone lines have Qalat, Lashkargah (A security and defence, su- Three blocks are reser- One hundred and seventy two ' and the district of Kho-- st pplies, materials, services, landless ies in the Programe , of been extended between ved for laboratories and peasants of Wazir Abad vil- with USSR Action pf the People's Mazare Sharif, Maimana, It is planned that such engineering, maintenance a dining room.
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