Regd. Ne. NE 907 i TJ:te Mizoram Ga%ette Pu�lished by Authority __ r T , , I.: ..... ',.,ily. 2). { DH, . Bhadr. 4, S.E. 1916,'· issue No. 34 ar Government of Mizonm , Part I and A"t>oinlments, P08tings, Trznsfers. Powers ot�cr ,Noticesand Orcers. (ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR) NOTIFICATIONS ,. '� No. A. 23031/2/84-IPR, the 26th August, 1994. !fhe Governor of ·Mizoram is . ...pleased to fix the final inteese-seniority of Assistant Public R,olations Officer.' "'" under Information & Public Relations Depe{lment as allow,,,b.olow. SI. No. in onder Name of Seniority. " 1. ZothankuogJ i; 2. Lallian.x?!'. 3. Lalnu . 4. Laitbangmal'lia Y4llldir 5. R. Vanhnuaithauga 6. David Laltbangliana 7. Lalsiama Famkwl 8. Sangkamlova . , " , .- • No. F. 14011/I/90-IPR, the 25th August, 1994. 10 puisuance <If .the provision . contained in the Mizoram Press Representative AccreditaMQ.\1.. • .\Wlea. 1984, the Registration of Books A<;t. 1967 and the Working Journalist ,..!!, other News papers Employees (condition of service) and M���PrO�lon Aot 1955, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased g renew the t!':flll O;t'. .th�·� Aocredi­ ted Journalist for another peri<idof one year as ahown bel<l,\'I'. d. R-34/94 2 SL. NAME OF EDITORS NEWSPAPERS No. REPRESENTED 1. Pu Lalbiakthanga Pachaan Zoram Tlangau 2. Pu�apdanga Vanglaini 3.· Pu Lalrinawma Tawrhbawm 4. Pu C. Lalzamlova Chhawrpial 5. Pu J. Lalthangliana Mizo Arsi 6. Pu R.L. Rina Hunthar . 7. Pu Robert La\chhuana . Romei 8. Pu C. Lalkhawliana Highlander 9. !,u D.R. Zirliana Mizo Aw 10. Pu Runbika Zoeng/Hnehtu 11. Pu Zaithankhuma Khiangle Khawpui Aw 12. Pu Lalnuntluanga Tlomte Zoram Express 13.· Pu Raltawna Ralte Youth Herald 14. Pu A. Rodingliana Thuthar 15. Pu V. Lalbiakzama Zualko 16. Pu C. Dinthanga LeIte 17. Pu R. Tbanglawra Entlang 18. Pu H.C. Vanlalruata Senhri 19. Pu S. Lalawmpuia Hnehtu 20. Pu Lalbiakluaia The Vox 21. Pu ZonuDsanga Khiangte Lerilain; 22. Pu S. Rina Mizo Aw 23. Pu L.T. Sanga Morning Post 24. Pu C. Lalthianghlima Leitlangpui/Zoram Darthlalang 25. Pu Lalthanzama Mizo Arsi 26. Pu 'co Chl<Wngdinga Zalenna Tlangau 27. 'Pu.c. Sangzuala Krtistian 11langau 28. Pu LalsawmH�na Patlluau Vida<> Cameraman t No.F. 14011/1/90-IPR the 26th Augost, 199',. In continuation of tbis Dapllrtmonlta Notification of even No dt 25th August, 1994 and in pursuance of the provision . contained in the Mizoram Press 'Rflpresentlttive Accreditation Rules, 1984, the Registration of Books Act, 1967 and !tie workdng Journalist allC1 other Newspapers Employees (Condition of Service) ani! Millcellaneous Provision Act, 1955, the Governor of Mizoram i!j!leaseu·to renew the term of the existing Aceredited lournalist for another period 'of' One year as shown below :- SI. NO NAME OF EDITORS NEWSPAPER REPRESENTED 1. Pu P. Lallawmzuala The Hero 2, 'Pu Ellis Baic'lenga Z6en 3, Pu ZOT!lmmawl� Zomawi ·4: Pu. Liant!lIanga· ·Chliim Eng .·5, Pti K. Z6thankhmna Virthli ·6. 'Pu .LalblaUi;'ma Colney I:.engzem 7. Pu K. Laltlanmtiva Chhim Aw 3 • sr. NAME Ol" EDITORS NO. -----------. -----�- .., .,.:." -,..�---' - �, 8. Pu Hmaoka alychho Matll/lll14 9. Pu Lalrii!ga Sailil!awplii " 10. Pu B. Dawpho SIrlbIt PW' No.1.": 140!1/119O-IPR the 25th August, 1994. In . pw;suance of th. p�ovision conf!ilne� In tile Mlzoram Press Repr.$'ent�tive A&il:d!IIrti<n!' Rules f984., the _ RegIstration of Books Act, '1'967 and the WorkingJ"uFaatili�.and' cltherNewspapers Employees (condition Miscellaneous Provision: Act 1955, ., of service) and the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grant Press Accreditation to the following Joumais! with immediate"effect and until further or�·r. , ' , < � 'j I 1. PIle.s. CbaW1lgQhhuma _r;A/lalt!d\lm1l!l. t� , t , TImes', 2. Pu H. LaIlil\na ..,cu"i,Ly,r..... ".',"'l&a � . Saiba.. 3. PIl C. Darfunin:gtiana EdItQr�ZOnult\>lIi', LUI1g1�. ' 4. Pu H. Lalthansanga EditO't,'Il llligle'ii,Times. -L!IfISlet 5. Pu L.T. Mawia Editor, ZObawm, Salba. 6. Pu R., Vanlawma Freelance Journalist. 7. PuN&ur�ana Editor, ZOkbua (Daily). ft. PIl Zonultktiuma Cameraman, T.S. Video. 9. Pu Lahii!lfakliana Editor. Hrialna. (Weekly). ' 10. PuNgurth anmawia Edilnr, Sports (Weekly) I I. PIl ZOthanpuia Jt. Editor, 'Highlander (Daily). ' PII V.L. Biakenga . A�O\li:/.te,E<lltor. TaWrhbQwQl 12. , (t5\ii/'Y). ' " 13. Pu Lalrinmawia . NeW!! EdItor;'V'\l.ns!.dni (DailY) 14. Pu.1. Lalmuanpuia Vid�' C!�mer$an.. J;B. Ca� N�t>roi'k;:l,;qnglei. No. F. 14011/1/9(}.IPR., the 25th August; 19�4:' In.porslij\ll�°of the pro'\'!s/fln contained in the MimralliPress Representative A=ditation'kiJ!es, 19841h. RegIs­ tration of Books Act, 1967 and the Working Journalist and otherNewspape rs Employes (condition of service) and miseIlaneous Provision ;\ct, 1955. the Gover­ .tr'lllsf�. (If the nor o{Mizoram is pleased to. grant ,_ ,at: fli�1\\ ill resllect' of ,_ "' the t<lJIowiB8 Accredited Journalist anAoWlj.' �o,,;. , 51. No. Name of Editors To !l'tom' " 1. Po Lalnuntlnanga 110tn� Raw«bqr . Zora.mExp� . 2. PIl Zonunsanga Khi�ligte ZbeJig Lenlalni 3. Pu H. C. Vanlalruata SUD Senhri 4. Pu S. Lalawmpuia RoDiei Hn:ehtll 5. Lalbiakluaia Vangtaini The Vox .d. PIl � . J . C. UijW!g\jaDJo . , �cretary to the�,·'or',�. .. lllformation & Public Reltltlotis'Department. 4 NO. A. 22013/1/93-PW/Loose, the 26th August, 1994. On transfer and posting of Pu Lalzadiana, S.D.O., P.W.D. Kanhmun Sub-Division, Kailhmun to Assistant Engineer, Sport Council, Aizawl vide this Department's Notification No. A. 22013 /l/92-PW dt. 14. 7. 94, the Officer is hereby allowed to join 'lS Assistant Engineer, P.W.D. in the Office of Chief Engineer, P.W.D. with effect from 18. 8. 94 (V•• cated by Pn C. Lalhmingthanga on transferred on 22. 7. 94) The above arrangement is temporary arrangement for further posting due to nop-acceptance his joining by Secretary, Mizoram State Sport Council. No. A. 22013/1/93-PW/LOOSE, the 24th August, 1994. In cc·ntinuation of this Department's Notification No. A. 22013/1/93-PW ' 0 ' dt 14. 7. 04 Pu Lalnunzira SDO P.W.D. Lungloi Mechanical sub division No. I, Lunglei is allowed to look after the charge of seo P.W.D , Lunglei Mechanical Sub-di\ision No. II, Lunglei in addition to ltis own duties. K. Thangzualla, Commr. & Secretary to the Gov!. of Mizoram. Public Works Department. , . l<o.A. 22013/1/94-PAR (R) the 24th August, 1994. In portial �odific.tion of this Department's Notification No.A. 1203J/I/93-PAR (R) dt. 19.4 1994 and in the int�rest of public, Service, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of Pi Lianzothangi, Superintendent from P.W.D. Secretariat to Fin. -, Department (£co. Affairs) with retrospective effect from 3.6.194 against the vacant post and thence to the Directorate of Food & Civil Supplies vice Pi V. Lalbmingthangi, Supd!. w.e.f. the date of taking over c�rge and until further orders. No.A. 19011/88/89-PERS (B) the 24th August, 1994. In partia1 modification of this Department's Notification No.A. 22012/1/90-PERS (B) dated 22.3.1994 and on repatriation of Pu C. Lalsangliana and Pu R.V. Lalmawia, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order re-allocation of Departments/subjects to the following Commissioners/Secretaries to the Government of Mizoram as indicated below with effect from 26th August, 1994 (AN) and until fu rther orders :-- --------------- SI. No. Name of Officers Departments/subjects alloted -------------- 1. Pn Lalfak Zuala, lAS Information & Public �¢lations Chief Secretary Department. R-34/94 s , -, , SI. No. Name ofOfficers Departments/Subjects alloted ------------------- ------ • V 2. Pu T. Gupta;-IAS Animal Husbandry'& eterinary Commissioner, :{,.and Revenue Department. and Settlement. 3. Pu Denghnuna, lAS Local Admini.tration Department and Secretary, Trade, & Commerce Cooperation Departments. (He will continue to hold additional charge of Managing 'Director, MAI.:CO). ., 4. Pu Lalmalsawma, lAS "Matters relating to boundary between Secretary, GAD, DP&AR Mizoram and its neighbouring States and and SAD m�ps connect�.d therewith" under Land Revenlk & Settl�l��ht Department. -- ., 5. Pu P. R. Bomb, lAS Tourism Department;· r Secretary. Sericulture and Printmg Stationery &. .' 6; Pu C. Nag, lAS Relief & RehabHitation Department. Secretary, Finance .and Excise & o Taxatidl\ No. A. 220j2/1/91-P&AR(CSWJ, tbe 24th August, 1994. In the inlerest of pub­ lic service, the G!)vet'llor of Mizoram is pleased to cancel the appointment of -Pu S. Malaichamy, lAS as ex-officio Director, Horticulture Department issued vide this Department's NotificationNo. A. 2Z012/1/90-PcRS (B) dt. 28.3. 94 with � immediate' effect. Henceforth, Joint Director, Hortic;ulture Department shall func­ tion as Head of Department in terms of Government. of Mizoram, Finance De­ partment's order No. G. 17012/1/93 ·F, Est. dt. 27. 7. 93 with immediate effect al1d until further orders. ': -Lalmalsawina, SecretaYy to-;the·Govt. of Mizornm. No. LAD/VC-18/9.o1/Azl/Pt-l, tbe 2tlth August, 1994. Sorkar Notification No. LADIVC-18194/Azl dt. 7. 7. 94 SJ. No. 207.... Hnablan V /C President Pu Thang­ fala tih chu caneell-in Pu Thangzidinga chu Village Council President atan dah • zawk a ni. , • No.LAD/VC-31/94/AzI the23fd Augullf,'i994.fn exetCise·lif tbe powers conferred by'sub-section (3) of's<'ction 3 of the>L<s,hai HII1"Disfrid(Vi1lag�Touncils) Act, 1953, the Governor of Mizoflllll'is plea� tli'1)ommate'the' following . persons as members' of'Saiphai and·N. Chawnpui \'lIlage AiZllcouncils, wl"Dist.
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