Евразиатский энтомол. журнал 16(2): 119–128 © EUROASIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2017 Fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Keroplatidae, Mycetophilidae) of the lower course of Anadyr River, Chukotskii Autonomnyi Okrug, Russia Ãðèáíûå êîìàðû (Diptera, Syrphidae) íèçîâèé ðåêè Àíàäûðü (×óêîòñêèé àâòîíîìíûé îêðóã, Ðîññèÿ) A.V. Polevoi*, A.V. Barkalov** À.Â. Ïîëåâîé*, À.Â. Áàðêàëîâ** * Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushkinskaya Str. 11, Petrozavodsk 185910 Russia. E-mail: [email protected]. * Институт леса КарНЦ РАН, ул. Пушкинская 11, Петрозаводск, 185910, Россия. E-mail: [email protected] ** Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Frunze Str. 11, Novosibirsk 630091 Russia. E-mail: [email protected]. ** Институт систематики и экологии животных СО РАН, ул. Фрунзе 11, Новосибирск 630091 Россия. Key words: fauna, fungus gnats, Anadyr River, Chukotka. Ключевые слова: фауна, грибные комары, река Анадырь, Чукотка. Abstract. The first data on the Fungus gnats fauna of Diadocidiidae, Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae and Myceto- Chukotka are presented. 170 species belonging to the fami- philidae, belonging to the superfamily Sciaroidea (Diptera, lies Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Keroplatidae and Myce- Nematocera, Bibionomorpha). This is highly diverse group tophilidae were reported during two field seasons in 2013 with estimated number of species around 4500 in the and 2014 in the lower course of the Anadyr River. Eight world fauna and more than 1450 in Palaearctic [Søli et al., species are reported from Russia for the first time, two species are new for the Palaearctic and 27 species were 2000]. In the latter region, they seem to display an in- previously unknown in the eastern part of the Palaearctic; creasing diversity towards the North, with most species- 28 species are most probably undescribed taxa. Widely dis- rich fauna found in Scandinavia [Kjærandsen et al., 2007; tributed circumpolar and transpalaearctic species dominate Søli, Rindal, 2012, Jakovlev et al., 2014b]. the fauna, but there is also considerable number of species The fungus gnats fauna of Russia and some adja- previously known only from northern Europe. Sixteen pre- cent territories are rather well documented [Zaitzev, sumably undescribed species of the subfamilies Sciophilinae, 1994, 2003], however many regions still remain only Gnoristinae and Mycetophilinae may be tentatively consid- superficially studied. Northern and north-eastern Rus- ered as Chukotka endemics. sia are of special concern. Though first data were pub- lished as early as the end of 19th beginning of 20th Резюме. Впервые приводятся данные по фауне гриб- ных комаров Чукотки. За два полевых сезона (2013– century [Holmgren, 1883; Lundström, 1915] just a few 2014 гг.) в низовье реки Анадырь зарегистрировано more or less detailed local studies are known up to now 170 видов из семейств Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, [Blagoderov, 1992; Polevoi, 2010; Krzemiñska, Klimont, Keroplatidae и Mycetophilidae. Восемь видов впервые 2011]. The latest compilation on the fungus gnats of указаны для фауны России. Два вида впервые зарегист- Russian Far East [Zaitzev, 1999] provides no data from рированы в Палеарктике, а 27 видов ранее не были указа- the areas north of Kamtschatka peninsula. The present ны для её восточной части. Двадцать восемь видов пред- paper provides first species list of fungus gnats of положительно являются новыми для науки. Основу Chukotka, and addresses biogeographic peculiarities фауны составляют широко распространённые виды с цир- of the fauna. кумполярным и транспалеарктическим типами ареалов. В то же время, отмечается присутствие значительного числа видов, ранее известных исключительно из северной Study area, material and methods Европы. К условным эндемикам Чукотки можно отнести 16 предположительно неописанных видов из подсемейств The paper is based on the material collected by Sciophilinae, Gnoristinae и Mycetophilinae. second author during two expeditions to Chukotka. In 2013 fungus gnats were collected on the right bank of Introduction the river Anadyr between the mouth of river Omochi and the mountain Amochi. In 2014 collecting sites were Fungus gnats — informal name applied by most Eu- located near the northern part of the ridge Rarytkin, ropean authors for the group of families: Bolitophilidae, about 30 km east of the lake Krasnoe. 120 A.V. Polevoi, A.V. Barkalov Study area lies in the limits of lower Anadyr plane Thorax mainly brown, anterior part of anepimeron yel- and belongs to the subzone of larger dwarf-scrubs [Yurt- lowish, mesoscutum with pale humeral area and stripe ex- sev et al., 1978]. Biotopes are mostly represented by tending laterally along entire of its length. Thoracic bristles hummocky tundra with Eriophorum vaginatum and black. Wing length 3.80–4.04. Wing clear, veins brownish. Carex lugens dominating in the grass layer. Siberian Halter pale yellow. Legs entirely yellow. Ratio of tibia to basitarsus for fore, mid and hind legs: 1.50–1.58; 1.65–1.73; dwarf-pine — Pinus pumila (usually not reaching height 1.68–1.79. Fore tibia with one anteroventral spur, mid and more than 2 m.) is abundant all over the area. More hind tibia with two spurs (anteroventral spur approximately detailed description of collecting localities is given in 2/3 of the length of pv spur). the recent paper [Barkalov, Mutin, 2015]. Abdomen dark brown, tergites II–VI with pale apical Material was collected from 18 July to 7 August (in bands. Abdominal bristles black. Terminalia (Fig. 1). Cercus 2013) and from 22 June to 17 July (in 2014). We used one-segmented and sessile, slightly attenuated to apex. Ster- sweep netting, Malaise traps and Merike traps (water nite VIII with protruding dorsal and ventral parts in lateral filled yellow plastic plates with few drops of detergent). view, ventrally with triangular apicomedial excavation. Macrocerinae Results ? Macrocera ezoensis Okada, 1937 Material. 1$, S2, 25.06–19.07.2014. 170 species belonging to the families Bolitophilidae, Distribution. Eastern Palaearctic: Japan (Hokkaido) and Diadocidiidae, Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae were eastern Russia (Sakhalin) [Okada, 1939]. recorded with 8 species new for Russia, 2 species new Remarks. This species fits rather well to the description for the Palaearctic region and 27 species not earlier by Okada [1937] except that is much smaller (body length – known from its eastern part. Systematic order and no- 3.5 mm vs. 6–7.5 mm in M. ezoensis). The study of additional menclature in the following species list are given ac- material is desirable for reliable identification. cording to Kjærandsen et al. [2007a]. Species new for Macrocera parva Lundström, 1914 the fauna of Russia marked with asterisk. Twenty eight species, presumably representing taxa new to science, Material. 1$, S1, 18–24.07.2013; 1$, S2, 25.06– 19.07.2014. are not included in the list. Following notations are Distribution. Palaearctic, widely distributed. used for collecting localities: S1 — 64,83° N, 175,96° E, 90 km from Anadyr, upstream by the river Anadyr, 5–10 Mycetophilidae m above sea level; S2 — 64,72° N, 175,21° E, 130 km from Mycomyinae Anadyr, upstream by the river Anadyr, 15 m above sea Mycomya altaica Väisänen, 1984 level. Distribution, if not specially stated, is given ac- Material. 1#, S1, 18–24.07.2013. cording to Pape and Beuk [2013] and Kjærandsen et al. Distribution. Altai and Ural [Väisänen, 1984; Zaitzev, [2007a]. In the text it is given without taking into account 1994]. new information of this paper. Mycomya britteni Kidd, 1955 Material. 1#, S1, 27–30.07.2013. The list of species Distribution. Europe: Great Britain, Finland, Moscow Area in Russia [Zaitzev, 1994]. Bolitophilidae Bolitophila rossica Landrock, 1912 Mycomya cinerascens (Macquart, 1826) Material. 2$$, S1, 27–30.07.2013. Material. 1#, S1, 27–30.07.2013. Distribution. Palaearctic, widely distributed. Distribution. Holarctic, widely distributed [Väisänen, 1984]. Diadocidiidae Diadocidia ferruginosa (Meigen, 1830) Mycomya disa Väisänen, 1984 Material. 1#, S2, 25.06–19.07.2014. Material. 3##, S2, 25.06–19.07.2014. Distribution. Holarctic, widely distributed [Laštovka, Distribution. Europe, widely distributed. Matile, 1972]. Mycomya festivalis Väisänen, 1984 Keroplatidae Material. 3##, S2, 25.06–19.07.2014. Keroplatinae Distribution. Palaearctic: Scandinavia, North-European Orfeliini Russia and Yakutia [Blagoderov, 1992]. *Urytalpa galdes Hedmark et Kjærandsen, 2009 Mycomya griseovittata (Zetterstedt, 1852) Material. 2##, 3$$, S1, 27–30.07.2013. Distribution. Europe: northern Sweden and Finland Material. 1#, S2, 25.06–19.07.2014. [Kjærandsen et al., 2009; Jakovlev et al., 2014b]. Distribution. Holarctic, widely distributed [Väisänen, 1984]. Remarks. Females were not previously known, but in Mycomya maculata (Meigen, 1804) this case can be safely associated with males. Description. Female. Head dark brown with yellowish Material. 1#, S1, 18–24.07.2013; 2##, S1, 27– palpi and mouth parts. Antenna dark brown with basal part 30.07.2013. of first flagellomere pale. Sixth flagellomere 1.30–1.32 as long Distribution. Holarctic, widely distributed [Väisänen, as wide. 1984]. Fungus gnats of the lower course of Anadyr river 121 Mycomya nitida (Zetterstedt, 1852) Material. 1#, S2, 25.06–19.07.2014. Distribution. Holarctic, widely distributed [Väisänen, 1984]. Mycomya sigma Johansen, 1910 Material. 1#, S1, 27–30.07.2013. Distribution.
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