A NATURAL AREAS INVENTORY OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 2004 Submitted to: The Franklin County Planning Commission Administrative Annex 218 North Second Street Chambersburg, PA 17201-1642 Prepared by: The Pennsylvania Science Office of The Nature Conservancy 208 Airport Drive Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 This project was funded in part by a state grant from the Growing Greener program and the Wild Resource Conservation Fund under the administration of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and the Franklin County Planning Commission. Additional funding came from the Alexander Stewart, M.D. Foundation and the Franklin County Planning Commission. ii Franklin County USGS Quadrangle Index Natural Areas of Franklin County (Numbered from north to south) iii Franklin County Township Index Natural Areas of Franklin County (Numbered from north to south) Municipalities of Franklin County iv Site Index: (Sites numbered from north to south) Site Site Name Municipality(ies) Map(s) Page(s) # 1 Concord Narrows Fannett Twp., and Huntingdon Co. 41b 41 2 Second Narrows Slopes Fannett Twp. 41b 41 3 Gunter Valley & Ridges Fannett Twp., Lurgan Twp. and Cumberland Co. 41b, 66b 41, 66 4 Rt-997 North of Roxbury Lurgan Twp. 66b 66 5 Neeleyton Ridgetop Fannett Twp., Metal Twp. and Huntingdon Co. 41b, 66b 41, 66 6 Pine Run Ponds Fannett Twp., Metal Twp. 41b, 66b 41, 66 7 Letterkenny Reservoir Letterkenny Twp., Lurgan Twp. 60b, 66b 60, 66 8 Roxbury Floodplain Letterkenny Twp., Lurgan Twp. 60b, 66b 60, 66 9 Middle Spring Creek Watershed Southampton Twp. and Cumberland County 102b 102 60b, 66b, 60, 66, 10 Conodoguinet Creek at Orrstown Letterkenny Twp., Southampton Twp., Lurgan Twp. 102b 102 11 Mountain Lake Metal Twp. 72b 72 Conodoguinet Creek in Upper Horse 12 Letterkenny Twp. 60b 60 Valley 13 Clarks Knob Letterkenny Twp. 60b 60 14 Keasey Run Wetlands Letterkenny Twp. 60b 60 15 Letterkenny Army Depot Letterkenny Twp. 60b 60 16 Mains Run Ponds Southampton Twp. and Cumberland Co. 102b 102 17 Big Pine Flat Green Twp. , Southampton Twp. and Cumberland Co. 44b, 102b 43, 102 18 Mountain Run Ponds Greene Twp., Southampton Twp 44b, 102b 44, 102 19 Dunn’s Creek Meadow Hamilton Twp. 56b 56 20 Bear Valley Letterkenny Twp., St. Thomas Twp. 60b, 108b 60, 108 21 Metal Church Spring Metal Twp. 72b 72 22 Upper West Branch Conococheague Creek Metal Twp., Peters Twp. 72b, 87b 72, 87 23 Tuscarora Ridgetop Metal Twp., Peters Twp. and Fulton Co. 72b, 87b 72, 87 72b, 87b 72, 87, 24 Upper Horse Valley Metal Twp., Peters Twp., St. Thomas Twp. 108b 108 25 Edenville Meadows St. Thomas Twp., Hamilton Twp. 56b, 108b 56, 108 26 Wilson Run St. Thomas Twp. 108b 108 27 Siberia Guilford Twp., Hamilton Twp. 50b, 56b 50, 56 28 Falling Spring Guilford Twp. 50b 50 30 Muskrat Fen Greene Twp. 44b 44 31 Conodoguinet Creek at Caledonia Park Greene Twp., and Adams County 44b 43 32 Mount Cydonia Guilford Twp., Greene Twp. 44b, 50b 43, 50 33 Mont Alto Mountain Guilford Twp., Quincy Twp. 50b, 98b 50, 98 30b, 50b, 34 Conococheague Creek Near Marion Hamilton, Guilford and Antrim Townships 28, 50, 56 56b Site Index: (Sites listed from north to south) Site Site Name Municipality(ies) Map(s) Page(s) # 35 St. Thomas Barren St. Thomas Twp. 108b 108 36 Fort Loudon Floodplain Peters Twp. 88b 86 37 Rattlesnake Ridge Peters Twp. 88b 86 38 Charlestown Ponds Peters Twp. 88b 86 39 Mercersburg Woods Montgomery Twp., Peters Twp. 78b, 88b 78, 86 40 Church Hill Marsh Peters Twp. 88b 86 41 Williamson Shrubland Antrim Twp., Peters Twp., St. Thomas Twp. 88b, 108b 87, 108 42 Sportsman’s Road Shale Bank Antrim Twp., Peters Twp. 30b, 87 29, 87 43 Muddy Run Spring Antrim Twp. 30b 29 44 Conococheague Creek at Rt-16 Antrim Twp. 30b 28 45 Nunnery Spring Quincy Twp, Washington Twp. 98b, 122b 98,122 46 Erosional Remnant Quincy Twp. 98b 98 47 Glen Forney Vernals Quincy Twp., Washington Twp. 98b, 122b 98,122 48 Makey Run Ponds Washington Twp. 122b 122 49 Beartown Woods Washington Twp. 122b 122 50 Happel’s Meadow Washington Twp. 122b 122 51 Hoover Spring Washington Twp. 122b 122 52 Zullinger Spring Washington Twp. 122b 122 53 Antietam West Branch Washington Twp. 122b 122 54 Waynecastle Old Field Habitat Antrim Twp., Washington Twp. 30b, 122b 29, 122 55 Martin’s Mill Bridge Antrim Twp. 30b 29 30b, 78b, 56 Highland School Fields Antrim Twp., Montgomery Twp., Peters Twp. 28, 77, 86 86b 57 Conococheague Creek at Highland School Montgomery Twp. 30b, 78b 28, 77 58 West Branch Conococheague Montgomery Twp. 78b 78 59 Mercersburg Meadow Montgomery and Peters Twp. 78b, 86b 77, 86 61 Shimpstown Meadows Montgomery Twp. 78b 78 62 Concrete Bottom at Licking Creek Montgomery Twp. 78b 77 63 Lower Conococheague Creek Antrim Twp., Montgomery Twp. 30b, 78b 29, 78 64 Tuscarora Trail Warren Twp. 116b 116 65 Little Cove Creek Cliff Warren Twp. 116b 116 66 SGL#124-Tuscarora Trail Warren Twp. 116b 116 67 Licking Creek Woods Warren Twp. and Maryland 116b 115 68 Needy Cave Washington Twp. 122b 122 vi Site Index: (Sites listed alphabetically) Site # Site Name Municipality(ies) Map(s) Page(s) 53 Antietam West Branch Washington Twp. 122b 122 60b, 20 Bear Valley Letterkenny Twp., St. Thomas Twp. 60, 108 108b 49 Beartown Woods Washington Twp. 122b 122 Southampton Twp., Greene Twp., and Cumberland 44b, 17 Big Pine Flat 43, 102 Co. 102b 38 Charlestown Ponds Peters Twp. 88b 86 40 Church Hill Marsh Peters Twp. 88b 86 13 Clarks Knob Letterkenny Twp. 60b 60 1 Concord Narrows Fannett Twp., and Huntingdon Co. 41b 41 62 Concrete Bottom at Licking Creek Montgomery Twp. 78b 77 57 Conococheague Creek at Highland School Montgomery Twp. 30b, 78b 28, 77 44 Conococheague Creek at Rt-16 Antrim Twp. 30b 28 30b, 28, 50, 34 Conococheague Creek Near Marion Hamilton, Guilford and Antrim Townships 50b, 56b 56 31 Conodoguinet Creek at Caledonia Park Greene Twp., and Adams County 44b 43 60b, 60, 66, 10 Conodoguinet Creek at Orrstown Letterkenny Twp., Southampton Twp., Lurgan Twp. 66b, 102 102b Conodoguinet Creek in Upper Horse 12 Letterkenny Twp. 60b 60 Valley 19 Dunn’s Creek Meadow Hamilton Twp. 56b 56 56b, 25 Edenville Meadows St. Thomas Twp., Hamilton Twp. 56, 108 108b 46 Erosional Remnant Quincy Twp. 98b 98 28 Falling Spring Guilford Twp., 50b 50 36 Fort Loudon Floodplain Peters Twp. 88b 86 98b, 47 Glen Forney Vernals Quincy Twp., Washington Twp. 98,122 122b 3 Gunter Valley & Ridges Lurgan Twp., Fannett Twp. and Cumberland Co. 41b, 66b 41, 66 50 Happel’s Meadow Washington Twp. 122b 122 30b, 28, 77, 56 Highland School Fields Montgomery Twp., Antrim Twp., Peters Twp. 78b, 86b 86 51 Hoover Spring Washington Twp. 122b 122 14 Keasey Run Wetlands Letterkenny Twp. 60b 60 15 Letterkenny Army Depot Letterkenny Twp. 60b 60 7 Letterkenny Reservoir Letterkenny Twp., Lurgan Twp. 60b, 66b 60, 66 67 Licking Creek Woods Warren Twp. and Maryland 116b 115 65 Little Cove Creek Cliff Warren Twp. 116b 116 63 Lower Conococheague Creek Antrim Twp., Montgomery Twp. 30b, 78b 29, 78 16 Mains Run Ponds Southampton Twp., and Cumberland Co. 102b 102 48 Makey Run Ponds Washington Twp. 122b 122 Site Index : (Sites listed alphabetically) Site # Site Name Municipality(ies) Map(s) Page(s) 55 Martin’s Mill Bridge Antrim Twp. 30b 29 59 Mercersburg Meadow Montgomery and Peters Twp. 78b, 86b 77, 86 39 Mercersburg Woods Montgomery Twp., Peters Twp. 78b, 88b 78, 86 21 Metal Church Spring Metal Twp. 72b 72 9 Middle Spring Creek Watershed Southampton Twp., and Cumberland County 102b 102 33 Mont Alto Mountain Guilford Twp., Quincy Twp. 50b, 98b 50, 98 32 Mount Cydonia Guilford Twp., Greene Twp. 44b, 50b 43, 50 11 Mountain Lake Metal Twp. 72b 72 44b, 18 Mountain Run Ponds Greene Twp., Southampton Twp 44, 102 102b 43 Muddy Run Spring Antrim Twp. 30b 29 30 Muskrat Fen Greene Twp. 44b 44 68 Needy Cave Washington Twp. 122b 122 5 Neeleyton Ridgetop Fannett Twp., Metal Twp. and Huntingdon Co. 41b, 66b 41, 66 98b, 45 Nunnery Spring Quincy Twp, Washington Twp. 98,122 122b 6 Pine Run Ponds Fannett Twp., Metal Twp. 41b, 66b 41, 66 37 Rattlesnake Ridge Peters Twp. 88b 86 8 Roxbury Floodplain Letterkenny Twp., Lurgan Twp. 60b, 66b 60, 66 4 Rt-997 North of Roxbury Lurgan Twp. 66b 66 2 Second Narrows Slopes Fannett Twp. 41b 41 66 SGL#124-Tuscarora Trail Warren Twp. 116b 116 61 Shimpstown Meadows Montgomery Twp. 78b 78 27 Siberia Guilford Twp., Hamilton Twp. 50b, 56b 50, 56 42 Sportsman’s Road Shale Bank Antrim Twp., Peters Twp. 30b, 87b 29, 87 35 St. Thomas Barren St. Thomas Twp. 108b 108 23 Tuscarora Ridgetop Metal Twp., Peters Twp. and Fulton Co. 72b, 87b 72, 87 64 Tuscarora Trail Warren Twp. 116b 116 72b, 87b 72, 87, 24 Upper Horse Valley Metal Twp., Peters Twp., St. Thomas Twp. 108b 108 22 Upper West Branch Conococheague Creek Metal Twp., Peters Twp. 72b, 87b 72, 87 30b, 54 Waynecastle Old Field Habitat Antrim Twp., Washington Twp. 29, 122 122b 58 West Branch Conococheague Montgomery Twp. 78b 78 88b, 41 Williamson Shrubland Antrim Twp., Peters Twp., St. Thomas Twp. 87, 108 108b 26 Wilson Run St. Thomas Twp. 108b 108 52 Zullinger Spring Washington Twp. 122b 122 viii PREFACE The Franklin County Natural Areas Inventory is a document compiled and written by the Pennsylvania Science Office of The Nature Conservancy. It contains information on the locations of rare, threatened, and endangered species and of the highest quality natural areas in the county; it is not an inventory of all open space.
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