OROMO COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION JAARMAYAA HAWAASA OROMOO 6212 3rd Street NW; Washington, D.C 20011 June 30, 2020 Michael R. Pompeo Secretary of State The US Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, D.C. 20520 Dear Secretary Pompeo, We citizens of the United States with Oromo heritage, and members of the Oromo Community of the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area, would like to bring to your attention a very disturbing assassination of an Oromo icon, artist Hachalu Hundessa, on June 29, 2020 in Addis Ababa. Hachalu was a prominent Oromo artist-singer, song writer and performer who was a voice for the viceless until he was shotdead. The government of Abiy Ahmed Ali is bluntantly attacking Oromo politicians, institutions decent voices following Hachalu’s homicide. As you know, Amenisty International is well aware of the gross human rights vilations committed in the Oromia region of Ethiopia by the government of Abiy Ahmed, the Nobele Lourate of 2019. Amenesty International’s recent extensive research published titled “Beyond Law Enforcement” has already disclosed the trend of human rights violation even though it is a tip of the iceberig given the colossal attrocieties orchestrated adnd executed by the Ethiopian regime. Killings and jailings are the defining characteristics of Abiy Ahmed Alis adminstration as far as the Oromia region of Ethiopia is concerned. Shockingly, this ironfist rule is scalling to the ambushing public figures and jailing political leaders. Hachalu Hundessa, a renowned Oromo singer and justice defender through his arstic works was gunned down merely for expressing his views on Oromia Media Network (OMN) a week ago. Tel. (202) 234-1151 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.oromocommunitydmv.org Following the assassination of Hachalu Hunndessa, the government cracked down today on Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) leadership. Notable activist and polititian Jawar Mohammed and peaceful struggle leader Mr. Bekele Gerba OFC Vicechairman are detained in unknown places in Addis Ababa. Government security forces vandalized office of an acclaimed broadcaster, Oromia Media Network, detained junalsist whose details are not discovered so far. As a result, clouds of uncertainty and panic are looming across the Oromia region and around the capital city mainly because of security forces restrictions and confrontation with fans of artist Hachalu Hundessa who peacefully took to the streets to express their griviances over the murder of the artist. We plead to the US government and international human rights groups to eye Ethiopia and put pressure on the Ethiopian rgime to: 1. End extrajudicial killings of civiliance and assassination of political/community leaders 2. Conduct an independent investigation into the assassination of Hachalu Hundessa 3. Release all political prisoners 4. Put an end to internet and phone line shutdowns 5. Remove the illegaly imposed military command post rule in Oromia and return the army and special forces to their barracks 6. To resend the illegal and unconstitutional extension of the term of the government and start negotiation with all political forces on the time and modality of conducting elction in 2020. Sincerely, Jenet Adem, Board Chairperson Oromo community organization of Washington DC Tel. (202) 234-1151 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.oromocommunitydmv.org Annex Name of Oromo Civilian Killed in Oromia by the Ethiopian Government armed forces Oromo Zone/sub No. Specific location or Woreda of event Full Name Date region Arisi/Bale 1 Shashemene Hailu Bikila 12/3/2018 2 Asela Dachasa Furgasa 4/12/2018 3 Sawena Husen Aliyyi 17/03/2018 4 Sawena Haalii Goolee 17/03/2018 5 Sawena Yahya Gole 17/03/2018 6 Sawena Abshiro Goole 17/03/2018 7 Sawena Ahmad Mohammed 17/03/2018 8 Bale Abdulsamad Abduraman 25/2/2019 Borana 1 Boorana, Dirree Abkuulaa Guyyoo Diidaa 13/04/2020 2 Moyale Tamam Nagesso 10/3/2018 3 Moyale Ermias Bedhane 10/3/2018 4 Moyale Kanu Garo 10/3/2018 5 Moyale Mohammed Urge 10/3/2018 6 Moyale Kanu Qanchoro Dida 10/3/2018 7 Moyale Mohammed Qamphe 10/3/2018 8 Moyale Tari Shamma 10/3/2018 9 Moyale Golle Waqo 10/3/2018 10 Moyale Mohammed Gobebo 10/3/2018 11 Moyale Getachew Tsegaye Gabayo 10/3/2018 12 Moyale Jamal Demuse 10/3/2018 13 Moyale Fayissa Dhaqabo Kumssa 10/3/2018 14 Moyale Yune Belay 10/3/2018 15 Moyale Ashenafi Tamirat 10/3/2018 16 Moyalee Wandimagegn Adugna 11/3/2018 17 Moyale Banana Tegene Regassa 14/03/2018 18 Moyale Kadiro Geletu Nuru 17/04/2018 19 Moyale Jemal Ahmed Abdellah 17/04/2018 20 Moyale Mircha Sheih Abduraman 17/04/2018 21 Moyale Gezahgn Soressa 17/04/2018 22 Shakkiso Amanuel Dasta 8/5/2018 23 Shakkiso Ayano Gobeze 8/5/2018 24 Shakkiso Tesema Alembo 8/5/2018 25 Shakkiso Guta Didha 9/5/2018 26 Shakkiso Amanuel Aman 8/5/2018 27 Shakiso Qidist (Teacher) 8/5/2018 28 Shakkiso Mebrate Maru 8/5/2018 29 Shakiso Kemal (Teacher) 8/5/2018 30 Shakkiso Name un identified 8/5/2018 Central 1 Ambo Gamachis Badessa 26/5/2018 Oromia 2 Mana sibu Balina Moti 21/7/2018 3 Gudar Digafe Dandana 2/3/2018 4 Ambo Abadata Mitikku 4/3/2018 Tel. (202) 234-1151 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.oromocommunitydmv.org P a g e |1 Oromo Zone/sub No. Specific location or Woreda of event Full Name Date region 5 Ginchi Abbi Tolera 5/3/2018 6 Gimbii Qalbeessa Mokonnon 5/3/2018 7 Mana sibu Samuel Raga’a 21/7/2018 8 Chiro Ibirahim Abdalla Mohammed 5/3/2018 9 Bakko Fiqiru Takkala 7/3/2018 10 Ambo Dirribsa Chamada 4/3/2018 11 Gindabarat Lammi Alemu Kabeto 24/04/2018 12 Karayu Roba Borayu 18/3/2019 13 Karayu Tufa Roba 18/3/2019 14 Karayu Abdo Gure 18/3/2019 15 Jima Horo Bonsa Gonjosa 19/10/2019 16 Canka Kabana Getahun 26/3/2019 17 Bosat district Worku Yiforo 15/02/2020 18 Salale, Yaya Haro Tolosa Tullu 8/03/2020 19 North Shewa, Darra Barsisa Miliyon 5/03/2020 20 East Shewa, Bosat Ababe Hirko Gada 16/04/2020 21 Bosat Malka Badhaso Gada 16/04/2020 22 Yaya Gulalle Habtamu Tola 16/04/2020 23 Dagam Habtaamuu Nugusee Roobii 25/04/2020 24 Kuyyuu Amaanaa Daadhii 3/04/2020 25 Salaalee Yaayyaa Harootti Tolasaa Tulluu 8/03/2020 26 Darraa keessatti Barsiisaa Miliyoon 5/03/2020 Guji 1 Guji Jilo Gofilo 14/04/2018 2 Guji Sergeant Olana Kafala Wakjira 15/04/2018 3 Guji Dube Tisse 15/04/2018 4 Guji Gammachu Jilo 15/04/2018 5 Shakiso, MIDROC Laga Dambi Dasta Masfin 5/4/2018 6 Shakiso, MIDROC Laga Dambi Abiyot Dhekama 5/4/2018 7 Shakiso, MIDROC Laga Dambi Name unidentified 5/4/2018 8 Shakiso, MIDROC Laga Dambi Name unidenfied 5/4/2018 9 Dugdaa Daawwaa Badhaane Hoxeesa 28/12/2018 10 Qarca; Guji Duke Shage 15/1/2019 11 Qarca; Guji Dukale Holota 15/1/2019 12 Qarca; Guji Miju Birbirsa 15/1/2019 13 Qarca; Guji Abera Dulo 15/1/2019 14 Qarca; Guji Tariku Elema 15/1/2019 15 Qarca; Guji Milkesa Galgalo 15/1/2019 16 Qarca; Guji Tesfaye Wube 15/1/2019 17 Qarca; Guji Alamu Wadessa 15/1/2019 18 Qarca; Guji Robale Gamade 15/1/2019 19 Qarca; Guji Guye Bogale 15/1/2019 20 Qarca; Guji Lami Hoxessa 15/1/2019 21 Guji Bariso Kuruta 15/1/2019 22 Goro Dola Aga Udessa 2/2/2019 23 West Guji Nuguusee Baadaacha Monnoo 21/04/2019 24 Dugdaa Daawwaa Waajii Qilxaa Mixoo 28/12/2019 25 Dugdaa Daawwaa Tushuu Shunee Saafayii 28/12/2019 26 Dugdaa Daawwaa Gobuu Sharduu 28/12/2019 27 Dugdaa Daawwaa Diidoo Mokkona 28/12/2019 Tel. (202) 234-1151 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.oromocommunitydmv.org P a g e |2 Oromo Zone/sub No. Specific location or Woreda of event Full Name Date region 28 Dugdaa Daawwaa Kuulii Turee 28/12/2019 29 Dugdaa Daawwaa Badhaatuu Halakee 28/12/2019 30 Dugdaa Daawwaa Guyyee Tukee 28/12/2019 31 Dugdaa Daawwaa Abdii Muhaamadi 28/12/2019 32 Dugdaa Daawwaa Naasiri Jamaal 28/12/2019 33 Galaana ganda Shamoolee Uddeesa Boruu Kooyyo 28/12/2019 34 Galaana ganda Shamoolee Dullacha Barbaado 28/12/2019 35 Galaana ganda Shamoolee Shuboo Duubee Jiloo 28/12/2019 36 Galaana ganda Shamoolee Bariiso Godaanaa Danbii 28/12/2019 37 Galaana ganda Shamoolee Xilahuu Waataa Sheddoo 28/12/2019 38 Galaana ganda Shamoolee Balayi Alamaayyo Diidoo 28/12/2019 39 Galaana ganda Shamoolee Diiduu Diida Soraa 28/12/2019 40 Bule Hora Natnael Mengistu 9/1/2020 41 East Guji, Goro Dola Haji Umar Wacu Nagessa 4/04/2020 42 West Guji, Dugdaa Daawwaa Cuquuliisaa Dullachaa Damboobii 23/04/2020 43 East Guji, West Guji Horoo Areerii 17/04/2020 44 East Guji, Sabbaa Boruu Boonaa Horoo Areerii 17/04/2020 45 Gooroo Doolaa Hajii Umar Waccuu Nageessaa 4/05/2020 46 West Guji Badir Abdullayi 21/04/2020 47 West Guji Adam Abdule 21/04/2020 48 West Guji Roobaa Jaggoo 21/04/2020 49 West Guji Mahamad Usman 21/04/2020 50 West Guji Mahamad Aliyyi 21/04/2020 51 West Guji Mohamad Ahmad 21/04/2020 Hararge 1 Harar Kadir Abrahim 30/8/2018 2 Harar Bukari Jamale 30/8/2018 3 Awwaday Eliyas Isee 8/3/2018 4 Habro Mikdad Sheek Ayyub 12/3/2018 5 W/H/Z D/Labu Hamid Amayu 17/03/2018 6 E/H/Jarso District Siifan Bakar 26/03/2018 7 W/H/Boke District Iske Mohammed 28/03/2018 8 W/H/Mieso Alee Goolee 3/4/2018 9 Qobbo Ayyantu Mohamed Shanqo 8/4/2018 10 Erer Gota, Hararghe Abdi Mohammed Adem 24/04/2018 11 West Hararghe Mohammed Abdulle 9/5/2018 12 Qarcaa-gandaa Lamii Hirba Bariisoo quruuxaa 1/16/2019 13 Qarcaa-gandaa Lamii Hirba Lamii Hoxxeessaa 1/17/2019 14 Qarcaa-gandaa Lamii Hirba Dukkee Shaalamee: Mana 1/18/2019 15 Chinaksan, Orda 3rd Ahmad Umar Ali 1/03/2020 16 Chinaksan, Orda 3rd Kadir Ali Nadif 1/03/2020 17 Chinaksan, Orda 3rd Shuyeb Mohammed Ahmed 1/03/2020 18 Gumbi Bordede Mohammed Amin 10/03/2020 19 Gumbi Bordede Mamush Fekadu 10/03/2020 20 Gumbi Bordede Mohammed Qumbi 10/03/2020 21 Gumbi Bordede Jamal Ali 10/03/2020 22 Gumbi Bordede Hussein Boru 10/03/2020 23 Gumbi Bordede Mohammed Danbe 10/03/2020 24 Gumbi Bordede Hassanbe Bali 10/03/2020 25 Gumbi Bordede Mohammad Yuya 10/03/2020 Tel.
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