www.ukrweekly.com PIRLXX 4. 118 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY. JUNE 22, 1963 SECTION TWO No/118 VOL. XXX • і її і ГГ UKRAINIAN AMERICAN VETERANS HOLD 16TH NATIONAL Greater New York Prepares for JY. Hasiy, Former UNA Controller, CONVENTION AT SOYUZIVKA Observance of 'Captive Nations Dies in New Jersey STEPHEN SHEGDA ELECTEb NATIONAL COMMANDER; Week' MATTAWAN. N.J. (Special). GENERAL BAKER 18 GUEST SPEAKER AT BANQUET; NEW YORK. N.Y. (Special). Devine; —Vasyl Hasiy, former supreme RESOLUTIONS SUPPORT STRONG U.S. DEFENSE POLI­ On Tuesday, June 18. 1963 a 2) A flag-raising ceremony controller of the Ukrainian Na­ CIES, CAPTIVE NATIONS, SHEVCHENKO STATUE AND conference of representatives at the U.N. Plaza at 12:30 tional Association, and secreta­ STAMP; GREETINGS SENT TO METROPOLITAN SLIPY. t)t several organizations devot­ PM. on Sunday, July 14. 1963; ry of Branch 204 of the UNA j ed to the cause of the captive 3) Official observance at for many years, died on June1 SOYUZTVKA, Kerhonkson, of the American national an­ nations was held for the pur­ City Hall on Monday noon, July 11. 1963 at the age of 78. N.Y. (Special).—On Friday af­ them by Hazel Steck, well- pose of completing plans for 15. 1963. at which the Hon. ternoon, Saturday and Sunday, known singer and wife of the this year's observance of "Cap­ Robert F. Wagner will be the, ..Mr. Hasi, y, , was born in the, recently promoted (Congratu- Vll,age of Vyspa dl8tnct of June 14-16, 1963 the Ukrain­ tive Nations Week" in Greater principal speaker alonge «>™with ' . ' Ukraine ian American Veterans held the lations.jColonel. Sir!) Lt. Col. jRohatyn w t New Yorlr. The groups rep­ other prominent American and | u __. .„ . к T, ,. , 16th national convention at So- Walter^Steck (U.S. Air Force resented a the meeting were: nationality speakers and repre­ He emigrated to the United yuzivka, the Ukrainian Nation­ Reserve). National Commander Conference of Americans of sentatives. States fifty years ago, and im-1 al Association Eastate in the Matthew Pope opened the ban­ Central and Eastern European The Ukrainian group will ap­ mediately after his arrival in • Catskill Mountains. Over 160 quet with a brief address and Descent (CACEED), the Na­ pear with the Ukrainian na­ this country Mr. Hasiy plunged] Vasyl Hasiy veterans and their wives and 20 called on Mr. Henry Jepeal of tional Captive Nations Commit­ tional flag nt the flfeg-raising into organizational life, espe- j children attended what was a Hartford, Conn, to serve as tee (NCNC). the Assembly of ceremony and the Ukrainian cially in the Ukrainian Nation-'crous contributor to Ukrainian very well organized and toastmaster at the banquet. Captive European Nations national anthem will be play­ al Association. For 30 years he j benefit and welfare causes. erooothly-run convention. Early The toastmaster called Joseph (ACEN), the American Friends ed along with the anthems of was secretary of Branch 211 j He is simrtved by his wife Friday evening various com­ Lesawyer, supreme president Ukrainian American Veterans, commanded by Commander M. of Captive Nations (AFCN) other captive nations. and 245, and for the past 16 Barbara, daughters Maria. mittees began their work: the of the Ukrainian National As­ Pope, stand in retreat formation. and the American Conference All ethnic groups are urged years he was secretary of Catherine, Olga and Oksana credentials, resolutions, consti­ sociation, for greetings. He for the Liberation of the Non- to take a massive part in these Branch 204. At the 15th con-land a son, Volodymyr. three tution and by-laws, ways and warmly welcomed the Veterans Russian Nations in the USSR. observances, appearing in their vention of the UNA in Phila-' sons-in-law and 6 grandchil- means, welfare, auditing and and pointed out that the U.A.V. RESOLUTIONS Mr. Christopher Emmet. Chair­ national costumes and bearing delphia, Pa. in 1920 Mr. Hasiy j dren. nominations committees. All to­ and the UNA were closely as­ ADOPTED AT THE 16th NATIONAL CONVENTION OF man of the American Friends the flags of the country of was elected supreme auditor: Funeral and burial services gether 17 U.N.V. posts were sociated. He stated that there of the UNA and he held this' were held on Saturday. Juno UKRAINIAN AMERICAN VETERANS of Captive Nations, presided their origin. : represented. were many among the Ukrain­ (JUNE 15-16, 1963) over the meeting. The Ukrainian representa- post for one term of four years. 15. 1963 at the Ukrainian Or- ian American veterans as­ The following program was J tives at the meeting were Jo- He was active in the member- thodox Cemetery in Bound The convention proceedings 1. Whereas the security of і perialism; now therefore be it 1 sembled at this convention who adopted by the representatives seph Lesawyer and Walter ship campaigns and was a een- Brook. N.J. were opened on Saturday morn­ our country and our way of resolved were prominent members of attending the conference: | Dushnyck, members of the Ex- ing by national commander life is under constant threat That the U.A.V. and its the UNA. who had served on 1) Solemn Masses to be ob-1 ecutive Board of CACEED. and Matthew J. Pope with a military by dictatorial communism de­ members participate in full New York UNA District Commit­ the executive board in the past served on July 14, 1963: at | Stephen J. Jarema, Chairman observance: the advance of the dicated to world conquest; and strength in such programs in or are now in prominent execu­ 10:00 A.M. at St. Patrick's] of the American Conference tee Will Observe 70th colors and a moment of silence tive positions or are connected Whereas communist military their local communities and to honor the deceased com­ render all possible aid in the Cathedral and at 11:00 A.M. at і for the Liberation of the Non- with its publications. Mr. Lesa­ operations have become more the Cathedral of St. John the Russian Nations in the USSR. Anniversary of 'Svoboda' rades-in-arms, whereupon Wal­ wyer also was called upon to menacing in various areas of dissemination of information a- NEW YORK, N.Y. (Special). zations will be invited to parti­ ter T. Darmopray, the conven­ introduced General Baker, one the free world; and bout the true aspirations of —The Ukrainian community in cipate in the festive observance tion committee chairman, ex­ of- the most prominent and Whereas COMMUNIST SUB­ the enslaved nations and urge What You Can Do to Organize the metropolitan area of New at which all former editors of tended greetings and reported important military leaders in VERSIVE AND ESPIONAGE the President to issue the Cap­ York Will mark "Che 70th anni­ Svoboda will be honored. on the work of the Convention the State of New York and ad­ ACTIVITIES ARE increasing­ tive. Nations Week proclaran- "Captive Nations Week"? versary of Svoboda with a jubi­ At !the meeting, which was Committee. He was followed by visor to General Rockefeller ly evident throughout the tion at an early date. lee banquet and concert which presided oyer by John O. Flis. a series Of. reports of the out­ 1. Obtain copies of Public and Mayor to issue state and on military matters. Western Hemisphere; now 4. Whereas Congressman Da­ Law No. 86-90 from the Su-! local Captive Nations Week will be held on Saturday, De­ Esq., chairman of thp. District going national officers: nation­ therefore be it resolved niel J, Flood of Pennsylvania cember 7. 1963 in the Ukrain­ General Baker spoke on the perintendent of Documents, proclamations well ahead of Committee, and attended by Jo­ al commander Matthew Pope; That we hereby petition the has introduced in the U.S. ian National Home in New- role of the national guard in Government Printing Office., the Week (July 14-20, 1963). seph Lesawyer. Supreme Presi­ Senior Vice Commander Ste­ members of the U.A.V., indivi- House of Representatives a res­ York City. the defense system of our coun­ Washington 25. D.C. (Single! 7. Set date or dates for ma- dent of the UNA. twp,special phen Shegda; Junior Vice-Com­ possible manner and on every olution commonly called "the The jubilee observance In try. He expertly outlined the copies may be obtained from | jor highlights of Week (Rally, committees were elected: the mander Walter Klawsnik; Fin­ dually and collectively in every Flood Resolution" providing honor of Svoboda will be spon­ organization, function and the your Congressman.) Distribute | Breakfast, Dinner, etc), select program committee with.,Wai­ ance Officer Johh Serbeniuk; appropriate occasion to strong­ for the creation of a Special sored by the N.Y. District Com­ ter Klawsnik and Mrs. Chris­ importance of the. National to interested friends. speaker or speakers desired, Adjutant William Dubetz; ly, urge the President of the Committee on'Captive Nations mittee of UNA Branches in tine Nawrotsky. and the pub­ Guard in New York State, and 2. Form a local Captive Na- і and issue invitations to select- r Judge "Advocate Walter;' Steck; United States and the mem­ in the H. of R. to study the accordance with a d -eion of licity committee with Supreme stressed the over-all, impor­ tions Committee in your com- j ed speakers. Quartermaster George Yurkiw; bers of Congress to constantly plight of the enslaved nations its executive board which met Advisor Maria Demydchuk, Dr. tance of the "foot soldiers," munity composed of leaders in j 8. Decide on method of fund- Chaplain James Pender; His­ press and plan for the continu­ and from time to time to re- on Tuesday, June 18.
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