Index Adams, Frederick Baldwin 12 Bellini, Giovanni 211, 218, 221, 252 Ainsworth, William Harrison 351–2 Benjamin, Walter 162, 164 Allhusen, Dorothy 13 Bennett, Jane 37–9, 42, 45, 50 Alma-Tadema, Laurence 218 Benson, Arthur Christopher 350 Antell, John 16, 171 Bergson, Henri 385–6 Archer, William 12, 461 Creative Evolution 81, 379, 385 Arnold, Matthew 90, 350, 361 Blackwood, William 370 Culture and Anarchy 62, 348 Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine 367, 370 Asquith, (Lady) Cynthia 13 Bloom, Harold 465 Athenaeum 150 Blomfi eld, Arthur 87, 148, 212, 349 Austen, Jane Blunden, Edmund 13 Northanger Abbey 153 Bockhampton 15, 211–12 Pride and Prejudice 277 Hardy cottage 14–15, 212 Boldini, Giovanni 219 Bakhtin, Mikhail 103–5, 110, 175, 454–5 Bolton Weekly Journal 368 and dialects 111–12 Bonheur, Rosa 214 utterance 105–6, 115 Bonington, Richard Parkes 210, 218 Balliol Players 96 Boswell, James 17 Balzac, Honoré de 332 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth 330 Barham, Richard Bristol Times and Mirror 367 The Ingoldsby LegendsCOPYRIGHTED 456 Bromwich, MATERIAL T. J. Barker, Robert An Introduction to the Theory of Infi nite invention of the panorama 423 Series 380 Barnes, William 89, 110, 219, 299, 319, Browning, Robert 3, 462 347, 456 Buell, Lawrence 140–2 Barrie, (Sir) James 8 Burns, Robert 434, 444 Bastien-Lepage, Jules 215, 220 Bastow, Henry 72 Campbell, George Bate, Jonathan 140–2 Philosophy of Rhetoric 338, 342n4 Beckford, William 358 Campbell, R. J. 78 480 Index Cantor, George 379, 386–7 Dorset County Museum 10–12, 87, 99, Carlyle, Thomas 26, 92, 156 223 Sartor Resartus 459 Dou, Gerard 245 Chambers, Jessie 466 Douglas, (Sir) George 212 Channing, Mary 477 Dressler, Marie Clifford, W. K. 22 Tess of the Vaudevilles 329, 335 Clodd, Edward 11, 23, 27, 59, 76, 338, Dryden, John 15 349, 404 du Maurier, George 218 Cobbe, Frances Power 63 Trilby 285 Cobbett, William 347 Cockerell, (Sir) Sydney 8, 9, 11, 98, 462 ecocriticism 140–2 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 139 Edel, Leon 17 Collins, Wilkie 330 Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward Comte, Auguste 22–7, 34, 44, 74, 90–1 VIII) 13 A General View of Positivism 22 “Egerton, George” (Mary Chavelita Social Dynamics 22, 74 Clairmonte) 91 System of Positive Philosophy 74, 90 Keynotes 349 Connolly, William 52n6 Eiseley, Loren 51n2 Conrad, Joseph 433–4 Eisenstein, Sergei 429 Cornhill Magazine 54, 251, 255 Eliot, George 22, 25, 29, 45, 47, 74, 86, Cox, James Stevens 13 103, 361 Crickmay, George R. 87, 283 Adam Bede 245 Crivelli, Carlo 211, 221 Middlemarch 337 Crossick, Geoffrey 167 Eliot, T. S. 91, 221, 451 Culler, A. Dwight 36–7 on Hardy 211, 454 “The Love Song of J. Alfred Darwin, Annie 47 Prufrock” 91, 159–60 Darwin, Charles 30, 34, 36–52, 55–63, The Waste Land 462–3 68 Ellis, Henry Havelock 59–60, 339 The Descent of Man 28, 46, 57–63, 68 The New Spirit 59, 91 The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Emerson, Ralph Waldo 322 Animals 34n English Illustrated Magazine 367–8, 375 On the Origin of Species 25, 42, 46, 51n4, Essays and Reviews 73 55, 243 Darwin, William Erasmus 63 Fawcett, Millicent Garrett 16 Daubigny, Charles 214 Felkin, Elliott 13 de la Mare, Walter 13, 457 Forster, E. M. Dedekind, Richard 386 A Passage to India 153, 434 “Dedekind cut” 385 Fortnightly Review 368 Delacroix, Eugène 214 Fourier, Charles 21 Deleuze, Gilles 25 Frazer, (Sir) James Derrida, Jacques 102, 104, 111, 171–2, Totemism 315 408, 438, 445 Freud, Sigmund 30, 389 Dickens, Charles 149, 367 Psychopathology of Everyday Life 32 Disraeli, Benjamin 361 the uncanny 170–1, 229, 231–2, Dorset County Chronicle 94–5 235–6, 307–8 Index 481 Frith, W. P. 214–15, 218 diaries 12 Frost, Robert 461 Early Life of Thomas Hardy 7–8, 11 Later Years of Thomas Hardy 7–8 Galton, Francis 57, 62 Hardy, Henry (brother) 14 generic hybridity 102–15, 296 Hardy, Jemima (mother, née Hand) 10, Genette, Gérard 103 92, 147, 173–4, 238 Gérôme, Jean Léon 213, 220 Hardy, Katharine (“Kate,” sister) 10 Gibbon, Edward 350 diary 13 Giotto 214, 217 Hardy, Mary (grandmother, née Head) 92, Girard, René 447 287 Gissing, George 86 Hardy, Mary (sister) 11–12, 73, 82, 146, Gladstone, William Ewart 63 155, 213 Godwin, Mary 147 Hardy, Thomas (father) 10, 155, 223 Gosse, Edmund 17, 210 Hardy, Thomas (grandfather) 287 on Hardy’s women characters 126 HARDY, THOMAS Gothic architecture 88, 286, 294, 353, and altruism 68 356 and animals 41, 48, 57, 64–6, 69 Gothic fi ction 247, 301 architecture 87–8, 282–3 Gould, Stephen Jay 51n3 biography 7–18, 403–5 Grand, Sarah 91 and the Church 2, 23–4, 40–1, 71–84, Graphic 338, 365, 367, 370–3 345–62 Graves, Robert 333 and class 16, 162–76 The White Goddess 207–8 and dialect 110–15, 166 Gray, Thomas 92 drawings and paintings 211–13 “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” and “enchantment” 36–50 246 European travels 216–18 Greene, Graham and gender 117–28, 174 The End of the Affair 357 and haunting 172–3, 300–12 Greenwood, Frederick 330 interviews with 12–13 Greuze, Jean Baptiste 214 and local history 92–5, 97, 172, 287 Griffi th, D. W. 429 and London 14, 146–61, 224 Grove, Agnes (Lady) 9, 22, 224 and music 223–38; dance 223–4, Guay, Gabriel 220 227–9; folk song 224; hymns 224–5; responsiveness to 226 Haldane, R. B. notebooks 9–10, 86–100, 401–3; The Pathway to Reality 379, 386 “Architectural” 9, 87–8; “Facts” Hardy, Emma Lavinia (née Gifford, 9, 93–5; “Literary Notes” 9, 21–6, fi rst wife) 10–12, 14, 17, 75, 90, 90–2; “Memoranda” 9, 95–7; 93, 149–50, 153, 156, 206, 283, 351, “Poetical Matter” 9, 75, 96–8; 382, 390, 398–9, 404 “Schools of Painting” 9, 88–9, 214; diaries 11–12, 216–18 “Studies, Specimens, &c.” 9, 89, 99; “The Maid on the Shore” (story) 15 “Trumpet-Major” 9, 92–3 and painting 212, 219 and painting 210–21 Some Recollections 11, 174–5 and pastoral 144, 241–53 Hardy, Florence Emily (née Dugdale, second and philosophy 21–35; wife) 7–12, 17, 96, 224, 404, 462 Positivism 22–6, 44, 74, 90–1 482 Index HARDY, THOMAS (cont’d) “The Science of Fiction” 126, 269, 282, and romantic love 194–209 284 and the rural 133–45 novels and Stinsford 72, 75, 82, 88, 356–7 Desperate Remedies 160, 178, 269–72, Wessex 2, 14, 141, 144, 146, 345–62 D. H. Lawrence on 467, ingenuity in works, see autobiography; collected 271–2, love in 195–6, music in editions; drama; miscellaneous prose; 231–3, plotting in 273–4, 276–7 novels; poetry; stories Far From the Madding Crowd 2, 22–3, autobiography 25, 28, 31, 39, 48–49, 64, 102, 202, The Life and Work 8–10, 14–15, 21–2, 246–53, 333, 346, D. H. Lawrence on 71–2, 95–6, 117–19; “The Hard Case 468, dress in 178–93, gender in of the Would-be-Religious” 80–1 120–2, 127, 190, generic instability collected editions of 247, 251, illustrations for 219, Mellstock Edition 453 manuscript 54, music in 225, Wessex Edition 267–8, 367–8, 371, pictorial techniques in 247–51 452–3 The Hand of Ethelberta 54, 56–7, drama 65–6, 102, 119, 215, 270–1, 475, The Dynasts 3, 22, 144n1, 152–4, D. H. Lawrence on 468, gender in 158–9, 413–30, 453, 455–6, 474, 124, ingenuity in 272, London in cinematic techniques in 413–16, 151, music in 232–3, plotting in 429–30, as diorama 418–20, magic 274–8 lantern effects in 427, music in Jude the Obscure 3, 15, 16, 23–4, 27, 230, optical entertainments 418–21, 30–3, 36, 42–5, 56, 59, 61, 63, 66–7, and panorama 423–7, as peepshow 69, 88, 292–3, 333, 346–62, 474–6, 421–2, phantasmagoria 421, the Church in 346–62, class in as tableau vivant 422 162–3, 166, as conversion novel The Famous Tragedy of the Queen of 347–8, D. H. Lawrence on 468–70, Cornwall 453 gender in 117–18, Gothic elements “Tess of the d’Urbervilles” (play) 151 in 356–8, music in 225 miscellaneous prose A Laodicean 88, 93, 197–8, 270, 348, Apology to Late Lyrics and Earlier 76–7, 354–5, ingenuity in 272–3, 278–9, 358, 360, 462 music in 231, plotting in 276 “Candour in English Fiction” 127–8, The Mayor of Casterbridge 3, 30–3, 39, 269, 367 43, 66, 95, 117, 167–8, 198, 220, “The Dorsetshire Labourer” 141, 299–312, 314, 433–49, 477, cinematic 169–70, 436 techniques in 435, class in 166, General Preface to the Wessex D. H. Lawrence on 468, doubling in Edition 21, 94, 267–9, 282 302–4, 307, gesture speech in Introductory Note to Winter Words 21 435–7, Gothic traces in 304–7, “Memories of Church Restoration” 283, hands in 434–49, haunting in 294–5 300–12, music in 229, the uncanny “On the Application of Coloured Bricks in 307–9 and Terra Cotta to Modern A Pair of Blue Eyes 15, 26, 34n, 36, 43, Architecture” 216 61, 134–5, 160, 198, 212, 233, “The Profi table Reading of Fiction” 21, 282–7, 331, D. H. Lawrence on 269–70, 274, 282 467–8, gender relations in 119, 124, Index 483 285, London in 152, music in in 27, 315–26, serial version 226–7, representation of women in 366–7, Winterborne and nature 134–6 323–6 The Poor Man and the Lady poetry 378–94, 395–411, 450–63 (unpublished) 15, 73, 103, 149, 160, individual poems: “According to the 175, class and gender in 121–2 Mighty Working” 400; “After a The Return of the Native 15, 26–7, 30, Journey” 283; “After Reading Psalms 32–3, 39, 43, 63, 66–8, 90–1, 136, XXXIX, XL, etc.” 383; “After the 199, 220, 233, 254–65, 333, 476, Last Breath” 459; “Afterwards” class in 172, D.
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