Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1975-76 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 10-9-1975 The thI acan, 1975-10-09 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1975-76 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1975-10-09" (1975). The Ithacan, 1975-76. 7. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1975-76/7 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1975-76 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ·-oc tober 9, 1975 ·vol.~49/ No. 7 lth,aca-·college lt.haca ,.New York published'independentfyby the·student$· of- ttb~ca Colleg·e ' -< -- - • • .. •• -.! ... - . ' Taylor Concert C,tncelledAt;:$300 Loss; · Pressure From U-iiicorn Alleged Reason ~y Paul Stern was playing at the U_nicorn. " __ Ithaca College the same ·11ight the . (The full-context oITh~ Bureau of Unicorn had· scherl°uled Living­ The James Taylor Concert Concert's statement is published ston .. planned for October 18" has been on page 5). Upon notification of the cancelled. The previously ar­ The Bureau of Concerts cancellation from· Supreme Art­ rangeJI performance of his bro­ charges that Unicorn president ists. the Bureau of Con·certs ther, Livingston. at the Unicorn Robert Davis " ... wanted Living­ attempted to find a viable way to forced James' booking agency, ston's manager to ask James' salvage the concert. International Creative Manage- manager not to accept our (the An attempt was made to • ment (ICM) to renege on ·a verbal college's) offer on the grounds switch concert dates with SUNY agree.ment with the college, said that it would hurt the Unicorn Plattsburg who had booked Bureau of Concerts Chairman Al -financially and hurt Livingston's James Taylor.for October 19, but Metauro. ' career." They further expressed iUail(•d. "The Bureau of Concerts . the belief that both Livingston Thej3ureaL1 of Concerts then regrets to announce the Jame-:; and his manager disagreed with cont('mplated moving the concert Tavlor Concert has heen can­ the logic put f2,rth by Davis, but time to 6 pm so as not to conflict celled." It was rn;>t the easiest that Davis' telephone call to with the Livingston Taylor per­ thing for Metauro to say. James Taylor's personal man­ formance at the Unicorn . .James According to the Bureau of ager. Peter Asher, in which he, Taylor's management turned Concerts ;,On Thursday,.. Octo­ according to the Bureau of down that offer. · her 2, even_ though the contracts Concerts " ... led Mr. Asher to They also looked into the had arrived, we were informed helieve that he had support of possibility of huying out Living­ hy (Ithaca College's agent) Su­ !Livingston Taylor's agent) Don 'ston's contract fron1·the Unicorn. preme Artists that James Taylor Law. agency and Livingston This too fail£>d. ,\ssociation suhrnittt-d a hid of 0<"toh(•r 1~ at ~t. Johns l 'ni\'l'r would not play at Ithaca College Taylor" forced Asher not to allow . In the meanwhile, Jim Kra­ $15,000 to Jamt>s Taylor'-; man· ..,j1_,· in Nt>w York Cit,,·. hecause his brother,__ Livingston, ....Ja~es Taylor to perform at mer of (;olleg-iate Ente_rtainment ag-Pment for hinr to appear on continued 011 paqe six WICB-Beco.mes Parties On Campus ~equested To End Earlier . Partying Q'l the Ithaca Col­ putt-ing- it ·into .the- Judicial Codl' t hl' Saf!'ty orfirt•rs ask ca1i' rt•!sult ,( S(~t_i<J_~-~-- .. -__ Major . '' ............ _... .. -- .~Atea.. , : ' . lege·l!aqrpus.:tnust come to a halt through pro~r channels, Peria­ in ehargl·~ of SP1·tion L 1. 1 oft hl' by 11:30 p.m. Sunday through las dassified.it as a "request". ,Judi\'ial Code: failun• to comply ByToniSomma will not do" said John ~e~hisho­ Thursday nigh_!§, and 2:00 a.m. Reasons hl'hind the request. ,, il h t lw n•asonahll' rl'qUl'St-; of glou, Dean. of· the School· of on Friday· a'nd Saturday nights, said l't>rialas, art• "to give peopll' l'Ol11·~1· ol'fi1·ials. WICB-FM is in the ·process CQmmunications. Vice President of Student and in thl' building a l'hance to slcl'p L1q11or on <"am pus l'an not he of boosting their power from . · The new line of programing Campus Affairs Gus Perialas if t ht>v so wish." ~,·n 1·d aftl·r I a.m. That is a 10-5500 watts. The power boost will center around fom: specific confirmed Tuesday. .i\.lthough the request is not :-.tipulat ion in the liquor license will result in a huge increase of areas. Keshishoglou described In addition, alchohol can not off(eiallv an amendment to the on!' must apply for land have) at area that the station will reach. · them as instructional and educa­ he served at· social functions .Judil·iai Code, it can still he anv fundion when• money is They eventually will be tional programs. Min.ority pro­ anywhere on campus after 1 a.m. Pnforl0 t'CI. According to Perialas, us;•d. If admission is free and serving the entire Tompkins grams, which he explained · as ThG statement-;"'"however, is just SafPt,V will appear at p:irties at drink" sold Sl'par:itl'ly, or the County area and on fair weather specialized groupc;, whose inter­ a reminder of th'e Alchoholic approximately 11 ::JO p.m. week­ pri1·1· of admission entitles tbl' days. as far as CoJ;tland. After ests are not served · by other Beverage Commission's rules as nighh, and ask that it he hroken part.\' ~ol'r to drinks. or door the, increase WICB-FM will be stations, Music and News will tht>y apply to liquor licenses for up. There is then a half-hour pri1/I'" arl' sold, I hi' sponsoring more poweF-ful than WVBR, also receive more · extensive ltha<·:i, New York. gr;ll'l' pl·riod, hut failure_ lo do:as lco11tinue<i on page 31 which operates on 3000 watts. treatment. The new "noise amendment" Installation of a tower which - The reason for this type of applies ta· parties and any· will house "the transmitter was programming, says Keshishog- organizt·d social function taking Cream Store Becomes Ic·e' . completed last Friday. The . lou, is that "the increase in placP in a huilding with living . .structure is located behind South power _will· make the station qpartcrs attached to it. P~rialas Hill and .can be seen above the · reach more of the community." gav~e as examples dorm lounges, Subject Of Investigation tree tops, to the left of the Advantages of the increased and the Terrace a·nd Towers Towers. power are many-fold, according cafeterias.· The Union would By Andy Friedman and store, VicP-Pr('sident for Stu­ Plans for the 5500 watt to the Dean, "A radio station is follow its own closing hours, as it Paul Stern dent and Campus Affairs Gus boost, which have .been-·in the an important and integral part of is not adjacent to living facilities. Pe rial as said yesterday. making for several years, ·were the TV-R major" he stated. "I~ The - "amendment" is not Ithaca College will very Perialas does not know what sparked by an F.C.C. decision to would give the- student a· qiore really an amendment al all, shortly "take action" against the typl' of "action" will ht> taken, review all ten watt stations. The · meaningful expe~ience.": Kes~i!!- Pcr'i~las- .-pointed .. out.. Not manager-owners of Lick-It, the hut said the College "is not abundance. of small stations are (con_~in~ed ()11,_page 2) ;· · w~~tirig_t~ µlake ii. "legalistic", hy stud_~nt operated I ice cream pleased" with Lhe situation thaL occupying valuable space and are· now exists. not re.aching :populations sizeable . · Thl' situatio:i is l hat no one -enought to merit their· existence. l'Xal'tly knows who presPnlly . The School of Communica­ owns the i1·1• 1·r!'am 1·nopc,at ivl' . ' tions, to which the radio station "What we havl• hPre is three · pl:1y's. a -significant ro_le,. sought . st.udent!s using Coll£>ge space for fu!)ds for the p_roject. _The.major - . a priv!J.t(• com·t•rn," Peria las .donations came from'members of . · ·'stated. -- the . alumni, m'embers of'' the,_ : ' ·There are three possibilities Board· of ·.Tr_us~ees, specifi~ally· .'· ·. concerning the future owner,hip Michael -Hanna, .and the lat~ ·Rod ·. :· of the Store, determined aftt'r a Serling.' . ,-. ~-,. meeting between· Perialas, Stu­ Additional- -funds are- being.- ·:: 1 dent Body President Richard ' sot,lght to ' ;support., the new··', ;: Otis, and Business Manager for ' programming,:~ which· will :·stem ::·i J,ic·k-lt Mary Beth White . .fromt: he PO"'.er increase. : '' ·. ', .,! The possibilities outlined hy ' > The· :F.,<;;c. ·requir4?S,,,that.,,,- :. Pcrialas are: that .Lick-It could station.s,9Ji~iiting on .5500··w.~u~·- ,:·.: be a private husiness owned hy­ remain on~ihe air.at"least sixteen-.;,'_, thrce students. Should the : h'oJrs per. day~:-Prese_ntly, WICB')'. College he willing to rent them : . broadcasts ~eh .hol!r-1? a.'.d.l!:Y, ._from.·::::·: the space they are presently 1 :00-10:00, .a.m:- ,and ·-from" 6.:-0<V< occ1,1pying {if such SP,acc remains · p. m ;' .. ,< "2:00 ·a f rn; _; :., Tbe:,: nell( ( ,~ available), they may be permit­ .progra'1) -will' t:ilf: in-:~~f'mfd_ijay(,~;- ' tcd to remain on campus.
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