4226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 3 hope you wlll do everything you can to staff of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy as an perils and common democratic princi­ assist the full-time cattlemen. instructor with the grade indicated: ples, grant that our own beloved country Very truly yours, To be lieutenant may take the initiative in extending to WARD CONGER, Member, Bogue Valley Junior Hereford Jimmie D. Woods. one another the overtures of friendship Association. The following-named persons to the grade and fraternity. JARY HANSEN, indicated in the U.S. Coast Guard: May we take the lead in promoting President, Bogue Valley Junior Here­ To be lieutenant commanders the spirit of sympathetic understanding ford Association. and cooperation lest we all drift apart HUGH CHASLEY, Marshall K. Phlllips Robert E. Gardner Kenneth M. Lumsden Clayton W. Collins, and place in jeopardy the very existence Vice President, Bogue Valley Junior of our civil!zation. Heref(YT'd Association. Gordon R. Campbell Jr. Martin F. Groff Ralph G. Isacson Emancipate all the nations from the Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, tomor­ Ronald McClellan Richard D. Mellette spirit of self-interest and that vicious row, when the amendment is before the The following-named persons to the grade scramble for priority and advantage, and Senate, I shall have more to say on this­ indicated in the U.S. Coast Guard: may each accept the challenge to strive subject matter, and I shall insert in the To be lieutenants for that spiritual unity which is a mat­ RECORD more communications that I Harry D. Smith Harold E. Stanley ter of life and death for the world. have received from constituents in my Paul J. Bouchard B1lly R. Mull Fill our own individual mind and heart State who are protesting against the pol­ Daniel C. Mania Leroy W. Peterson with a passionate yearning for that wider icies of the U.S. State Department. Richard H. Hicks Carl W. Snyder, Jr. and deeper experience of mutual regard Robert E. Potts Philip M. Lebet and love which are the only and ultimate Robert E. Dlller Edward A. Walsh pledges ·of peace and prosperity. LEGISLATIVE -PROGRAM FOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY May we be partners in putting forth TOMORROW Subject to qualifications provided by law, more heroic effort in behalf of a nobler Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, the the following for permanent appointments social order which is struggling toward to the grades indicated, in the Coast and the light of a new day. Senate will have a very heavy day to­ Geodetic Survey: morrow. I say this for the RECORD, be­ Hear us in the name of our blessed cause we intend, as indicated, to start To be lieutenant commanders Lord whose love is the salvation of our with the Williams of Delaware amend­ Charles K. Townsend Ray E. Moses souls and whose laws are the founda- · ment, to be followed by the amendment Ronald L. Newsom tion of a world order wherein dwelleth of the Senator from North Dakota [Mr. To be lieutenants righteousness and peace. Amen. BURDICK] and myself, and then one or Sigmund R. Petersen Leonard E. Pickens two amendments offered by the Senator J. Rodney Lewis Frederick H. Gramling from Louisiana [Mr. ELLENDER]. Other c. William Hayes Richard B. Fallgren THE JOURNAL Seymour R. Kotler Maurice L. Geiger The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ amendments are pending. Darrell W. Crawford Gerald R. Cichy I am hopeful that tomorrow it may be Arthur L. Moshos Micha-el H. Fleming terday was read and approved. possible to work out an arrangement for Paul. A. Chernoff time to debate on, and then· decide on, the so-called beef import amendment. · To be lieutenants (junior grade) MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT J. Rodney Lewis Leonard E. Pickens It is a very important amendment. Ob­ C. William Hayes Frederick H. Gramling A message in writing from the Presi­ viously, it will bring forth considerable Seymour R. Kotler Richard. B. Fallgren dent of the United States was communi­ discussion. Darrell W. Crawford Maurice L. Geiger cated to the House by Mr. Ratchford, one Arthur L. Moshos Gerald R. Cichy of his secretaries, who also informed the RECESS TO 11 A.M. TOMORROW Paul A. Chernoff Michael H. Fleming House that on the following dates the To be ensigns President approved and signed bills of Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, Woodrow E. Bliss, Jr. PhUlip C. Johnson the House of the following titles: with that notice, I now move that under David L. Hough Rodger K. Woodruff the previous order, the Senate stand in On February 20, 1964: To be lieutenant commanders H.R. 5945. An act to establish a United recess until 11 a.m. tomorrow. States-Puerto Rico Commission on the The motion was agreed to; and <at Lavon L. Posey Wesley V. Hull Ph11ip J. Taetz Wayne L. Mobley Status of Puerto Rico. 7 o'clock and 27 minutes p.m.), the Sen­ James K. Richards Charles A. Burroughs On February 26, 1964: ate took a recess, under the previous Robert W. Franklin Richard E. Alderman H.R. 8363. An act to amend the Internal order, until tomorrow, Wednesday, Sidney c. Miller Ray M. Sundean Revenue Code of 1954 to reduce individual March 4, 1964, at 11 o'clock a.m. Ronald M. Buffington George M. Poor and corporate income taxes, to make cer­ tain structural ·changes with respect to the To be ensigns income tax, and for other purposes. Joseph M. Lushene Joseph W. Dropp NOMINATIONS Carl N. Davis Walter F. Forster II Executive nominations received by Edward E. Jones Delwyn C. Webster MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the Senate March 3 <legislative day of Frederick J. Kuehn, Jr.Joseph T. Smith Robert H. Leininger James 0. Murphy A message from the Senate by Mr. February 26), 1964: John E. Dropp Peter M. Schidrich Arrington, one of its clerks, announced U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE Conrad E. H;uss Robert C. Westphall that the Senate has passed without Howard C. Bratton, of New Mexico, to be WilHam Y. S. Wllliams Billy G. Morrison ·amendment bills of the House of the fol­ U.S. district judge for the district of New Fred T. Knowles David P. Van Weele lowing titles: Mexico, vice Waldo H. Rogers, deceased. Lindle E. Barnett Ronald K. Brewer William J. Cooke Gerald R. Schimke H.R. 1182. An act for the relief of Willy IN THE MARINE CORPS Neal A. Horst John D. Boon III Sapuschnin; , The following-named officers of the Marine H.R. 1295. An act for the relief of Edith · Corps Reserve for temporary appointment to and Joseph Sharon; the grade of brigadier general subject to H.R. 1355. An act for the relief of Sta.ni­ quallftcation therefor as provided by law: slawa Ouellette; Russell A. Bowen HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.R. 1384. An ac.t for the relief of Areti Douglas J. Peacher Siozos Paidas; TuESDAY, MARCH 3, 1964 H.R. 1455. An act for the relief of Ewald Johan Consen; The House met at 12 o'clock noon. H.R. 1520. An act for the relief of Jozefa CONFIRMATIONS The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Trzcinska Biskup and Ivanka Sta.lcer Executive nominations confirmed by D.D., offered the following prayer: Vlahovic; - the Senate March 3 <legislative day of H.R. 1521. An act !or the relle! of Lovorko Psalm 34: 1.4: Depart from evil and do Lucie; February 26>, 1964: good; seek peace and pursue it. H.R. 1723. An act for the relief of Agnese U.S. COAST GUARD Almighty God, in these days of crisis, Brienza; The !allowing-named persons to be a mem­ when peaceloving nations are being H.R. 1886. An act for the relief of Valeriano ber of the permanent commissioned teaching drawn tog~ther by common devastating T. Ebreo; 196.1,. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 4227 H.R. 4284. An act for the reltef of Chry­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to fishing industry in the State of Wash­ santhos Kyriakou; the request of the gentleman from Ohio? ington. These Indians claim they are H.R. 4682. An act for the reltef of Mr. and There was no objection. losing their treaty rights which guaran­ Mrs. Fred T. Winfield; H.R. 5144. An act for the relief of Doyle A. Mr. ASHBROOK. Mr. Speaker, I be­ teed them their right to fish in their Ballou; · , lieve one of the pressing demands of our "usual and accustomed places." There­ H.R. 5617. An act for the relief of Eltzabeth day is to thoroughly investigate the fore, they have said they can fish any Renee Louise Gabrielle Huffer; State Department. In a copyrighted place they want to in the State of Wash­ H.R. 5982. An act for the relief of Pasquale story under the banner headline "U.S. ington with any kind of gear .they want Fiorica; Secret Agencies Penetrated by Reds,'' Guy at any time they want to; but what they H.R. 6092. An act for the relief of Alexan­ Richards of the New York Journal­ fail to state is that the phrase that fol­ derHaytko; -American has presented a strong indict- H.R. 6313. An act for the reltef of Stanislaw lows is, "in common with all others." Kuryj; ment of the security policies of the Cen­ The Supreme Court of the United States H.R. 6320. An act for the relief of Walter L. tral Intelligence Agency and the State held that any state has the right to Mathews and others; Department. In talking with Mr. Rich­ regulate the time and method of taking H.R.
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