July £2.50 Preview J J astronomic aUt:1ts , "- '~ . - J .. ~ , .1, GREASE ~ fI • • . ­ ~l..t1D 1j'} 1;11:; JJj!Jl .: Dominion Theatre, London !!I . JULY AUGUST SEPTE11BER 1898 , LARRY ADLER, .1 1 TOP PRICE SEAT rREE CHRIST.PHER BIGtMN" "~ with ~ver~ ticket paid for in --' liNED SHERRIN . , .Ii' , '" STALLS/DRESS CIRCLE at £27.50 '~ .. ,-' ~ -. , .,. Phone 0171-312 1991 . " This ticket cannot be redeemed ,,/ SPECIAL' at the th&atre direct and is HAVE DRINKS WITH THE CASTS OF onl~ valid at Applause 'BY JEEVES ' & 'MARTIN GUERRE' ---- EXTRA PERFORMANCES NOW ON SALE DUE TO UNPRECEDENTED DEMAND contents iause 7 DIARY Current events in film, dance, music and art 13 PROFILE Charles Rayner talks to Margarita Pracatan about her meteoric rise to stardom 19 REVIEWS Recent openings in and around London 22 NED SHERRIN Excerpts from his book Theatrical Anecdotes 23 ARTS & MUSIC Applause magazine's exclusive theatre club and show and event offers 32 BROADWAY LIGHTS MargariUl PmCQWH The word from Stateside with Rene De Woerk 33 WEST END NIGHTS Hat gossip from London 34 INTERVIEW Kevin Whately in conversation with Rayner Baurtan KeVlll WI/lately 40 ENGLISH NATIONAL BALLET A look at the acclaimed production of Alice in Wonderland 42 THE LARRY ADLER COLUMN Credit where 'credits' are due 43 A BRUSH WITH ART Picture choice by Christopher Lloyd, Surveyor of the Queen' s Pictures 44 BIGGINS ON SPEC Wit and grit 45 ART REVIEW Degas: artist as collector 46 THE DOWAGER OF elLINGTON ST Degas' Ashley Herman takes a look at Ballet Dancers the refurbishment of the Lyceum Theatre in Covent Garden 49 OUT & ABOUT News from out of town 50 MY FAVOURITE RESTAURANT Googie Withers and Hannah Gordon reveal their favourile haunts IU[Y 1996 APPlAUS E 3 CAMBRIDGE THEATRE SEVEN DIALS, LONDON weI FROM THE ED ITO R Welcome to Preview 1 of Applause. Essentially a applause magazine of the theatre and performing arts, compiled and supported by those within the profession, both on THE APPLAUSE BUILDING the stage and behind the scenes. Through top quality 68 LONG ACRE· LONDON WC2 9JQ interviews and features we will be bringing our readers a PUBLISHED BY APPLAU SE LTD unique insight into the arts. We make no apology for keeping our listings to a minimum as we prefer to source EDITORIAL premium availability and prices for our readership and make accessible top price seats TELEPHONE 0 1713128051 for what is universally known as 'the best theatre in the World'. FAX 0 171 312 8090 Our cover features Margarita Pracatan, who, as Charles Rayner discovered, is as ADVERTI SING extraordinary off stage as she is on. Ned Sherrin, Christopher Biggins and Larry Adler all TELEPHO N E 0 17 1 3 12 8079 eagerly accepted our invitation to be regular contributors and provide an amusing blend of anecdotes, gritty opinions and fascinating insights into 'the business'. They will be EDITOR RAYNER BOURTON joined by other well known writers and celebrity contributors in future issues. This month SUB EDITOR GEORGE CHANDLER Hannah Gordon and Googie Withers converse on their favourite gastronomic haunts and EDITORIAL ASSIST. DAVID DONEGAN in an exclusive interview with Kevin Whately he reveals why becoming a chartered DESIGNED BY TERRY SESSIONS accountant wasn't for him. The Queen's Surveyor of Pictures, Christopher Lloyd, writes on his picture choice from The National Gallery and we also have features on the Degas THEATRE BOOKINGS exhibition at the Royal Academy, English National Ballet's production of Alice in LONDON 01713121991 Wonderland and the refurbishment of the Lyceum theatre in the Strand. We review some EVENTS BOOKINGS of the latest productions to open in London while Heather Love and Rene de Woerk keep ST ALBANS 0 1727 841 I 15 us up to date on what's happening at home and on Broadway. The centre pages are devoted to applause magazine's exclusive and unbeatable READERS' LETTERS SHOULD BE money saving offers on top West End shows, events and travel. Together with our cover ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR show offer for Grease, every reader can save over £100 on theatre tickets in this issue co NT RIB U TOR S alone. No other magazine or theatre club is able to bring you such incredible value for HE A THER LOVE money at such minimal cost. RENE DE WOERK In an industry where 'entertainment' is the key word, Applause is a magazine that CHARLES RAYNER provides exactly that. So, sit back and enjoy your Applause. ANDREW BURDEN DAVID DONEGAN RAYNER BOURTON JULIA GIBBONS RICHIE KESTER DEREK MICHAEL CONTRIBUTORS CHRISTOPHER CAMBELL NED SHERRIN LARRY ADLER rhrough hi s column Biggins on Spec. Christopher KATIA GAMBERONI Aged 82, Larry Adler has rhe unique disrincrion of has worked extensive ly in rhe rheau e from LARRY ADLER being listed in The Guinness Book of Records as Shakespeare to farc e, occaSIOnally doing borh ar C HRIST O PHER LLO YD rhe oldesr anisr ro rop rhe CD charrs for his rh e same time. Wirness his performance in The DEREK TAV ERNER record ing The Glory of Gershwil1. His Comedy of Errors at rhe Regent's Park Open Air C HRI STOPHER BIGGINS autObiography and hiS book Jokes and How to Tell Theatre. Known to millions of relevis,on viewers rhrough C dla Black's sho\V Sur/n'ise Sur/mse, we ASHLEY HERMAN Them have borh proved popular. Never afraiJ [0 eagerly awair Chris's specularive reporrs each HANNAH GORDON speak his mind, ir's almosr imposs ible [Q S[OP Larry month. GOOGIE WITHERS lerring his opinions be known. AI\Vays in demand [Q perform eirher as a so loisr or alongs ide such illustrious names as EltOn John, Sring and Cher, of NED SHE R R I N whom he sa id "Working \Virh Cher makes me wish "Thar was rhe week that was, ir's over ler ir go". I was 79 again". We are happy [Q provide rhe Applause welcomes urLSoUCiled manuscrifltS and The lyrics sung by Millice nt Marrin on TW3 each photOgraphs bu t can nor be held responsiblR for any plarfonn for this Grandee of rhe music indusrry. SarurJay nighr in the heady days of rhe sixries. loss aT da mage. Thirry years on and Ned Sherrin, wrirer, rheaue AU mformation co"wined in Applause magavne CHRISTOPHER BIGGINS director, broadcaster and satirlSr has never ler go is to the be" of our knowledge and beftef correct a' Well known in the business for his wir anJ wicked his inJividual, intrinsic, instinct [0 srrerch rhe the time of going (Q press. The views expre.I.led in ,hiS magazine are not necessariLy rhose of the edilor or se nse of humour, ChristOpher Biggins will no\V be bounJaries of his ec lecricism. With Ned we know pubLisher. relaying rhar particular 'an form' [Q our readers we will never find ourse lves ar a 'loose end'. J.,;l Y 1996 APPLAUSE 5 FIL long. The arrival of her younger sister and early 1970s and is now part of (Gwyneth Paltrow), overbearing American popular culture. Taking this as stepmother (Kathleen Turner)and its inspiration, Tom Cruise and Paula eccentric best friend and neighbour Wagner's Cruise/Wagner Productions (Whoopi Goldberg) bring the support to h ave chosen Mission Impossible as its debut help her through the first two weeks as a feature film. Apart from believing the widow. With Jon Bon Jovi in his acting debut, Shadia Simmons, Erica Luttrell, Mathew Koller, Scott Wickware and Kelli Fox. Opens in UK on 28 June. DEAD MAN CENTENARY OF CINEMA Written and directed by Jim Jarmusch, this is the story of a young man's journey, both The City of London physically and spiritually, into unfamiliar Festival celebrates this terrain. William Blake (Johnny D epp) year's Centenary of C inema travels to the extreme frontiers of America at the Barbican with si lent during the second half of the 19th century. films presented complete movie will stand on its own , the producers Lost and badly wounded, he encounters an with orchestral accompaniments: 7 July - are looking to the cult following and those odd, outcast native American called Shooring Stars (1927), Anthony Asquith's familiar with the concept and music. Also Nobody (Gary Farmer). 'Nobody' believes first film . The series closes on JJ July, with starring are Jon Voight, Emmanuelle Beart, that Blake is actually the dead English poet Cecil B De Mille's depiction of the life of Henry Czerny, Jean Reno, Ving Rhames, of the same name. The plot leads Blake Christ, King of Kings (1927), presented for Kirstin Scott Thomas and Vanessa through comical and violent situations and the first time with a new score. The season Redgrave. a dramatic transformation. Jarmusc h has is complemented by a special exhibition chosen to shoot Dead Man in black and celebrating the Centenary of Cinema in the white, recalling the atmosphere of Barbican Cinema 1 foyer, courtesy of the American films from the 40s and 50s and British Film Institute. avoiding the dusty colour palette of the western genre. The cast also includes Lance MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Henriksen, Michael Wincott, Gabriel Tom Cruise stars in the adventure thriller Byrne, John Hurt, Alfred Molina and a Mission Impo ssible, a Paramount Pictures guest appearance by Robert Mitchum. presentation directed by Brian De Palmer. Above lefr, Johnny Depp in Dead Man; "hove right, King of Kings; below, scenes Opens 5 July. Originally a TV series created by Bruce from lvloonligh{ and \la/ennno. Geller, Mission MOONLIGHT AND VALENTINO Impossible ran on CBS Based on a semi-autobiographical script by Television in the late Ellen Simon, daughter of playwright Neil 1960s Simon, and originally written as a play, this premiered in 1989 at a Duke University playwright programme in America.
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