ANNUAL REPORT Hudson, New Hampshire ~~ONN~", ~~ ~ os ~~"0 ~;;e __ ,~_ - _ - -.' r.ft:c. ~ - - ~ ,- I I·' I ~ ~~ ...-_ .'~ ;~O.c-~_._ . ~ ~PORA1t.~ for year ending June 30, 2007 ----------------- HUDSON ORGANIZATIONS Alvime Chapel Mary Ellen Reed -888-7005 American Legion ----- -889-9777 American Legion Auxiliary ------ -889-9777 BAIT A Federation of the First Baptist Church ----- -882-6116 Cub Scouts Jeff Emanuelson -889-0263 Boy Scouts, USA (Troop #252) JeffEmanuolson -889-0263 Friends of Hills Memorial Liblary Jane Bowles -886-6030 GFWC Hudson Community Club Bmbara Habina -886-5074 Girl Scouts of Swiftwater Council --- 1-800-654-1270 Greenmeadow Golf Club Brian Doyle -889-1555 Hudson Chamber of Commerce Brenda Collins -889-4731 Hudson Firefighters Relief Assoc. Dave Morin -886-6021 Hudson Fish & Game Club Mike Pelletier -883-4908 Hudson Grange #11 Gerald LeClerc -882-8602 Hudson Historical Society Len Lathrop ·880-1516 GFWC Hudson Junior Woman's Club Laura Edmands -598-9909 Hudson Kiwanis Dan Zelonis -883-0374 Hudson Nottingham West Lions Club Jeri Maynard -883-8565 Hudson Lions Club Marilyn Vaccaro -437-1408 Hudson Rotary Club Jim Garvey -881-8879 Hudson Sonior Council on Aging Lucille Boucher -889-1803 Hudson VFW Post ----- -598-4594 Hudson VFW Ladies Auxiliary ------ -598-4594 Knights of Colwnbus • Soan O'Neil -578-9465 Wattanick Grange No. 327 Abbott Rice -889-5575 > " -I· .;...•.., ,<.-'.- JOHN P. LAWRENCE 91 (January 8, 1916 - July 18, 2007) Hudson Board of Selectmen, 1979 -1984 New Hampshire State Legislature Hudson Budget Committee Checklist Supervisor Tax Collector, 1971-1977 Town Clerk, 1971- 1977 If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it must be by what he gives, - Robert South 00 '0' .,,' ;1' ALBERT L. LAMBERT 78 (June 5, 1929 - September 21, 2007) Hudson Board of Selectmen, 1992-1994 Hudson Budget Committee, 1976-1977 I have a yardstick by which I test every major problem- and that yardstick is: Is it good for America? - Dwight D. Eisenhower EDWIN F. STECKEVICZ 90 (December 11, 1916 - April 22, 2007) Hudson Board ofSelectrnen, 1946-1958 You couldn't ask for someone who was more interested in the town. His thoughts were always about what's best for the town, not anyone individual. - Former Fire Chief Frank Nutting, Jr. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I Town Officers ,", I Board of Selectmen "", 8 Assessing Department .. 9 Benson's Committee.................................................................................................................... 27 Cable Committee .. 28 Cemetery Trustees 29 Community Development Department.......................................................................................... 30 Engineering Division 32 Storm Water Management 35 Conservation Commission 37 Emergency Preparedness and LEPC 39 Finance Department........................................................................................................................... 41 Fire Department 43 Green Teatn 51 Highway Department 52 Hills Memorial Library 54 Information Technology 66 Nashua Regional Planning Commission.... 68 Planning Board 73 Police Department .. 75 Recreation Department 82 Sewer Utility 88 Tax Collector (MS-61) 89 Town Clerk Receipts .. 94 Vital Statistics. .. .. 95 Town Election, 2007 Annual III Town Meeting, 2007 Annual 127 Treasurer's Report 159 Trustees of the Trust Funds " 161 Water Departrnent. 163 Zoning Board of Adjustment 172 Monies Earned 181 Monies Paid 188 PART II Auditor's Report 214 PART III Budget. Proposed, FY 2009 Default Budget FY 2009 Warrant, Town Meeting Office Hours/Schedule of Meetings . ............ ....... ISFC Organizations and Leaders . ...... ISBC TOWN OFFICERS SELECTMEN Shawn N. Jasper, Chairman, 2009 Benjamin J. Nadeau, Vice-Chairman, 2009 RichardJ.~addox,2010 Kenneth J. Massey, 2008 Douglas K. Robinson, 2010 MODERATOR Michael P. Keenan, 2008 (Resigned 2-07) Paul lnderbitzen, Appointed until March, 2008 TOWN CLERKffAX COLLECTOR Cecile Nichols, 2008 (Resigned 6-07) Patti Barry, Appointed until March, 2008 TREASURER Karen Bumell, 2009 REPRESENT ATIVES TO THE GENERAL COURT (2008) Jean-Guy 1. Bergeron Lars T. Christiansen Peter R. Goyette, Jr. Robert Haefner Shawn N. Jasper John Knowles Mary Ann Knowles James Lawrence Rudy Lessard Lyme Ober Russell T. Ober 1I1 Andrew Renzullo Jordan Ulery STATE SENATOR Robert Clegg, Jr., 2008 SUPERVISORS OF THE CHECKLIST Joyce Cloutier, 2008 Karen Knox, 2012 (Resigned 8-07) Sandra LeVasseur, 2010 Julieta B. Stone, Appointed until March, 2008 BUDGET COMMITTEE Howard L. Dilworth, Jr., Chairman, 2008 Thaddeus Luszey, 2008 John Beike, 2009 (Resigned 6-07) Steve Nute, 2010 Arlene Creeden, Appointed until 3/08 Raymond Rowell, 2008 Joyce Goodwin, 2010 (Resigned 5-07) Bob Haefner, 2009 Sandra Rumbaugh, 2009 Diana Kroner, Appointed until 3/08 Charlotte Schweiss, 2010 Shawn Jasper, Selectman Member Richard Nolan, School Board Rep .. Ben Nadeau, Selectman Alternate Gary Rodgers, School Board Alt. BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS Jay Gove, 2007 Vincent Russo, 2008 Steven Grande, 2008 Bill Mclnemey, 2007 CABLE UTILITY COMMITTEE Michael O'Keefe, Chairman, 2008 Rubert Cote, 2008 Leo Bernard, 2007 Ahmed Elrnabdy, 2007 Steve Boucher, 2009(Resigned 11-07) Jeanne Johnson, 2009 Brenda Levesque, School Board Rep. Harry Schibanoff, 2008 JamesMcIntosh,Facilitator,2008 Doug Robinson, SelectmanLiaison Randy Bell, School Board All. CEMETERY TRUSTEES David J. Alukonis, 2010 Brad Seabury, 2008 Robert H. Haefner, 2009 CODE OF ETffiCS COMMITTEE Daniel Hodge, Chairman, 2009 Robert Olson, 2010 Dianne Emanuelson, 2008 CONSERVATION COMMISSION Sandra Rumbaugh, Chairman, 2009 Linda Walkley-Kipnes, 2008 James Battis, 2007 Timothy Quinn, 2008 Michelle Champion, 2007 Phil Cassista, Alt., 2009 Kenneth Dickinson, 2007 (Resigned 8-07) Robett H. Haefner, 2009 Raymond Orner, Alt., 2007 Kenneth Massey, Selectman Liaison Suellen Quinlan, Alt., 2008 ENERGY COMMITTEE Linda Kipnes, Chairman, 2008 Gordon J. Osgood, 2007 Margaret Femia, 2008 PLANNING BOARD James Barnes, Chairman, 2008 Richard Turcotte, 2007 George R. Hall, Jr., 2009 (Resigned 5-07) Marilyn McGrath, 2008 Terry Stewart, 2007 Suellen Quinlan., 2007 Brian Carroll, Alt., 2009 Vincent Russo, 2009 William P. Cole, Alt., 2007 Rick Maddox, Selectman Member Robinson Smith, Alt., 2008 Kenneth Massey, Selectman Alt. (Resigned 4107) RECREATION COMMITTEE Michael Regan, Chairman, 2009 Jeanne Johnson, 2009 Karen Atherton., 2007 Susan LaRoche, 2008 Rubert Cote, 2008 Robert Logano., 2007 Jeremy Griffns, 2008 Timothy Boland, Alt., 2007 Ben Nadeau, Selectman Liaison RECYCLING COMMITTEE Leo Bernard, Chairman, 2008 Frank Rosier, 2008 Ted Luszey, 2009 Doug Robinson, Selectman Liaison Connie Owen, 2009 2 SEWER UTILITY COMMITTEE William Abbott, Chairman, 2007 Bernie Manor, Alt., 2008 Craig Bailey, 2008 Catherine Valley, 2009 Howard L. Dilworth, Jr.,200? Kenneth Massey, Selectman Liaison Donald Gowdy, 2009 TRUSTEES OF HILLS MEMORIAL LIBRARY John Knowles, Chairman, 2008 Linda Walkley-Kipnes, 2010 Arlene Creeden, 2009 Anne "Connie" Owen, 2008 David R. Jelley, 2010 Mary "Toni" Weller, Shawn Jasper, Selectman Liaison Library Director TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST FUNDS Ed Duschesne, 2009 Russell T. Ober, 111,2008 Len Lathrop, 2010 WATER UTILITY COMMITTEE Leo Bernard, Chairman, 2009 Ray Rowell, 2009 Jeff Rider, 2007 Ed Thompson, 2007 Kenneth Massey, Selectman Liaison Catherine Valley, 2008 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 1. Bradford Seabury, Chairman, 2009 Kevin Hollie, Alt., 2009 Maryellen Davis, 2009 Norman G. Martin, Alt., 2008 Bill Mcinerney, 2008 Marilyn McGrath, Alt., 2007 James Pacocha, 2008 Doug Robinson, Selectman Liaison Michael Pitre, 2007 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ASSESSING DEPARTMENT James Michaud, Assistant Assessor Kathleen Nealon, Assessment Technician George Leilasus, Part-time Appraisal Technician Amy McMullen, Part-time Administrative Aide COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (Building/Zoning, Engineering, Planning) Sean T. Sullivan, Director of Community Development John Cashell, Town Planner Susan Fiorenza, Secretary Elizabeth J. Holt, Administrative Aide 3 Juliette Kennedy, Administrative Aide Pamela Lavoie, Administrative Aide William Oleksak, Building InspectorlHealth Officer Thomas J. Sommers, Town Engineer Robert Sousa, Code Enforcement Officer Gary L. Webster, Civil Engineer Debra Winter, Secretary INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Lisa Nute, Information Technology (IT) Director John Beike, IT Specialist Vincent Guarino, IT Specialist FINANCE DEPARTMENT Kathryn Carpentier, Finance Director Lisa Labrie, Town Accountant Joyce Pike, Senior Accounting Clerk Kathleen Wilson, Human Services Specialist RECREATION DEPARTMENT David Yates, Director Susan Kaempf, Part-time Secretary Reginald Provencal, Part-time Maintenance SELECTMEN'S OFFICE Stephen A. Malizia, Town Administrator Priscilla Boisvert, Executive Assistant Linda Corcoran, Administrative Aide Wayne Medeiros, Custodian Joyce Williamson, Temporary Clerical Support SEWER DEPARTMENT Donna Staffier-Sommers, Administrative Aide TOWN CLERKffAX COLLECTOR Barbara Locke, Deputy Clerk Pam Bisbing, Assistant Clerk Christine Curtin, Assistant Clerk Donna Melanson, Assistant Clerk WATER DEPARTMENT Jennifer Riel, Water Utility Clerk Adele Goyette, Part-time Water Utility Clerk 4 HUDSON FIRE DEPARTMENT Friday, January 04, 2008 EMPLOYEE ROSTER FULL TIllE PERSONNEL Cotain 51 CHIEFOF THE DEPARTMENT Omulv Fir< CJdef 2 DiSlIatchu 3 Shawn Murray ENT_! ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT E=: !I Torrey Demanche FirefiMtu 27 Ljo«enant Helen Cheyne S<mttl"' S<ewan'Z !I DEPUTY CHIEF
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