GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH FINANCE, PLANNING & INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (PLANNtNG & TNVESTMENT DtVtStON) A P. ClVll- SECRETARIATE:: TTANAGAR No PD(SPD)-02t2017-18 Dated, the 1't September 2017 To The Commissioner (PWD), Government of Arunachal pradesh, Itanagar. Sub. Finalization of SADA, 20,17-,18. Sir, I am directed to refer to this department's letter of even number dated on 20th July' 2017 on the subject cited above and to convey the approval of the proposed modification on SADA proposals approved earlier sought vide letter No.CEAP(SlD&P)A//-1|DADAt2O17-1g1634^35 dated 0810812017 within BE allocation,2OlT-18. However, expenditure is subject to observance of all codal formalities as prevails. 2. This modified schematic distribution of fund approved under SADA 2017-18 of your department is enclosed as Appendix ,,A". 3. This is issued with approval of the Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister (Finance, planning & lnvestment). sd/- Enclo: As Stated above. (Dr. Joram Beda),lAS Secretary (Planning & lnvestment) Memo No. PD(SPD)-0212017 -1 B Dated, the 1't September 2O17 Copy to. 1 PPS to Hon'ble Chief Minister, Arunachal Pradesh, ltanagar. 2 PS to Hon'ble Deputy Chief Minister, Arunachal pradesh, ltanagar. ? PS to Hon'ble Parliamentary secretary (Planning), Arunachar pradesh, Itanagar. 4. PS the Chief Secretary, Govt. of Arunachal pradesh, ltanagar. 5. PS to Development Commissioner (Finance, Planning & lnvestment) Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, ltanagar. 6. The chief Engineer (PWD-StD&P), Govt. of Arunachal pradesh, ltanagar 7. The Deputy secretary (Budget), Govt. of Arunachal pradesh, rtanagar. 8. The Deputy Secretary (Finance), Govt. of Arunachal pradesh, ltanagar. 9 File No PD(SPD)-8112015-16 (Part) .P*^*L,- 'lPalab Dey/L "'",i,lJriili5try* Page 1 Annexure-'A' GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH FINANCE, PLANNING & INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (PLANNtNG & TNVESTMENT DtVtStON) A.P. CIVIL SECRETARTAT:: ITANAGAR Annual Development Agenda, 2O1T -19(Modified) Department: Public Works Department Pre-Budqet surrender SuQanqLri Hotet-panchqlt eSt rojd (520km lmprovement of Road fi;m Arun Subansfi Hot"l io Dony Polo School C/oCementconcrete iffi lV PWD road (2.5 Km) Retaining wall at Mowb-ll on *ay to Cnef carnp C/o Protection Wall to protect Vip ioad at Nlll ,rtfrar. C/o Storm water drainage & RCC ,//all at ltr.agarj/o*b{ /o RCC protection wall and storm witeiOrain anO trltown I, ltanaqar near UD C/o Link road from 5.00 Km boini ot CtroW<frarn_Wa of Wakro Township road (5.00 kmi. c/o road rrom NH-s2to t<risrri @ Road from Rangali beet to Raja OAXS3o 6"1*tt U* Culvert 1 mtr soan-1 C/o Village link road from NH-SZ to fon$xtKham village (9.00 Km) SH: Earth work and Culvert and WBM. C/o Road from Lathao NH-52 to- Lal pahar Meditah.o" 127.45 entlq (7,]J0 Km) SH:WBM-I and Culvert. C/o RCC Bridge over trlamctrik-nver to connect Widening and improvemeni@ Putok CO HQ roads, Longtoi Lyngok CO He road C_onstruction & widening oi@ 500 mtrs) from Pullong bridge point to Borduria CO HC ircuit House in Bhalu C/o Priest Guest House at Sangio putung (Gophrr Tr1"I community hall at Taliha He C/o Community hall at Daqam villaoe. Taf ifra Circuit House in Aalo C/o Hunli and Desali inspection-Brnqalow Construction of Rehabilitation cenire at Hayuf iang tn C/o Dormitary for 10 persons alVtp sr,rte,l ezu LjnOer f_ofuf waler supply scheme at Konqmukhan /o Boundary wall at Sports CfiplexANam;-idistnct Hall at Circuit house Namsai C/o Multrpurpoge Cultural halt (pfr-LD at fitamsai l!frastructure development at Khonsi c7'cn'rr \9 'qKL f { }+ Rs. in lakh Clo* tnspection Aun*Low, Residentral quarters and aooroach road at CO Sdcbl t€n""albn and maintenance of Govt residential oirs under PWD SH: Type-lV 2 nos, Type-lll 18 nos,-I'ype ll 42 nos and Type-l 34 Nos and B/banacks 55 Units al noaO to O.C Bunglow at Bomdila. A) RCC rt 3 00 mtr. Span '1 mp B) Retaining wall i) 8 00 mtr herght-12mtrs. Length ii) Retaining wall 6 00 mtr height -38 mti Length c) Brest Wall i) 6 mtrs ht. - 30 mtr'length d) FSB and porter track in Cb all *ealher ioad from Nyorak PMGSY lload to Kodum- C/o Ro"d f.rn lvlolot nittage to Yosing village (Ph-l) (10 /o Road from Parsing to Arolg,qlea ;tructicffi sinde-lane steel Bridge at Sia & Sigut CIC Gfipad a.d k f*ilructure at Annini, Dibang Val @ it Anini, Dibang Valley Clo or rSA tSieel Deckins) at Nefe!e!g-4!Ey1Q191 D M a i nte n a n ca of H awa i Towqg! lp-Bqqq.A!,1-aq 19! ation of Namsai Towns 174 73 Road (Bl from New Doidam To Solla Clc R"rd frorn lilt.fiyu fotam-noiA to Nogna under Tirap C/o ro"d & Vr/BM irom C.K Road point to Eklavy Residential Model Schoo!-(!e!s Wdenrlg and il"nprovement of road from Khonsa to Khasa elc Communty hatt jt Cratt Centre, L'lrgyelling Lebrang cultural centre at Teli, Surbi &'T C/o Communitv hall at Bot@q-& Cl" l.do"t B"d*t'tton Club at Tawang Parade Ground lndoor Badminton Club at C/. B"r.daty *rlf, nCf reiiining wall, Gate and sola fencing on boundary wall at A P Civil Secretariat, ltanagar lo Rrc B*hmS douUe;loried 50 boarders girls hostel at Govt. Hiqher Secondary Schoo-l C/" Ro;tr,,m & C,eneral grourld allQQ-LlQ Belbgk e/o CtlC Cho.qkham under Namsai Qis!!c! e/o Ptffiy H"dth c.ntie it ttlteoo under Lohit District K. q a mgs Ci o I nf t*trt, ct,"e f o r V. Vjiqlq !- !-Ng !. Ufgradatlon of infrastructure of Primary Middle Seconoary and'Higher Secondary Schools of Nambai, Lathao & C;/i-Up-gradatbn of ciitical infrastructure with Medical l, Page 3 z*c cl (o\ Rs. in lakh t )(,^"^/q/l Amount Public Remarks g Padiculars Roads & I Housing sk Rridoes I Works b 2 3 4 5 1 120.0c to C/o C"m*rn,tv hali (Bera vlllqg-e&CQ Fl-S !-qde-rn) 50.0c 7 u/o tsAU (JTIlCe rJUllOIIlg \LazLr IIVlll .ro!el{0 0.001 2273.50 0.00 Sub -'total (lV' 3688.911 ZZ7Z.So 0.0c Total (A) - 6285.751 4497.48 200.0c B On-qoinq Ie) Roads & Bridqes taken as per 50 00 1 noaO Siiety (Sign boards etc).( to be under action plan submitted to Committee constituted by Hon'ble to 160.00 2 C/o A.h Btdge Jver Kurung River connecting Sangram Parsi-Parlo (Ph-ll) Srrtr - Total (a 210.00 (b) Publrc worKs e"*ttrcti"n a"d cieation of additional office space in the 15.00 existinq Divisio1 lQllqejeIs E PWD at Tawelq at 10.00 2 Co*tr,.,"tCIt ;i boundary wall of General PWD Store aanna'lar,e - ?nnmtrc rrndcr Naharlaoun DiviSiOn ; Co..trrctio" cieiiion ot additional office space in ihe 15 00 existing ADC/SDO/EAC".d office building to accommodate tempoLry D C. office at Palin/Jamin (Plinth area 300 00 Qnm annroy \ in the 15 00 4 C"nsttrct.n;nd creation of additional office space .!,^^ c^- C E D\n ln cl f\annriin lrre 15.00 5 Construction and creation of addltlonal olllce space ln existing ADC/SDO/EAC office building to accommodate tempoiary D.C. office at Pangin. (Plinth area 300 00 Sqn annrnx ) 6 Constructton ot New ulrcull n!u!9 3I r llrgKru.rrg !q_0c - 307.74 7 C/o Polvtechnic Colleqe at Hawai rn tne 500 B lonstructron and creation of additional office space axistino Division office for S.E PWD at Khonsa -- 5.00 I construction anO #ition of additional office space in the existing ADC/SDO/EAC office building to accommodate tempoiary D.C. office at Longding (Plinth area 300 00 Sqm annrox ) Sub - Tqltaliq) o.0o l 477 .75 0.0c Housinq {c} 36.00 t lClo Residential Buildings at Newly Created Drstrlct neao lQuarter of Kra Daadi District. (SH:- (i) Bachelor barrack-8 (iv)'T-lV-4 units lunits (ii) T-ll - 4 units, (iii)T-lll -4 units ' (v) '1 l& T-v - unit 24 38 z C/o Residential Buildings at Newly createo ulslrlcl neao Quarter of Siang District. (SH:- (i) Bachelor barrack' 8 units, (ii) T-ll -4 units, (iii) T-lll -8 units, (iv) T-lV -4 units (v) T-V -1 unit ) Head 38.00 3 :/. R"sd""t"reuildt''gs at Newly Created District Quarter of Longding District. (SH:- ( i) Bachelor Barrack' B unit( ii) T-ll, 4 unii (iii) T-lll, 4 unit (iv) T-lV, 4 unit - Sub -Total (c 0.00 0.00 98.38 210.00 477.75 98.38 c Maintenance Works '1 50.0c 10.00 5.0C 1 80 00 40 00 20.0c 2 Tawano 50.0c 15 00 20.00 3 50.0c 10.00 10.00 4 Dirang : . 50.00 15 0C 20.0c 5 (alaKtang 80 00 35.0c 20.00 6 Bomdila- 50.00 10 00 10.00 7 Chay 40 00 10 0c 10 00 B Bamelg 100.00 16 00 20 00 I ,seppa- 40 00 10.00 10.0c n 10 Pakke-Kessanq -'-----''.-..-''-..-'-."_- '15.0C ? 50 00 10.0Q I baqalee ,*ffi;;;'"''' tiunugut - - Page 4 in lakh ---7d Amount SH{ Roads & Public Remarks Particurars Housing ${Md/q Bridoes Works 5 6 1 2 3 4 12 apital Division-A 50.00 140 0c 31.00 13 aoital Division-B 50 00 5.00 124.00 14 Naharlaqun 50.00 98.00 500 15 Doimukh 56.00 15 0C 0.00 '10.00 16 Yazali 50 00 000 17 Ziro 80.00 20.0c 5.00 18 Sanqram 80 00 15.00 10.00 19 Tali 40 00 800 00c 20 Jamin 40 00 800 0.00 21 Nacho 40 0c 10 00 000 lz Daooriio 90 00 15 00 5.0c )1 Dumooriio 60.00 15 00 5.0c 24 Basar s0 0c 15.00 50c z3 Gensi 50 00 15 00 15 00 26 Yomcha 50 0c 10 00 10 00 27 Mechuka 50 0c 10.00 10 00 28 Aalo 115 0C 20.00 15 00 29 Rr 50 00 10.00 10 00 30 Bolenq 70 00 10.0c 15 00 0c 3'1 Yinokiono 60 00 20 15.00 10 0c JZ Marivano s0 0c 10 0c '120 20 00 JJ Pasiqhat 00 35.00 10.00 34 Nari 50 00 20 00 15 00 2A Anini 30.0c 10.00 15.00 36 Roino 90 00 20 00 37 Havuliano 50.00 15 00 10.00 15 00 38 Tezu 100 00 20.00 ao Namsai 140 00 B0 0c 50.00 40 .l2ir 70.00 '1 5 00 15.00 15 00 41 Chanqlanq 70 00 27.00 42 Khonsa 100 00 15.00 15 00 43 Kanubari 50.00 10 00 10 0c 44 lonodino 70 00 10 00 15.0C 45 ^liohwav Arbitration 10 00 46 Maintenance of lT assets under PWD 126 00 0.00 47 Printinq of SADA booklet 50c 000 4B Preparation of DPR for Pilot proiects.
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