28 March 2018 CABINET – 9 APRIL 2018 A meeting of Cabinet will be held at 5.30pm on Monday 9 April 2018 in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Rugby. Adam Norburn Executive Director A G E N D A PART 1 – PUBLIC BUSINESS 1. Minutes. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2018. 2. Apologies. To receive apologies for absence from the meeting. 3. Declarations of Interest. To receive declarations of – (a) non-pecuniary interests as defined by the Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors; (b) pecuniary interests as defined by the Council’s Code of Conduct for Councillors; and (c) notice under Section 106 Local Government Finance Act 1992 – non-payment of Community Charge or Council Tax. Note: Members are reminded that they should declare the existence and nature of their interests at the commencement of the meeting (or as soon as the interest becomes apparent). If that interest is a prejudicial interest, the Member must withdraw from the room unless one of the exceptions applies. Membership of Warwickshire County Council or any Parish Council is classed as a non-pecuniary interest under the Code of Conduct. A Member does not need to declare this interest unless the Member chooses to speak on a matter relating to their membership. If the Member does not wish to speak on the matter, the Member may still vote on the matter without making a declaration. 4. Question Time. Notice of questions from the public should be delivered in writing, by fax or e-mail to the Executive Director at least three clear working days prior to the meeting (no later than Tuesday 3 April 2018). Growth and Investment Portfolio 5. World Rugby Hall of Fame Scrutiny Review. Corporate Resources Portfolio 6. Asset Management Strategy. 7. Medium Term Financial Strategy. 8. Human Resources Strategy and Resources. 9. Rate Relief for Ratepayers. Communities and Homes Portfolio Nothing to report to this meeting. Environment and Public Realm Portfolio Nothing to report to this meeting. The following item contains reports which are to be considered en bloc subject to any Portfolio Holder requesting discussion of an individual report 10. Response to Technical Consultation on the approach to measuring the relative needs of local authorities. 11. Endorsement of Strategic Risk Register. 12. Risk Management Progress Report. 13. Appointments to Outside Bodies – Miscellaneous Appointments. 14. Motion to Exclude the Public under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. To consider the following resolution: “under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of information defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act.” PART 2 – EXEMPT INFORMATION Growth and Investment Portfolio Nothing to report to this meeting. Corporate Resources Portfolio 1. Bell House – options appraisal. Communities and Homes Portfolio 2. Procuring a Replacement Housing Management System. Environment and Public Realm Portfolio Nothing to report to this meeting. The following item contains reports which are to be considered en bloc subject to any Portfolio Holder requesting discussion of an individual report 3. Exemption to Contracts Standing Orders – Appointment of Programme Officer for the Rugby Borough Local Plan. 4. Urgent Decision under Delegated Powers - Planning Enforcement - Direct Action. 5. Write Offs. Any additional papers for this meeting can be accessed via the website. The Reports of Officers (Ref. CAB 2017/18 – 9) are attached. Membership of Cabinet: Councillors Stokes (Chairman), Mrs Crane, Mrs Parker, Ms Robbins and Mrs Timms. CALL- IN PROCEDURES Publication of the decisions made at this meeting will normally be within three working days of the decision. Each decision will come into force at the expiry of five working days after its publication. This does not apply to decisions made to take immediate effect. Call-in procedures are set out in detail in Standing Order 15 of Part 3c of the Constitution. If you have any general queries with regard to this agenda please contact Claire Waleczek, Senior Democratic Services Officer (01788 533524 or e-mail [email protected]). Any specific queries concerning reports should be directed to the listed contact officer. If you wish to attend the meeting and have any special requirements for access please contact the Democratic Services Officer named above. Agenda No 5 AGENDA MANAGEMENT SHEET Name of Meeting Cabinet Date of Meeting 9 April 2018 Report Title World Rugby Hall of Fame Scrutiny Review Portfolio Growth and Investment Ward Relevance All Prior Consultation Consultation with Visit England and local rugby clubs Contact Officer Michael Beirne Telephone: 01788 533213 Email: [email protected] Report Subject to Call-in Yes Report En-Bloc No Forward Plan Yes Corporate Priorities The review relates to the following corporate priorities: • Promote and grow Rugby’s visitor economy with our partners. Statutory/Policy Background At a meeting of Cabinet on 6 February 2017, it was agreed that Overview and Scrutiny has a clear role in the ongoing operation of the Hall of Fame. The overview and scrutiny chairs agreed this review should be included in the work programme for 2017/18 and this was approved by Brooke Overview and Scrutiny Committee. A draft one-page strategy for this review was agreed Brooke Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 6 April 2017. A scrutiny group was appointed and began its work in April 2017. 1 Summary The scrutiny group reviewed a number of areas including current visitor numbers, free admission days and a marketing plan for the attraction. The group met four times, drawing on evidence from customer data, existing promotional activities, local rugby clubs, Visit England and the travel trade. A number of recommendations have been developed to endorse the implementation of a marketing plan, incentives, new tourism signage and improvements to the visitor experience at the attraction. Risk Management There are no risk management implications arising Implications from this report. Financial Implications A number of recommendations, notably relating to marketing activities will require additional financial investments, however World Rugby are committed to covering 50% of the cost of these, as outlined in the marketing plan’s budget schedule. Environmental Implications There are no environmental implications arising from this report. Legal Implications There are no legal implications arising from this report. Equality and Diversity There are no equality and diversity implications arising from this report. Options 1: To approve the review recommendations. 2. To approve the review recommendations with amendments. 3. To not approve the review recommendations. Recommendation Recommendations 1-6 of the scrutiny group (as detailed in section 1 of the report) be approved. Reasons for The review recommendations are based on evidence Recommendation gathered by the scrutiny group and endorsed by Brooke Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 7 December. 2 Agenda No 5 Cabinet – 9 April 2018 World Rugby Hall of Fame Scrutiny Review Report of the Brooke Overview and Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Recommendations 1-6 of the scrutiny group (as detailed in section 1 of the report) be approved. 1. BACKGROUND At a meeting of Cabinet on 6 February 2017, it was agreed that Overview and Scrutiny has a clear role in the ongoing operation of the Hall of Fame. The overview and scrutiny chairs agreed this review should be included in the work programme for 2017/18 and this was approved by Brooke Overview and Scrutiny Committee. A draft one-page strategy for this review was agreed Brooke Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 6 April 2017. A scrutiny group was appointed and began its work in April 2017. The scrutiny group aimed to focus one meeting to each of the below topics: 1. Community Days – what pattern of free entry days (in line with the decision of Council) should be adopted? 2. Draft Marketing Strategy and Action Plan 3. Partner/Stakeholder Engagement 4. Wrap-up and Recommendations 2. FINDINGS AND RECOMENDATIONS The scrutiny group has now completed its work and the report is attached at appendix 1. The group met four times, drawing on evidence from customer data, existing promotional activities, local rugby clubs, Visit England and the travel trade. A number of recommendations have been developed to endorse the implementation of a marketing plan, incentives, new tourism signage and improvements to the visitor experience at the attraction. 3 A number of recommendations, notably relating to marketing activities will require additional financial investments, however World Rugby are committed to covering 50% of the cost of these, as outlined in the marketing plan’s budget schedule. The chairman of the scrutiny group, Councillor Kathryn Lawrence, will attend the Committee meeting to present the report. A report will be presented annually to an Overview and Scrutiny committee providing an update on the progress of the group’s recommendations. 4 Name of Meeting: Cabinet Date of Meeting: 9 April 2018 Subject Matter: World Rugby Hall of Fame Scrutiny Originating Department: Brooke Overview and Scrutiny Committee LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS Document Officer’s File No. Date Description of Document Reference Reference 5 Appendix 1Appemndix 1 [Type h REVIEW OF THE WORLD RUGBY HALL OF FAME __________ October 2017 1 Appendix 1 CONTENTS Chair’s Foreword 4 1 Recommendations 5 2 Objectives 6 3 Methodology
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