The Haneul Academy Post The Haneul Academy Post 2012 The Contents Haneul Greeting 03 Greeting from our Principal Editorial-Why Haneul Academy Post? Academy Introduction 04 State of the Art Facilities Post Haneul Scholarship Program 05 Specialized Courses July, 2012 Vol. 2 06 Meet Kim Ji-ho Improve Your English 07 Student Essay, “Dream and Passion” 08 Haneul Lacrosse Interview 09 Introducing Dr. Andrey Tetenov Haneul on TV 10 Drama Shoot at Haneul Special Haneul 12 The College Admission Presentation Violence-Free Haneul 13 A Trip to China Come to YJD 14 Young Jeong Island-Special Feature Essays 18 Incheon Asian Games, 2014 Why don’t we have interest in K-League? 19 Career Spotlight-Program Director Video Game Review Brain Quiz Editor-in-Chief Staff Choi Min Seok Kim Hyun Young Park Jung Eun Kim Hak Gyun Jo Ga Hee Lim Chae Hoon Kim Na Woon Faculty Advisor Seol Seong Sim Bae Ji Young John Cowie Lee Han Yi Yoon Sang A Jeon So Yeon Kim Ji Hyang Han Young Joo Lee Se Yeun Technical Advisor Kim Sung Min Ko Kwang Jin Choi Jeong Woo Kwon Do Yoon Lee Hye Min Han In Koo Haneul Academy Address 400-831 Unseo-dong 569, Jung-gu, Incheon, Korea Principal Tel 032-745-0400 Fax 031-745-0401 Web www.haneul.hs.kr Kang Seok Yoon Vice Principal copyright©2012 Haneul Academy Joo Seok Hoon All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Greeting Introducing Haneul Academy interview Haneul on TV Special Haneul Come to YJD Essays A greeting from our principal “Dream and Passion” is the motto into an elite university, of which you can read about in this for our school. It is these words publication. To be able to offer the greatest possible oppor- that represent our high standards tunities to our students’ futures is the utmost priority of this and philosophy of education. Here institution. at Haneul it is our primary goal to Together, we shall create bright futures and nurture young cultivate young minds to prepare minds. Together, we shall create a better tomorrow not only them for the best possible future. for Korea, but the world as well. It is my dream to have this school become one of the most elite insti- Principal of Haneul Academy tutions not just in Korea but internationally as well. Mr. Gang Seok Yoon We have implemented a number of programs since our estab- lishment which maximize the students’ chances to matriculate Why Haneul Academy Post? “Is this Haneul Academy’s English Through a survey of asking students newspaper?” Lee Chae-wook, chief ex- the reason they learn English, many an- ecutive of the IIAC (Incheon Internation- swered “To get a good score on English al Airport Corporation) asks as he walks exams”. Through this survey, it is clear down the hallway of Haneul Academy’s that quite a lot of students in Korea per- classrooms on it’s completion ceremony ceive English just as a basic skill to pass day. the college entrance exam, which can be Haneul Academy had it’s first ever a very wrong concept of thought. English newspaper ‘Haneul Academy On the other side, there were a minor- Post’ published and distributed at it’s ity of students who showed a different global leader.” construction completion ceremony response to the survey whom drew at- Through making English newspapers, which has held on the 21st of October. tention. “I think the English textbooks students can kill two birds with one English newspapers take a quite amount we learn from at school aren’t the best stone. of time and effort to make, especially for answer to actual English improvement.” Not only can they train their writing non-native students. Then why take all says Park Hye-jin. She has always want- skills through news articles, but can also the trouble to make one instead of just a ed to study abroad but never actually had develop talking abilities through edito- Korean paper? the chance. But she has made friends rial conferences in English. Being con- English ability has become a critical from all over the globe through social trary to hard formulaic school textbooks, skill that any Korean student must have to networking and pen-pals through e-mail. making an English newspaper seems to achieve their dream, which in most cases She and her friends think through prac- be an enormous help in learning English is entering a good university. However, tical English education, it would help on an overall basis. we are starting to forget the primary pur- them to communicate with people from pose of learning a language, which is to different locations and cultures. “I think Editor-in-Chief and School Captain communicate with one another. it is necessary to learn English to be a Choi Min-Suk 3 Greeting Introducing Haneul Academy interview Haneul on TV Special Haneul Come to YJD Essays State-of-the-Art Facilities Choi Min-suk Haneul Academy boasts the highest level of facilities for the students’ educational efficiency and health. Every classroom is equipped with electronic lecture desks, connected with a computer and an audio system that allows the lecturer to use a microphone. The beam projector and automatic screen is controlled by the touch screen panel, and all the chairs are designed to reduce drowsiness. Cafeteria school canteen is right beside the cafeteria and the student The cafeteria is separated into lounge, with a 7-11 convenience store. two areas, one for the students and the other for the teaching staff. Academic Building 1, 2 Wall hanging televisions are fit on to the cafeteria pillars and conveyer belts help speed the clean up. Gym The gym can accommodate many sports such as basket- ball, badminton, table tennis and more, For everyday health, a fitness gym is built for stu- dents’ health maintenance. The fitness area consists of weight machines and treadmills, the treadmills each having a built-in The two academic buildings separate the boys’ classrooms TV. and the girls’ classrooms. It also consists of many subject classrooms, where students follow the new classroom system, Main Building in which teachers stay in their respective subject classrooms, ‘Home base’ is lo- while students move to each room according to their subject cated on the second and timetables. third floor is where all Also, there are two research zones ‘Media Space 1, 2’ for on- the students’ lockers line searching and group activities requiring the use of com- are with numeric digi- puters and debating tables, tal electronic locking systems. There are subject labs such as The school’s health room is built on the first floor of Aca- physics and chemistry, also music and arts classrooms. The demic Building 1. 구분 선발인원 선발기준 수혜 장학금 [신입생] ˚ 수석:입학금+3년분 수업료(학교운영지원비 포함) Haneul Scholarship Program 꿈 장학금Ⅰ O명 - 입학 성적 최우수자 및 차점자 ˚ 차석:입학금+1년분 수업료(학교운영지원비 포함) - 성적산출근거: 진단평가(200)+입학성적(100) * 단, 장학금 지원 시기 동안 학기말 성적 상위 10%이내 유지를 조건으로 함 [신입생] 꿈 장학금Ⅱ OO명 - 전형유형별(사회배려대상자 제외)정원의 성적 상위 10%이내 학생 입학금 및 수업료(학교운영지원비 포함) 1기분 Haneul offers several scholarships, which is a great attri- - 성적산출근거: 진단평가(200)+입학성적(100) [재학생] 인천공항 OO명 - 1학년 전체(1학기+2학기) 성적이 우수한자 2,3학년 수업료 전액(학교운영지원비는 제외) 장학금 bute of Haneul Academy, We have ordinary scholarships - 세부 사항은 장학위원회에서 심의를 거쳐 결정함 [재학생] 하늘 장학금 OO명 다음 학기 수업료(학교운영지원비 포함) 전액 but also offer several for students who show a high increase - 학기 성적이 상위 5%이내인 학생 [재학생] 열정 장학금 OO명 - 성적 향상 정도에 따라 5% 이내인 학생 다음 학기 수업료(학교운영지원비 포함) 전액 in their academic scores, which indicates that our school is * 단, 타장학금 수혜로 인해 대상자가 빠진 경우는 차순위로 선발 [졸업생] 학생 일인당 300만원 특별 장학금Ⅰ O명 not only concerned about those students with high grades, - 장학위원회에서 심의를 거쳐 의결한 자 * 지급 조건 : 1년간 멘토 활동을 전제함. [졸업생] 특별 장학금Ⅱ O명 - 대학에 합격했으나 가정 형편이 어려운 학생 학생 일인당 300만원 but also to the students who have shown passion in their - 장학위원회에서 심의를 거쳐 의결함 [재학생] 매화 장학금 OO명 - 가정 형편은 어렵지만 학교생활 열심히 잘하고 있고 타의 모범이 되는 학생 장학금 액수는 가변적임 academic progress. - 장학위원회에서 심의를 거쳐 결정함 [재학생] 대외 장학금 OO명 장학금 액수는 가변적임 - 위의 장학금 수혜자외의 학생 4 Greeting Introducing Haneul Academy interview Haneul on TV Special Haneul Come to YJD Essays Specialized Courses Choi Min-suk Weekend College Course Special Information Lecture Students spend time with scholar professors every weekend, Special up-to-date lectures about college entrance given by completing a general education curriculum at the level of ac- experts in charge of major universities’ college admission. tual college education, acquiring two required credits per se- Classes about studying methods and college entrance strate- mester. gies taught by renowned lecturers of college admission. Subjects: Overseas work-study program • Humanities- Textual Exposition, College English, A program where first year students choose a research theme Economics, Philosophy in groups and travel overseas to study, mainly to neighboring • Natural sciences course- Calculus, Physics, countries such as Japan, China or South-East Asia. Chemistry and Biology Individualized skill and R&E (Research & Education) proficiency program Students are given a chance to write a full thesis paper on Classes that are run in a form of ‘Club Activity’, taught by the topic of their choice. During school vacation, university professional instructors invited through outsourcing. professors serve as academic advisors to help students on their Participation in various competitions and championships, papers . nurturing technicians (Encourages professional certifica- tions).
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