Once Brewed Tel:+44 (0)1434 344396 (0)1434 Tel:+44 Brewed Once 620887 (0)1669 Tel:+44 Rothbury www.northumberlandnationalpark.org.uk 578890 (0)1665 Tel:+44 Ingram www.northumberlandnationalpark.org.uk www.northumberlandnationalpark.org.uk of ancient circular huts. circular ancient of you can still trace the pre-Roman remains remains pre-Roman the trace still can you the company of local people. local of company the Cheviots, within the site of Yeavering Bell, Yeavering of site the within Cheviots, Red Squirrel Red Otter CpadRn’mrig,Lordenshaws markings, Ring’ and ‘Cup pubs and tearooms where you can relax in relax can you where tearooms and pubs border ridge. At the northern edge of the of edge northern the At ridge. border such as Greenhaugh and Falstone provide Falstone and Greenhaugh as such where the Pennine Way snakes along the along snakes Way Pennine the where hc sagetpaefrfml ak.Villages walks. family for place great a is which Cheviot – the highest point in Northumberland, in point highest the – Cheviot inspiring views. inspiring is Hareshaw Linn with its dramatic waterfall waterfall dramatic its with Linn Hareshaw is aiydyot u o elcalne climb challenge, real a for But out. day family markings on the stones, whilst taking in the in taking whilst stones, the on markings The Pennine Way National Trail. Close by by Close Trail. National Way Pennine The Linhope Spout is a worthwhile visit for a for visit worthwhile a is Spout Linhope origin of the famous prehistoric ‘cup and ring’ and ‘cup prehistoric famous the of origin Bellingham is a historic market town on on town market historic a is Bellingham cattle drovers.The dramatic waterfall of waterfall dramatic drovers.The cattle can be explored on foot. Wonder about the about Wonder foot. on explored be can and walkers to follow the routes of ancient of routes the follow to walkers and Nearby, the Simonside Hills and Lordenshaws and Hills Simonside the Nearby, streams. with bridleways which allow mountain bikers mountain allow which bridleways with shops, is a great place to take a break. a take to place great a is shops, which can be seen along the rivers and rivers the along seen be can which extinct volcanoes.The hills are crisscrossed are hills volcanoes.The extinct Rothbury, with its interesting and distinctive and interesting its with Rothbury, ie raih Ingram Breamish, River a secure home. Catch a glimpse of otters otters of glimpse a Catch home. secure a The latter are the remains of lava from from lava of remains the are latter The The picturesque traditional market town of town market traditional picturesque The Explore the countryside the Explore forests provide the rare red squirrel with with squirrel red rare the provide forests igneous rocks, either granite or andesites. or granite either rocks, igneous nl-ctihbtl tOtrun Large Otterburn. at battle Anglo-Scottish Alwinton Show Alwinton The Cheviot Hills are made up of hard of up made are Hills Cheviot The shows and traditional music. traditional and shows ommrtn h ire1t Century 14th fierce the commemorating vibrant culture deeply rooted in agricultural in rooted deeply culture vibrant at High Rochester and the Percy Cross Percy the and Rochester High at other local attractions. local other nestles into the hillside. Coquetdale has a has Coquetdale hillside. the into nestles castles. Discover the ruins of a Roman fort fort Roman a of ruins the Discover castles. also get an ice cream and find out about out find and cream ice an get also Woodhouses Bastle (fortified homestead) (fortified Bastle Woodhouses historic bastles (fortified homesteads) and homesteads) (fortified bastles historic National Park Centre, Ingram. Here you can you Here Ingram. Centre, Park National the Virgin Mary. Close by, the 17th Century 17th the by, Close Mary. Virgin the ooiu odrcas–teRies are Reivers, the – clans Border notorious valley’s hillforts which are on display at the at display on are which hillforts valley’s find the tranquil Lady’s Well dedicated to to dedicated Well Lady’s tranquil the find was once the stamping ground of the of ground stamping the once was the finds from the archaeological digs of the of digs archaeological the from finds the If you go for a stroll in Holystone you will you Holystone in stroll a for go you If ctee hog h idlnsae which landscape, wild the through Scattered n i ls yo h iebn.Experience riverbank. the on by close sit and be seen from the road or nearby paths. nearby or road the from seen be dippers and otters and even park your car your park even and otters and dippers of the very best hay meadows can easily easily can meadows hay best very the of Hedgehope Hill, Harthope Valley Harthope Hill, Hedgehope valleys. You can share the shallow, clean rivers with rivers clean shallow, the share can You inspiring landscapes. At Barrowburn, some some Barrowburn, At landscapes. inspiring Hareshaw Linn Hareshaw Harthope Valley is a traditional day out. day traditional a is Valley Harthope year round, with breathtaking views and views breathtaking with round, year quality of life in these twinned these in life of quality A picnic and a paddle in the Breamish or Breamish the in paddle a and picnic A The beautiful Coquet Valley is stunning all stunning is Valley Coquet beautiful The Simonside Hills & the River Coquet River the & Hills Simonside celebrating the wonderful the celebrating vibrant community spirit community vibrant rounded hills and valleys. and hills rounded to enjoy. to by the majestic hills. Feel the Feel hills. majestic the by a wild, romantic landscape of landscape romantic wild, a castles and historic churches churches historic and castles woodlands and be invigorated be and woodlands mark the border with Scotland; with border the mark cultural heritage of music, of heritage cultural ln h idn ies quiet rivers, winding the along the Cheviot Hills Cheviot the Newcastle, where you will find a rich a find will you where yeadRd aly.Meander Valleys. Rede and Tyne Park less than an hour from hour an than less Park intimacy of the Coquet Valley Coquet the of intimacy of the countryside in the North the in countryside the of Northumberland National National Northumberland Simonside Hills or the the or Hills Simonside Explore the wonderful charm charm wonderful the Explore Situated in the north of north the in Situated Enjoy the majesty of the of majesty the Enjoy The Cheviots The Cheviots North Tyne & Redesdale Tyne North Coquetdale Hadrian’s Wall Hadrian’s Car Free & Care Free! &Care Car Free You won't always need your car By Road Hadrian's Wall World Heritage A Warm Welcome... The National Park is signposted from to explore Northumberland Newcastle, Carlisle and Edinburgh via Site is Britain's longest monument Call into any of our the A69, A1(M), A68 and A697. National Park Centres National Park.Why not take a stretching for 73 miles across the and our friendly staff scenic bus ride and take the north of England. Now, with the By Rail will provide advice stress out of driving. The Tyne Valley Line provides good new Hadrian's Wall National Trail, and information on access to Hadrian's Wall and the Visitor places to visit, things you can walk it end-to-end for southern end of the National Park. to do, where to stay By Bus Tyne Valley Train Trails pack enables the first time in 1600 years! and special events. 'Explorer' bus tickets allow a day's unlimited National Park Centre, Ingram travel on many of Northumberland's bus you to walk the length of this Crag Lough near Steel Rigg Map beautiful valley in a series of day walks The wall itself can be seen at various locations, Ingram services with discounts on many visitor that link with railway stations between but the most spectacular stretch is between Tel:+44 (0)1665 578890 attractions. For advice on bus services in Wylam and Haltwhistle. Birdoswald in Cumbria and Housesteads within Open Daily: April - October 10am - 5pm Northumberland call Traveline Tel: +44 (0)8457 484950 Northumberland National Park. Archaeologists Winter: Closed Tel: +44 (0)8706 082608 www.jplanner.org.uk www.nationalrail.co.uk are making exciting discoveries all the time. E-mail: [email protected] During the Every aspect of Roman life on and around the Once Brewed summer the By Air Wall is on display in museums and forts along Tel:+44 (0)1434 344396 award-winning Newcastle International Airport is the length of the Wall. Open Daily: April - October 9.30am - 5pm Hadrian's Wall Bus approximately 50 minutes drive from Winter:Weekends Only 10am - 3pm Service (AD122) Northumberland National Park. There’s more than Hadrian’s Wall to explore. E-mail: [email protected] runs between For flight information contact Greenlee Lough National Nature Reserve is great Newcastle-upon- Newcastle International Airport for birdwatchers.Walltown has ample space for Rothbury Tyne and the Tel: +44 (0)8701 221488 kids to let off steam with a quiz trail, orienteering Hadrian’s Cycleway Tel:+44 (0)1669 620887 course, wildlife ponds and refreshments. AD122 Cumbrian Coast. www.newcastleinternational.co.uk Open Daily: April - October 10am - 5pm Winter:Weekends Only 10am - 3pm The bus enables you to walk sections of the For further information on planning Hadrian's Cycleway runs the length of Hadrian's E-mail: [email protected] Hadrian's Wall Path National Trail acting as a your visit to Northumberland Wall between Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and convenient way to get to the start and finish National Park Maryport on the Cumbrian Coast.This exciting For further information contact the of your walk.You can even take your bikes Tel: +44 (0)1434 344396 route passes through lively cities, picturesque Centres individually.
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