TABLE OF CONTENTS MESSAGE RECOGNITION FUNCTION ........................................................................................................ 1 Awards ............................................................................................................................... 2 Benefits of Academicians & National Scientists ............................................................. 1 3 Nomination to International Awards .................................................. ........ ..................... 1 5 The Philippine Science Heritage Center (Salinlah1) ........................................................ 16 ADVISORY FUNCTION ................................ .... ........................................................................ 20 Silver Jubilee Anniversary & 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting ........................................ 21 Launching of the NAST Silver Jubilee Book & the National Scientists of the Philipines ......................................................................... 24 Dioscoro L. Umali Memorial Lecture Series ................................................................... 25 Science Information & Legislative Fora & Other Advocacy Activities ... ..................................................................................... ....... 26 Roundtable Discussions & Science Conference ............................................................ 29 Scientific Policy Papers ................... ................................................................................ 30 Advisory on Bills & Policies Related to S&T .................................................................... 31 Preparation of the National Science & Technology Plan (2001 - 2002) ....................................................................................... 31 SCIENTIFIC LINKAGES Maintenance & Expansion of Linkages ........................................................................... 32 Scientists Exchange Visit Program .................. ............................................................... 34 Joint Scientific Activities with the Oustanding Young Scientist .................................... 34 TABLE OE COl\IIEl\IIS ACADEMICIANS 2001 Accomplishment of Academicians ............................... ......... ................................. 35 Significant S&T Positions Held ........................................................................................ 41 Publications ............................................................................... ...................... ................. 45 Researches .................................................................................... ... ......... ...................... 50 S&T Policy & Program Implementation, Including Conference, Seminars etc .............................................................. ................. 52 BALANCE SHEET General Fund ............................... ............................................ ......................................... 65 BUDGET & EXPENDITURES Allotments & Expenditures for Year 2001 ....................................................................... 66 NAST COMMITTEES .............................................................................................................. 67 NAST EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (1999-2002) ............................................................................. 71 THE SECRETARIAT Office of the Executive Director ....... ................................. .............................................. 7 2 Technical Services Division ............................................................................................. 7 3 Administrative Services Division ......................................... .. .......................................... 7 4 APPENDICES List of Papers Presented for Technical/Oral Sessions ................ .......... ......................... 7 5 List of Papers Presented for Poster Sessions ........... ... ........... ....................................... 77 ( _/fbsage ) wenty-five years ago, the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) was created by virtue of Presidential Decree I 003-A. 200 I was a remarkable year of the Academy. The year was fraught with natural calamities and political upheavals but despite the economic and social instability, the T Academy successfully celebrated its Silver Jubilee during its 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) with the theme "Science in the 21 st Century". As the country's premier recognition body in S&T , it witnessed the conferment of the rank and title of National Scientist by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on Academicians Clare R. Baltazar and Benito S. Vergara. Four new Academicians were elected by the General Assembly, Drs. Ceferino L. Fol Iosco, Angel L. Lazaro Ill, William T. Torres, and Reynaldo B. Vea. Recognized were brilliant young scientists and outstanding scientific papers and publications. The year 200 I witnessed the awarding of the first Hugh Greenwood Environmental Science Award, a strong manifestation of the Academy's concern to protect and preserve the planet's ecology with the support of a philanthropist friend, belonging to the Order of the British Empire. Also, a first was the support extended by a business company Du Pont for Outstanding Young Scientists. Corporate support was actively solicited for projects and programs. In the international area, Acd. Lourdes J. Cruz won the ASEAN Outstanding Scientist and Technologist Award. After painstaking efforts, the Philippine Science Heritage Center Act was signed into law as Republic Act 9107 on April 14, 200 I. The Salinlahi, the Center is fondly called, launched new exhibits and publications. In addition to the resolutions emanating from the 23rd ASM , NAST continued to perform its advisory fu nctions on a broad range of mega issues including biotechnology and genetically modified organisms, Biosafety. interconnection networks, high performance computing and bioinformatics, newborn screening, gender ethics and health research. In addition to its previous linkages. Memoranda of Agreement were signed with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Pakistan Academy of Sciences. A landmark organizational accomplishment was the establishment of the Engineering Sciences and Technology Division. Launched were two significant publications, the NAST Silver Jubilee Book and National Scientists of the Philippines. The NAST Monograph Series was started with the first volume entitled Modern Biotechnology and Philippine Agriculture. At the dawn of the new millennium. NAST is aware of the ever-mounting role of science and technology in fostering national development and in enhancing the country's global competitiveness. The Academy through our treasured National Scientists and estee Academicians. pledges itself ceaselessly to the pursuit of these goals. !yvv \ (c : ~ p . Santos Ocampo, MD, FPPS, FAAP (honJ President National Academy of Science and Technology ( RECOGNITION FUNCTION ) Asthe government's highest recognition body on science and technology, the Academy continues its primary mandate of giving awards to Filipino scientists and scientific and technological endeavors aimed at advancing the state of Philippine science and technology. Moreover. through NAST, the government is extending its all-out support to Filipino scientists and recognition of their significant contributions to science by providing them with meaningful incentives for the furtherance of their works and to encourage the younger generation to pursue careers in advanced scientific studies and researches. 1 'J \<..: ~ nnua eport AWARDS National Scientist Rank and Title The rank and title of National Scientist is the highest honor that could be given to a Filipino scien tist for exem plary and significant achievements and contributions to science and technology. On September 4. 200 I, Her Excel lency President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo conferred the eminent scientists. A ca demicians Clare R. Baltazar and Benito S. Vergara . the rank and title National Scientist. The National Scientists of the Philippines with Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal· Arroyo. (L·R) Dolores A. Ramirez. Gelia T. Castillo. Fe del Mundo, Clare A Baltazar, BenitoS. Vergara and Bienvenido 0 . Juliano. Academician Clar~ R. Baltazar has been recognized for her pioneering works in systematic entomology, for her naming of more than I 00 species and nine new genera of parasitic wasps that are natural control agents of insect pests. and for her other scientific contributions that led to the successful bi ological control of some insect pests. Dr. Baltazar has published indispensable reference materials for entomologists. biologists. and conservationists worldwide. She is known as the "First Filipina Entomologist" , an inspiration to all Filipino entomologists. She has shown extraordinary intellect. brilliant scholarship. and dedicat ion as a university professor. researcher, scientific journal editor. and administrator. National Scientist Clare R. Baltazar receives the cash award and the citation from President Arroyo. President Arroyo posses with DOST Secretary Estrella F. Alabastro, the newly conferred National Scientist, Acd. Clare R. Baltazar and NAST President. Acd. Perla D. Santos Ocampo. 2 Academician Benito S. Vergar~ is a rice scientist. He has worked extensively on how flowering of rice plant responds to photoperiod. Dr. Vergara also worked diligently on the screening and identifying stress-tolerant rice varieties, which were later used in national
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