
Pro Native Consulting Indigenous Botanical Research and its Application Mailing Address: www.pronative.com Phone: (786) 488-3101 8025 SW 102 Ave., Miami, FL, 33173 email: [email protected] Nursery Address: Silent Native Nursery, 16265 SW 210th Terrace, Miami, FL Feb Mar Apr 2020 List of Container plants Landscape Use Common Name Botanical Name 1G 3G 7G 15G Florida Native Groundcover or Wildflower Vine Shrub Tree Cinnecord Acacia choriophylla $20.00 x x Red Maple Acer rubrum $150.00 x x Desert rose Adenium obesum $10.00 x Mexican Alvaradoa Alvaradoa amorphoides $20.00 x x x Coastal Ambrosia Ambrosia hispida $7.00 x x Torchwood Amyris elemifera $45.00 x x x Pond Apple Annona glabra $20.00 x x x Sea Lavender Argusia gnaphalodes $12.00 $30.00 x x Mexican Milkweed Asclepias currassavica $6.00 x Black Mangrove Avicennia germinans $20.00 x x Broombush False Willow Baccharis dioica $7.00 $20.00 $70.00 x x Saltwort Batis maritima $7.00 x x x Green Sea Oxeye Daisy Borrichia arborescens $7.00 x x Silver Sea Oxeye Daisy Borrichia frutescens $7.00 $40.00 x x x Pineland Strongback, Little Strongback Bourreria cassinifolia $7.00 $150.00 x x Bahama Strongback Bourreria succulenta $20.00 $70.00 x x Lady of the Night Brunfelsia americana $20.00 x Jamaican Raintree Brya ebenus $8.00 $70.00 x x Spiny Black Olive Bucida (Terminalia) molinetii $12.00 $22.00 x x Gumbo Limbo Bursera simaruba $18.00 x x Locustberry Byrsonima lucida $8.00 $20.00 $150.00 x x American Beautyberry Callicarpa americana $7.00 $16.00 x x Spicewood Mtpl. Calyptranthes pallens $7.00 $75.00 x x x Myrtle-of-the-River Calyptranthes zuzygium $20.00 x x x Cinnamon Bark Canella winterana $10.00 $100.00 x x Jamaica Caper Capparis cynophallophora $18.00 $135.00 x x x Pro Native Consulting Plant List: 2020 Feb Mar Apr Page 1 of 6 Pro Native Consulting Indigenous Botanical Research and its Application Mailing Address: www.pronative.com Phone: (786) 488-3101 8025 SW 102 Ave., Miami, FL, 33173 email: [email protected] Nursery Address: Silent Native Nursery, 16265 SW 210th Terrace, Miami, FL Feb Mar Apr 2020 List of Container plants Landscape Use Common Name Botanical Name 1G 3G 7G 15G Florida Native Groundcover or Wildflower Vine Shrub Tree Limber Caper Capparis flexuosa $20.00 x x x Goatweed Capraria biflora $7.00 x x Annual Partridge Pea Chamaecrista fasciculata $12.00 x x White Sunbonnets Chaptalia albicans $6.00 x x Chiococca parvifolia Pineland Snowberry (pinetorum) $8.00 $18.00 x x x Horizontal Cocoplum Chrysobalanus icaco $7.00 $20.00 $70.00 x x Satinleaf Chrysophyllum oliviforme $20.00 x x Florida Fiddlewood Citharexylum spinosum $20.00 x x Pitch-apple Clusia rosea $20.00 x x Pigeon Plum Coccoloba diversifolia $8.00 $20.00 x x Sea Grape Coccoloba uvifera $16.00 x x x Silver Palm Coccothrinax argentata $40.00 $100.00 x x x Old Man Palm Coccothrinax crinita $45.00 x x Erect Dayflower Commelina erecta $7.00 x x Green Buttonwood Conocarpus erectus $16.00 x x Orange Geigertree Cordia sebestena $20.00 x x Tickseed Coreopsis leavenworthii $6.00 x x Quailberry Crossopetalum ilicifolium $8.00 $70.00 x x Maidenberry Crossopetalum rhacoma $20.00 $70.00 x x Pineland Croton Croton linearis $8.00 $22.00 x x Coastal varnishleaf Dodonaea viscosa $7.00 $20.00 x x x Black Torch Erithalis fruticosa $7.00 $18.00 $70.00 x x Beach Creeper Ernodea littoralis $7.00 x x Beach Creeper "Keys Pink" Ernodea littoralis $7.00 $16.00 x x Coralbean Erythrina herbacea $16.00 x x x White Stopper Eugenia axillaris $20.00 x x Redberry Stopper Eugenia confusa $9.00 $25.00 $80.00 x x x Spanish Stopper Mtpl. Eugenia foetida $20.00 $70.00 x x x Red Stopper Eugenia rhombea $8.00 $25.00 $80.00 x x x Princewood Exostema caribaeum $8.00 $20.00 $70.00 x x x Pro Native Consulting Plant List: 2020 Feb Mar Apr Page 2 of 6 Pro Native Consulting Indigenous Botanical Research and its Application Mailing Address: www.pronative.com Phone: (786) 488-3101 8025 SW 102 Ave., Miami, FL, 33173 email: [email protected] Nursery Address: Silent Native Nursery, 16265 SW 210th Terrace, Miami, FL Feb Mar Apr 2020 List of Container plants Landscape Use Common Name Botanical Name 1G 3G 7G 15G Florida Native Groundcover or Wildflower Vine Shrub Tree Inkwood Exothea paniculata $7.00 x x Strangler fig Ficus aurea $18.00 x x Yellowtop Flaveria linearis $7.00 x x Florida privet, Wild Olive Forestiera segregata $16.00 x x Blanketflower Gaillardia pulchella $7.00 x x Seven-year-Apple Genipa clusiifolia $7.00 $70.00 $150.00 x x Lignum Vitae Guajacum officinale $45.00 $300.00 x Lignum Vitae (Florida) Guajacum sanctum $45.00 $100.00 $300.00 x x Blolly Guapira discolor $20.00 x x Rough Velvetseed Guettarda scabra $20.00 x x x Crabwood Gymnanthes lucida $25.00 x x x Bahama Firebush Hamelia cuprea $60.00 x x x Firebush Hamelia patens $7.00 $15.00 x x x Scorpiontail Heliotropium angiospermum $7.00 $12.00 x x Pineland Heliotrope Heliotropium polyphyllum $7.00 x x Bladdermallow Herissantia crispa $7.00 x x Maidenbush Heterosavia bahamensis $7.00 $20.00 $70.00 x x x Fairy Hibiscus Hibiscus poeppigii $7.00 $18.00 x x Krug's Holly Ilex krugiana $20.00 x x Railroadvine Ipomoea pes-caprae $7.00 x x Beach Elder Iva imbricata $7.00 x x Skyblue clustervine Jacquemontia pentanthos $8.00 x x Joewood Jacquinia keyensis $55.00 $125.00 $350.00 x x Black Ironwood Krugiodendron ferreum $30.00 $90.00 x x Lantana depressa var. Pineland Lantana depressa $8.00 x x Lantana depressa var. Florida Lantana floridana $8.00 x x Wild Sage Lantana involucrata $7.00 x x Pro Native Consulting Plant List: 2020 Feb Mar Apr Page 3 of 6 Pro Native Consulting Indigenous Botanical Research and its Application Mailing Address: www.pronative.com Phone: (786) 488-3101 8025 SW 102 Ave., Miami, FL, 33173 email: [email protected] Nursery Address: Silent Native Nursery, 16265 SW 210th Terrace, Miami, FL Feb Mar Apr 2020 List of Container plants Landscape Use Common Name Botanical Name 1G 3G 7G 15G Florida Native Groundcover or Wildflower Vine Shrub Tree Coral Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens $15.00 $70.00 x x Christmasberry Lycium carolinianum $8.00 x x Wild Tamarind Lysiloma latisiliquum $20.00 x x Manilkara jaimiqui ssp. Wild Dilly emarginata $30.00 x x Teabush Melochia tomentosa $18.00 $70.00 Pink Powderpuff, Sensitive Plant Mimosa strigillosa $7.00 $12.00 $35.00 x x Black Mulberry Morus nigra $18.00 x Long Stalked Stopper Mosiera longipes $22.00 $85.00 x x x Simpsons Stopper mtpl Myrcianthes fragrans $16.00 x x x Simpsons Stopper Standard Myrcianthes fragrans $16.00 x x x Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera $16.00 x x Florida Myrsine Myrsine cubana $16.00 $60.00 x x Moujean tea Nashia inaguensis $22.00 $70.00 x x Boston Fern Nephrolepis exaltata $7.00 $14.00 x x Lancewood Ocotea coriacea $22.00 x x Corkystem Passionvine Passiflora suberosa $8.00 $14.00 x x x Florida hummingbird cup; Florida swampbush Pavonia paludicola $20.00 x x x Peperomia obtusifolia Florida Peperomia (floridana) $7.00 $18.00 $80.00 x x Swamp Bay Persea palustris $20.00 x x Creeping Charlie, Turkey tangle fogfruit Phyla nodiflora $7.00 x x Southern fogfruit Phyla stoechadifolia $7.00 x x Bitterbush Picramnia pentandra $60.00 x x Allspice Pimenta dioica $8.00 $22.00 x Pro Native Consulting Plant List: 2020 Feb Mar Apr Page 4 of 6 Pro Native Consulting Indigenous Botanical Research and its Application Mailing Address: www.pronative.com Phone: (786) 488-3101 8025 SW 102 Ave., Miami, FL, 33173 email: [email protected] Nursery Address: Silent Native Nursery, 16265 SW 210th Terrace, Miami, FL Feb Mar Apr 2020 List of Container plants Landscape Use Common Name Botanical Name 1G 3G 7G 15G Florida Native Groundcover or Wildflower Vine Shrub Tree Bayrum (Lemon) Pimenta racemosa $20.00 x Bayrum Pimenta racemosa $8.00 $20.00 x Southern Slash Pine Pinus elliottii var. densa $10.00 $70.00 $100.00 x x Jamaican Dogwood Piscidia piscipula $20.00 x x Florida Keys Blackbead Pithecellobium keyense $20.00 x x x Silkgrass Pityopsis graminifolia $7.00 x x Bell Flower Portlandia grandiflora $25.00 $100.00 x x Buccaneer Palm Pseudophoenix sargentii $18.00 $45.00 x x x Bahama Coffee Psychotria ligustrifolia $7.00 $15.00 $60.00 $120.00 x x Shiny Wild Coffee Psychotria nervosa $15.00 $60.00 x x Live Oak Quercus virginiana $18.00 x x White Indigo Berry Randia aculeata $70.00 x x Darling Plum Reynosia septentrionalis $40.00 x x x Mistletoe Cactus Rhipsalis baccifera $15.00 x x Red Mangrove Rhizophora mangle $22.00 x x Cayman Island Sage Salvia caymanensis $8.00 x x Red Sage Salvia coccinea $7.00 x x Sambucus nigra var. Elderberry canadensis $18.00 $60.00 x x Inkberry Scaevola plumieri $9.00 x x Privet senna Senna ligustrina $65.00 x x Senna mexicana var. Bahama senna chapmanii $16.00 x x Saw Palmetto "Miami Silver" Serenoa repens $9.00 $25.00 $75.00 x x Shoreline Sea Purslane Sesuvium portulacastrum $7.00 x x False Mastic Sideroxylon foetidissimum $20.00 x x Willow Bustic Sideroxylon salicifolium $20.00 x x Paradisetree Simarouba glauca $20.00 x x Blue-eyed-grass Sisyrinchium angustifolium $7.00 x x Pro Native Consulting Plant List: 2020 Feb Mar Apr Page 5 of 6 Pro Native Consulting Indigenous Botanical Research and its Application Mailing Address: www.pronative.com Phone: (786) 488-3101 8025 SW 102 Ave., Miami, FL, 33173 email: [email protected] Nursery Address: Silent Native Nursery, 16265 SW 210th Terrace, Miami, FL Feb Mar Apr 2020 List of Container plants Landscape Use Common Name Botanical Name 1G 3G 7G 15G Florida Native Groundcover or Wildflower Vine Shrub Tree Bahama nightshade Solanum bahamense $18.00 x x Seaside Goldenrod Solidago sempervirens $7.00 x x Sophora tomentosa var.
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