Addendum to Analysis of Submissions report: Conditions Requested Addendum to Analysis of Submissions report: Section 7 Conditions Requested This report completes Section 7 of the Analysis of Submissions report for the East West Link Proposal. Notes: Each submitter is referenced by either their organisation name, or both their surname(s), and first initial(s). Each submitter has also been assigned an EPA submitter reference number for administrative purposes. Italics have been used to highlight where comments are an exact copy of the condition requested or relief sought as it was in the original submission. Where multiple submitters requested the same, they have been compiled together in a single row, with each relevant submitter identified. April 2017 List of conditions requested and relief sought as at 26 April 2017 - ordered alphabetically by Theme. Submission Number Name Condition Relief sought Theme Location 8 Sylvia Park Road Body 126453 A westbound lane must be provided for access to 8 Sylvia Park Road Submitter specific 8 Sylvia Park Road Corporate A new condition should require ongoing consultation with AT in respect of the effects of the proposal on Airport- 126354 Auckland Transport Consultation - specific Airport Mangere MRT and AMETI. Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Review to ensure that 180° turns accessing or leaving the Alfred St over-bridge are not too tight for cyclists to 126311 Paths - manoeuvrability Alfred Street Cycling Community negotiate whilst passing others travelling in the opposite direction. Ensure that the various walking and cycling overbridges (particularly Sector 2 at Alfred Street and Sector 3 over Alfred Street (Sector 2) 126253 Bike Auckland Great South Road) provide enough space and large enough path radii to allow safe u-turns at the bottom of the Paths - manoeuvrability Great South Road (Sector 3) ramps for users wanting to go in the other direction at the path-path intersection. Additional conditions should be imposed once detailed design plans are available to avoid/minimise impacts 126336 Auckland Council during vulnerable life stages of species (e.g. breeding season of birds, migration of (diadromous) fish species, Ecology - fauna All spawning season benthic species etc...). Re-align the EWL in the vicinity of Ann’s Creek or alternatively provide evidence to justify why the alignment cannot 126336 Auckland Council Alternatives Anns Creek be moved to the north of Anns Creek. The Council seeks that the project be amended to, as much as possible, minimise ecological impacts. In particular, the effects of the proposal on the significant ecological areas within Anns Creek, and the dredging for reclamation 126336 Auckland Council Ecology Anns Creek material which in the Council’s opinion would have significant physical and ecological impact, needs to be minimised. 126327; 126328; Oliver, B; Oliver, W; Avoid any distbrance to Anns Creek and its immediate surrounds Environment Anns Creek 126325 Read, E The project must avoid any disturbances to Ann's Creek and its immediate surrounds. Ecology Anns Creek The area to be elevated be extended from Ann's Creek to beyond Ward Demolition property. This will eliminate the 126334 Downer NZ Limited Alternatives Ann's Creek need to disturb the Pikes Point East landfill and associated leachate drains. That the proposed link road that bisects Green Vision Recycling's site to the current inland port be moved from its 126334 Downer NZ Limited Alternatives Ann's Creek current location to Ann's Creek Estuary with an elevated on/off ramp syste. Ann's Creek; Neilson Street; The Council requests further information on the alternatives to understand the impacts on the key 126336 Auckland Council Alternatives Galyway Link; Hugo Johnston areas: Anns Creek, Neilson Street, SH20 and the Galway Link, Hugo Johnston Drive, Great South Road intersection Drive; Great South Road Auckland Studio Potters Auckland Studio Potters 126258 Seeking a parking solution for members and students to continue serving community as they have Submitter specific Society Society Dedicated protected cycle lanes and cycle friendly features should be provided up Captain Springs Rd to and Fisher and Paykel Healthcare through the Neilson St intersection. Also, cycle lanes should be added east-west through the Neilson St 126311 Paths - separated cycle paths Captain Springs Road Cycling Community intersection and cycle storage boxes should be added forward of the traffic stop lines to assist cyclists traversing this intersection. Organ Piano & Keyboard 126114 Consider Alfred Street and an alternative to Captain Springs Road Alternatives Captain Springs Road Society of Auckland Inc. Organ Piano & Keyboard 126114 Allow and provide parking as per requested in the OPKSA submission Submitter specific Captain Springs Road Society of Auckland Inc. I request that the EPA rejects the proposal in its entirety, and encourage the EPA to suggest that the NZTA 126243 Steel, C considers an alternative design that upgrades the existing Church St/Nielsen St route, and combines this with Alternatives Church St/Neilsen St upgrades to the Onehunga branch line as an alternative. 126234 Wackrow, T & D Protection of the coastal environment Environment - coastal CMA Clarify whether the shared path bridge link between Deas Place and Mataroa Road is to become a road in the Deas Place and Mataroa Road 126253 Bike Auckland short or long term (noting the designs showing a much wider cross-section on the bridge deck), and how this Paths (Sector 5) affects cycling conditions and cycling facility design on this section, and on the nearby public roads. Buckels, E; Buckels, J; I call on the Board to instruct NZTA to include East Tamaki/Highbrook, as originally planned, in the East West 126729; 126518; 126563 Alternatives East Tamaki/Highbrook Buckels, K Connection plans Provision is made for traffic to travel between East West Link and the South Eastern Highway without having to EWL with South Eastern 126484 Tram Lease Limited Traffic - local roads use the local and arterial road network in the vicintity of Sylvia Park Road Highway Auckland Council - Māngere- The Local Board wants the Favona Walkway to be included in this development to leverage different sources of 126336 Alternatives Favona Walkway Ōtāhuhu Local Board funding including Growth Funding to complete the walkway around the Mangere Inlet. Ashurst, R; Cummuskey, P; 126158; 126317; 126208; Waterfront access should be maintained and provided Access Foreshore Luijken, P; The'value add' benefits of the reclamation of the CMA, stormwater treatment areas, and naturalised coastal edge 126277 Auckland Business Forum and recreational space should be suitably communicated to the public (in particular, the proposed reclamation will Consultation Foreshore help clean up and this should be noted) 126277 Auckland Business Forum Have no traffic lights at intersections on the foreshore route. Design Foreshore Bateman, R; Bateman, S; 126182; 126248; 126135; I seek to see the project modified to include a restoration reclamation along the Onehunga foreshore between Bosson, T; Brighouse, N; Coastal Processes - 126183; 126244; 126226; Taumanu Reserve and the Port of Onehunga, so as to provide amenity space for the growing population of Foreshore Gibson, N; Harries, T; King, reclamation 126265; 126133; Onehunga. M; Palmer, G; Bridging over and under the highway should be carried out in a manner that naturalises pedestrian and service 126317 Cummuskey, P Access Foreshore vehicle (i.e. ambulances) flow and does not create physical and psychological barriers to such access. 126231 Hood, S No road of any sort should be permitted along the Manukau foreshore Alternatives Foreshore 126249 Lacey, R Enhance the Manukau foreshore as a public amenity Environment - coastal Foreshore Italics have been used to indicate where the comment is an exact copy of the submitter comment. List of conditions requested and relief sought as at 26 April 2017 - ordered alphabetically by Theme. Submission Number Name Condition Relief sought Theme Location Mathews, S; Mathews, S; For the cycle and pedestrian tracks along Sector 2 foreshore, include embankments and plantings between the 126391; 126390; 126458; Onehunga Mall cul-de-sac Paths - landscape Foreshore proposed new wetlands and the road. Residents; Ngati Te Ata (Te Ara Rangatu Alter the design to restore the previously lost natural coastal environment along the foreshore between Taumanu 126320 o Te Iwi o Ngati Te Ata Environment - coastal Foreshore Reserve and the Port of Onehunga Waiohua Inc) The pedestrian and cycling link needs to continue to be an off leash dog area, limit wooden board walk areas aling this route as this restricts the dogs and makes it more difficult for cyclists to get past. Maintain the large grassy areas beside the path so that the dogs can run and remain out of the way of cyclists. Ensure that this area is safe, 126099 White, K Facilities Foreshore the bush currently acts as a natural barrier to the industrial area and main roads on the other side. Ensure that there are park benches along the path for people to rest and take the view. Consider the dogs that use the area and narrow board walks are not the answer. Our preference is to remove our existing dwelling and construct a new dwelling of the same size futher back on the 126169 Uelese M & U Submitter specific Frank Grey Place, Otahuhu site. 126169 Uelese M & U We would also like an on site turning area so that we can enter and exit the site in a forward direction Submitter specific Frank Grey Place, Otahuhu 126169 Uelese M & U If the Board of Inquiry is cannot meet the aboce they seek that the NZTA purchase their propoerty outright. Submitter specific Frank Grey Place, Otahuhu That the NZTA undertakes and provides to the Council micro-simulation modelling of the EWL and local road network at intersections around the Galway Link Road, Onehunga Wharf and Onehunga 126336 Auckland Council Further information Galway Link Mall area to demonstrate the capability of the proposed design to operate at an appropriate ‘Level of Service’.
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