![Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society XIX](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
This article was downloaded by: [New York University] On: 04 May 2015, At: 13:04 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ ttrs19 XIX. Contributions to a Comparative Dictionary of the Bantu Languages C. G. Büttner a a Augustinum Institution , Otyimbingue, Damaraland Published online: 28 Jun 2010. To cite this article: C. G. Büttner (1877) XIX. Contributions to a Comparative Dictionary of the Bantu Languages, Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, 1:3, 165-191, DOI: 10.1080/21560382.1877.9626452 To link to this article: http:// dx.doi.org/10.1080/21560382.1877.9626452 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions Downloaded by [New York University] at 13:04 04 May 2015 XIX. Contributions to a Comparative th.e Bantu Langaages. 1.-Collected by C. d! Director of the Augustinm Damara1and.-Corn [Bed, 27th Aupt, 1679.1 Languages Compci red : 1. Afuau. 29. Kabenda 2. Akurakura. 30. Kaffir. 3. Alege. 31. Kambali. 4. Babuma. 32. Kamuku. 33. Kanyika. 9: Bg32 34. Kmands. 7. Banron. 35. Ririman. 8. Basa. 36. Hisama. 9. Baseke. 37. Konguan. 10. Basunde. 38. Koro. 11. Byon. 39. Kum. 12. Bechuan. 40. Lor. Marquer. 13. Boritsu. 41. Lubalo. 14. Bumbete. 42. Makonde. 15. Bute. 43. Marawi. 16. comoro. $4. Matatan. 17. C. Delgado. 45. Mbamba. Downloaded by [New York University] at 13:04 04 May 2015 18. Diwala. 46. Mbarike. 19. Daharawa. 47. Mbe. 20. Dahuku. 48. Mbofon. 21. Eafen. 49. Melon. 22. Ekamtulufu. 50. Meto. 23. Eregba. 51. Mfut. 24. Gindo. 52. Mimbome. 25. Ham. 53. Mombas. 26. Herero. 54. Momenya. 27. Inhambane. 55. Mozambique. 28. Ieuwu. 56. Mudmu. TRANS. PHIL. SO& 1879-'80.--PAaT 111- 166 Rev. C. G. Biittner, Contributions to 57. Murundu. i6. Paxam. 58. Musentandu. 77. Pati. 69. Mutsaya. 78. Penin. 60. Ndob. 79. Pongwe. 61. Ngoala. 8U. Quellimane. 62. Ngola. 81. Runda. 63. Ngoten. 82. Sena. 64. N halemoe. 83. ShambaIa. 65. Nki. 84. Sofala. 66. Nkele. 85. Songo. 67. Nsho. 86. Swahili. 68. Ntexe. 87. Tette. 69. Nyamban. 88. Tiwi. 71). Nyamwezi. 89. Udom. 71. Nyombe. 90. Xosa. 72. Okam. 91. Yao. i3. Otyatnbo. 92. Yasgua" 74. Pangela. 93. Zaramo. 75. Papiah. 94. Zulu. N.B. Kailir means Zulu and Xosa. Kiriman=Quelliman, Ngamban=Inhambane. Dictionaries. S. W. Koelle. Polyglotta Africana. Dr. Wm. H. I. The Languages of Mozambique. Bleek. E. Steere, LL.D. A handbook of the Swahili Language. ¶¶ Y¶ ), Collections for a handbook of the Downloaded by [New York University] at 13:04 04 May 2015 Yao Language. Y¶ Y¶ ys Collections for a handbook of the Nyamwezi Language. YY Y¶ y9 Short specimens of the Vocabu- laries CJf three unpublished Af- ricanLanguages( Gindo, Zaramo and Angazidja). Y¶ >I ,) Collections for a handbook of the Shambala Language. >¶ >Y ,) Collections for a handbook of the Makonde Language. a Comp. Diet. of ihe Bhtu Langguage~. 167 Roman Catholic Dictionnaire francpis-pon OUQ, Par Missionaries. lea Missionnaires dela Congrega5 tion du Saint-Esprit et du Saint- Ccleur de Marie. w.Davis. A dictiousry of the Kafh Lan- guage. Perrin. English-ZuIu Dictionar J. Ayliff. A vocabulary of the &fir Lan- gqw. J. Brown. Dictionary of the Bechwans Lan- guage. My own Collections for the Herero and Otyambo languages. In most cases the spelling of the different writers ia retained. S ([as] in Koelle's and Bleek's books) is written rh. Ds dsh. x is the deep guttural, met in Kaffir and some other languages. N in Becwana is like ng in the other languages. C in Becwana ,, ,, ch ,, ,, ,, 9, U in Pongwe, u (very often) in Herero is like the English w. Gn in Pongwe like ny in other languages. ou,, 9, like the English 00 in tool.* * [In justice to the Rev. I!&. Biittner, it should be stated, that where (in consequence of want of uniformity in his manuscript, and one rather unusual mode of marking wed by him) his intentions regarding the kind of type to be employed, &c., were not erfectly clear, the Downloaded by [New York University] at 13:04 04 May 2015 distance from Cape Town at which he lives ma& it impossible to consult him upon any doubtful points while the printing waa going on. Also, several marked letters, used by Mr. Biittner, to indicate certain sounds, were not to be foand here ; which necensiteted the substitution of other signs for them, aa follows : For the c with a dot underneath it, used by Mr. Biittner, x has been employed. For the " Spanish N" (Le., an m with the mark' over it) a dotted k has been used. For S with a dot underneath it, used in two instance8 by Yr. Biittner in lines two and three of his explanatory remark#, & plain B had to be subetituted.] 163 Rev. C. G. Buttner, Contributions to In Kaffir c, 9, v, x, mean the different clicks.* 1. LUNG. 1. GOD inheaven). In Swahili Am oat alwa s Mwenyieri Muungir Almighty God. fn Herero very often Tale Karunya God our father. Mulungu Yw, Shamb., C. Delg., Gindo.? Mulu- ulu Inhambane(=Mulungu ongulu ?). Hurunytt?fofala, Tette. Murunyo Sena. Koirunga Herero, Otyambo. Muluyu Quelliman, Mozambique, Meto, Ma- tatan. Muungu Suahili. Aondo Tiwi. 2. Heaven. Kalunga Ngola ? cf. Orunyban Okam. Ulanga Zspamo. Luwinyo Shambala, Makonde. Usslingru Swahili. LimkRe Isuwu. Ilunde Nyamwezi. Liunde Yao. cf. Wa-muluku heaven. Kiriman. Wa-molugu heaven. Matatan. 3. Sun. Ilanya K&r. 4. Cloud. Mawinyo C. Delgado. Mahundi Gindo. Downloaded by [New York University] at 13:04 04 May 2015 Euindi Poagwe. In making this statement regarding the use of o in Kstir, the Rev. 6,r. Biittner is in error, as the following extract from p. 233 of the Kalir-Engbh Dictionary by the Rev. W. J. Davis (London, 1872) aill show : ‘‘ V ie a soft labid, and ia sounded in XaEr like w in the English words, yice, vine, Bc.” The fact that v has been used @s,fur htauoe, by the Rev. H. TinW in hisNama-Hottentot Ckammar and Vocabulary, Capc Town, 1857) to indicate the palatal olick (#) !u& with in Hottentot (found also in the Boshmpl~language) may have led to thismistake. This is another proof, were such nceded, of the praatital inconvenience of empbying Latin characters to indicate the clicks.] t Here and otherwise words of different languages are taken together, if the form of the word is the erne, although the prc- fixes may ditfer. a Comp. Dict. of the B12ntu Languuges. 169 2. NDYAUB. 1. GOD. Ondyambi Herero. Ndshambi Musentandu, Babuma, Bumbete. Ndshambe Mba- mba. Ndshami N'texe. Nshambe Nkele, unaaza. Mpambe Marawi. Ndzambi Mimbome, N ombe, Basunde, Lubalo. Ntsambi Ngorp a. Ntambi Kabenda. Nsambi Krtanndsh, Kisama, Ndzama Mutsaya. Anyambe Baseke, Orungu, Diwala, ISUWU, Pongwe. Nyama Nhalemos, Melon, Ngoten. Ndarn Eden, Konguan. ? Eshowo Udom, Mbofon. ESOWOEkamtulufu. 2. Ancestral spirit. Inyambe Pongwe. 3. Heaven. NJzambi Nyombe. Nsambe Orungu. Nyama Isuwu, Melon. No. 1 and 2 together. Karungandyambi, Ndyambiharunga Herero. Ntsambi apungo Ngolrt. Nyamba liwinRe Iauwu. Nganansampi Songo. Ganansambi Kisama. ? Uliengitsa Eregba. ? Non iu Ba ba. ? P dihoab %da. Nie huob Momenya. Niehob Bayon, Kum. Downloaded by [New York University] at 13:04 04 May 2015 ? ? ? ? Tsuiitgimb *Nomaqua. Utixo Ka&. 3. YUL. HEAVEN. Yulu Babuma, Bumbete, Mbamba, Bssunde. Yilo Kabenda. cf. Iuu Swahili above. Eyuru Herero. kuk Kaffir. Bsrb Kambali. cf. Dazllo C. Delg. above. * [T? word is usually written with the Irrteral, esd not the palatal chok.] t70 Rev. C. G. Biittner, Contrihutions to Xuzuru Tette. cf. UZUTUQuell., Mozamb. above. Euulu Otyambo. KuIo Kisama. Kolu Nyombe, Undaza. Gola Ntexe. Gore Sofala. cf. Igulya Nyamwezi above. Legodimo Bechusna. ? Xowa Nkele. Rowa Murunde, Pongwe. 2. God. Asulo Kambali. ? Kogol Dsharawa. 4. ? EABTE. Ehi Herero. cf. Pehi Herero beneath. Esi Otyambo. cf. Pasi Yao, Makonde, Sofala, Gindo, Inh. beneath. Inchi Swahili. Nzi Nyamwezi. Nichi Shambala. Ntp Pongwe. Zehatse Bechuana. cf. Pandzi Sena, earth. Pansi C. Delg., earth. Panze Tette, Sena, Marawi, beneath. Pantsi Kaffir, beneath. Vdti Quell., Mozamb. h neath. 5. Yuv. 1. SUN. Eyuva Herero. Iua Swahil. Lima Nyamwezb Liua Yao. Zuua Tette, Sofala, Quell. Zua Shamb., Moz. Dzuwa Sena. Dzua Marawi. Dsua Anjuan. Downloaded by [New York University] at 13:04 04 May 2015 Indshus Afudu. Intsoa Eiriman, Meto, Matatan. Diowa, Loba, Baaete. Lowa ISUWU.Lebue Alege. Adshui Mbe. Shui Nsho. Ndshudshi Eden. Letsatsi Becwan. 2. Day. Eyuua Herero. Liua Yao.
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