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Americas 14 Ingredients 16 features Juices & Juice Drinks 18 Waters & Water Plus Drinks 20 Brau Beviale 32 One of the World’s biggest annUal trade Carbonates 22 eVents Will open its doors to the interna - tional beVerage commUnitY in NoVember , Sports & Energy 24 and Soft Drinks International Will be there Functionals 26 to report on anY neW deVelopments. MeanWhile, a short preVieW is proVided. RTD Teas & Coffees 28 Dairy & Alternatives 30 Digestive Health Benefits 36 SolUble Wheat bran eXtract is a food grade, Processing 48 fibre-rich, Water-solUble preparation that Packaging 50 is prodUced bY enZYmatic eXtraction from Wheat bran and contains high amoUnts of Gulfood Manufacturing 42 Anticipation bUilds as the inaUgUral Environment 52 arabinoXYlan-oligosaccharides (AXOS). GUlfood ManUfactUring eVent laUnches in DoUWina Bosscher discUsses the health DUbai. BUilt Upon the tremendoUs sUccess People 58 benefits of miXing this into dairY and non- of GUlfood, this is the neW home for ingre - dairY beVerages. Events 57 dients, processing, packaging and food logistics proViders Who serVice the rapidlY Gentle Evaporation 40 groWing food and beVerage prodUction Glenn Pickett introdUces Ederna’s neW indUstries established in the Middle East, eVapeos process, Which offers the chance Africa, Far East and sUb-continent. regulars to introdUce innoVatiVe drinks With natU - ral benefits. Low Output Solution 46 Comment 2 In response to market demand, Sidel has BSDA 55 introdUced its loW oUtpUt aseptic CombiPRedis/Capdi FMa. BeVerage manU - From The Past 56 factUrers can noW benefit from aseptic technologY for smaller prodUction rUns Buyers’ Guide 58 With this integrated aseptic bloW-fill-cap Classified 60 solUtion. Front Cover: ©Roibu (from bigstockphoto.com) www.softdrinksinternational.com The Soft Drinks International International Soft Drinks Conference London 2015 To learn more about participation and sponsorship opportunities, please contact: [email protected] Register your interest now! www.softdrinksinternational.com/conference 2 CoMMEnT Soft Drinks Internationa l – October 2014 Published by ASAP Publishing Limited Editor Philip Tappenden Stuck in the middle News Editor Maureen Byrne EVerY noW and then, a craZe comes along that has eVerYbodY leaping onto the bandWaggon. Correspondents: The introdUction and approVal of steVia has caUsed a tsUnami of prodUct deVelopment and EuRoPE re-formUlation that has sWept across the World, With the biggest plaYers noW Using its Gerard o’Dwyer natUral attribUtes to formUlate so-called mid-calorie beVerages. Lubomír Sedlák Jonas Feliciano – Senior BeVerages AnalYst at EUromonitor has something to saY aboUt ASIA & PACIFIC these neW deVelopments in the light of the mUch-pUblicised decline of both regUlar and Kelvin King redUced sUgar carbonates, particUlarlY colas. T. C. Malhotra The Coca-Cola Co and PepsiCo haVe both laUnched steVia-based cola carbonates (Coca AMERICAS Cola Life and Pepsi TrUe) in the USA, With mUch fanfare and marketing backing. Both Richard Davis companies haVe had miXed resUlts With similar laUnches in other markets, bUt theY hope US consUmers Will be draWn back to cola carbonates Via the Use of this loW-calorie natUral Market Analyst sWeetener. Richard Corbett “While these prodUcts address consUmer concerns aboUt the Usage of artificial sWeeteners, the issUe for mid-calorie carbonates remains the same: WhY shoUld consUmers choose this Scientific Adviser redUced calorie prodUct When it does not taste the same as the original and contains more Dr John Wilkinson calories than their Zero calorie coUnterparts?” asks Feliciano. “BY continUing to promote these mid-calorie carbonates as haVing the same taste as fUll caloric cola carbonates, both Annual Subscription Rates (inc. postage) companies risk damaging the ValUe of steVia-based drinks bY failing to liVe Up to this Eu Member State: £120, €150 promise. Instead of focUsing on like-for-like comparisons, Using steVia in neW non-cola Rest of World: £135, €170, $220 carbonates or other beVerages coUld help consUmers become more acclimated to its taste as Individual copies: £15, €20, $25 Well as discoVer neW flaVoUrs amidst the eVer broadening soft drinks indUstrY.” As eXplored in EUromonitor’s Can Stevia Save Low-Calorie Colas? steVia-sWeetened Coca- Subscription Enquiries Cola Life faced manY challenges as it prepared to laUnch in the UK earlier this Year. Chief Soft Drinks International amongst these concerns Was the fact that the steVia-sWeetened beVerage comes ‘close, bUt Po Box 4173, Wimborne BH21 1YX, uK not qUite’ in terms of mimicking the taste of regUlar cola carbonates and fails to deliVer a Tel: +44 (0)1202 842222 significant redUction in calories When compared to most loW-calorie cola carbonates. ‘The Fax: +44 (0)1202 848494 fact that steVia is eXtracted from a natUral ingredient is an improVement for consUmers E-mail: [email protected] concerned aboUt artificial sWeeteners, bUt this fact alone is not likelY to be enoUgh to haVe a significant impact on the carbonates categorY. Instead, carbonates manUfactUrers shoUld Editorial - News innoVate, rather than replicate, and promote their other soft drinks prodUcts amidst rising Maureen Byrne consUmer demand for VarietY,’ saYs the report Tel: +44 (0)1255 424611 Prior to the 2013 laUnch of Coca-Cola Life in Argentina and the 2012 laUnch of Pepsi NeXt E-mail: [email protected] in AUstralia, steVia Was primarilY Used in frUit-flaVoUred prodUcts. The sentiment Was that the citrUs flaVoUrs of the jUice WoUld mask the bitter aftertaste of steVia. PepsiCo laUnched Editorial - Features Tropicana Trop 50– a redUced calorie orange jUice – in the USA and Coca-Cola reformUlated Philip Tappenden lemon-lime carbonate Sprite With steVia to similarlY loWer calories in the UK and France. Po Box 4173, Wimborne BH21 1YX, uK Coca-Cola attempted a similar manoeUVre With VitaminWater in the USA, bUt consUmer Tel: +44 (0)1202 842222 backlash against the taste of the neW formUlation saW the companY qUicklY reVerse coUrse. Fax: +44 (0)1202 848494 “The fact of the matter is that steVia-sWeetened prodUcts simplY taste different from soft E-mail: [email protected] drinks sWeetened With sUgar or high frUctose corn sYrUp,” saYs Feliciano. “Cola carbonates in particUlar do little to mask these tastes. Despite PepsiCo’s most recent annoUncement of Advertisement Sales Pepsi Life, the companY’s CEO Indra NooYi told analYsts at the Sanford Bernstein Strategic Soft Drinks International Decisions Conference that ‘steVia UnfortUnatelY does not Work Well With colas’. Po Box 4173, Wimborne BH21 1YX, uK “BY continUallY Using steVia as a sUgar replacement in established brands, steVia has little Tel: +44 (0)1202 842222 chance of sUcceeding,” conclUdes Feliciana. “Despite its all-natUral properties, it is not the Fax: +44 (0)1202 848494 panacea that Will instantlY cUre all the ills of sUgarY soft drinks becaUse it simplY cannot E-mail: [email protected] replicate the taste of fUll-flaVoUred beVerages. That said, there is plentY of ValUe in an all- natUral loW-calorie sWeetener, particUlarlY as consUmer demand for natUral prodUcts Middle East Representative increases. FUrthermore, the recent sUccess of prodUcts like Kraft’s MiO, PepsiCo’s Mtn DeW Valentina Lotfy Kickstart and eVen Coca-Cola’s FreestYle machines indicate that consUmers care more aboUt Tel: +971 503059019 flaVoUr or fUnction than mere prodUct formUlation.” E-mail: [email protected] Maureen Byrne US Representative [email protected] Richard Davis Tel: +1 479 963 6399 E-mail: [email protected] Soft Drinks International (1997), formerly Soft Drinks Management International (1988), was originally founded as the Soft Drinks Trade Journal in 1947, incorporating The British & Colonial Mineral Water Trade Journal (1888) with the Soft Drinks & Allied Trade Review, formerly the Mineral Water & Allied Trade Review (1873). The entire contents of Soft Drinks International are protected by copyright and no part may be reproduced without written © 2014 ASAP Publishing Limited permission of the publishers. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information contained in S oft Drinks International is ISSn - 1367 8302 accurate, the editor and publisher cannot accept responsibility for errors, and the views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the editor or publisher. The fact that product names are not identified as trademarks is not to be taken as an indication that such www.softdrinksinternational.com names are not registered trademarks. Soft Drinks Internationa l –
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