~ -> 1 ib- Book -- - !-.r -"' 1 . '" - Gopyr~ghth . COPYRIGHT DEPOSE Copyright, By UNDERWOOD& UNDERWOOD New York and London [Entered at Stationers' Hall 1 Stereographs copyrighted in the United States and foreign countries MAP SYSTEM Patented in the United Stales, August 21,1900 Patentccl in Crcat Britain, March 22, I~OO Patenlrd in Iiranre, March 26, 1900. S. G. D. G. Switz~.rlanil,X Patent Nr. 21,211 Patents applied Lor in- othcr countries All rights resewed PLACES TO BE VISITED PAGE *I Relief map of I'alcstine by the Pal. Exploration Society (vertical scale three and one-half tiincs greater than horizontal). 13 2 Ruins ,,f ancient Tyre, looking east across harhor to Galilee hills.. 16 3 Haifa and the plain of Akka, east from Mt. Carmel.. 17 4 "Roses of Sharon" on thc plain of Sharon-east across caravan road 18 *5 Gaza, lowland stronghold of the I'hilislincs, from the southrast. 18 6 The Shephclah and Philistine plain-west from Tell Sandahannnh (Maresha) ........................................... ly 7 Highlands of Upper Galilee, northeast past Saft,d. "a city that is set onanhill" ............................................. .. 20 8 Lower Galilee, northenst from Mt. Tabor, past Iiorns of Hattin to Upper Galilee.. 20 *g South from Mt. Tabor to the IIill of Morch and Mt. Gilboa.. 21 *LO North from Gilboa ovcr Jczrccl plain to Iiorns of Hattin and Sea of Galilec .................................................... 22 *XI Broad sunny plain of Esclraelon and Mt. Carmel west from Mt. Gil- boa ...................................................... 23 12 Northwtst from nethshan up thc vallcy of Jezreel lo Hill of Moreh 23 13 South from Mt. Gilboa to Mt. Ebal and hills of northern Samaria.. 25 14 Rocky gorge of Wady Para where a wcstern branch :lescends to the Jordan .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 15 The plain of Dothan west from Tell Dothan, where the town stood 26 16 The barley vale leading north toward Shcchem; Gerizim and Ebal ahead .................................................. 26 *17 Mt. Gerizim and the hills of southern Samaria, south from Mt. Ebal overSychar ............................................... 26 18 Northeast from Mt. Gerizim over Jacob's Well and Sychar to Mt. Ebal(1eft) 27 I9 l'rosperous hill coimtry of Ephraim, northwest over Ain Yebrud from near Bethel ................................................ 28 *2o Mizpah from the southwest, an old cnnter of I-Icbrew history. 28 21 Looking southeast from Mizpah to' J'husalem, four miles away; Olivet at distant left.. 29 22 Barley harvest near Bethlehem.. 29 *23 Hills and fields of Judea, north from Bethlehem, showing road to Jerusalem ................................................. 30 24 Prom the Mount of Olives south over Jordan wilderness to Frank hlountain ...................................... ......,... 30 25 Marvelous gorge in the Wilderness of Judea-Wady Kelt ("Brook Cherith "1.. , . 31 *26 Arabs and their tents in Wilderness of Tekoa; outlook north to Bethlehem .................... ........................... 32 27 In beautiful Lebanon-Mount Hermon and upper Jordan Valley fromthewest ............................................ 33 28 The snow-clad sr~mmitof Mount Hermon (yoso ft.), grandest height in Palestine ............................................... 33 3 PAGE Sources of the Jordan at Banias, southern base of Mt. Hermon. 34 Down the upper Jordan Valley, southxest frum Caesarea I'hilippi on Mt.Hermon .. 34 Plain of the upper Jordan, north from ncar Lake Hulrh to Mount 1Iermon 34 West over Sea of Galilee from above Kersa (Gcrasa) to Horns of IIattin .................................................... 35 Plain of Gennesaret and the Sea, north from ahovc Magdala to Upper Galilee.. 35 South end of Sea of Galilec, southwest from near old Hippos to site of'rarichea ................................................ 36 Plain of Jericho from the northwest, looking toward Dead Sca and Moab .............................................. 37 The lower bed of the Jordan; northwest from Moab cliffs to Judean highlands ................................................. 37 On the north shore of thc Dcad Sea, looking southwest toward Hebron ............................................... 38 From lonely Machacrus, where John was imprisoncd, west across DeailSeatoJudca ......................................... 38 The ivil(1erncss south of thc Dead Sea,-northwest from Ain ct Beida to Jebel Usdum ........................................... 39 In the heart of the Arabah; caravan going north between Pctra and UeadSca ................................................. 40 South from Engedi along Dead Sea shore to Jellel Usdum (Salt Mountain) .................................. ............. 40 Damascus and its gardens from a Moslcm cemetery at the north- west ...................................................... 42 Abana River, the life-giving "sweet u7atrrs" in a northern suburb of Damascus ............................................... 42 Jerash (Gcrasa) ;in eastern Gilead, looking northward over Roman ruins ..................................................... 43 45 Thc brook Jabbok (Zerka, the Blue Iliver) at one of the main fords 44 *46 The fields of Moab (where the Moabitish Stune was found), north at old l)iLon .................................. ........... 44 47 A Dc(1ouin camp in the mountains of the Abarim, highlands of Moab 45 48 The deep valley of the Amon,-outlook north along trail to northern Moab ...................................... .............. 45 49 Old stronghold of Kerak, southcrn hloa11.-view south over modern Turkishtown .............. ............................... 45 *so Narrow gateway to Petra iijd Isis temple seen through crevice in I cliffs ................ ................................... 46 51 Rock-hewn templc of Isis (the "Treasury "), probably of Hadrian's time; I'etra ............................................... 47 *52 Front view of great High Placc at Pctm, thc best prcserved one yet I founil ..................................................... 47 *53 Great altars for burnt offerings and libations on High Place at Petra 48 *55 Jerusalem from the south, showing Tyropoean and Kidron valleys with Oohelbetween ............... ........................ 50 *56 Jerusalem from Mt. Scopus, at the northeast, showing nearly the whole city .................................................51 '57 Jerusalem on the west-view south from new tower over walls and Bethlehem road ............................................ 52 PAGE 58 Damascus Gate in north mall of Jerusalem.. south past Church of IIoiy Sepulchre ............................................ 52 $59 Samaria from the north. with its olive groves and encircling hills .. 53 60 Ancient acropolis of the royal city of Sarnaria. west from ruined St. John's Church ............................................. 53 *61 The mound of Gezer. from the northwest. site of Canaanite and hfaccabean forts ........................................... 55 62 Baalbek and great plain between tile Lebanons.- north from town to mountains .............................................. 55 *63 The mound of Megiddo from the southcast ..................... 56 64 Ruincd houses and public buildings recently oxcavatcd at old Mcgiddo .................................................. 56 65 The brick store-chambers of Pithom. built by Hebrews; (looking ~iorth).................................................... 57 66 Mount Seir. the barren Arabah. and eastern borders of the South Country .................................................. 57 *67 Thc traditional hfount Sinai (southeast). towering above the I'lain of Assembly ................................................. 58 68 Bedouin gardens in the Sinai milderncss ........................ 59 *hg Making bread in a Bcdouin tent ............................... 59 70 Bedouin women churning milk..- typical interior of a big tent ..... 59 71 A powerful Bedouin Sheik (centre) and his liarciy warriors in old .Moab ............................................... 60 72 Mt. Neho. south from Wady Ayun Musa. showing ancicnt road that 1eadstoJordan ............................................ 61 *73 Ruins of Jericho. showing buildings (left) and city wall (right); west to Judean mountais~s.................................. SL 74 The outer wall of ancient Canaanite Jcricho with house ruins bc- yond ..................................................... 62 75 Olrl road from Jericho to Ai-a westward view up among hills of 13enjamin ................................................. 62 *76 Hcbron. the home of Abraham. Isaac. and Jacob. from the cast .... 63 *77 Rocky Bethel and its olivc groves. from the south ............... 63 78 The Jordan's great spring at Dan .............................. 6.4 *79 Iiiver Kishon and old battleground of IIcbrcws and Canaanites .... 65 80 Shiloh. scene of old religious asscmblics. from tlic southcast ...... 63 81 Southeast from the ruins at Shiloh to nricihhoring hills of Ucnjami11 65 82 From a housetop at Ramali. traditiorial home of Samucl. northcast towarrl Gilcad ............................................ 66 83 Gibeah of Saul. north from field bclow the little rnodcrn village .... 66 *84 The Pass of Upper Bcth-horon from the south.-scciic of IIebrcw victories .................................................. 67 '85 Scrnc of Jor~athan'svictory at hlichmash. head of ~~rccipilousWady cs Su\veiriit ................................................ 67 *86 David's city . Ucthlrhcm. southcast to Prank hIountni11 and heights of Moab beyosid Ilcad Sea ...............................
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