Part II: Parasite List by Parasite

Part II: Parasite List by Parasite

Surveillance Vol.25 Special Issue 1998 Parasites of Birds in New Zealand Part II: Parasite list by parasite Ectoparasite Host Ectoparasite _- Host Feather mites Antrlges sp ~ continued Allopt~ssp Gull, Red-billed Chaff i11 ch Gannet, Australasian Creeper, Brown Shearwater, Flesh-footed Morepork Booby, Masked (Blue-faced) Sparrow, House Booby, Brown Saddleback, South Island Plover, Shore Tu i Sparrow, Hedge Alloptes hisetatus Tern, Caspian Canary Alloptes phaetontis minor Tropicbird, Red-tailed Quail, Brown Petrel, White-naped Blackbird Thrush, Song Allopres phaeton tis simplex Tropicbird, Red-tailed Andgopsis paxserinus Myna, Common Starling Alloptes stercorurii Skua, Arctic Anheniialges sp Fantail, South Island Ana1ge.r sp Myna, Common Fantail, North Island Skylark Greenfinch Brephosceles sp Dotterel, New Zealand Rook Mollymawk, Buller’s Parakeet, Yellow-crowned Petrel, Black-bellied Storm Yellowhammer Petrel, Northern Giant 26 Surveillance Special Issue Surveillance Vol.25 Special Issue 1998 Parasites of Birds in New Zealand Host Ectoparasite I Weka Prion, Broad-hi1 led Kea Petrel. Cook's Kakapo Pe tre I, M age11 ta (Chatham Pigeon. Rock Island Taiko) Fowl. Domestic Shearwater. Flesh-footed Shearwater, Fluttering Weka Wcka I lot t c re I. Banded Pheasant, Ring-necked Pctrcl. White-naped Pipn. New Zealand Petrel . W hi te-naped Dotterel, New Zealand Pukeko Shearwater. Sooty Rail, Banded Ovstercatcher. South Island Greenfinch Sparrow. HOLIX Pkd Stilt. Australasian Pied Kokako. South Island Stilt. Blach Weka Plover, Shore Kakapo S iIvere ye Pigeon, New Zealand Petrel. White-napcd Pukeko Petrel. Cook's Rail. Banded Petrel. Black-winged Shag. Little Petrel. Pycroft's Shag. Little Black (Little Shag, Campbell Island Black Cormorant) Shag, Stewart Island. BronLe Shug, Stewart Idand, Bronze Shag Shag Gannet , Australasian Petrel, Westland Black Shag, Little Black (Little Shearwater. Sooty Black Cormorant) C haffi n c h MOI1 y inaw k . BLII ler '5 Mol I y niaw k, Sal v in ' s G annet, Austral as ian Mollyinawk. Grey-headed Bellbird Albatross, Royal TLIi Bellbird Wren, Stead's Bush Tu i Pigeon. New Zealand Pigeon. Roch Morepork Pigeon, New Zealand Weka. North Island Duck, Mallard Myna, Cornnion Swan, Black Greenfinch Rook Ycllowhammer Sparrow. Hedge Weka. North Idatid Canary Plovcr, Shore Starling Pukcko B I ;ic k bird Bellbird Skylark Stitchbird Pipit, Antipodes Island TLIi Fantail, North Islund Sparrow. House Wren, Stead'\ Bush Bittern. Australasian Swan, Black Snipe, Chatham Island Penguin, Blue Parakeet. Red-crowned Prion. Salvin's Falcon. New Zealand Warbler. Chatham Island Kea Fantail, North Idand Bell bird Kiwi, Grcat Spotted Kakapo Kiwi, Stewart Island Brown Parakeet. Red-crowned Kiwi, North Island Brown Falcon. New Zealand Kiwi, Grcat Spotted Wcka, North Island Kiwi, Little Spotted Magpie, Australian Kiwi, Brown Creeper, Brown Kiwi. South Island Brown Saddleback. South Island Kiwi, Stewart Island Brown Tu i Kiwi. North Island Brown Petrel, Black-winged Kiwi, Great Spotted Skylark Kiwi. Little Spotted Shag. Stewart Island. Bronze Kiwi. South Island Brown Shag Kiwi, Stewart Island Brown Shag. Pied (Pied Cormorant) Kiwi, Grcat Spotted Warbler. Grey Kiwi, Brown Greenf inc h Surveillance Special Issue 27 Surveillance Vol.25 Special Issue 1998 Parasites of Birds in New Zealand Ectoparasite Host Ectoparasite _- Host Rosella, Crimson Owl, Little Fernbird, Snares Island Kaka. South Island Greenfinch Kea Parakeet, Chathain Island Chaffinch Red-Crowned Fantail, South Island Chaffinch Fantail, North Island Fo w I, Do me st i c Prion. Fairy Myna. Common Sparrow, House Starling Shag, Black (Black Cormo- Swallow, Welcome rant) Sparrow, Hedge Pigeon, Rock Starling Godwit B1 ac k bi rd Thrush, Song Shag. Pitt Island Silvereye Oystercatcher, South Island Fowl, Domestic Pied Petrel, Greater Snow Stilt, Australasian Pied Stilt, Black Pigeon. Rock Albatross, Southern Royal Pigeon. New Zealand Weka. Western Booby, Masked (Blue-faced) Shag, Stewart Island, Bronze Shag Booby. Brown Fantail, North Island Shearwater, Hutton's Gannet, Australasian Parakeet, Red-crowned Pukeko Parakeet, Antipodes Island Prion, Fairy Takahe (Notornis) Petrel, Grey Warbler, Grey Petrel, Mottled Fantail, South Island Petrel, White-headed Fantail. North Island Shearwater, Sooty Silvereye Notiopsyllrr cnciari wguln Weka, Stewart Island Myna. Common Prion, Fairy Starling Petrel, Mottled Shearwater, Sooty Mollymawk, Buller's Mollymawk. White-capped Petrel, Common Diving (Shy) Mollymawk. Yellow-nosed Petrel, Black-bellied Storm Teal, Campbell Island Oystercatcher, South Island Mollymawk, Grey-headed Pied Mollyniawk, New Zealand Gull, Southern Black-backed Black-browed (Kclp Gull, Dominican Gull) Gull, Southern Black-backed Gull. Red-billed (Kelp Gull, Dominican Gull) Shag. Carnpbell Island Prion. Antarctic (Kerguelen) Shag. Stewart Island, Bronze Petrel, Subantarctic Diving Shag Petrel. White-headed Petrel, Northern Giant Shearwater. Sooty Petrel, Grey-backed Storm Petrel. Grey-backed Storm Prion, Salvin's Prion. Fairy Prion. Antarctic Prion. Broad-billed Parakeet, Antipodes Island Petrel, New Zealand White- Petrel, Subantarctic Diving faced Storm Petrel, Grey Shag, Little Shag. Pied (Pied Cormorant) Fernbird. Snares Island Petrel, Westland Black Shearwater, Sooty Petrel, White-naped Mollymawk, Buller's Petrel. Cook's Tomtit, Chatham Island Petrel, Grcy-faced Fernbird. Snares Island Petrel. Magenta (Chatham Snipe, Antipodes Island Island Taiko) Penguin, Royal Petrel. Black-winged Weka, Western Petrel, Pycroft's Tomtit, Snares Island Shearwater, Flc\h-footed Petrel, Mottled Shearwater. Fluttering Blackbird Shearwater. Sooty Silvereye Shearwatcr, Hutton's Skua. Lonp-tailed Snipe, Antipodes Island Skua, Arctic Parakeet, Reischek's Tern, Caspian Parakeet, Antipodes Island Tern. White-fronted Petrel, Southern Giant Booby, Masked (Blue-laced) Prion. Antarctic (Kerguelen) Booby, Brown Petrel. Subantarctic Diving 28 Surveillance Special Issue Surveillance Vol.25 Special Issue 1998 Parasites of Birds in New Zealand Host Ectoparasite ___--___ I f'tlrtr/~.\!.l/ll.c,stl~lltlio~~li~/il.\ Parakeet. Chatham Island I'tll~tl/',\Yllll,\ ~~(ll~~lilii.\- c~(llitiri1r~'c/ Red-Crowned Petrel. White-chinned Warbler. Chathain Idand Petrel. Grey Tonitit. Chatham Island Petrel. White-lie;idetl Robin. Black Penguin. Blue Sparrow. Hedge Prion. Fail-y B I ac k bird Petrel. White-laced Stolm Wcku. Western Petrel. SeaZealmd White- Weka. Stewart Island I'accd Storm Duch. MLI~~o\~ Pet re I. COiii mon 0 i v i ng Pc trel . Grey- taccd Duck. Mallard Shcxwatcr. Flesh-footed Shear-water. Fluttering Gull. Southertl Blilck-biiched (Kelp Gull. Dominican Gull) Shear\\ ater. Sooty Shearwater.Wedge-tailed Pipit. New Zealand Snipe. Chatham Island Parakeet. Antipoclcs I<l:uncl Parakeet. Kcrmadec Pigeon. Cape Sparrow. Hou~ Mollymawk. Buller'\ Blackbird Mollymawh. Grey-headed Yellowhammer Albatross. Royal Albatross. Northern Royal GoId fi nch Mollymawk. New Zealand Ye1 low ham me r B lack-browecl Chalfi nc h Penguin. Blue Warbler. Grey Ci LI 11, Southern B1 ack - bac ked To 111 tit . North I 5 I nnd (Kelp Gull. Dominican (itill) Sparrow. Hedge Gull. Rcrl-billed Thrti.~h.Song Petrel. Northern Giant Silvereye Prion. Broad-billed ShLlg. Rl~k(Blnck CorIIIo- rant 1 Alhatros\. Light-niantlcd Fowl, Domestic Sooty Petrel. Chatham Dove. Ring-neck Shag. Spotted Pigeon Shearwater. Hutton'\ lowI, I>onicst i c Budgerigar S nares Fern bi rti. Is I and Sparrow. Hoti w S 11i pe, S iiarc L, Is 1and Starlinz M () I I y 111 nw k . B U 1 I e I' ' s Petrel. Mottled Eiiltrclri/is sp Penguin. Blue Shearwakr. Sooty Giiiitlic~ritr/ =f~l,i.i.i(.~if,ll~//(/ptc); Kiwi. Great Spotted Snipe. C' 11 at h am Island Kiwi. North Island Brown Prion. Broad-billed Petrel. New Zealand White- klccd Slornl Bittern. Australasian Sparrow. House Sliexwater. Fle<li-footed B 1 ack bi rd Penguin. Blue Paraheet, Antipodes Ijland Prion. Fairy Albatross. Wandering Penguin. Rockhopper G 111I, Red-hi I led Fowl, Domestic Shag. Stewart Island. Browe Budgerigal. Shag Shaz. A tick land I slmd Pi-ion, Fairy Parakeet. Red-crowned Petrel. Subantarctic Diving Budgerigar Pet re I. W li i te-ch i n ned Fowl. Domestic Pe t re I. M o t t I e d Petrel. White-hearled Penguin. Blue Pri011. Fairy Fowl. Doine\tic Cuckoo. Shining Fowl. Domestic Warbler, Grey Swallow. Welcome Kiwi. StewTart Island Brown Stitchbird Weha. Western Sparrow, House G LI 11. Sou thcrn B 1iic k- bac ked Tonitit. Chatham Island (Kelp Gull. Dominican Gull) Saddleback. North Island Ke:1 Sparrow, Hedge Knknpo Surveillance Special Issue 29 Surveillance Vol.25 Special Issue 1998 Parasites of Birds in New Zealand Ectoparasite Host Ectoparasite -- Host 1.rode.s nut-ituliis group ~ cmtiniic,d Starling Shearwater, Sooty B I ack bird Shearwater, Hutton'\ Thrush, Song Ixodcs aiiritir1ii.s ,-c~rilatidicLi.s Weka, Stewart Island Silvereye Petrel, Grey Myna, Common Prion, Fairy Bittern. Australasian Prion. Broad-billed Redpoll Petrel, Common Diving Cuckoo, Shining Shearwater, Sooty Fowl, Domestic Ixodes eitdyptidis Petrel, W hite-headed Warbler, Grey Duck, Wild Sparrow, House Kiwi, North Island Brown Star1ing Tern, Whiskered B I ac kbi rd Penguin, Fiordland Crested Pigeon Penguin, Blue Gull, Southern Black-backed Finch, Fire (Kelp Gull, Dominican Gull) Canary Gull, Red-billed Finch, Gouldian Gannet, Australasian Gannet, Australasian Petrel, Common Diving Shag, Black (Black Cormo- Gull rant) Petrel, Cook's Shag, Spotted Shag, Spotted Magpie. Australian Penguin, Blue Ye1 I ow ham tner Prion, Antarctic Blackbird Prion, Antarctic

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