Index of Names

Index of Names

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87650-6 - Aristotelianism in the First Century Bce: Xenarchus of Seleucia Andrea Falcon Index More information Index of names Accattino, Paolo, 133 Cratippus of Pergamum, 12 Acerbi, Fabio, 66 Cremonini, Cesare, 76, 198 Adrastus of Aphrodisias, 18 Albert the Great, 187–188 Decleva Caizzi, Fernanda, 174 al-Bit.ruj¯ ´ (Alpetragius), 186 Dicaearchus of Messene, 130 Alcmeon, 130 Diels, Hermann, 15, 16, 44, 62, 129, 131, Alexander of Aphrodisias, 2, 4, 7, 12, 16, 21, 162 24–25, 28, 29, 38, 42, 43, 45, 65, 66, 69, 70, Dillon, John, 163 79, 80, 81, 91, 94–95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, Diodorus Cronus, 119 104, 105–106, 115, 116–118, 119, 132, 135–136, Diogenes of Babylon, 41 137, 138, 145, 146, 147, 148, 167, 172–173, Donini, Pierluigi, 5, 20–21, 133 184, 185, 191, 194, 200, 203 Amelius, 159, 161, 162 Epicurus, 129, 131, 169 Anaxagoras, 130 Eudemus of Rhodes, 167 Anaximander, 129 Eudorus of Alexandria, 23 Anaximenes, 129 Andronicus of Rhodes, 17–18, 23, 203 Festugiere,` Andre-Jean,´ 132, 162 Annas, Julia, 46–47 Funghi, Maria Serena, 174 Apollonius of Perga, 65 Archelaus, 129 Geminus, 65, 66, 69 Archytas of Tarentum, 117 George Gemistus Plethon, 182–183 Aristocles of Messene, 18 Gerard of Cremona, 187, 188 Ariston of Alexandria, 12, 23 Giles of Rome (Aegidius Romanus), 197 Arius of Alexandria, 11, 61–63, 150 Glucker, John, 62 Asclepiades of Bithynia, 130 Gottschalk, Hans, 6, 22, 46, 146–147, Athenaeus of Seleucia, 59, 60–61 203 Athenodorus, 23, 75 Grant, Edward, 193 Atticus, 31–32, 159, 161 Averroes, 184, 185, 188, 194, 197 Hankinson, Jim, 80 Heiberg, Johan Ludvig, 67 Baltzly, Dirk, 181 Heraclitus, 129 Boethus of Sidon (Peripatetic), 12, 23, 24, 42, 43, Herminus, 24 45, 147, 151–154, 156, 203 Boethus of Sidon (Stoic), 41 Iamblichus, 132, 159 Bowersock, Glen, 62 Boys-Stones, George, 8 Kupreeva, Inna, 42 Buridan, John, 193, 195–196, 197 Burkert, Walter, 174 Lasserre, Franc¸ois, 174 Lejeune, Albert, 78 Chrysippus, 117 Lennox, James, 171 Cleomedes, 116 Lucius, 24, 26, 75 220 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87650-6 - Aristotelianism in the First Century Bce: Xenarchus of Seleucia Andrea Falcon Index More information Index of names 221 Mansfeld, Jaap, 133 Sedley, David, 20, 170 Meineke, August, 43, 62 Sharples, Robert, 5, 170 Michael Scot, 185, 187, 188 Simplicius, 2–3, 6, 7, 85, 99, 102–103, 180, 184, Moraux, Paul, 4, 5, 17, 22, 70, 86, 103, 126, 136, 186, 188, 191, 193, 196, 198, 200 201, 204 Sophonias, 135 Sosicrates, 147, 155, 156 Neleus of Scepsis, 169 Strato of Lampsacus, 14–15, 21–22, 36, 37, 40, Nemesius of Emesa, 129, 132 169, 177 Nicolaus (of Damascus), 124 Nicostratus, 24, 26, 75 Thales, 130 Themistius, 24, 184, 186, 187 Oresme, Nicole, 193, 195–196, 197 Theodoret, 129 Theodorus of Asine, 159, 161, 162 Panaetius, 19, 41 Theon of Alexandria, 62 Philo of Larissa, 59 Theophanes of Mytilene, 62 Philo of Megara, 119 Theophrastus, 14, 121, 124–125, 136, 169, Philoponus, 3, 28, 31, 95–96, 113, 135, 137, 186, 172 200 Theopompus of Cnidus, 62 Plato, 129, 130 Thomas Aquinas, 183, 188, 193, 196, 197 Plotinus, 27, 28, 75, 78–79, 177, 178 Todd, Robert, 118 Plutarch, 160 Porphyry, 24, 26 Verginius Rufus, 147, 155, 156 Posidonius, 19, 115, 117, 160 Proclus, 18, 65, 75, 162 Wachsmuth, Curt, 44 Ptolemy, 75, 78, 177 William of Moeberke, 67, 81, 135, 183, 187, 191, Pythagoras, 130 196 Rashed, Marwan, 78, 180, 201 Xenocrates, 130, 155 Rescigno, Andrea, 70, 99, 103–104 Robert Grosseteste, 187 Zeno of Citium, 117 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87650-6 - Aristotelianism in the First Century Bce: Xenarchus of Seleucia Andrea Falcon Index More information Index of passages Alcinous Appian Didaskalikos (Didask.) Historia Romana (Syriaca) 137.1–10 161 9 (57) 60 156.34–36 161 Aristotle 163.27–29 161 Posterior Analytics (APost) Alexander of Aphrodisias 75 a 28 93 De anima Topics (Top.) 6.29–7.3 133 105 a 27–28 154 9.11–12 133 143 b 7 163 9.26 133 Physics (Phys.) 11.1–2 133 192 b 13–14 112 20.26–21.24 133 194 b 13 123 20.26–28 133 200 b 22–25 115 81.24–25 137 255 a 29–30 32, 79 84.24–26 138 De caelo (DC) 84.27–28 138 268 b 17–269 b 17 51–55 85.1–3 138 268 b 19–20 28, 64 85.3–4 138 268 b 20–24 94 De fato 269 a 2–9 90 164.20 2 269 a 3–4 28, 85 Mantissa 269 a 8–9 29, 87 103.3–4 133 269 a 12–18 30 110.4 147 269 a 13–14 30 150.19 46 269 a 18–23 98 150.19–152.16 139–145 269 a 18–30 97 152.15–16 43 269 a 18–32 98 162.34 149 269 a 23–32 98 163.10 149 269 a 32–b 9 108 169.33 147 269 b 23–24 112, 113 172.16 147 269 b 24–25 77 Quaestiones 269 b 25–26 77 ii 18.62.21–22 79 279 a 11–12 115 ii 18.62.22–23 79 292 a 18–22 36 ii 18.62.25 79 306 a 9–11 93 Ammianus Marcellinus 310 a 33–34 32, 79 xiv 8.2 60 310 a 33–35 77 Ammonius 310 a 33–b 1 32 In Analytica Priora (In APr) 311 a 17–18 30, 113 31.12–13 151 De generatione et corruptione In De Interpretatione (In De Int.) (GC) 5.28–29 152 336 a 14–18 35 222 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87650-6 - Aristotelianism in the First Century Bce: Xenarchus of Seleucia Andrea Falcon Index More information Index of passages 223 Meteorology (Meteor.) Cicero 339 a 15–19 77 Academica (Ac.) 339 a 18 113 i 19 149 341 b 13–14 81 i34 22 344 a 8–13 103 ii 131 151 383 b 25 112 De finibus bonorum et malorum (De fin.) De anima (DA) i30 150 412 a 5–6 132 iii 16 150 412 a 27–28 132 v13 22 412 b 5–6 132 v 24 146 412 b 20 132 Clement of Alexandria 429 a 24 137 Stromateis (Strom.) 429 a 27–29 135, 137 ii 128 150 429 a 31–b2 137 Cleomedes 429 b 30–31 137 Caelestia (Cael.) Metaphysics (Metaph.) i 1.39–54 41 1004 a 2 108 i 1.55–61 41 1028 b 8–13 68 i 1.62–63 117 1054 a 30 108 i 1.83–86 118 1055 a 4–5 108 i 1.112–129 117 1055 a 19–20 108 1055 a 27–28 108 Dio Cassius 1071 a 11–17 123 Historia Romana 62 Nicomachean Ethics (NE) li 16.2–4 61 1104 b 8–10 154 liii 3.4–8 61 1108 b 11–1109 a 19 110 liv 3.3 1155 b 17–27 143 Diogenes Laertius 1155 b 18–19 152 Vitae philosophorum 50 19 1155 b 19–21 152 iii 22 19 108 1155 b 21–23 153 v , 14 15 1155 b 23–25 153 v32 , 38 124 1155 b 25–26 153 v 58 22 1168 a 35–b 10 143 v 46 152 1174 b 31–33 156 vii 140 117 1175 a 5–6 156 vii 44 149 1175 a 17 156 vii 165 , 151 1175 a 20–21 156 ix 74 1176 b 26 145 Eunapius Eudemian Ethics (EE) 1220 b 21–1221 b 3 110 Vitae sophistarum v 1.2–3 Giangrande 159 Poetics (Poet.) v 1.4–5 Giangrande 159 1447 a 10 11 Euripides Averroes Commentaria magna in Aristotelem De caelo et Hecuba 1–2 58 mundo (In De caelo et mundo) Eusebius i, Comm. 5, 15: 94–95 186 Praeparatio evangelica (PE) 32 159 Buridan xv 7.1–6 , Quaestiones supra de caelo et mundo (In De Galen caelo et mundo) 5 194 De differentiis pulsorum i ii 4 148 i 5, 252.38–41 Patar 195 i 6, 257.76–78 Patar 195 Hero i 6, 259.127–129 Patar 196 Definitiones i11 197 7.20.1–11 70 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87650-6 - Aristotelianism in the First Century Bce: Xenarchus of Seleucia Andrea Falcon Index More information 224 Index of passages Julian the Emperor Plotinus Orationes Enneades (Enn.) 8 (5) 3, 107.7–108.1 Rochefort 119–120 ii 1.2.12–13 27 8 (5) 3, 108.7–8 Rochefort 123 ii 1.3.14–18 179 8 (5) 3, 109.1–6 Rochefort 120 ii 1.3.18–21 179 8 (5) 3, 116.6 Rochefort 123 ii 1.7.10–19 178 8 (5) 3, 117.17 Rochefort 123 ii 1.7.25–26 178 ii 1.7.33–43 178 Nemesius ii 1.8.17–19 81, 180 De natura hominis ii 2.1.14–19 178 2.67–69 Morani 129 2 1 19 23 178 2 69 132 ii . – . Morani ii 2.1.23–24 178 2 1 24 25 179 Oresme ii . – ii 2.1.27–29 179 Quaestiones supra De caelo et mundo (In De 2 1 37 39 178 caelo et mundo) ii .

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