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Index Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations. Partner Program. See partners “Apple iMovie Tutorial - How to Edit A and Partner Program Your Video” video, 270 ABC channel page, 187, 188 PBS, 305–307, 305–306 Apsolon, Mark, 276–277 Account Type field, 173 pre-rolls, 334–336, 336 “Are You a Movie Mash-up accounts Promoted Videos, 323, 324, Mixmaster with Muvee?” brand channels, 179–180 333–334 video, 279 creating, 172–174, 172 Showtime, 307–309, 308–309 “Argument Clinic” video, 397, 397 defined, 448 Squeegees channel, 313–315, Arlitt, Martin, 102 types, 174, 448 313–314 Armstrong, Gary, 71 ACE (Adaptive Campaign Engine), 312 Advertising Research Foundation Asian Tsunami, 7 Achmed the Dead Terrorist, 129 (ARF), 82 “Ask A Ninja Question 1 ‘Ninja Mart action axis, 448 AdWords Keyword Tool, 90–91, 94 Store’“ video, 19, 448 Active Sharing “Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures” aspect ratios defined, 448 video, 331–332, 331 homepage video ads, 319 459 purpose, 281 Akon, 231–232, 423 videos, 274 ■ Acton Minutemen, 211–213, 211, “Akon - ‘Don’t Matter’“ video, 232 Asterias web crawler, 2 INDEX 243, 244 “Akon ‘I’m So Paid/Right Now (Na astroturfing, 252 Ad Age, 358, 358 Na Na Na)’ on YouTube Live” at-home viewing, 36 Adamson, George, 150 video, 231, 231 at-work viewing, 36, 38 Adamson, Joy, 150 “Akon’s Con Job”, 232 Attack of the Show!, 132 Adaptive Campaign Engine (ACE), 312 Alarcon, Camille, 253 Audience Demographics feature, 352 adCenter Labs keyword forecast, 93 Albert and Bauer, 278 Audience Geographics feature, 352 “Add video annotations - YouTube Albright-Hanna, Kate, 384, 386, 388 audiences Help Center” video, 270, 271 All Time link, 56 attention span study, 268, 268 Adobe Audition, 265 Allen, George, 20 behavior data, 363–365, 364 Adobe Premiere Pro editing “Allen Iverson training” video, 118 TubeMogul data, 351–352, 352, software, 285 “Allen’s Listening Tour” video, 20, 76 355–356, 355 adoption rates, 23, 28–29, 29 Allison, Julia, 143 audio AdSense accounts, 236, 293, 295 “Amazing Ball girl” catch video, 42 homepage video ads, 319 Advanced Design Customization,, 321–322 natural, 264–266, 265 185, 186 American Gladiators channel, 297, 297 AudioSwap tool, 448 Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai “America’s Next Cooking Celebrity” Auletta, Ken, 158 Across the Eighth Dimension, 37 contest, 58–60, 59 automated viewing systems, 100 Advertiser Perceptions, Inc. study, 416 analytics avatar,aka channel icon, 448 advertisers, 79–81 Brightcove, 309 “Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend” video advertising, 289. See also marketing Google Analytics, 371–372, 371 most viewed, 52, 76 with video Analytics by Keyword tool, 353 as professional production, 158 alternatives, 304 Anburajan, Aswini, 378–380 views, 35–36, 100 case studies, 328 Anderson, Laurie, 8 AvrilBandAids, 100 click-to-buy, 321–322, 322,COPYRIGHTED “Angels & Demons” trailer, 323,MATERIAL Ayres, Nick, 242 332–333, 333 329, 329 as content, 42 animal videos defined, 456 “Battle at Kruger”, 43, B evaluating, 317–318 132–134, 133 Background Color setting, 185–186 HBO, 315–317, 315–316 partnerships, 80 background for channels, 174–175, homepage video ads, 318–320, annotations 185–186 329–331, 329 defined, 448 Background Image field, 174 Hyboria, 331–332, 331 video, 270–272, 271 Backstage 101 online learning center, in-stream ads, 324–326, 325–327 Antonick, Robin, 113 135–136, 136 InVideo Ads, 320–321, 321, AOL Video, 2, 18 Backstreet Boys, 418 331–332, 331 Apatow, Judd, 228 Bahner, Adam Nyerere, 138 Mondo Media, 309–312, 310–312 APIs “Balloon Bowl” video, 448 Monty Python channel, Brightcove, 309 Banks, Elizabeth, 101 332–333, 333 developer, 450 59690bindex.indd 459 7/1/09 3:22:15 PM banners “Bigger isn’t always better... but in brand exposure, 362–363, 362 channel page, 179–180, 183 this case, we believe it” video, brand identification, 156 video page, 184–185 261, 261 branding box, 182, 191–192, 191 “Barack Obama: My Plans for “Biggest Online Dance Battle in Branding Options page, 185, 200 2008” video, 378, 379 The History of Mankind!” Breaking Ten feature, 265 “Barack Obama on Health Care” video, 149 Brightcove video, 387 Bilimoria, Zal, 331 HBO website, 316 BarackObamadotcom channel Billiam the Snowman, 61, 62 optimizing for, 111–112 focus on, 387–388 “Birds and the Biz” video, 50 Showtime website, 307–309, 308 format rules, 386 Blame Society Films, 419 TubeMogul partnership, 356 “Iowa Caucus Victory “BLASSREITER Episode 1” Brightcove Alliance, 112 Speech”, 380 video, 273 Brightcove Basic edition, 309 launching, 62 Bleeker, Andrew, 389 Brightcove Enterprise edition, 309 “Obama Speech: ‘A More Perfect “Blending Marbles” strategy, 402 Brightcove Pro edition, 309 Union’“ 382, 382 Blendtec ad campaign, 398–405, Britain’s Got Talent, 244–245 subscribers, 379 399–405 British Expedition, 232, 233 views, 83, 377–378, 378, 383 “Blind Men and the Elephant” (Sax), British monarchy video, 43 Barely Digital, 143 16–17 Broad Match tool, 91 Barely Political, 142–143, 419 “Blind Painter” video, 449 Brookers, 4 Barrett, Rob, 59–60 blinkx Brotherhood 2.0 project, 189, 189 Bartel, Clarus, 100 founding, 2–3 Brown, Glenn, 332 Basic Box properties, 186 optimizing for, 107–109, 107 Brownback, Sam, 60 460 Battelle, John, 291 SES overview, 9–10, 431, 431 ■ “Battle at Kruger” video video distribution to, 204, 204 Bryant, Kobe, 362 awards, 132–134, 133 Blocked Users page, 449 Bubba J, 129 defined, 449 blocks, 449 Buckley, Michael INDEX views, 43, 132–134, 133 blogs, 232–236, 235–236, 456 advertising income, 291 as viral video, 126–127 “Bo Burnham ‘Welcome to YouTube’ awards, 102–103, 103 Battle of the Atlantic, 338 performed on YouTube Live earnings, 408–409 Bauman, Eric, 354–355 ‘08” video, 226–227, 227 views, 83 Baumann, Greg, 356 boburnham channel, 195, 196 at YouTube Live, 423 BBC Worldwide, 273 Boing Boing, 113 Budzinski, David, 133 “Beam me up, YouTube!” post, 324 Boland, John, 306 buffering, 449 Beardyman, 423 boom camera technique, 262 bulletins, 449 Bebo network, 241 Border Color setting, 186 bulletins box, 198 BeforeAndAfterTV channel, 270 Born Free, 150 Burch, David, 268 behavior analysis, 363–365, 364, 366, 363–364, 364 Burnham, Robert “Bo”, 226–228, Bell, Brian, 152 Boston Globe, 363–365 227, 423 benchmarking in Google “Boston Red Sox - ‘Greatest Day’ - Burt, Ronald S., 416 Analytics, 372 Yankees Choke” video, Bush, George W., 15 Berra, Yogi 215, 215 “Business Models for Realities: The on destinations, 77 Bourke, Anthony “Ace”, 150 Newspapers Industry’s Video on observation, 123, 147, 446 Boxing Day Tsunami, 7 SEO Opportunity” (Crowell), Best Commentary award, 19 Boyle, Susan, 244–246, 364–365 Best in Jest, 419–420, 419 244–245, 360 BuzzLogic, 366 Best Series award, 19 BradOFarrell channel, 368 site, 58–60, 59 brainstorming for keyword Beverly Hills 90210, 80 suggestions, 88–90, 89 C “Beverly Hills 90210 - Pilot Parts 1 brand channels, 178–179, 178 “Call for Help” program, 279 and 2” video, 326, 326 accounts, 179–180 “Call Me” ad, 143 “Beyonce - Single Ladies (Put A Ring channel information box, 189– calls to action, 319, 321 On It)” video, 320, 321 191, 189 camcorders, 206, 206 color, 185–187, 186 defined, 449 Biden, Joe customization options, 198–200 guidelines, 281–283, 282 Halloween pumpkin carving, designing, 180–183, 181 reviews, 277–278, 278 206, 207 featured videos, 182, 187–189, 188 camera techniques, 262–263, 263 videos, 60, 63 page boxes, 191–198, 191, campaign comparisons in Google “Big Switch by Nicholas Carr” 193–195 Analytics, 371 video, 119, 119–120 page content, 187 Cansei De Ser Sexy band, 100 “Big Switch: Rewiring the World, page layout, 183–184 captdeaf channel, 272 from Edison to Google” (Carr), Partner Program, 297–300, 298 captions, 272–273, 272, 449 119, 239 video page, 184–185, 184 CaptionTube, 281 59690bindex.indd 460 7/1/09 3:22:15 PM Caraeff, Rio, 291, 407 “‘Chocolate Rain’ Original Song by Burnham, Bo, 226–228, 227 Carl Zeiss optics, 283 Tay Zonday” video, 137–138, comments, 214–215, 215 Carlson, Nicholas, 152 137, 449 contests, 217–219, 218 Carnegie Mellon University, 80 “Chris Crocker - LEAVE BRITNEY “Disgusting Dominos People”, Carousel application, 299 ALONE” video, 140, 140 247–249, 248–249 Carr, Nicholas, 119–120, “Chris Crocker - This & that” eBay auctions videos, 238, 239 119–120, 239 video, 139 email marketing best practices, Carroll, Jill, 113–114, 114, 431 Christian Science Monitor, 364 239–240, 240 Carrozza, J. L., 132 Christian, The Lion at World’s groups, 219–220, 221 categories End, 150 guidelines, 213–214, 214, 444 Channels tab, 56 “christian the lion” video, Hulu, 249–252, 250–251 defined, 449 149–151, 150 MythBusters, 229–231, 230 Live Search Video, 110 “Christmas Broadcast 1957” Paul Revere’s ride, 210–213, in titles, 98 video, 43 211–212 videos, 417–421, 418–421 Christopher, Joe, 118, 120 Perry, Katy, 225–226, 225 Videos tab, 52 “Chronicles of Narnia Rap”, 12–13 responses, 216–217, 216–217 viewer statistics, 33–34, 34 Chrysler 300, Spin it Your Way Satriani, Joe, 228–229, 228 “Caucus Night: Barack in Ankeny” contest, 302 social media marketing tips, video, 385 Chu, Jon M., 423 240–242, 242 CBS channel, 192, 193 Churchill, Winston, 111, 338 social network page videos, CBS partnerships, 80, 324, 420 Chute!, 132 236–238, 237 celebrities, optimizing video for, Cicierega, Neil Stephen, 131–132 “Twouble with Twitters”, 118, 118, 346 246–247, 246–247 461 ■ “Chad Vader - Day Shift Manager Cleese, John, 391 viral marketing, 243, 244 #1” video, 47, 47 click-to-buy website videos, 232–236, INDEX Chaffin, Joshua, 14 introduction of, 81 235–236 Chan, Tracy, 339–341, 349 overview, 321–322, 322 YouTube Live highlights, Chandratillake, Suranga, 9–10 Click: What Millions of People 224–225, 224 Channel Colors setting, 185 Are Doing Online and Why It YouTube team, 220–223, Channel Design page, 175 Matters (Tancer), 412–414 222–223 Channel Info link, 177 clickstream analysis, 413 Community Guidelines, 79, 450 channel info module, 180 Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 377 Community Help Forums, 60 channel information box, 3 A.M.

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