Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 3-30-1993 Arbiter, March 30 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. I t rin.. I.Ii n, I Invisible fears,·visible enemies, p. 7A. Library renovation complete, p.t B Gymnasts prepare for regional meet Boise State Unl~erslty • Tuesday, March SO, 1995'.. Volume 2, Issue 26 • Free .. - page'lOA ' .... , II I! I Audit uncovers missing money and tnatettat: pril K. Neilly Cordingley ,and student employees who Assistant)'Jews Editor have been employed by the Bookst.oresince 1988,24 were It's official. The BSU identified as being relatives of.' Bookstore is in hot water. ' BStJfaculty or staff. .. .An audit ordered by BSU· -According, to the. report, . President Charles Ruchhas special positions were not ere- beenco~plete(tli'~\(plaS veri-, ated for these individuals, but . fied tnanv"chci~ mad,e .by'!'_ ..some~fetencew<lSgivenin ..-: , ,..l ""c~m T'~"""'At their····llirm·tllesEfa "licht§ov' ,",:\." ~b~il\y-~ftYlf~it"Marc'f""offie;peopfePfpp~frtg<J:i'r"'., 1~; .. the .Sta te. aoard' oE ....jobs: ~·w.ent:to the fiOl!t Education ,.received -the' oftheli~ and, in some cases .. results, . , ..: thejwere employed without A 16-page report of the ·a prior interview," therepol't ,s \. (9 audit by Arthur Andersen &: states.. Co. was obtained by The When auditors interviewed ,', Arbiter. The report reviews Bookstore supervisorS it was and investigates allegations concluded that,they did not ~ »- made by a former Bookstore feel obligated to keep poorly employee that management performing employees; how- v.iolated BS~ policy-andat ever, some supervisors did times vlOlatedstatefeclthat they had to be nice to policy-in the areas of per- those employees who were ' sonnel practices, givi~g away . related to ~U·.bigwigs;.The Bookstore merchandise, per- report potnts out that this sonal use of telephones, com- feeling may have resulted in. Once ayecr, otherwise normal adults puter systems development lower work standards for the and misclassification of near- relauves.: allow themselves to beheld ,hostage by ly $86,000 in Bookstore The report states that BSU refunds. 'hiring policies were repeated- a sfupid 'holiday.'1h~ horrorlThe. horrorl ly violated in the employment -.-. :....... ..: •... ',".i"",_ :,'":, .-:- .' .. " . Arthur Andersen and Co. of one individual, Mary states in its; report that of . approximately 500 temporary ~ Bookstore continued B onpage6A -section lily the refundable student health insur- rnitteehadconcerns about clarify- 27 petcemtolse ance fee has already been . ing the Issueof possibly bidding approved; ... ... " the $60 refundable Dental Plan fee. heads toward .. Ruch will decide Wednesday The $29 fee for a Chaffee Hall . I .·Ruch for review . which increases he will advocate to .addition and renovation of Morrison ..1 the State Board of Education at and Driscoll Halls, and a $33 ~l their April meeting. He said he was increase in thematricU1iltionfee for f , Rick Overton taking the weekend to answer ques- . general operating expenses were ;. 'i Editor-in-ehief tions he had about some of the both approved without comment. ), increases. The committee recommended' j Nhle hundred dollars in fees? "Obviously I take their recom- the remaining fees-$35 for a recre- .j " Hold on to your wallets, BSU mendations very seriously," Ruch ation facility, $2 for Studies Abroad f ' may be onUs way to a 21 percent 'said about the executive budget Program scholarships; and. $.50 to t fee increase. committee. establish a student volunteer cen- . The· Executive . Budg,et .The recommendations of ,the ter-not be approved by Ruch . ..,Committee, an ad hoc adVisory budget coinrnittee were outlined in . According to Sellan~~the admin- group to President. Charles Ruch, a March 22 memo' from committee istJ:ation may match ASBSU's con- endorsed feeTJicreases totaling 'chair Larry Selland to Ruch. ,tribution to keep. the volt1nteer cen- $122. An additional $37 increase iri .'According to the memo, the com- ter i~ea alive without a fee. ",,' . Tuesday,March30~ .1993 . Library ;sseeking . Z~~h~,;vg~:;~~r::d:~:~~~BSU studentga~ns . activities, professionalism and enthu- names for award 31 in the SUB's Hatch BRoom .: 'siasmfor the profession. , . After winning the regional title, engineering honor Currently, there are 380 engineer- ing students enrolled at BSU. The .BSU Library is seeking Coach Marty Most, assistant pro- David Payne of Boise recently nominations for its Faculty Library . fessor of communication, took half Students can complete more than two received' the Outstanding BSU' years of their engineering program at Award. This award Isgiven.ennu- of his twelve-.studentsq~ad to the Sophomore Engineering Award pre- ally to a member oftheBSU facul-annual Pi Kappa Delta National BSU,including core curriculum and sented by the southwest chapter of engineering science classes. Electrical ty who is exceptional in fostering Forensics Tournament in Tacoma, the Idaho Society of Professional development and utilization of the Washington. Engineers. engineering majors can complete their.bachelor.'s degrees through the Li~~i~ward winner will receive a Competing against 86 squads' A 1987Capital High Schoolgradu- University of Idaho in Boise; other $100 gift certificate to the BSU representing .four-year ~olleges ate, Payne is currently a printer sup- engiIwefing majors must transfer Bookstore, a free computer search and universities from across the port technician at Hewlet-Packard. elsewhere to complete their degrees. in their area of interest and a cer- country, BSU managed to earn . The' award, which was first pre- Payne is a mechanical engineering tificate of recognition. The winner sixth-place overall. The sixth-place sented in 1962,is based on academic major who plans to transfer to Utah also will be honored at an awards showing is the highest in the his':' excellence,job experience, volunteer State University. ceremony and the faculty mem- tory of the squad. ber's name will be added to a Individual performances were plaque in the Library. also strong. In debate, Chris Bragg The Library urges BSUstudents, and Dan Gus placed fifth in junior faculty and staff to nominate can-. division while Elisa Massoth and In case of an emergency, dial didates. ' -Clara Rigmaiden earned ninth in Theft Student Union Building Nomination forms are .available the novice category. 911. To prevent delay in the March 16. Theft (Bicycle Parts) response of the emergency ser- on the counter ,a~ the Library In speech, Gaylen Pack was 2253 'Yalt~ Lane; T4eft vices, it is crucial to 'remember entrance. Return completed nomi- judged as superior (top ten per- . Riverview Deli; Grand Theft· that when reporting an emergen- natio.ns to . the Library cent of competitors) in two sepa-: 1987 Campus Lane; Grand Administration Officer Room 116,8 rate categories. cy to the police, the fire depar- Theft Student Union Building; ment or ambulances, you should a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Pack was the only participant Grand Theft Towers Hall identify the building or site by March 18. Grand Theft Towers Deadline for submitting nomina- from the northwest to achieve two . using numbered addresses. tions is AprilS. superior ratings. Hall; Grand Theft Towers Hall March 22. Burglary Seneca Drive Coach Most hopes the team's March 1. Stalking BSUCampus March 23. Grand Theft 2nd Floor performancewiII help recruit . March 2. Rape Driscoll Hall Student Union Building' Reception to honor more standouts in' the future. March 6. Grand Theft· March 24. Curfew Violation ''We've had more scholarship and (Motor.cycle) University Dr. Broadway .and Warren; forensics squcd application inquiries this year and LincolnAve.. Obstructing/Delaying Police The university's most under- than ever before. I expect next March 12. Theft 2133 Campus Officer Broadway &.Warren; appreciated success story will be . year to be a good year," Most said. Lane; Driving Without Illegal Consumptionl honored this week by President The 1992-93 season over, Most Privileges University Dr. and Possession Broadway and Ruch, The BSU speech and debate has begun planning for next sea- Chrisway; Sinddents of Warren team, fresh offtheir fourth consec- son, which will begin with a tour- Possession of Tobacco by utive Northwest Forensics nament in September in either Minor outside Student Union . Compiled by Assistant News Conference Division II champi- Washington or Utah. March 15. Attempted Grand Editor K. :NeillyCording ley. STUDENTS: LOOKING' FOR A GOOD JOB IN A GREAT ENVIRONMENT? Job Mart 1993 ls your chance to apply for a wide Variety of challenging, unique jobs in the Student Union. The Union employs Graphic Artists, AudioNisual Technicians, Recreation Center and Outdoor Rental Center Attendants, Information Desk/Box Office Attendants, Campus 1.0. Attendants, Student Activities 9 Planners, and more! .Emplpyees enjoy flexible work schedules, internal advancement, longevity pay, and campus involvement. 3 April 6·& 7 (rue &. wed) Job descriptions and applications available at the Job Mart Table in the Student Union
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