University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 8-31-1995 Sandspur, Vol 102 No 02, August 31, 1995 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 102 No 02, August 31, 1995" (1995). The Rollins Sandspur. 48. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/48 rollins college •august 31,1995 •volume 102 • issue 1 andspur WEEKEND'S FORECAST High in the 90s, chance of afternoon thunderstorms Head to Wet n Wild Labor Day! Convocation Kicks Off New Year Waiting to enter Knowles Memorial Chapel on Monday for Convocation are members of the class of '99. Flag and banner bearers are Jeffrey Breunig, David Hardrich, April Hendrikson, Margriet Johansen, Zofia Nowicki. news opinion 6t. 3.1. classifieds ENDOWED CLASSICS THE WONG SIDE ROLLINS REVIEWS MEET MARKET CHAIR REMAINS OF THE ROAD BASKETBALL DIARIES EMPTY SOUNDTRACK PAGE 3 PAGE 5 PAGE 8 PAGE15 sandspur El^ITOR/S ISTOTES INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW SPUR by Teresa R. Greenlees EDITOR IN CHIEF It is only appropriate I felt the full weight of tie the various parts of the pa­ our "meet market." In this sec­ TERESR R. GREENIEES that sweeping changes, like the my responsibility as the editor per together, like the golden tion is so much opportunity for ones that have been effected in of Rollins' most widely-read thread that ran throughout the experimentation. Will Rollins NEWS EUITOR the Sandspur format, be accom­ publication. Suddenly, I was Ptolemaic Universe. Perhaps students buy into personal ads? UfiNESSR DfSlMFJNF. panied by some sort of expla­ accountable to the entire cam­ our oval is not quite as impor­ Will they even read them? nation. pus. OPINIONS EDITOH tant as the golden thread that I am excited with the SflRR FELDMAN We have not only It is my duty to uphold unites heaven and earth, but it prospect of 29 more issues. We changed the size and nature of the highest ethical standards does lend a sense of continuity have time to perfect, and learn FERTURES EDITOR our paper, but the size and na­ while producing a paper that is that had been lacking. and grow with the college and ture of our staff. We have factual, enjoyable, timely, and Kim Hanisak, our fea­ its response to our work. We adopted new stylistic features, well-written. And, unlike tures editor, and Sara Feldman, encourage you, the reader, to and decided upon a new for­ many other campus leadership our opinions editor, have been write and respond to our feeble mat, one that is, hopefully, positions, mine is a job that can­ very conscientious in their ef­ attempts at perfection. We ap- * more accessible and eye-catch­ not be done alone. Without a fort to include only relevant, lit­ preciate all of your input. It is ing. staff like the one I have envi­ erate pieces in the 'Spur. We all appropriate. I feel like a proud par­ sioned, I would be lucky to have a pretty solid staff of writ­ I feel the weight of my ent when I behold my newly publish once a month. ers on whom we can depend to obligations to my successors. formed staff hard at work. I pored over the Sand­ bring us fresh reviews, heated For over a century, the Sandspur It is two o'clock a.m., spur archives this summer, in debate, or balanced news re­ has been wholly student-pro­ but they are still smiling, they search of style ideas. With the ports. duced. And though the format work with amazing efficiency, help of my advisor, Drew Will- It is a personal mission has changed more times than an uncanny ability to cooper­ iams, I finally settled on a of mine to make clear distinc­ it is worth recounting, there has ate. It is easy to feel confident magazine-like style. You might tions between our sections. always been a strong sense of about the year, when I am with notice that the paper includes Feature articles do not belong duty in its content. The Sand­ them. more photographs and graph­ in the news section any more spur is here to bring you the It is funny how com­ ics. The copy is spaced loosely, than an opinion piece. It is our best that Rollins has to offer, to pany can relieve hysteria. This "with room to breathe," as my business to be precise and ac­ keep its readers informed, and summer, while I sat in my layout editor, Kelly Rhodes, curate, otherwise, we are lead them away from igno­ lonely office, making plans that would say. clearly not serving our purpose rance. were sure to change as we be­ Together, Kelly and I on this campus. Happy convocation, gan producing an actual prod­ decided upon the oval as a the­ One addition that I am and, please keep reading! uct. matic tool, an object that would particularly excited about is Take Kaplan and get a higher BE CONSfOI MUST INCH score NUMBER Of SUBMISSION BflT£LV. - HEBUV, t LETTERS BNC MITTEB MtlS" UNUSS THE TBTES OTHEBI HI6HT, BUT f SPELLING, PI i eafiMJ c^^hn (gff^fo AS UJELL AS B HiCHHij BE OFFENSIl m or i BEBDINC- BUD 0 CIK«J Announcing a back to school sale STBNCES Uill sure to make school more comfort­ THE AUTHOR'S l£0. Opiate able. Try the classic styling and Classes starting soon at Rollins F.S T8 SBNOSPOH fiT CAMPUS :742| popular value of our light-weight and other Orlando locations. BBOP THEM BV OUR OFFICE ONITJE 1 214 Park Avenue Goose down comforters and FLOOR OF THE MILLS BUILBING Winter Park; FL 32789 featherbeds, now at special back to 1-800-KAP-TEST BE BEBCHFO BV TELEPHONE 407-628-2021 school prices. These comforters (487)646-2696, BV MI are perfect for Florida nights. The MRU BT [email protected]. & feaherbeds come in all sizes and The Comfortable Way MISSIONS MUST 8£ BECEIUEO B* S'.i also make great pillows for KAPLAN ON THEMoNORy BEFOUL PUBLICAN To Start School studying when rolled up. The answer to the test question TM SBNOSPW IS T*UBU IUECKLY BURIN6 THC ftCRBEMlC TBOBSOflYS. THE twins EHPBESSEB IN THE Sm HRF. NOT NBECCESSRfKf.* THOSE CNB BY ITS EDITORS. august 31, 1995 news QUICK BITS compiled from BP releases CLASSICS CHAIR REMAINS EMPTY • Monica Seles picks up by Gregory R- Mullins where she left off, two and a half years after being In 1984, after a 30 year stitution of higher learning. language classes with other Club, expresses concern over stabbed on the court, she hiatus, the classics department Since that time the history of professors from Rollins taking the lack of interest in the Clas­ returned to the tennis was reinstated with the estab- the Classics Department has over general classics courses. sics which she says is the "cor­ scene, wining (so far) six ' lishment of the George D. and been a turbulent one. Concern over the state of nerstone of any respectable lib­ consecetive matches. Next Harriet W. Cornell, Chair in Only one professor, Dr. the Classics Program has be­ eral arts college." She adds that up, the U.S. Open which Classics. John Heath, has held the come greater over the past sev­ a "liberal arts college is not a began this week. 1 When Rollins was cre­ Cornell Chair. His resignation eral years. Part of the dilemma liberal arts college without clas­ • Three Tiny Towns are ated in 1885, knowledge of in spring of 1992 has left the over this concern is how should sical studies." Speed Traps. AAA desig­ Greek and Latin was a require­ chair vacant with no indication the Classics curriculum be de­ This lack of interest nated the Florida commu­ ment for admission into the that it will be filled in the near fined, how to balance the pro­ could be due, in part, to the lack nities of Lawter, Hampton, small liberal arts college. Today, future. gram while being financially of stability and permanence of and Waldo as "traffic R students begin to wonder what Three other professors responsible, and how this pro­ the Classics Program, a concern traps," The communities, has happened to the Classics have been hired to work in the gram can best serve the stu­ voiced by Nancy Decker. Re­ investigations showed, department here at Rollins Col- Classics Department. With the dents. cently, in a telephone conversa- were using traffic law en­ if» lege. resignation of Professor Pat The Classics Program is tion with the Provost, she forcement to generate rev­ The Cornell Chair was Marshall at the end of spring not only embattled with con­ stated that the Foreign Lan­ enue rather than ensure established in part by a 1992, after having been denied cern, but also with mystery. guage department needed a " safety. The three commu­ $450,000 challenge grant the chair, left the Classics pro­ A search of the college sense of direction" concerning nities are located on U.S. G awarded by the National En­ gram in the hands of visiting archives reveal very little about the Classics Program. Highway 301. dowment for the Humanities professor Jay Francis; he him­ the history of the Classics de­ If a nationwide search for • Whitewater—Arkansas with an addition $256,000 pro­ self has left after being denied partment aside from reports of a permanent professor is not Governor, Jim Guy Tucker, gram grant to help with the hir­ a tenure-track position.
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