HEWLETT - PACKARD COMPUTER SYSTEMS FROM H AUGUSTISEPTEMBER 1990 HEWLETT L,PACKARD CONTENTS OFFICE SYSTEMS e COVER STORY ON PAGE 4: HP NewWave 3.0 software The new HP Apollo 9000 Series 400 workstations offer excellent price- integrates information performance, leadership graphics, strong investment protection, and and automates tasks superior ease of use. Offering a choice of desktop and deskside models, the Series 400 workstations combine the innovations of Apollo with the I- quality and reliability of HP. Building on industry-standardMS-DOS@ and Microsoft@Windows 3.0,HPNewWave 3.0software integrates your PC applications and automates your work. HP NewWave 3.0 provides a single, consistent user environ- HP NewWave 3.0 software integrates ment with icons, so its easier to manage your lnformatlon and automates tasks files and programs. Link data from multiple applications Advanced Image Management System With its object management technology, enhances information handling you can link and combine text, numerical, and graphic data from multiple applications. Powerhrl new PC for offlce, PC CAD, Using HP NewWave 3.0, you can add a and multiuser or LAN systems spreadsheet to a document by dropping the spreadsheet icon into your Merged workstations suppod using a mouse. And the spreadsheet can DomainlOS and HP-UX updated without leaving the ing you time moving in and out of different HP Software Update Materials Sewices computer programs. on CD-ROM Task automation aids productivity X Window system graphics terminals With the HP ~ew~akeAgent, - offer 8046 increase in performance HP NewWave automatically records your work across applications, and performs tasks at any time and date, prompting you for Smaller package for new information along the way. Datacommunlcations and Terminal Controller HP NewWave 3.0 runs on any industry- compatible MS-DOS PC with an Intel 80286 Lomdaddition to the 900 or 80386 microprocessor, such as Series HP 3000 HP Vectra ES and RS PCs. A slngle tdfor all your reports For more information, check A on the HP Reply Card. MS-DOS md MicmsoR an U.S. regisled trsdemnrksof Microsoil Primary rate added to the HP 4952A Corporation. field sewice protocol analyzer Notables SPOTLIGHT: HP system essential to 8 success of Ferrarl 348 IIP New Waue XO inlegralea data Jmrn nrulliple 2 HEWLIT-PACKARD UPDATE HP Computer Museum www.hpmuseum.net For research and education purposes only. jCCHNlCAL COMPUTERS PERSONAL COMPUTERS Advanced Image Powerful new PC for hard disk drives with embedded-AT con- trollers offering fast access times, fastpro- Management System office, PC CAD, and gram loading, and quick data transfer- enhances information multiuser or LAN systems critical factors for databases and servers avideo subsystem that delivers 30 to 50% handling faster performance than previous HP VGA, to allow quicker screen updates for I I The HP Vectn 386125 PC, Heslett- video-intensive applications (PC-CAD Packard's most powerful desktop PC, and desktop publishing) features a 25-MHz 80386 microprocessor, a high-performance VGA subsystem, Take advantage of thousands of industry 32 Kbytes of memory cache, and hard disk standard applications drives with access times of 17 to 19 ms. It With the HP Vectra 386125 PC, you can is the PC of choice for high-end office use, take advantage of the thousands of applica- PC-CAD applications, and as an entry-level tions that have been developed to the IBM multiuser host or LAN server. PCIAT standard, including those that sup- port the LIM 4.0 expanded memory specifi- Provides excellent overall system cation. And there is support for MS-DOS performance 4.0,OS/2, UNIX system, Novell, and OS/2 Using new highly integrated technologies, LAN Manager. Integrated keyboard and the HP Vectra 386125 PC provides excellent mouse connectors have been standardized to overall system performance. Features mini-DIN for increased compatibility. include: an integrated memory cache system that System flexibility and expandability optimizes memory access Base system memory can be expanded HP AIMS supports a range of high-perjormnnre svs- tems from the IIP 9900familv. shadow RAM that accelerates YO-inten- from 2 to 32 Mby tes in 2- or 8-Mby te incre- sive applications ments. Five V0accessory cards can be added an optional 25-MHz numeric coprecessor using the Industry Standard Architecture The HP Advanced Image Management to speed-up number crunching in PC- (ISA) PCIAT- compatible slots (one 8-bit, System enhances your information handling CAD programs and complex spreadsheets four 16-bit). The HPVectra 386125 PC has by allowing electronic capture, manipula- one serial and one parallel port, and supports tion, and retrieval of hard-copy documents. two flexible disk drives and two hard disk Information is stored online to provide easy drives (42-, 84-, 168-, or 336-Mbyte and fast access. capacities). A power-on password and op- tional keylock improve security by limiting HP AIMS is acombination of hardware, access to sensitive information. software, and networking components. An With the new one-box shipping container HP Vectra 386 PC or HP 9000 UNIX operat- that holds the SPU, keyboard, power cord, ing system-based dataserver is connected via and setup kit, setting up the HP Vectra an industry-standard LAN to client 386125 PC is easier and quicker than ever. HP Vectra PCs running applications under MS Windows and MS-DOS. For more information about the HP Vectra HP AIMS features a set of application 38612.5 PC, check Con the HP Reply Card. development tools that enable software houses and systems integrators to provide totally customized solutions. The tools include a windows-based user interface designer that is fully integrated with the system's standard 4GL and relational database. +For more information, check 6 on the HP I Reply Card. UNIX 1s a reglstcmdtrademark of ATBT in rhe U.S A. and in oher The HP Vectra 366/25 PC includes a 25-,MHz 80386 countncs microprocessor, high-speed and high-capacity disk I I driileu, and a high-performance oideo subuyutem. - - - - - - - - - - - AUGUSTISEPTEMBER 1990 HEWLETT-PACKARD UPDATE 3 WORKSTATIONS Merged workst~nssupborl OornainlOS and HPUH I Leadership graphics boost your productivity A complete new line of graphics for the Series 400-the VRX graphics family-pro- vides a new level of ~erformance.The VRX graphics products are all tuned for speed, from very fast X Window performance at the low end, to one million 3D-vectors-per- second performance at the high end. The high-resolution displays deliver improved realism for mechanical engineers, scientists, and industrial designers. With fast, accurate visualization of new designs and products, your productivity is increased. Superior ease of use with HP VUE 2.0 w,orkatationa combine the The new user interface-HP Visual User innouationa oJApollo with Environment (HP VUE 2.0)-is an OSF/ the quality and reliability DJ HP. Motif-based user interface that is easy to customize, and runs existing X Window applications. The systems also come with Compatibility with 3,200 applications preloaded, preconfigured system software Object-code compatibility gives you over (Instant Ignition), so you can use the ? One year after the HP Apollo merger, 3,200 applications that run on the Series 400 Series 400 immediately. You don't have to Hewlett-Packard introduces a full line of today. This means you benefit from im- spend time installing operating systems or workstations that delivers extremely com- mediate higher levels of performance with- configuring UNIX system kernels. petitive performance at excellent prices-the out sacrificing the productivity you get from HP Apollo 9000 Series 400. The Series 400 using familiar applications and existing Investment protection as your needs grow runs both the DomainIOS and HP-UX databases. Whether you bought your HP or Apollo operating systems, which are based on and workstations years ago or more recently, HP fully comply with AT&T1s UNIX system. Outstanding pricelperformance has an upgrade program that protects your It gives HP and Apollo users a common The new Series 400 product family investment and meets your growing needs. workstation environment. delivers outstanding pricelperformance, Upgrades to the Series 400 can be ordered starting with an aggressively priced, 12- between July 1,1990, and January 31,1991. The Series 400 is based on the Motorola And for the future, the "40 Plus" program 68040 and 50-MHz 68030 microprocessors. MIPS, 68030, diskless workstation-the guarantees an upgrade path from the Series These new workstations offer a choice of Model 400dl. The Models 425t and 400t are 400 to 40 MIPS or better on CISC; and, for desktop and deskside models and price1 based on the 68040 and 68030 respectively, compute-intensive applications on IUSC as performance points, and combine the and deliver up to 20 MIPS and 3.5 MFLOPS . well. innovations of Apollo with the quality These systems are well-suited for environ- and reliability of HP. ments needing high levels of performance in low-cost workstations. Faster integer and floating point For even more performance and expand- For more information, check D on the HP performance ability in a deskside package, Models 433s Reply Card. The major contribution of the Series 400 and 400s offer up to 26 MIPS and 4.5 MFLOPS-Millions of floating poinl instructions per second. is Motorola's innovative MC68040 MFLOPS . Performance specificnlions from Motorola data. technology, which delivers integer and floating-point performance that competes with today's fastest RISC-based architectures--upto 26 MIPS and 4.5 double precision MFLOPS* of computing power. 1 4 HEWLETT-PACKARD UPDATE AUGUSTISEPTEMBER 1990 HP Software Update Materials Services on CD-ROM The HP Software Update Materials Ser- vices for HP 3000 and HP 9000 systems include a choice in documentation. Now you can receive updated manuals and other sup- port information on compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM), paper, or both types of media.
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