Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-23253-1 - Understanding Variable Stars John R. Percy Index More information Index absolute magnitude, 24 analysis of variance, 64 Babcock, Horace, 93 active galactic nuclei (AGN), angular momentum, 110 Babylonian astronomy, 1 272--5 anomalous X-ray pulsars, 100 Baker, Norman, 141 adaptive optics, 26 Ap stars, 92--6, 190--2, 329 Bamberg Observatory, 55 absorption-line spectra, 27 apparent magnitude, 22, 49 Barnes-Evans method, 138, abundance of the elements, apsidal motion, 113 154 32 APT (Automatic Photometric Be stars, 8, 58, 131, 296--301 accretion disc, 41 Telescope) Service, 59 Be star Newsletter, 296 AE Aquarii stars, 245 archaeoastronomy, 1 Bell Burnell, Jocelyn, 97 AGB: see Argelander, Friedrich, 4, 125 Belopolsky, Aristarkh, 147 asymptotic-giant-branch Aristotle, 1 BeppoSAX satellite, 270 Algol variables, 107 ASAS (All-Sky Automated beta Canis Majoris stars: see alias periods, 65--6 Survey), 58 beta Cephei stars alpha-2 CVn (Ap) stars, 58, associations (of stars), 18, 279 beta Cephei stars, 8, 138, 82, 92--6, 190--2 asteroseismology, 79, 145, 141--2, 195--203 alpha Cygni variables, 305 319 beta Lyrae stars, 107 Am stars, 92 ASTRO 1 and 2 missions, 10 Betsy stars, 203 AM Canum Venaticorum astrometric binary star, 16 binary stars, 22, 103--35, 166, stars, 246, 250 Astronomy and Astrophysics 172, 255, 287 AM Herculis stars: see polars Abstracts, 77--8 classification, 110 amateur astronomy, 320--4 asymptotic-giant-branch evolution, 132--3 Ambartsumian, Viktor, 278 (AGB) stars, 43, 170, 217 BL Herculis stars, 164--5, 180 American Association of asynchronous polars, 245 black dwarf, 46 Variable Star Observers Atacama Large Millimetre Array black hole, 47 (AAVSO) 5, 12, 51, 75, 79, (ALMA), 10, 278, 293, 320 Blazhko effect, 173, 176, 177 84, 106, 112, 122, 176, atmospheres, stellar, 28 Bok globules, 41 210, 243, 283, 322--3, 325 auto-correlation, 66 bolometric correction, 25 American Astronomical Bouvier, J., 283 Society: Working Group Baade, Walter, 73, 148, 161 Bowen, George, 215 on Pro-Am Baade-Wesselink method, Brahe, Tycho, 2, 256 Collaboration, 323 137--8, 152, 154 Breger, Michel, 183 344 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-23253-1 - Understanding Variable Stars John R. Percy Index More information Index 345 British Astronomical common-envelope binaries, EC 14026 stars, 203 Association, 5, 52, 321--2 123 echelle spectra, 36 Brown, Nicholas, 275 Compton Gamma Ray eclipsing binary stars, 7, 26, broadening function, 124 Observatory (satellite), 11, 58, 103--35, brown dwarf, 42 279 analysis, 111--18 bumpers, 301 computers, 11 classification, 107, 110--11 BY Dra stars, 58, 224 conservation of angular elements, 111--16, 118 momentum, 41 Eddington, Arthur, 7, 8, 70 Canada-France-Hawaii contact binaries, 110, 123 Eddington limit, 305 Observatory, 259 continuous spectra, 27 education, 324--7 Cannon, Annie, 29 COROT (satellite), 11, 59, 146, ellipsoidal variable stars, 81, campaigns, 60, 184, 189, 192, 319 106--7 197 Cottrell, Peter, 313 emission-line spectra, 26 Cassiopeia A, 267 Crab Nebula, 256, 267, 328 ER Ursae Majoris stars, 242 cataclysmic variables, CSV (Catalogue of Suspected European Southern 228--25 Variables),76 Observatory (ESO), 57 CCDs (charge-coupled cycle number, 63 European Space Agency devices), 12, 35, 53, (ESA), 257 DAV stars, 195--6 Evans, Nancy Remage, 156 Center for Backyard David Dunlap Observatory Evans, Rev. Robert, 257 Astrophysics, 247, 323 (DDO), 56, 124 extinction, differential, 53 Cepheid period-luminosity DBV stars, 195--6 extinction, of species, 329 relation, 148 degenerate pulsating stars, extra-solar planets Cepheids, 140, 142 192--5 (exo-planets), 36, 57, 100, anomalous, 167 delta Delphini stars, 186 133--5 classical, 58, 73, 147--63, delta Scuti stars, 58, 73, 138, Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer 328 140, 142, 182--90 (EUVE) satellite, 10 double-mode, 152, 156 Demarque, Pierre, 165 dwarf, 183 Demers, Serge, 164 Fabricius, David, 2, 3, 219 Population II, 73, 161--7 detached binaries, 110, Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Chandra (satellite), 11, 219, 118--21 Explorer (FUSE) satellite, 267 Deutsch, Armin, 95 10 Chandrasekhar limit, 46, diffusion of elements, 95, Faulkner, John, 252 255, 265 186 Fernie, Donald, 169 chaos, 68, 167 Digges, Thomas, 2 FK Comae stars, 88 charts, 51 discovery of variable stars, 55 flare stars, 58, 224--7 Christy, Robert, 182 distance, stellar, 23, 38 Fleming, Williamina, 29 classification Doppler effect, 21, 33--4, Fourier analysis, 64--5, 117 of stars, 29 Doppler imaging, 91, 124 Fourier decomposition, 64 of variable stars 7 DOV stars, 195--6, 197--8 FU Orionis stars, 289--91 CLEAN, 64 Draper, Henry, 6 fusion reactions, 39 Clement, Christine, 77, 161, dwarf Cepheids, 73, 183 174 dwarf novae, 229, 239--43 GAIA (satellite), 24, 59, 124, colour index, 28 dynamo effect, 43 319 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-23253-1 - Understanding Variable Stars John R. Percy Index More information 346 Index galactic star clusters, 17, 154 Herschel, John, 3, 6, 222 infra-red astronomy, 10, 22, galaxies, 18 Herschel, William, 3, 223, 23, 26, 159, 171, 211, galaxy clusters, 19 321, 329 215--16, 233, 313--14, 317 GALEX satellite, 226--7 Hertzsprung, Ejnar, 154 Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite Galileo, 3 Hertzsprung progression, 151 (IRAS),10 gamma Cassiopiae stars: see Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), Be stars (HRD), 36--8, 44, 72, 142, 10 gamma Doradus stars, 138, 157, 165, 185, 196, 201, initial mass function (IMF), 185, 187 281, 306 42 gamma-ray astronomy, 11, HETE-2 satellite, 271 interferometry, 319 26, 270 Hevelius, Johannes, 219 intermediate polars, 245 gamma-ray bursters (GRBs), Hewish, Anthony, 97 International 270--2, 320 High-Energy Astronomical Amateur-Professional Garcia Diaz, Francisco, 267 Observatory B (HEAO-B, Photoelectric Gemini Observatory, 56 ‘‘Einstein”) satellite, 10, Photometry (IAPPP), 90 General Catalogue of Variable 131 International Astronomical Stars (GCVS), 60, 76, 106 Hill, Graham, 117 Union (IAU), 60--1 giant molecular clouds, 41 Hind, John Russell, 223, 239, Commissions 27 and 42, globular star clusters, 17, 76, 294 60--1, 78, 106 154, 174, 328 HIPPARCOS satellite, 24, 59, International Ultraviolet Goodricke, John, 3, 4, 7, 120, 163, 179, 200, 210, 214, Explorer (IUE) satellite, 125, 147, 321, 329 325 10, 156 gravitational lenses, 274 history of variable star interstellar material, 39 gravitational radiation, 99, astronomy, 1--13 Irwin, John, 148, 154 250 Helen Sawyer Hogg: see Hogg gravity darkening, 115 Hoffmeister, Cuno, 278 James Webb Space Telescope, Greek astronomy, 1 Holwarda, Johann, 219 278 Guinan, Edward, 86 horizontal-branch stars, 43 Jones, Albert, 283 Guthnick, Paul, 8, 93, 97 Hubble, Edwin, 19, 20, 154, Joy, Alfred, 278 327 Julian date, 49 Hands-On Astrophysics, 326 Hubble-Sandage variables, Harm,¨ Richard, 166 309 Karovska, Margarita, 219 Harvard College Observatory, Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Keck telescopes, 11, 56 5, 6 11, 56, 59, 149, 156, 258, Keenan, Philip, 29 heliocentric correction, 49 320 Kellman, Edith, 29 helioseismology, 145--6 Hulse, Russell, 99 Kepler, Johannes, 2, 256 helium star, 132 hypergiant variables, 304--12 Kepler (satellite), 135 Henry Draper (HD) Catalogue, hypernovae, 270 Kholopov, P.N., 278 29, 75 Kirchoff’s Laws, 26 Herbig, George, 278, 291 Iben, Icko, 165 Kitt Peak National Herbig-Haro objects, 291 image subtraction method, Observatory (KPNO), 56 Herbig Ae/Be stars, 291--2 54 Konkoly Observatory, 55, 74 Herbst, William, 283 Information Bulletin on Variable Kopal, Zdenek, 117 Herschel, Caroline, 329 Stars (IBVS), 60, 74 Kraft, Robert, 247 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-23253-1 - Understanding Variable Stars John R. Percy Index More information Index 347 La, Lb variables, 205 Maunder minimum, 82 P Cygni line profiles, 263, Lagrangian surfaces, points, Maury, Antonia, 29 308 108, 110, 228 maxima of variable stars, 62 Palitzch, Johann, 4, 120 lambda Bootis stars, 93, 186 Mayall, Margaret, 5 Palomar Observatory, 56, 257 least-squares period analysis, Mercator telescope, 57 parallax, 23, 24 66 metallic-line stars, 92 Parenago, P.P., 278 Leavitt, Henrietta, 5, 147, 153 Michaud, Georges, 95 Patterson, Joseph, 247, 323 light curve, 62 Microvariability and Oscillations Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia, 5 light-curve synthesis, 117 of Stars (MOST) satellite, period, 63, 112, 284 light-time effect, 70 11, 33, 59, 78--80, 135, period analysis, 63--8 limb-darkening, 115 146, 192, 300, 319 period changes, 63--8, 112, line-profile variables, 200--2, Mira stars, 209--18, 328 149, 163, 169--70, 176, 299 model, of star, 38--40, 44, 184, 187, 206, 219, 326 Loreta, E., 317 144, 182 period fluctuations, 70, 219 luminous blue variables Morgan, William, 29 periodogram, 65 (LBV), 305--11 Moscow State University, 55, Petersen diagram, 152--3 76 PG 1159-035 stars: see DOV M31, 6, 19, 57, 148, 154, 230, Mount John University stars 257 Observatory, 313 phase, 63--4 M33, 20, 148, 230 multiperiodicity, 68 photoelectric effect, 52 M81, 231, 267 photometry MACHO (massive compact nebular variables, 278 CCD, 53--4, 323 halo object) survey, 12, neutrino observatories, 256 differential, 53 57, 124, 148, 301 neutron stars, 46, 329, see high-speed, 233 Magellanic Cloud, 157, 199, also pulsars photoelectric, 8, 52--3, 90 214, 220, 230 New Catalogue of Suspected photographic, 6, 52 Large, 6, 19, 57, 76, 172, Variable Stars (NSV),76 visual, 50 200,
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