Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89900-0 - Ancient Central China: Centers and Peripheries Along the Yangzi River Rowan K. Flad and Pochan Chen Index More information Index Academia Sinica, 50 Ba people and polity, 26, 27, 57, 141–142 agriculture, 112, 116, 154, 177. See also burial style, 80, 81, 260 plant exploitation conflicts with Chu and Shu, 142 in Middle Yangzi, 185–186 in the Three Gorges, 159–160 in the Three Gorges, 193–195, 198 Baber, Edward Colborne, 45 American Museum of Natural History, 46, Badong County, 143, 148, 192, 262 47 Bagua, 263, 267 Andersson, J. G., 58 Bai Juyi, 169 Andrews, Roy Chapman, 46 Baigudun, 250 Anhui, 118, 191 Baiheliang, 40, 41 animals. See also oracle bones Baihuatan, 104, 238 and divination, 222 Baima temple, 45 in Middle Yangzi, 183–185 Baimiao, 125 in Sichuan Basin, 172–176, 206 Baishuizhai, 81 in the Three Gorges, 192–193 bamboo, 177, 186 Anju, 136 Ban Gu, 110 Anlu County, 128 Banbianjie, 161, 271 Anning River, 81 banquets, 210 Anthony, David, 10 Bao Sanniang, 45, 46 Anyang, 72, 187, 219 Baodun Culture, 73, 106 archaeological culture, 7, 69–70 agriculture in, 177 Archaeological Studies in Sichuan, 49 architectural features and walls in, 82, archaeology in China 83–89 postwar, 50–58 Bianduishan, 79–80 pre-1949, 44–50 bronzes in, 76 recent developments, 58–64 burials in, 232–233 architectural features and walls ceramics in, 74, 78, 178 in Baodun Culture sites, 83–89 dates of, 74, 80 in Daixi Culture sites, 116 Gucheng, 78, 83, 85, 88 in Eastern Zhou sites, 134–136 Mangcheng, 76–78, 85, 88 in Panlongcheng, 126 other sites, 80 in Qujialing Culture sites, 117, 118, 119 Phase I, 80 in Shi’erqiao Culture sites, 94–96 Phase III, 78, 89 in Shijiahe Culture sites, 120–122, 123 Phase IV, 78 in the Three Gorges, 155 Shuanghe, 85 in Zhongba salt workshops, 203–204 type site, 74–76 axes, 102 Yufu, 78–79, 86 Aztec, 281–283 Baolunyuan, 104, 239 397 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89900-0 - Ancient Central China: Centers and Peripheries Along the Yangzi River Rowan K. Flad and Pochan Chen Index More information 398 Index Baoshan, 184, 246, 256 burials, 98, 211 Baota, 129 and local identities, 277–278 Barter, A. J., 45 and social differentiation, 231, 243 Bashidang, 112, 113, 186 animals in, 173, 176, 184 Ba-Shu bronzes, 99, 164 at Daixi, 144 Ba-Shu Culture, 159 at Qingyanggong, 102–104, 106 Ba-Shu script, 102 at Sanxingdui, 92, 215 Ba-Shu seals, 238 at Wazhadi, 152 Ba-Shu weapons, 102, 238, 262 at Xiaotianxi, 160 Beishi, 148 at Yajiao, 161 Bell, Catherine, 15 Ba-style, 260, 263, 264, 265–266, 276 bells, 160, 220 Chu locations, 133–134, 137, 243–245, bi disks, 120, 179, 180, 214, 216, 218 247, 256–257 Bianduishan, 79 Chu-style, 260, 261–266, 267–268, 270, bianfa (hairstyle), 93 271–275, 276 Bingshubaojianxia, 261, 262 hierarchical structure of, 244–245 borderland matrices, 10, 11 Hubei area, 250–254 borderlands, 10 in Jianghan Plain, 246–250 borders, 9, 10 in Middle Yangzi, 240–243 boundaries, 9, 10, 12 in Qujialing Culture, 118 boundary sets, 10 in Sichuan Basin, 232–240 Boyushan, 132 in the Three Gorges, 30–42, 159, 164, Bronze Age. See also Chu state 166, 257–258, 259, 265–277 burials, in Middle Yangzi, 243 lacquer objects in, 186 burials, in Three Gorges, 257–258, late Bronze Age, 260–265 260–265 Neolithic and Bronze Age, 232–235 Early and Middle, in Three Gorges, patterns of, 231–232, 244 150–158, 166 secondary, 242 Late, in Three Gorges, 159–165, 166 type A, 244, 246–248, 253, 255 sites, 90, 111 type B, 244, 246, 250, 253, 255 bronzes. See also metallurgy type C, 245, 247, 250, 254, 255 as ritual objects, 219–221 type D, 245, 249, 251, 254, 255 forms found in burial sites, 251, 254, type E, 245, 249, 251, 254, 255 256 type I, 265, 266–267, 275 in Baodun Culture, 76 type II, 265, 267–271, 274 in Chu state, 133 type III, 265, 275 in Lijiaba, 164 urn, 240, 241, 242, 243 in Majiazui, 132 Warring States period, 235–240 in Panlongcheng, 128 Buzhuanghe, 148, 261 in Qingyanggong Culture, 102 in Sanxingdui ritual sites, 212–213, 214 Cai state, 133 in Shang period, 125–129 Caijiatai, 116 in Shi’erqiao Culture, 95, 100 Cangbaobao, 91, 180, 213 in the Three Gorges, 158 Caohai Lake, 38 inWesternZhouperiod,130 Caojiagang, 250 production of, 99, 120, 180, 187, Caowangzuicheng, 136, 190, 206 189–190 Caoying, 254 southern, 125 Carrasco, David, 281–283 Brown, Francis, 60 Castillo Cave, Spain, 47 Bu’ermen, 130, 136, 226 centers, political, 3, 130, 138–139 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89900-0 - Ancient Central China: Centers and Peripheries Along the Yangzi River Rowan K. Flad and Pochan Chen Index More information Index 399 and formation of Chinese civilization, 4 Chase-Dunn, Christopher, 9 and social complexity, 4–5 Cheng Te-k’un.SeeZheng Dekun and World Systems theory, 5–7 Chengbeixi Culture, 113, 143, 149, 165 in Middle Yangzi, 207 Chengbeixi site, 192 in the Three Gorges, 164 Chengdu, 105, 106, 139 Central Asiatic Expedition, 46 burial sites in, 238 Central China. See also Middle Yangzi; excavation sites, 97 Sichuan Basin; Three Gorges salt wells in, 182 archaeological research on, 53–57, stone object production in, 179 61–63 Chengdu City Institute of Cultural Relics as periphery, 18 and Archaeology (Chengdu ICRA), climate of, 33–41 51 defined, 1 Chengdu kaogu faxian (Archaeological environmental features of, 19–22 Discoveries in Chengdu), 61 natural resource exploitation in, 172 Chengdu Plain, 3, 24, 42, 138. See also Central Plains names of individual cultures archaeological publications on, 56 animals in, 172–176 connection to Middle Yangzi, 108, 120 archaeological research on, 51, 61 ceramics as political center, 106 at Lijiaba, 163 climate in, 34 at Maliutuo, 162 connection to Three Gorges area, 149, at Panlongcheng, 127, 128 157, 158, 159, 172 at Shaopengzui, 147 cultural chronology of, 74 at Wazhadi, 152, 153 divination in, 223–225 at Zhen’an, 150, 151 geography of, 23–25, 42 at Zhongba, 160, 201 in pre-Qin period, 71–73 at Zhongbazi, 153, 155 location of sites, 75 in Baodun Culture, 74, 78, 82 plant exploitation in, 176–178 in Daixi Culture, 116 Chengdu wenwu (Chengdu Cultural Relics), in Laoguanmiao Culture, 146, 149 61 in Middle Yangzi region, 111, 187 Chengguan, 104, 235, 238 in Qingyanggong Culture, 102, 103 Chengtoushan, 113, 117, 118, 183, 240, in Qujialing Culture, 116 241, 242 in salt production, 199–203 Chengyu Railway, 52 in Sanxingdui Culture, 90 Chengzhou Academy Museum, 52 in Shi’erqiao Culture, 94–95 Chenjiatai, 189 in Shijiahe Culture, 120 chi flutes, 252 in Sichuan Basin, 178 chiefdoms, 57 in the Three Gorges, 148, 149, 195–196 Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), 50 in Xinyicun Culture, 100, 103 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Neolithic, 112 (CASS), 50, 59 Chang Qu, 72 Chongqing, 143, 147, 165 Chang, K. C., 60 Chongqing Chinese Three Gorges Changde County, 186 Museum, 64 Changjiang.SeeYa n g z i R i ve r Chongqing City Institute of Archaeology, changkou pingdi hu (flasks), 76 51, 53 changkou quanzu zun (beakers), 76 Chongqing City Museum, 53 Changsha City, 136, 255 Chongqing Municipality, 26, 51, 53 Changtuohe, 192 Chongzhou City, 84 Chaotianzui, 116, 143, 157 Chu Huangcheng, 134, 135, 187, 191 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-89900-0 - Ancient Central China: Centers and Peripheries Along the Yangzi River Rowan K. Flad and Pochan Chen Index More information 400 Index Chu state, 3 Daba Mountains, 28 agriculture in, 198 Dabie Mountains, 27 and pottery production, 187 Dadong Cave, 61 and salt trade, 199 Dadu River, 81, 99, 181 and Three Gorges area, 159, 164, 230 Dahong Mountains, 28 animals in burials of, 184 Daihai, Inner Mongolia, 61 burial style, 260, 261–266, 267–268, Daixi Culture, 113, 115–116, 117, 144, 270, 271–275, 276 149, 165 burials, 243–245, 246–254, 255–256, animals in, 183 260 burials in, 240 conflicts with Ba, 141 stone work in, 188 gold use in, 190 Daixi site, 32, 117, 148, 200, 240, 258 historical accounts of, 108–111 Dajiu Lake, 39, 40 inEasternZhouperiod,133–137 dakou shengwen fu (large-mouthed inWesternZhouperiod,132 cauldrons), 102 interregional interactions of, Dalupu, 189 277 Dan River, 110, 132, 254 location of, 28 Dangyang County, 110, 132 merchants from, 275 Daning River, 32, 199, 263 trade in, 172, 191 Danjiang Reservoir, 133 Chu, definitions of, 108 Danjiangkou, 188 chuanxingbei (cups), 199 Danyang (Chu capital), 110, 132, 134 Chunyu huajian, 98, 234 Daping, 267, 271 chuoyinwen (punctuations), 76 Dashuidong, 81 Chuwangcheng, 136 David, Jean Pere` Armand, 44 Cili, 136 Daye, 136 climate Dayi County, 84, 238 ancient, 36–41 Delson, Eric, 60 modern, 33–36 Deng state, 109 coffin types Dengcheng, 134 boat, 103 Dengjiaping, 81 II-shape, 268 Dengjiatuo, 152, 199, 200 neiguan (inner), 238, 245 Dengjiawan, 117, 120, 121, 122, 185, 242 painted lacquer, 252 Deshan, 255 waiguan (outer), 238 dian (vessels), 133 xuandifangguan, 249 Dian state, 57 xuandihuguan, 246, 248, 253, 255 Diaolongbei, 118, 119, 183 coins, 191, 268 Diaotonghuan, 186 colonialism, 8 diasporas, 8, 275–276, 277 cong tubes, 216 ding (tripods), 102, 128, 133, 220, 221, construction processes, 117, 120 238, 248, 250, 251, 254, 256, Cook, Rev, Thomas, 45 260–265, 269–274 copper, 181, 189 Dingjiagang, 113 cores.Seecenters, political divination.
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