Le FORUM “AFIN D’ÊTRE EN PLEINE POSSESSION DE SES MOYENS” VOLUME 34, #2 PRINTEMPS/SPRING 2009 Photo by S.K. McLaughlin© www.FrancoMaine.org www.Francoamerican.org New Website: francoamericanarchives.org other pertinent websites to check out - and www.FFA-USA.com/ Franco-American Women’s Institute: http://www.fawi.net $6.00 US Le Forum Sommaire/Contents Le Centre Franco-Américain Pas d’espace pour la table des matières/no space for the table of contents! Université du Maine Orono, Maine 04469-5719 [email protected] URGENT NOTICE!!! Téléphone: 207-581-FROG (3764) Télécopieur: 207-581-1455 DUE TO BUDGETARY CUTS WE WILL NO LONGER BE PRINT- Volume 34, Numéro 2 Printemps ING PAPER COPIES OF LE FORUM. OUR PUBLICATION Éditeur/Publisher WILL BE AVAILABLE ON LINE AT: FRANCOAMERICANAR- Yvon A. Labbé Rédactrice/Gérante/Managing Editor CHIVES.ORG OR PROVIDE US WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS SO Lisa Desjardins Michaud THAT WE CAN SEND YOU A PDF FILE OF THE LATEST ISSUE. Mise en page/Layout Lisa Desjardins Michaud WE ARE ASKING THAT IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO A COM- Composition/Typesetting PUTER THAT YOU NOTIFY US SO THAT WE CAN MAKE ARRANGE- Robin Ouellette MENTS FOR YOU TO RECEIVE A PAPER COPY. BUT, YOU MUST NOTIFY Angel Sirois US, OTHERWISE WE WILL NOT SEND YOU THE NEXT ISSUE OF LE Naomi Muhlberg Lisa Michaud FORUM. SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO WRITE US. THANKS! MERCI! Aide Technique Lisa Michaud Yvon Labbé Tirage/Circulation/4,500 The FAROG student group gives schol- Imprimé chez/Printed by Centre Franco-Américain, Orono, Maine arship....the student group at the Franco- Publié 4 fois l’an par le Centre Fran- American Centre gave a book scholarship co-Américain. Le Forum est distribué surtout aux to Daniel Chamberland. The FAROG group Franco-Américains des États-Unis. Les énoncés, raises funds throughout the year and they opinions et points de vue formulés dans Le Forum work in collaboration with the Nos Histoires sont ceux des auteurs et ne représentent pas néces- de l’Île group to make this possible. If you sairement les points de vue de l’éditeur ou de la would like to make a donation towards our rédactrice, ou de la Division pour l’Éducation Franco-American Scholarship please con- Permanente à l’Université du Maine. tact the groups advisor, Lisa Michaud at 110 Le Forum is published 4 times a year by the Crossland Hall, Orono, ME 04469 or via Franco-American Center. Le Forum is distributed email at: [email protected] in particular to Franco-Americans in the United States. Statements, opinions and points of view Angel Sirois, FAROG President awarded Daniel expressed are not necessarily those of the editor, Chamberland with a book scholarship and a t-shirt. the publishers or the Division of Lifelong Learn- ing or of the University of Maine. Tous les textes soumis doivent parvenir à —Forward all submitted texts to: Lisa D. Michaud, Rédactrice-en-chef/Editor-in-chief, Le Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469-5719, U.S., au plus tard quatre semaines précédant le mois de publication—at least four weeks prior to the month of publication. Les lettres de nos lecteurs sont les bienv- enues—Letters to the Editor are welcomed. La reproduction des articles est autorisée sans préavis sauf indication contraire—Our original articles may be reproduced without notice unless otherwise indicated. L’équipe de rédaction souhaite que Le Fo- rum soit un mode d’expression pour vous tous les Franco-Américains et ceux qui s’intéressent à nous. The staff hopes that Le Forum can be a vehicle of expression for you Franco-Americans and those who are interested in us. Le Forum et son staff—Universita- Front row, l to r: Sharon Beaupré, Holly Michaud, Robyn Tinkham. Second row, ires, gens de la communauté, les étudi- l to r: Ariel Grenier, Robin Ouellette, Danielle Laliberté, Naomi Muhlberg, Ricky ants --Brandon, Naomi, Angel et Robin. Dubé. Back row, l to r: Lisa Michaud (Advisor), James Beaupré, Danielle Ouel- lette, Daniel Chamberland (scholarship recipient), Jade St. Pierre & Angel Sirois. 2 Vol. 34 # 2 • PRINTEMPS Le Forum Chers Le Forum; 110 Crossland Hall Ci-inclus vous allez trouvez Orono, ME 04469-5719 les adresses pour deux abonnements. Merci mille fois pour votre bon travail. Ma mère et moi, on apprécie Dear Le Forum; beaucoup votre revue, “Le Forum”. Dear Le Forum; Enclosed is my order form for Amicalement, I have been reviewing back copies of the yearly subscription for Le Forum. Xavier de la Prade the Le Forum and I am interested in obtain- I would like to tell you about myself also. Petaluma, CA ing a copy of “The French Connection” My age is sixty-three. I have two daugh- Cher Xavier; by Bob Chenard, that may have covered ters. One is at Columbia University studying the “COLLETTE” family. A church in writing, the other is a mother with two children. Merci pour vos mots très gentils. St. Lambert near Québec was built by my Recently, about three years ago, I great grandfather and his brother. They also found out that I am a descendent of Aca- donated the land The family was known dian French Canadians. Also, me and La rédactrice as “COLLET”. The church was rebuilt my daughters and grand children’s ances- in 1904 and I visited it a few years ago. tors are Franco-American from Canada. Though I am older, I am taking a Is this possible? Encolsed is a donation. I had never known anything about French class soon to try to learn the lan- my heritage. The only memory I have of guage of my mother and ancestors; the Merci René Collette anything french was hearing my mother Heberts, Charrons, Desaulniers, Lefrancs, Lemon Grove, CA and the elders speaking French and when Doucets, Landrys, Boudrots, Cyrs, Pellerins, any children entered the room, the talking Dear René; Duponts, Diamonds, Marcouillers, Simon- ceased for a moment – then switched to Eng- neaus and others who were my ancestors. lish. I remember only a few words because I am pleased you have taken the time Your magazine, Le Forum, will help the children weren’t spoken to in French. to write us, but I am even more pleased to give me more awareness and knowledge. There aren’t words enough to describe that you value Le Forum enough to It will connect me to the core of the past the fulfillment of identity that overcame me keep the issues...ahhh it warms the heart. and the present. I am so glad you exist. when I learned about my heritage. It has Yes, I will send you the information helped to “fill-in-the-blanks” and enabled me requested along with information that I was Harmony and Pride to ‘put the missing pieces together regarding able to find on the internet. I hope all this Frances Paine dynamics that occurred within the family. information helps and if you need further as- Northampton, MA While I am mourning so many sistance please do not hesitate to contact me. losses, I am embracing the trea- sures of information I am finding. La rédactrice (For more letters see page 44) Ex-seminarian seeks former St. John Valley classmates St. John Valley – In 1941, the Oblate mergers, essentially all the records of the “If anyone who reads this article was a Fathers of Mary Immaculate opened a minor minor seminary in Bucksport and the col- student in Bucksport concurrent with me or seminary in Bucksport to provide a high lege seminary in Bar Harbor disappeared. if you know someone who was, please send school education with religious training Now, a former seminarian who me contact information, either via e-mail at for Franco-American young men seeking attended Bucksport and Bar Harbor, [email protected] or snail mail at 10 Whip- to become priests in this missionary order. George Lambert, formerly of Augusta, poorwill Circle, Kennebunk, Maine 04043. The Oblates also accepted an ini- is seeking his high school classmates. “Those looking to renew acquain- tial class of seminarians in 1944 at their He developed a database to com- tances may visit www.omiusa.or/oldboys/ two-college in Bar Harbor in what is now pile contact information about the stu- northernresults.htm to see current profiles of the site of the College of the Atlantic. dents that were in Bucksport in the years those who studied at the Oblate seminaries. With the marked decrease in voca- between 1956 and 1960 with a view of After a long career as a CPA with a tions to the priesthood and the trend to possibly organizing a reunion in 2010. large international firm Lambert now lives commence training for the priesthood at “Many students came from Aroos- in Kennebunk with his wife of more than 40 an older age, both facilities closed in 1971. took County, from Ste-Agathe, Fort Kent, years, Mariette, and enjoys a nascent writing The St-Jean-Baptiste Province that Van Buren, Presque Isle, with names like career. He has published a book about his six originally operated these facilities in Maine Hebert, Gervais, Paradis,” said Lambert. brothers’ service in the military and is work- became known as the Eastern Province in “Unfortunately, for some unknown ing on a novel with the working title, “In 1991 and in 1999 all U.S. provinces of the Ob- reason I have not been very successful in lo- God’s name-recollections of a seminarian.” lates were combined into one U.S. province. cating these former seminarians.
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