bindex.qxd 11/20/04 3:46 PM Page 291 Index “Aberrant Art” (Kite), 44 “WWJD,” 215–16 Abrams, Floyd, 117 Amateur Sports Act, 113 Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Amazon.com Sciences, 71 best sellers list on, 163 Adios, Barbie (Edut), 89 one-click online shopping and, 229, Adobe Systems, 184–85, 187–88 233–34 Ads (Warhol), 54 Ambrosi, Christie, 171 Adventures of Sam Spade,The American Alphabet (Cody), 47 (Hammett), 108 American Camping Association, 15 advertising, 100, 198–201 American Library Association, 166 appropriation of, 39 American Medical Association, 160 See also individual names of advertisers Andrews Sisters, 105 and campaigns Angel, Elayne, 220–21 Aerosmith, 21, 29 Anheuser-Busch, 100 agriculture, 230 Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Aharonian, Greg, 229–30 Protection Act of 1999, 83. See also Aibo Entertainment Robot (Sony cybersquatting Corporation), 185–86 anti-hacking laws, 201–2 AiboPet, 185–86 Appel, Sharon, 43 Air Pirates, 40, 106–9 Apple Computer, 54 Air Pirates Funnies, 107–9 appropriation, 39–41, 63–64 Albie’s Foods, 228 fan fiction and, 72–76 Alcatel, 175 Groucho Marx on, 5–6, 60–63, Algorithmic Arts, 35 110–11 Alice in Wonderland (Disney film), 70 in parody, 22 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll), Aqua, 85–86 187–88 ®™ARK (“Artmark”) group, 88 “Alone AgainCOPYRIGHTED (Naturally)” Arts MATERIAL& Entertainment Network, (O’Sullivan), 27 172–74 alphabet ASCAP (American Society of American Alphabet,47 Composers, Authors and design and, 65 Publishers), 6, 14–17 “Mc,” 212–13 Associated Press, 46 “O,” 213–14 Association of American Publishers, “U2,” 30, 214–15 209–10 “WWF,” 215 Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 135 291 bindex.qxd 11/20/04 3:46 PM Page 292 292 Index Atlantic Recording Corporation, 104 Berio, Luciano, 18 AT&T, 235–36 Bert (Sesame Street character), 47 “Attribution” (Creative Commons), 248 Betamax case, 198, 208 Aunt Jemima character, 50–52 Béthune, Christian, 24 “Aunt Jemima doctrine,” 212 Bettmann Archives, 50 “Aura Lee” (Poulton), 17 Bezos, Jeff, 229, 234 Austin Powers, 97–98 Bikram Yoga, 224–27 Australian Performing Rights Bikrum’s Beginning Yoga Class Association, 238–39 (Choudhury), 224 authorship. See copyrights; creativity Bild (Germany), 88 Billings,William, 163–164 Bach, P.D.Q., 18 Billy doll, 93–94 Badin, Roxana, 40 biopiracy, 230 Baio, Andrew, 149 biotechnology industry, 230 “Banality Show” (Koons), 42 Birch, Stanley F., Jr., 179 Banyai, Istvan, 241 Bizet, Georges, 64 “Barbie Girl” (Aqua), 85–86 Biz Markie, 27 Barbie Liberation Organization, 88 BizStarz, 122 Barbie (Mattel), 6, 84–93 Black Album (Jay-Z), 31 “Alternative Barbies,” 86–87 Blackboard Inc., 184 “Barbie Girl,” 85–86 Blair, Ross W., 95 Body Outlaws,89 “Blowin’ in the Wind” (Dylan), 19 “Dungeon Doll,” 87 Blue, Ben, 62 Food Chain Barbie, 47, 89–93 blues music, 18–19. See also music; Lilli, 88–89 individual names of songs and artists Miller’s, 87 Blum, Alan, 100 public domain and, 88–89 BMG Music, 190–91 Barlow,Anne, 48 BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.), 16 Barnesandnoble.com, 163, 229 Body Outlaws (Edut), 89 Barney Rubble character, 47 Boisson, Judi, 65 Barrie, J. M., 70, 71 Bolling, Ruben, 155 Bartók, Béla, 17 Bolton, Michael, 33–34 Batt, Michael, 217–18 Bono, Mary, 150 Baum, L. Frank, 50 Bono, Sonny, 148, 150. See also bawdy spoofs, 103–9 Copyright Term Extension Act Beachwood Voice, 123 “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Bear,The (Chekhov), 60 Company B,The” (Andrews Beastie Boys, 26, 30 Sisters), 105 Beatles, 27, 31 book publishers, 209–10 Beebe, Morton, 40 book sellers, 163 Benjamin, Robert H., 142 bootleg remixes, 28–31 Benkler,Yochai, 170, 251 Boucher, François, 44 “Be Prepared” poster, 101–2 Bradbury, Ray, 7 BeProud.com, 93–94 brand images, 48. See also logos; Berard, Michael, 100 trademarks bindex.qxd 11/20/04 3:46 PM Page 293 Index 293 Brennan,William J., 169 Chamberlain Group, 190 Breyer, Stephen, 152 Chanel, Coco, 68 Bridgeman Art Library, 44–45 Chanel perfume, 51, 54 Brighton Ski Resort, 114 charities, 229 Brillo, 49 Charles Schwab & Co., 130 Brockmeyer, Ronald, 213–14 Chase Manhattan Bank, 130 Brown, Glenn Otis, 30 Cheers, 139 Brown, Joe E., 62 Chekhov,Anton, 60 Budweiser, 100 Chernin, Peter, 207 building codes, 158–60 Chicago Bulls, 123–24 Bull, Clarence, 50 Chiffons, 32, 33 Burgess, Anthony, 199 chillingeffects.org, 185, 246. See also Burrell, Carol, 76 Electronic Frontier Foundation Burton, Brian, 30–31 “Choir” (Newton), 26 Buzash, George, 155 Choudhury, Bikram, 224–27 Christian merchandising industry, 216 Cabbage Patch Kids, 102 Chuck D, 24–25 4Ј 33Љ (Cage), 217–18 Cingular, 175 Cage, John, 217–18 citation reform, 156–58 Calder, Alexander, 55–57 Clark, Mary Ann, 35 California Supreme Court, 142 Clarke, Celia, 220 Campbell’s Soup, 49 Classical Graffiti (Planets), 217–18 Campbell v.Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. classical music, 152–53. See also music; “Oh, Pretty Woman” and, individual names of composers and 22–23, 103 works U2/Negativland and, 30, 214–15 Clockwork Orange (Burgess), 199 The Wind Done Gone and, 179 CNNdn, 130 Cape Cod Voice, 123 CNNfn (Cable News Network), 130 Capitol Records, 27 “Coase’s Penguin” (Benkler), 251 Capra, Frank, 57 Coca-Cola, 52, 101 Caprioglio, Gene, 217–18 Coca-Cola Co. v. Gemini Rising, 101 Carawan, Guy, 20 Cody, Heidi, 47 Carmen Jones,64 colors, trademarking of, 219–20 Carson, Johnny, 135–36 Committee for Economic Carter Family, 19 Development, 202, 249 Casablanca, 5–6, 60–63, 110–11 commons concept, 67, 251–53 Casey Kasem’s Top 40, 214–15 “community ownership,” 20 Caterpillar, 129 competition, 188–90 Caulfield, Patricia, 49 compulsory licenses, for music, 21 CBS, 108, 172–74 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 165 cease-and-desist letters, 74–75, 95, 236 Confessions of a Yakuza (Saga), 19, 21 celebrities Consumer Broadband and Digital depicted in art, 143 Television Promotion Act, 203–4 endorsements by, 132 Consumer Project on Technology, 130 See also individual names of celebrities consumer protection, 83–84 bindex.qxd 11/20/04 3:46 PM Page 294 294 Index Consumer Whore (Dwyer), 46–47 spurious claims, 163–64 content control, 195–96 terms extended by Congress, 72, advertising, 198–201 145–46, 148–52, 177–78 computer destruction proposal, See also Digital Millennium Copy- 201–3 right Act (DMCA); intellectual copy-protection systems and, property; public domain; individual 190–94, 203–7 names of copyright disputes morality and, 207–10 Copyrights and Copywrongs See also Digital Millennium (Vaidhyanathan), 26–27, 111 Copyright Act (DMCA) Copyright Term Extension Act, 72, “content industries,” 11 145–46, 148–52, 177–78 “content providers,” 3 Corley, Eric, 205 Content Scrambling System (CSS), 204 Coufey, Richard, 134 Coombe, Rosemary J., 60 “Country Blues” (Waters), 18 “Copyfight:The Politics of IP” “cover” versions, of songs, 21. See also (Wentworth), 246 music “Copy It, Steal It, Share It” exhibit, 48 Creative Commons, 67, 248 copy-protection systems, 190–94, creativity, 3–5 203–7. See also Digital Millennium “crew,” 129 Copyright Act (DMCA) Cruger, Roberta, 29 copyrights, 2, 62–63, 245–53 Crump, Andre, 35–37 best-selling books and, 163 Cultural Icon Protection Act, 176–79 building codes and, 158–60 culture, 4–5, 41–42, 58–60 classical music and, 152–53 appropriation and, 38–41, 60–64 competition and, 188–90 commons concept, 251–53 Copyright Act of 1976, 22, 45, 92 composers and, 16 Cultural Icon Protection Act and, cultural artifacts, 40 176–79 fan fiction, 72–76 Dewey Decimal Classification folk traditions and, 64–68 System, 154–56 Gettysburg ghost stories, 68–69 fact databases and, 165–66 “Illegal Art” exhibit and, 46–48 fictional character ownership mobiles and, 55–56 and, 108 parody and, 41–46 goals of, 7–8 privatization of, 40–41 legal case pagination and, 156–58 public domain and, 57, 69–72 licensing and, 21, 27, 28, 67, 248 shared cultural memory, 140–42 Mechanical-Copyright Protection video game characters, 76–79 Society, 217 Warhol’s use of trademarks and, news and, 167–72 48–55 origin of, 37, 150, 180–82 “Cunnilingus Champion of Company of public events, 172–75 C” (Wilson), 105 punishment for infringement of, Curtis Licensing Company, 55 201–3 Cwalina, Debby, 16 restoration, 153 cybersquatting rights of individual authors, 78 Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer in sports, 160–62 Protection Act of 1999, 83 bindex.qxd 11/20/04 3:46 PM Page 295 Index 295 International Olympics e-books and, 184–85, 187–88 Committee, 171 protests against, 246–47 Nissan Motor Co., Nissan scientific research and, 182–85 Computer Corp., 128 digital sampling. See sampling Dilbert, 233 Daily Hampshire Gazette, 235 DiMeglio, J., 62 Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, 106 Walt Disney Company Danger Mouse (rap artist), 30–31 Air Pirates and, 40, 106–9 Danjac Productions, 97–98 Eldred v.Ashcroft, 148–52, 246 “Dardanella” (Fisher), 32 Mickey Mouse, 52–54 Database and Collections of public domain material and, 59 Information Misappropriation Simpsons parody and, 242 Act, 165 trademark dilution and, 74 databases, 165–66 use of public domain material, 69–72 Davezilla.com, 124 Distracted by Intense Conversation and David, Jacques-Louis, 43 Personal Problems (Kite), 44 Da Vinci, Leonardo, 41–42 Dixon,Willie, 18 Day in Hollywood, A Night in the DNA Copyright Institute, 35–37 Ukraine, A, 60–61 Doctors Ought to Care, 99–100 “Day the Violence Died,The” domain names, Internet, 124–28, (Simpsons), 242–43 128–30. See also individual domain DC Comics, 1–3, 50 names Dean, James, 55 Downey, Morton, Jr., 136 Debbie Does Dallas, 106 Downhill Battle, 31 DeCSS, 204–5 Dracula character, 50 Dees, Rick, 103–4 Dre, 141 Def Jam Records, 26 “Dream On” (Aerosmith), 21 DeLong, James V., 16 Dreyfuss, Rochelle Cooper, 81–82 Demers, Joanna, 24, 28 Drummond, Jon, 237–40 derivative works, 21, 59.
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