Workshop Workshop 1: Cell structure / Cell polarity / Cytoskeleton / Cell Motility (1) DATE: June 6 (Wed) 16:30-19:00 Room B Chairpersons: Takashi Murata (NIBB) Akihito Inoko (Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute) WS01-01 16:30-16:42 Cilia-related structure regulates the differentiation and maturation of T cells in thymus ○ Osamu Kutomi, Sen Takeda (Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. Yamanashi) WS01-02 16:42-16:54 Environmental responsiveness of tubulin glutamylation in sensory cilia is regulated by the p38 MAPK pathway ○ Yoshishige Kimura 1,2, Koji Tsutsumi2 , Alu Konno 2 , Koji Ikeg- ami 2, Saira Hameed2 , Tomomi Kaneko1 , Oktay Ismail Kaplan3 , Takayuki Teramoto4 , Manabi Fujiwara4 , Takeshi Ishihara4 , Oliver E. Blacque 3 , Mitsutoshi Setou 2 ( Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kanagawa University of Human Services1 , Department of Cellular & Molecular Anatomy, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine2 , School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, University College Dublin 3 , Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University 4 ) WS01-03 16:54-17:06 Albatross/FBF1 integrates centrosome dynamics (P2-097) ○ Akihito Inoko1 , Tomoki Yano2 , Tatsuo Miyamoto3 , Shinya Mat- suura 3 , Tohru Kiyono 4 , Naoki Goshima 5 , Masaki Inagaki 1 , Yuko Hayashi1 ( Division of Biochemistry, Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute 1 , Laboratory of Biological Science, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences and Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University 2 , Department of Genetics and Cell Biology, Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiro- shima University 3 , Division of Carcinogenesis and Cancer Pre- vention, National Cancer Center Research Institute4 , Molecular Profi ling Research Center for Drug Discovery, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology5 ) WS01-04 17:06-17:18 Super-resolution imaging of primary cilia by expansion (P2-108) microscopy ○ Yohei Katoh 1 , Shuhei Chiba2 , Kazuhisa Nakayama1 (Grad. Sch. 64 of Pharm. Sci., Kyoto Univ. 1 , Grad. Sch. of Med., Osaka City Univ. 2 ) WS01-05 17:18-17:30 Single actin fi laments observation revealed that Latrun- (P2-126) culin A depolymerizes actin filaments in addition to sequestering actin monomers ○ Ikuko Fujiwara 1 , Mark E. Zweifel2 , Naomi Courtemanche2 , Thomas D. Pollard3 (Frontier Research Institute for Materials Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso, Showa-ku, Nagoya, 466-8555, Japan1 , Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA 2 , Department of Molecular Cellular and Develop- mental Biology, Yale University, PO Box 208103, New Haven, CT 06520-8103 USA 3 ) WS01-06 17:30-17:42 Novel mechanism of regulation of microtubule dynam- ics by EB2/RP1 microtubule binding protein ○ Maiko Higuchi1 , Keisuke Onishi 2 , Yukiko Gotoh 3 (Rikkyo Uni- versity 1 , University of California, San Diego2 , University of Tokyo 3 ) WS01-07 17:42-17:54 Helical rotation of mDia1 untwists and stabilizes actin fi laments against cofi lin Hiroaki Mizuno1 , Kotaro Tanaka 3 , Sawako Yamashiro 1 , Akihiro Narita3 , ○ Naoki Watanabe1,2 (Kyoto Univ. Grad. Sch. Biostudies 1 , Kyoto Univ. Grad. Sch. Medicine 2 , Nagoya Univ. Structural Biol- ogy Research Center 3 ) WS01-08 17:54-18:06 Cdc42-FMNL3 mediated constitutive actin regrowth (P1-070) underneath plasma membrane underlies the repetitive nature of membrane blebs ○ Kana Aoki 1 , Shinsuke Satoi 1 , Seiichi Uchida 3 , Yoh Iwasa 2 , Junichi Ikenouchi2,4 (Grad. Sch. Systems Life Sciences, Kyushu University 1 , Dept. Biol, Kyushu University 2 , Dept. Advanced Information technology, Kyushu University3 , AMED-PRIME, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development4 ) WS01-09 18:06-18:18 Mechanism of Catalytic Microtubule Depolymerization (P2-099) via KIF2-tubulin Transitional Conformation ○ Tadayuki Ogawa1 , Shinya Saijo 2 , Nobutaka Shimizu2 , Xuguang Jiang 1 , Nobutaka Hirokawa 1 (Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Medicine1 , Photon Factory, Institute of Materials Structure Science, High 65 Energy Accelerator Research Organization2 ) WS01-10 18:18-18:30 Super-resolution live imaging of supercellular circum- (P1-085) ferential actin cable formation during tracheal tubulo- genesis ○ Sayaka Sekine, Mustafa Sami, Housei Wada, Shigeo Hayashi (RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research) WS01-11 18:30-18:42 Map7/7D1 and Dvl form a feedback loop that facilitates microtubule remodeling and Wnt5a signaling. ○ Koji Kikuchi 1 , Akira Nakamura 2 , Masaki Arata 3 , Dongbo Shi 4 , Mami Nakagawa 4 , Tsubasa Tanaka2 , Tadashi Uemura 3 , Toshihiko Fujimori 4 , Akira Kikuchi 5 , Akiyoshi Uezu 1 , Yasuhisa Sakamoto 1 , Hiroyuki Nakanishi1 (Dept. Mol. Pharm., Grad. Sch. of Med. Sci., Kumamoto Univ.1 , Dept. Germline Dev., IMEG, Kumamoto Univ. 2 , Grad. Sch. of Biostudies, Kyoto Univ.3 , Div. of Embryol- ogy, NIBB 4 , Dept. Mol. Biol. and Biochem., Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka Univ. 5 ) WS01-12 18:42-18:54 Cell stiff ness is critical for germ cell migration in avian embryo ○ Daisuke Saito (FRIS, Tohoku University) Workshop 2: Cell Proliferation / Apoptosis / Signal transduc- tion DATE: June 6 (Wed) 16:30-19:00 Room C Chairpersons: Hisataka Sabe (Hokkaido Univ.) Shizue Ohsawa (Kyoto Univ.) WS02-01 16:30-16:42 Notch signaling dynamics for the asymmetric cell fate determination in the mouse neurogenesis ○ Shun Mase 1,2 , Yuji Tsunekawa1 , Atsunori Shitamukai1 , Fumio Matsuzaki 1,2 (Laboratory for Cell Asymmetry, RIKEN BDR, JAPAN 1 , Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University, JAPAN 2 ) WS02-02 16:42-16:54 Ribonucleotide threshold to induce p53 damage pathway (P1-026) during embryonic development in mouse ○ Ryo Uehara, Naushaba Hasin, Kiran Sakhuja, Susana M Cer- ritelli, Robert J Crouch (Division of Intramural Research, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health) 66 WS02-03 16:54-17:06 PLEKHN1 promotes apoptosis by enhancing Bax/Bak (P2-027) hetero-oligomerization through the interaction with Bid in human colon cancer ○ Sei Kuriyama (Akita University) WS02-04 17:06-17:18 The cell-type specific functions of an ER modulating (P2-036) factor, Pecanex in Notch and Wnt signaling pathways ○ Tomoko Yamakawa, Kenji Matsuno (Osaka University) WS02-05 17:18-17:30 ER-resident BH3-only protein, BNip1, is a safe guard (P2-040) that limits the upper threshold of vesicular transport ○ Yuko Nishiwaki, Kimberlie Ward, Ichiro Masai (Okinawa Insti- tute of Science and Technology) WS02-06 17:30-17:42 Snail interacts with FoxO to modulate JNK-dependent (P2-025) cell death in Drosophila ○ Chenxi Wu1,2 (College of Chinese Medicine, North China Uni- versity of Science and Technology, China1 , School of Life Sci- ence and Technology, Tongji University, China2 ) WS02-07 17:42-17:54 Multiplexed live cell imaging reveals a distinct role of (P2-033) ERK and Akt activity in cell cycle progression. ○ Gembu Maryu 1,3 , Michiyuki Matsuda 1,2 , Kazuhiro Aoki3 (Gradu- ate school of Biostudies, Kyoto University1 , Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University2 , Division of Quantitative Biology, National Institute of Basic Biology3 ) WS02-08 17:54-18:06 Caspase drives Drosophila wing growth independent of (P1-027) apoptosis to ensure the bilateral symmetry of wing size ○ Natsuki Shinoda1 , Takahiro Chihara2 , Akiko Koto1 , Masayuki Miura 1 (The Univ. of Tokyo 1 , Hiroshima Univ.2 ) WS02-09 18:06-18:18 Composite regulation of ERK activity dynamics under- (P2-042) lying tumor-specifi c traits in the intestine ○ Masamichi Imajo1 , Yu Muta 2,3 , Michiyuki Matsuda 1,3 (Lab. Bio- imag. Cell Signal., Grad. Sch. of Biostud., Kyoto Univ.1 , Dept. Gastroenterol. Hepatol., Grad. Sch. of Med., Kyoto Univ.2 , Dept. Pathol. Biol. Dis., Grad. Sch. of Med., Kyoto Univ.3 ) WS02-10 18:18-18:30 The Yorkie/YAP and Ras-driven tumorigenesis via FoxO target microRNA-mediated inhibition of cellular senes- cence ○ Takao Ito, Masato Enomoto, Tatsushi Igaki (Kyoto University) WS02-11 18:30-18:42 Crosstalk between JNK and p38 kinase generates cell-to- (P2-029) 67 cell variation in JNK activity dynamics and determines a cell fate decision ○ Haruko Miura 1,2 , Michiyuki Matsuda2,3 , Kazuhiro Aoki 1,4 (Div. Quant. Biol., OIIB, NIBB, NINS 1 , Lab. Bioimaging Cell Signal., Grad. Sch. Biostudies, Kyoto Univ. 2 , Dept. Pathol. Biol. Dis., Grad. Sch. Med., Kyoto Univ. 3 , Dept. Basic Biol., Sch. Life Sci., SOKENDAI 4 ) WS02-12 18:42-18:54 Cell-to-cell propagation of JNK signaling controls tissue repair and regeneration ○ Masato Enomoto, Tatsushi Igaki (Lab. of Genet., Grad. Sch. of Bio, Kyoto Univ.) Workshop 3: Life of proteins / Intracellular trafficking / Organelles (1) DATE: June 6 (Wed) 16:30-19:00 Room D Chairpersons: Mitsunori Fukuda (Tohoku Univ.) Tetsuro Izumi (Gunma Univ.) WS03-01 16:30-16:42 Regulation mechanism of the phosphatidylserine flip- (P2-087) pase ATP11C Hiroyuki Takatsu, Masahiro Takayama, Kazuhisa Nakayama, ○ Hye-Won Shin (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University) WS03-02 16:42-16:54 Phosphorylation of TANGO1 regulates localization and (P2-057) function of ER exit sites ○ Miharu Maeda 1 , Toshiaki Katada2 , Kota Saito 1 (Dept. of Biol. Informatics and Experimental Therapeut., Grad. Sch. of Medi- cine, Akita Univ. 1 , Faculty of Pharmacy, Musashino Univ.2 ) WS03-03 16:54-17:06 Endosomal Q-SNARE Syntaxin 7 specifi es a subpopula- (P2-059) tion of recycling synaptic vesicles preferentially respon- sive to high frequency stimulation ○ Yasunori Mori1 , Yugo Fukazawa2 , Shigeo Takamori1
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