INDEX1 A Avenue of the Righteous, 109 Academy of Science Fiction, Axis, 120, 122, 122n3, 123, 125, 127 Fantasy & Horror Films, 115 Aeltestenrat, 89, 93 Aktion T-4, 136 B Alexander, Nathan, 115, 116 Babi Yar massacre, 71n9 Allocative efficiency, 55 Bad Kissingen, 112 Amsterdam, 79 Bad Tölz, 109 Ancien Régime, 78 Baer, Richard, 4 Anschluss, 51 Bavaria, 74 Argentina, 1, 3, 131, 132, 132n4, Becher deposit, 104, 104n8 132n5, 135, 135n10, 136 Becher, Kurt, 103–105, 104n6, Atlanta, 30 104n8, 110, 111 Atlantic, 31 Beck Group, 105 Auschwitz, 3–5, 4n12, 65, 66, Beck, Ludwig, 105, 107, 112, 113 103, 121 Becker, Siegfried, 135n10 Auschwitz trial, 5 Belzec, 4, 66, 108, 121 Auschwitz-Birkenau, 3, 4 Benzon, Branko, 131 Austria, 42, 51, 53, 78, 108, 122, Berghof, 74 133, 135 Berlin, 49, 49n13, 50, 74–76, 78–80, Austria-Hungary, 108n17 78n30, 78n31, 91, 106, 107, Austrian competition, 22, 48 112, 131, 132, 140, 141 Austrian School, 22n11 Berlin Guard Battalion, 114 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s) 2019 145 F. G. Mixon, Jr., A Terrible Efficiency, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-25767-5 146 INDEX Bern University, 80 Competitive market, 54 Blobel, Paul, 71n9 Competitive model, 38n2, 54–55 Blood for Goods, 102–105, 110–112 Confederates, 30 Blood Order Medal, 76 Conspiracyo, 55, 56, 95–96, 105, 107, Bohne, Gerhard, 136 115, 116 Bolivia, 135n10 Council of Yad Vashem, 109 Bormann, Martin, 140 Croatia, 131 Brack, Viktor, 69 Cruise, Tom, 115, 115n24 Branagh, Kenneth, 56, 95 Czechoslovakia, 86, 89, 105, 109 Brand, Joel, 111, 111n20, 112 Czech Republic, 86, 122 Bratislavia, 112 Breton, Albert, viii, 4, 17, 37, 61, 101, 128, 133 D British Museum, 78 Dachau, 43, 71 Brown Book, 80 Dadieu, Armin Bühler, Josef, 46, 56 Dahlem, 74 Bulgaria, 122n3 Dana, Charles, 31 Bureau, viii, 6, 7, 18, 19, 21–26, Daniels, Ben, 56 22n11, 28, 38–40, 44–56, 61, Danube, 51 62, 64, 68, 73, 88, 91, 102, 128, Daugavpils Ghetto, 88 133, 136 de Valsassina, Gino Monti, 131 Bureaucracy, vii–ix, 3–9, 17–33, Decomposition analysis, 125 37–47, 49–51, 52n25, 53–57, Decree of the Reich President for the 57n33, 61–96, 101–116, Protection of People and State, 48 119–128, 133, 135n11, 137, 143 Denmark, 88, 90, 132n3 Bureaucratic competition, 37–58, 119 Depew, Chauncey, 30 Burgberg, 141, 143 Der Spiegel, 80 Burger, Anton, 90, 90n55 Deutsche Emaillewaren-Fabrik Oskar Schindler, 108n17 Diana, Pablo, 131 C Die Eichmann manner, 94 Caggiano, Antonio, 130, 131 Die Spinne, 134, 135 Campo Imperatore Hotel, 138 Dirlewanger, Oskar, 71 Capital market, 23 Dömöter, Edoardo, 130, 131 Capri, 2 Draganovic, Krunoslav, 130, 131 Chelmo, 66, 121 Dunkirk, 78 Chile, 135 Churchill, Winston, 31n24, 140, 141n36 E Coercion, 119–128 East Prussia, 71, 112, 114, 140 Competition, viii, ix, 7–9, 21–24, Ebensee, 68 37–58, 75, 119, 133 Eberl, Imfried, 67 INDEX 147 Economic and Administrative Central Frankfurt, 5, 5n14, 10–13 Office of theSS , 43 Franz, Kurt, 68 Eichmann, Adolf, viii, 2, 40, 49–54, Frederick the Great, 75 64, 103, 127–128, 131 Freisler, Roland, 45, 46 Eicke, Theodore, viii, 43, 71 Freude, Rodolfo, 131 Einsatzgruppe, 136 Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft, 73 Einsatzkommando, 86 Fromm, Friedrich, 106, 106n12, 107, Einsatzkommando 3, 86 110, 115 Einsatzkommando C, 71n9 Führer, 63, 64, 130, 143 Einsatzstab Rosenberg, 42, 42n8, 83 Führermuseum, 42 Eisenhower, Dwight, vii Fuldner, Carlos, viii, 132, 132n4, Electoral College, 29–30, 30n23 132n5, 133 The Embellishment, 88–95 Funk, Walther, 75 Emigration, 50n17, 51, 53, 57, 86, 88, 104 Emmy Award, 56 G Endowment effect, 126, 127 Gauleiter, 38, 74 England, 103n5 Gehlen, Reinhard, 135, 135n9, 136 Entrepreneurial bureaucrats, ix, 8, 55 Genoa, 130 Entrepreneurship, viii, 7, 22, 22n12, German Air Protection League 23, 47, 56, 69, 78, 122, 127 Subordinate Leader’s Europa Plan, 110 Dagger, 77 Europe, vii, 2, 3, 8, 9n21, 40–42, 49, German Cross in gold, 143 52, 53, 56, 57, 68, 78, 83, 86, German Home Army (GHA), 106, 88, 89, 110, 120–124, 130–133, 107, 112, 115 136–143 German Labor Front, 39n4 German National Hunting Association Knife, 77 F German Women’s League, 76 Fallschirmjager, 138 Germany, 6, 29, 41, 44, 49, 50n17, 51, Feder, Gottfried, 39, 39n3 53, 56, 57, 63, 64, 76, 77, 79n37, Feil, Johan 80n38, 103, 105, 106, 109, 116, Fiennes, Ralph, 68n7 120–122, 135, 141, 143 Final Solution, 3, 4, 37–41, 44, 45, Gestapo, 83, 131, 136, 141 49, 54–57, 65, 77, 81, 84, 86, Gleichschaltung, 83 119, 120, 122, 124, 125, 132 Gmund, 74 Finland, 122n3 Gobelins, 78 Fire Department Official’s Dagger, 77 Goebbels, Joseph, 39, 39n4, 74, 75, Fourth Reich, 130, 135 78, 80–83, 114, 140 Four-Year Plan, 45 Goerdeler, Carl, 112 France, 42, 52, 53, 83, 140 Goering, Hermann, viii, 39, 39n4, 42, Franco, Francisco, 135 42n8, 44, 49n14, 57, 74, 76, Frank, Hans, 39, 53 79–81, 79n32, 80n39, 83, 140 148 INDEX Goeth, Amon, 68, 68n7, 108, Hitler Youth Leader’s Dagger, 76 108n15, 108n16, 109 Hoess, Rudolf, 4, 66 Golden Globe Award, 56 Hofer, Walter, 80, 81 Golden Hitler Youth Badge of Honor Höfle, Herman, 68 with Oak Leaves, 76 Hofmann, Otto, 46 Golden Party Badge with Oak Leaves, 76 Hollywood, 55, 95, 108n16, 115 Government-General of Poland, 46, 56 Horizontal trust, 24–28, 101–116 Goyeneche, Juan Carlos, 131 Horizontal trust networks, 101–116 Grand Fascist Council, 137 Hotel Imperial, 139 Gran Sasso d’Italia, 138 Hudal, Alois, 130, 131 Grant, Ulysses, 30, 31, 33 Hungary, 103, 104n6, 122, 141–143 Great Action, 84 Great Britain, 53 Great Crusade, vii I Greece, 111 Informal payments, viii, 7, 31–33, 47, Guenther, Hans, 90n55, 93n57, 94, 64, 71, 86, 93, 108n15, 112, 94n61, 94n62 113, 122, 127, 136, 137, 141 Guilbaud, Georges, 131 Informal services, viii, 7, 20, 20n8, 21, 24, 27, 31–32, 32n26, 45, 47, 64, 69, 79, 84, 86, 108n15, 112, H 113, 136, 141, 143 Hamann, Joachim, 84, 86 Inspector of Concentration Camps, 43 Hartjenstein, Friedrich, 4 Inspekteur der Konzentrationslager, 43 HBO Films, 55 International Red Cross, 89–91, 93 Hebrew, 50, 51 Internment camps, 9 Heinrich, Ivo, 131 Iron Cross, 78 Hering, Gottlieb, 4 Italy, 1, 2, 121, 131, 135, 137, 138 Hess, Rudolf, 75, 76 Heydrich, Reinhard, viii, 44–47, 50, 56–58, 57n33, 64, 68–71, J 71n10, 73n11, 84, 86, 94–96, Jaeger, Karl, viii, 47, 69, 84, 85n48, 95n64, 127, 131, 133 86–88 High Command of the Armed Japanese Americans, 9, 9n21 Forces, 63 Jerusalem, 3, 6, 40, 54, 91, 109, 112 Hildesheim, 109 Jewish Council of Elders, 89 Himmler, Heinrich, viii, 39, 40, 43, 50, Jewish Councils, 6, 7n18, 120 53, 64–95, 103, 103n5, 108, 110, Jewish prominents, 90, 91 114, 131–133, 135, 135n10, 136, Jewish Question, 3, 4, 38, 40, 41, 138, 138n22, 140, 141 43–45, 49, 50, 56, 57, 65, 77, Hitler, Adolf, 3, 29, 38, 62, 104–107, 81, 84, 88, 119, 120, 125 119, 130 Jodl, Alfred, 64 Hitler Youth, 78 Johnson, Andrew, 31, 33 INDEX 149 Judenrate, 120 Louvre, 78 Judenrein, 38, 69 Lublin, 53 Ludolf, Julius, 68 Luftwaffe, 39n4, 76n15, 80n39, 83, 140 K Luther, Martin, 38, 45, 46 Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, viii, 50, Luttor, Ferenc, 130, 131 131–133, 133n6, 138n22 Kappler, Herbert, 68 Karinhall, 74 M Kasztner, Rezso, 103, 104, 104n7, Madagascar, 53 110, 111 Madagascar Plan, 53 Kaunus, 47 Madrid, 135 Keitel, Wilhelm, 63, 64 Majdanek, 121 Kiel, 80n38 Manchester Guardian, 80 King Victor Emmanuel III, 138 Mandel, Loring, 56–58, 56n32, 95, Klement, Ricardo, 1, 2 95n64 Klopfer, Gerhard, 45, 46 Mandic, Dominic, 130 Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross, 139 Martens, Thilo, 132 Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, 114 Mauthausen, 104 Kovno, 85 McClellan, George, 29, 30, 30n23 Kraków ghetto, 68, 108 McQuarrie, Christopher, 115, Kramer, Josef, 4 115n25, 116 Kreuzberg, 49, 49n13 Melk, 68 Kritzinger, Friedrich, 45 Mengele, Josef, 65, 133, 135, 136, Kutschmann, Walter, 136 136n12 Menger, Carl, 22n11 Mercedes Benz, 2 L Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 115 Lange, Herbert, 66 Metropolitan Museum, 78 Lange, Rudolf, 57 Ministry of Economics, 39 Latvia, 47, 57, 84, 88, 120, 136 Minsk, 75 Laval, Pierre, 131 Mississippi, 31 Leber, Julius, 113 Missouri, 31 Leipzig, 112 Modern theory of bureaucracy, 17–33, Lesca, Charles, 131 49, 53, 55, 114–116 Leuschner, Wilhelm, 113 Moes, Ernst, viii, 91, 91n56, 93–95, Ley, Robert, 39, 39n4, 75, 76 93n57 Liebehenschel, Arthur, 4 Mogilev, 75 Lincoln, Abraham, 29–33, 32n26, 63 Mommsen, Hans, 80, 81 Linear regression, 121, 123 Moravia, 51, 53, 69, 86, 91, Linz, 42, 78 108n17, 122 Lithuania, 47, 69, 84, 86–88 Mossad, 2, 3 150 INDEX Mother’s Cross, 76 Ohlendorf, Otto, 69 Mount Zion, 109 Olbricht, Friedrich, 106, 106n12, Müller, Heinrich, 46, 133, 133n6 107, 107n14, 110, 112, 115 Munich, 42n7, 74, 76 Olympic Games, 76 Mussolini, Benito, 135, 138–140 Operation Anthropoid, 94 Operation Eiche, 138–140, 141n36 Operation Panzerfaust, 141–143 N Operation Reinhard, 66, 68, 108 Napoleon, 104n9 Operation Zeppelin, 88, 132n3 National Socialist, 83 Organization der Ehemaligen Nazi Germany, vii, 3, 7, 9, 40, 48, 51, SS-Angehörigen, 130n1 57, 62n2, 63, 75, 103n5, 108, Oster, Hans, 9 120, 122, 127, 136 Nazi Holocaust, vii, viii, 8, 9, 47, 52n25, 53–55, 58, 62, 64, 69, P 86–88, 90, 94, 95, 102, 108n15, Palestine, 51, 53 109–111, 115, 119, 121–124, Paraguay, 135 127, 137 Paris, 79 Nazi Party, 39, 48, 49, 81, 110 Pavelic, Ante, 131 Nazi Party Chancellery, 45, 46 Peralta, Santiago, 131 Neoclassical economic model, 9, 38 Perón, Juan, 131, 135, 135n10 Neumann, Erich, 45, 46 Pétain, Phillipe, 140 New Deal, 23n13 Petranovic, Carlo, 130, 131 New York, 30 Plaszow, 108, 109 Nighy, Bill, 115, 115n24 Pohl, Oswald, 43 Nisko Plan, 53 Poland, 52, 53, 66, 68, 69, 108, North Africa, 88, 115, 137 110, 121, 122,
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