![Journal of Mormon History Vol. 32, No. 3, 2006](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Journal of Mormon History Volume 32 Issue 3 Article 1 2006 Journal of Mormon History Vol. 32, No. 3, 2006 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/mormonhistory Part of the Religion Commons Recommended Citation (2006) "Journal of Mormon History Vol. 32, No. 3, 2006," Journal of Mormon History: Vol. 32 : Iss. 3 , Article 1. Available at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/mormonhistory/vol32/iss3/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Mormon History by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Journal of Mormon History Vol. 32, No. 3, 2006 Table of Contents CONTENTS LETTERS --Winter Quarters Correction, vii --Mormon Scholars in the Humanities: Call for Papers, vii ARTICLES • --The Bickertonites: Schism and Reunion in a Restoration Church, 1880-1905 Gary R. Entz, 1 • --Mountain Meadows Survivor? A Mitochondrial DNA Examination Ugo A. Perego and Scott R. Woodward, 45 • --Rhetoric and Ritual: A Decade of Woman’s Exponent Death Poetry Kylie Nielson Turley, 54 • --“The Queen of Inventions”: The Sewing Machine Comes to Utah Audrey M. Godfrey, 82 • --“A Simple, Common-Sense Explanation”: Thomas F. O’Dea and the Book of Mormon Howard M. Bahr, 104 • --The Church Follows the Flag: U.S. Foreign Aid, Utah Universities, the LDS Church, and Iran, 1950–64 Jessie L. Embry, 141 • --Mormonism and Guerrillas in Bolivia David Clark Knowlton, 180 REVIEWS --Duwayne R. Anderson, Farewell to Eden: Coming to Terms with Mormonism and Science Trent D. Stephens, 209 --William E. Evenson and Duane E. Jeffery, Mormonism and Evolution: The Authoritative Statements D. Jeffrey Meldrum, 213 --Kyle R. Walker, ed., United by Faith: The Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family Susan Easton Black, 218 --Devery S. An der son and Gary James Bergera, eds., Joseph Smith’s Quorum of the Anointed, 1842–1845: A Documentary History and Devery S. Anderson and Gary James Bergera, eds., The Nauvoo Endowment Companies, 1845–1846: A Documentary History Roger D. Launius, 220 --Donald R. Moorman with Gene A. Sessions, Camp Floyd and the Mormons: The Utah War William P. MacKinnon, 224 --Patricia Lyn Scott and Linda Thatcher, eds., Women in Utah History: Paradigm or Paradox? Linda Wilcox DeSimone, 232 --Debbie Palmer and Dave Perrin, Keep Sweet: Children of Polygamy; Jenny Jessop Larson, Brainwash to Hogwash: Escaping and Exposing Polygamy; and Kathleen Tracy, The Se cret Story of Polygamy Brian C. Hales, 236 --Susan Easton Black and Andrew C. Skinner, eds., Joseph: Exploring the Life and Ministry of the Prophet John C. Thomas, 244 --Edwin Brown Firmage and Rich ard Collin Mangrum, Zion in the Courts: A Legal History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830–1900 John S. Dinger, 246 --John W. Welch, ed., The Worlds of Joseph Smith, A Bicentennial Conference at the Library of Congress Daniel P. Dwyer, 249 --John P. Hatch, ed., Danish Apostle: The Diaries of Anthon H. Lund, 1890–1921 Rich ard D. Ouellette, 251 --Carol Cornwall Madsen, An Advocate for Woman: The Public Life of Emmeline B. Wells, 1870–1920 Claudia L. Bushman, 259 --Anita Cosby Thompson, Stand As a Witness: The Biography of Ardeth Greene Kapp Cherry B. Silver, 264 --Vickie Cleverley Speek, “God Has Made Us a Kingdom”: James Strang and the Midwest Mormons Robin Scott Jensen, 268 BOOK NOTICE --Rulon T. Burton, By My Own Hand: The Life Story of Rulon T. Burton and Rulon T. Bur on, Missionaries Two, 273 This full issue is available in Journal of Mormon History: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/mormonhistory/vol32/iss3/ 1 JOUR NAL OF MOR MON HIS TORY FALL 2006 COVER: Abstrac tion of the win dow trac ery, Salt Lake City Tenth Ward. De- sign by War ren Ar cher. Arti cles appear ing in this journal are abstracted and in dexed in His tor i cal Ab stracts and Amer ica: His tory and Life, pub lished by ABC-CLIO, and in Re li - gion In dex One: Pe ri od i cals, pub lished by the Amer i can Theo log i cal Li brary As so ci a tion. ©2006 Mor mon His tory As so ci a tion ISSN 0194-7342 Af ter pub li ca tion herein, copy right re verts to au thors ex cept for re printed is sues. Cop ies of ar ti cles in this journal may be made for teach ing and re - search purposes free of charge and with out se curing per mis sion, as per mit - ted by Sec tions 107 and 108 of the United States Copy right Law. For all other purposes, per mis sion must be ob tained from the au thor. The Mor- mon His tory As so ci a tion as sumes no re spon si bil ity for con tri bu tors’ state - ments of fact or opinion. ii Staff of the Jour nal of Mor mon History Ed i tor: Lavina Field ing An der son Ex ec u tive Com mit tee: Lavina Field ing An der son, Sherilyn Cox Bennion, G. Kevin Jones, Carol Cornwall Madsen, Kahlile B. Mehr, Pa tricia Lyn Scott, William W. Slaugh ter Ed i to rial Staff: Beth Ander son, Robert Briggs, Barry C. Cleve land, Linda Wilcox DeSimone, John S. Dinger, John Hatch, Scarlett M. Lindsay, Linda Lindstrom, H. Michael Marquardt, Murphy S. Mathews, Ste phen R. Moss, Jerilyn Wakefield Ed i to rial Man ager: Pa tricia Lyn Scott In dexer: Mar jo rie New ton Busi ness Man ager: G. Kevin Jones Com pos i tor: Brent Corcoran De signer: Warren Ar cher Board of Ed itors Polly Aird, Se at tle, Wash ing ton Douglas D. Al der, St. George, Utah Todd Compton, Mountain View, Cal i for nia Paul M. Edwards, In de pend ence, Mis souri Ken Driggs, Decatur, Georgia B. Carmon Hardy, Or ange, Cal i for nia John C. Thomas, BYU—Idaho, Rexburg, Idaho Mis sion State ment of the Mor mon His tory As so ci a tion The Mor mon His tory As so ci a tion is an in de pend ent or ga ni za tion ded i cated to the study and under stand ing of all aspects of Mormon history. We wel come all who are in terested in the Mor mon past, irre spec tive of re li gious af fili ation, ac a demic trainin g, or world lo ca - tion. We promote our goals through schol arly research, confer ences, awards, and publi - ca tions. The Journal of Mormon History is published semi-annu ally by the Mormon History As - soci a tion, 581 S. 630 East, Orem, UT 84097, 1- 888-642-3678, {[email protected]}. It is distrib uted to members upon pay ment of annual dues: regu lar member ship: $35; joint/spouse mem ber ship: $45; emer i tus/re tired mem ber ship: $30; stu dent mem ber- ship: $20; in sti tu tional mem ber ship: $45; sus tain ing mem ber ship: $100; pa tron mem ber- ship: $250; do nor member ship: $500. For subscrip tions outside the United States, please add $10 for postage, in U.S. currency, VISA, or Mastercard. Single cop ies $20. Prices on back issues vary; contact Larry and Alene King, exec u tive direc tors, at the address above. The Journal of Mormon History ex ists to foster scholarly research and pub li ca tion in the field of Mormon history. Manuscripts deal ing with all aspects of Mormon history are wel come, in clud ing twen ti eth- and twenty-first-cen tury his tory, re gional and lo cal his tory, women’s his tory, and ethnic/mi nor i ties history. First con sider ation will be given to those that make a strong con tribu tion to knowledge through new in terpre ta tions and/or new infor ma tion. The Board of Ed i tors will also con sider the paper’s gen eral inter est, ac cu - racy, level of inter pre ta tion, and liter ary quality. The Jour nal does not usu ally con sider re- prints or si mul ta neous sub mis sions. Pa pers for consid er ation must be submit ted in trip li cate, typed and double-spaced through out, includ ing all quo ta tions. Au thors should fol low the Chi cago Man ual of Style, 15th edition (see a recent edition of the Journal or style guide at www.mhahome.org) and be prepared to sub mit ac cepted manuscripts on com puter dis kette or CD, IBM-DOS for- mat preferred. Send manuscripts to the Jour nal of Mormon History, P.O. Box 581068, Salt Lake City, UT 84158-1068. iii JOURNAL OF MORMON HISTORY VOLUME 32, NO. 3 FALL 2006 CON TENTS LETTERS Win ter Quar ters Cor rec tion vii Mormon Scholars in the Human i ties: Call for Papers vii AR TI CLES The Bickertonites: Schism and Reunion in a Res to ra tion Church, 1880-1905 Gary R. Entz 1 Moun tain Mead ows Sur vi vor? A Mi to chon drial DNA Ex am i na tion Ugo A. Perego and Scott R. Woodward 45 Rhet o ric and Rit ual: A De cade of Woman’s Ex po nent Death Po etry Kylie Nielson Turley 54 “The Queen of In ven tions”: The Sew ing Ma chine Co mes to Utah Aud rey M.
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