The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Le FORUM Journal Franco-American Centre Franco-Américain Summer 2013 Le FORUM, Vol. 36 No. 3 Lisa Desjardins Michaud, Rédactrice Monsieur Harry Rush Jr. Guy Dubay Martha Elliot Whitehouse Jacqueline Chamberland Blesso See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/ francoamericain_forum Recommended Citation Desjardins Michaud, Rédactrice, Lisa; Rush, Monsieur Harry Jr.; Dubay, Guy; Whitehouse, Martha Elliot; Blesso, Jacqueline Chamberland; Parent, Roger; Duval, Raymond; Marceau, Albert; Gélinas, Alice; Sand, Viginie ColombeBlanche; Brinkley, Tony; Langford, Margaret S.; Graves, Laurie Meunier; and Beaulne, Kent "Bone", "Le FORUM, Vol. 36 No. 3" (2013). Le FORUM Journal. 35. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/francoamericain_forum/35 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Le FORUM Journal by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Lisa Desjardins Michaud, Rédactrice; Monsieur Harry Rush Jr.; Guy Dubay; Martha Elliot Whitehouse; Jacqueline Chamberland Blesso; Roger Parent; Raymond Duval; Albert Marceau; Alice Gélinas; Viginie ColombeBlanche Sand; Tony Brinkley; Margaret S. Langford; Laurie Meunier Graves; and Kent "Bone" Beaulne This book is available at DigitalCommons@UMaine: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/francoamericain_forum/35 VOLUMELe 36 #3 FORUMÉTÉ/SUMMER 2013 “AFIN D’ÊTRE EN PLEINE POSSESSION DE SES MOYENS” Sebec Lake, Maine http://francolib.francoamerican.org/ and francoamericanarchives.org other pertinent websites to check out - Les Français d'Amérique/French In America Calendar Photos and Texts from 1985 to 2002 http://www.johnfishersr.net/french_in_america_calendar.html Franco-American Women’s Institute: http://www.fawi.net The French Connection: http://home.gwi.net/~frenchgen/ $6.00 US Le Forum Sommaire/Contents Features Letters/Lettres...................................................................................3 L’États du Maine.........................................................................4-17 Le Centre Franco-Américain Soeur Mabel Vaillancourt par Monsieur Harry Rush Jr. Université du Maine Van Buren History by Guy Dubay Orono, Maine 04469-5719 [email protected] Americanizing The Acadians by Guy Dubay Téléphone: 207-581-FROG (3764) Une Culture Perdue, Mais Une Acadienne Trouvée par Télécopieur: 207-581-1455 Volume 36, Numéro 3 Martha Elliot Whitehouse Été/Summer La Pie Bavarde soumis par Jacqueline Chamberland Blesso Éditeur/Publisher Yvon A. Labbé From Maine to Thailand by Roger Parent Rédactrice/Gérante/Managing Editor Recollections by Raymond Duval Lisa Desjardins Michaud Mise en page/Layout L’États du Connecticut.............................................................18-24 Lisa Desjardins Michaud A List of the Publications of SHFA by Albert Marceau Composition/Typesetting A Museum Exhibit by Albert Marceau Lisa Michaud Waterbury L'exilé par Alice Gélinas Aide Technique Lisa Michaud Books/Livres.........................................................................26, 35-37 Yvon Labbé Poetry/Poésie..............................................................................25-27 Tirage/Circulation/4,500 Imprimé chez/Printed by Coin des jeunes................................................................................28 Centre Franco-Américain, Orono, Maine Recipes/Recettes.........................................................................29-34 Publié 4 fois l’an par le Centre Fran- co-Américain. Le Forum est distribué surtout Music/Musique...........................................................................44-45 aux Franco-Américains des États-Unis. Les énoncés, opinions et points de vue formulés Endowment: One way to support Le FORUM while at the same dans Le Forum sont ceux des auteurs et ne représentent pas nécessairement les points time reserving life income is the establishment of a charitable gift de vue de l’éditeur ou de la rédactrice, ou de annuity with the Franco-American Centre Le FORUM Fund at the la Division pour l’Éducation Permanente à l’Université du Maine. University of Maine Foundation. Call 1-800-982-8503. Le Forum is published 4 times a year by the Franco-American Center. Le Forum is Abonnement au Le FORUM Subscription distributed in particular to Franco-Americans in the United States. Statements, opinions and Si vous ne l’êtes pas abonnez-vous –– s.v.p. points of view expressed are not necessarily those of the editor, the publishers or the Division –– Subscribe if you have not of Lifelong Learning or of the University of Nom/Name: Maine. Tous les textes soumis doivent parvenir Adresse/Address: à —Forward all submitted texts to: Lisa D. Michaud, Rédactrice-en-chef/Editor-in-chief, Le Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine Métier/Occupation: 04469-5719, U.S., au plus tard quatre semaines précédant le mois de publication—at least four Ce qui vous intéresse le plus dans Le FORUM section which interests you the weeks prior to the month of publication. most: Les lettres de nos lecteurs sont les bienv- enues—Letters to the Editor are welcomed. La reproduction des articles est autorisée Je voudrais contribuer un article au Le FORUM au sujet de: sans préavis sauf indication contraire—Our I would like to contribute an article to Le FORUM about: original articles may be reproduced without notice unless otherwise indicated. L’équipe de rédaction souhaite que Le Fo- Tarif d’abonnement par la poste pour 4 numéros rum soit un mode d’expression pour vous tous Subscription rates by mail for 4 issues: les Franco-Américains et ceux qui s’intéressent États-Unis/United States –– Individus: $20 à nous. The staff hopes that Le Forum can be a Ailleurs/Elsewhere –– Individus: $25 vehicle of expression for you Franco-Americans and those who are interested in us. Organisation/Organizations –– Bibliothèque/Library: $40 Le Forum et son staff—Universitaires, Le FORUM gens de la communauté, les étudiants- Centre Franco-Américain, Orono, ME 04469-5719 2 ÉTÉ/SUMMER For years I though "Mot t'a dit!" was water was potable. It could have been a curse word until I read the comics the Jesuits who taught them this since of "Astérix". It is just the old French they were the educated of the time. equivalent for "Word I tell you" or in In finishing, I would like to make better English, "I swear". Another one two quick observations. "Phono" is a was "taurrieu". A Quebecois told me this Greek root word that means sound. There- meant, "le tort de Dieu", meaning, "It is fore, wouldn't a "Francophone" be a per- God's fault". A funny one is "Eh tabarou- son who speaks French, even though they ette!" which means, "Your wheelbarrow!" do not speak it every day? If you do not equivalent to "I will bet you 100 bucks!" speak French, you are not a Francophone. Dear Le Forum; To answer some of the other ques- Parisian French is not standard tions, "une fleuve" is a river that flows French because of the guttural "R". I really enjoyed the article "A into the ocean or the sea. "Une rivière" "International French" according to my Maine Franco-American" by Raymond would be a tributary, e.g. "le Richelieu" professors at Middlebury College is Duval. I am a Vermont Franco-Amer- Concerning the relationship between the the French spoken in the Loire Valley. ican and like him I never felt we were French and Frogs, you have to back tot I really appreciate "Le Forum" and discriminated against. If we were teased, he 16th and 17th centuries. Potable water its allowing us the possibility to share we would reply, "If you're so smart, why was as valuable as gold on the high seas our experiences in our Franco-American can't you speak French?" Sometimes when you were dying of thirst. When world. Please continue your great work! we were mean and we would teach all English ships would accost French ships, the bad words to new immigrants from they would yell, "Where are the frogs?" Très amicalement, Quebec. The F.... word soon became The French used to put a live frog in their favorite adjective. Back then many each barrel of water on the ship. If the Xavier de la Prade words that were considered scandalous frog was still alive when they were ready Professeur de frannçais émérite were just the names of the sacraments. to drink the water, the French knew the Petaluma, CA GENEALOGY & PEDIGREE Generation 1 You = 100% 1960 Generation 2 Parents = 50%; 1/2 1930 Generation 3 Grand Parents (4) = 25%; 1/4 1900 Generation 4 Great Grand Parents (8) = 12.5%; 1/8 1870 Generation 5 Grt. Grt. Grand Parents (16) = 6.25%; 1/16 1840 Generation 6 Grt. Grt. Grt. Grand Parents (32) = 3.125%; 1/32 1810 Generation 7 Grt. (4) Grand Parents (64) = 1.5625%; 1/64 1780 Generation 8 Great (5) Grand Parents (128) = 0.78125%; 1/128 1750 Generation 9 Great (6) Grand Parents (256) = 0.390625%;1/256 1720 Generation 10 Great (7) Grand Parents (512) = 0.195325%;1/512 1690 Generation 11 Great (8) Grand Parents (1024) = 0.09765625%;1/1024 1660 Generation 12 Great (9) Grand Parents (2048) = 0.048828625%;1/2048 1630 Generation 13 Great (10) Grand Parents (4096) = 0.0244123125%;1/256 1600 Membertou & Champlain generation If I can trace one of my pedigree lines back to Membertou I am 1/4096th Indian. I celebrate my Indian heritage but that ignores 99.975876675% of my pedigree. In short, I celebrate my Metis 0.024% heritage and history and ignore 99.975% of my pedigree and inheritance. If consanguirnity factors allow me to claim Membertou ten times in the 13th generation pedigree I celebrate 0.24% of my inheritance and ignore 99.76% of my history and inheritance. It makes sense to claim Indian ancestry from the most recent 5 or 6 generations but beyond that you're ignoring 98 to 99% of historical reality. Persons who seek Indian identity at that distant factor so choose another science other than geneal- ogy upon which to base their Indian claims. Guy Dubay Madawaska, ME 3 Le Forum Soeur Mabel Vaillancourt, R.S.R. (1908-1987) (Soeur Marie de Sainte-Rose) Par Monsieur Harry Rush, Jr.
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