Cwwwfflx Reports. DECEMBER 18. 1996 uttar Pm State 276 L#git-i.ituie Bill 0) (I) Review by the Government of working of Fiftieth Report (Tenth Lok Sabha) on Power the Madras Refineries limited, Madras, Finance Corporation Limited. for the ye«r 1995-96. (M) Annual Report of the Madras Refineries Limited, Madras, for the year 1995-96, aiohgwith Audited Accounts and 12.0*% hrs. comments of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT ASSURANCES {Placed in Library. See No. LT-1163/96] First Report (2) A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding {Hindi and English versions) between the [English] Gas Authority of India Limited and the SHRI PABAN SINGH GHATOWAR (Dibrugarh) Sn Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas for I beg to present the First Report (Hindi and English the year 1996-97. versions) of the Committee on Government Assurances. [Placed In Library, See No. LT-1164/96] 12.04 hrs. 12.03 hr*. UTTAR PRADESH STATE LEGISLATURE COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS' (DELEGATION OF POWERS) BILL* BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS [English] Fourth Report MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Shri Indrajit Gupta. [English] SHRI RAM NAIK (Mumbai North) : Sir. I have given a notice to oppose the introduction of the Bill which is PROF PREM SINGH CHANDUMAJRA (Patiala) : listed as Item No. 13 of the List of Business Sh I beg to present the Fourth Report (Hindi and English ...(Interruptions) visions) of the Committee on Private Members' Bills Resolution. SHRI PRAMOD MAHAJAN (Mumbai-North East) : But where is the Home Minister to introduce the Bill’ SHRI SANTOSH KUMAR GANGWAR (Bareilly) : Mr. Deputy Speaker Sir, I have also objected to it. 12.03% hrs. [English] COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC UNDERTAKINGS THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN) : He is introducing the Bill in Rajya First, Second end Third Reports Sabha... (Interruptions)The Home Minister is in the Rajya Sabha. He is coming within two minutes. {English] SHRI G. VENKAT SWA MY (Peddapalli) : Sir. I beg [Translation] to present the following Reports (Hindi and English MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER : You can ask other minister versions) of the Committee on Public Undertakings: to introduce it. (1) First Report on Action Taken by Government on the recommendations contained in their [English] Forty-Third Report (Tenth Lok Sabha) on SHRI RAM NAIK : The Minister must in fo rm Mazagon Dock Limited. you ..(Interruptions) <2) Second Report on Action Taken by SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN : This is only Government on the recommendations introduction. He Is in the Rajya Sabha. He is coming contained in their Fifty-Fourth Report (Tenth just now. Lok Sabha) on Rural Electrification MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : He is in the Rajya Sabha Corporation Limited. (3) Third Report on Action Taken by Government * Published in the Gazette 6f india extraordinary. Part-H. on the recommendations contained in their Section-2 dated 18.12.96. 277 Uttar Pradesh State AQRAHAYANA 87, 19.18 (Saka) Legislature BHI 278 SHRI PRAMOD MAHAJAN : That cannot be an MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : No side-taiks, please. excuse... (Interruptions) This is a vary important BW which SHRI RAM NAIK : I am also referring to the Kaul ha would Ilka to introduce in tha Housa. But whan tha and Shakdher with regard to the Introduction of a Bffl. time comes lor its introduction, everybody has gone Rule 64 ia relevant here, 't pertains to the publications o u \. (Interruptions) of a BHI in the gazette before the introduction. It SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN : Sir. the Minister of saya : State for the Home is present here. ...(Interruptions) "The Speaker may, on request being made [Translation] to him, order the publication of any Bid in the Gazette although no motion has been made SHRI PRAMOD MAHAJAN (Mumbai-North-East) : for leave to introduce the BIN In that caae It You please adjourn the House and call the Minister shall not be necessary to move tor leave to from Rajya Sabha ...(Interruptions) introduce the Bill and If the Bid is afterwards introduced, it shall not be necessary..." [English] So, if the BUI is not published in the Gazette what MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER . Please listen to him. is to be done is the next alternative because this Bill has not been obviously published in the Gazette. When [Translation] the Bill is not published in the Gazette and when the SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN . If a minister has to Minister wants to introduce it hore, the Directions of the introduce the Bill both in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Speaker are very important. at the same time then, he can not be present in both I draw your attention to those Directions. Direction the Houses simultaneously. There are two ministers in No. 19A is with regard to notice for leave to Introduce the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Home Minister is Government Bids. It says : engaged in Rajya Sabha. The Minister of State of Home Affairs is present here. What is the objection if he wants **(1) A Minister desiring to move for leave to to introduce the Bill. He is not the minister of any other introduce a BHI shall give notice in writing of department. his Intention to do so. (2) The period of notice of a motion tor leave to introduce a Bill under [English] this Direction shall be seven days, unless the Speaker allows the motion to be made at SHRI RAM NAIK . Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, now I shorter notice .* want to oppose the introduction of the Bill. Let the Minister reply to it. This Bill is dated 12th December. So. definitely seven days' advance notice has not been given in SHRI ANIL BASU (Arambagh) : Before the accordance with th» Direction. I do not know whether introduction how can he oppose it? the Speaker has allowed him to introduce the BHI using SHRI PRAMOD MAHAJAN : By giving a notice one his discretion. You might be better aware of this. But I can oppose it at the introduction level. am sure that neither such a notice nor the permission THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI has been given because you are naturally trying to INDRAJIT GUPTA) : I beg to move for leave to introduce adhere to the rules. That is what is expected from the a Bill to confer on the President the power of the Chair also. When the seven days' notice has not been Legislature of the State of Uttar Pradesh to make laws. given in advance by the Minister. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Motion moved : SHRI P.C. THOMAS (Muvattupuzha) . I am on a point of order on this. "That leave be granted to introduce a Bill to confer on the President the power of the MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER ; Let him finish first. Legislature of the State of Utter Pradesh 1o SHRI P.C. THOMAS : At this stage the introduction make laws." of the Bin can be opposed only... (Interruptions) SHRI RAM NAIK : I have given the notice to oppose SHRI PRAMOD MAHAJAN : He can make his the Uttar Pradeah State Legislature (Delegation of submission later. Powers) BIH. For making laws we are trying to give SHRI P.C. THOMAS : Please hear my point cf order authority to the President. So. according to the rotes. I first. Sir. have given a notice saying that I want to oppose the Bid because it cannot be introduced without complying with MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Under what rule? certain formalities. SHRI P.C. THOMAS : I am referring to Rule 72 As Mow what is the issue? I am referring to the rules per Rue 72. at this stage the introduction of the Bid can antf to the Directions... (Interruptions) be opposed only on one or two grounds. The firet ground ' ; Vttar P m & h 8tata DECEMBER 18, 1086 Legislature Bttt 280 to fhst t Is outside* the togtetetlv* competence of this IEnglish] ffpiiae and tha second ground is that It is (Interruptions) unconstitutional. Only on these two grounds the introduction of the Bill can be opposed at this stage. No * SHRI RAM NAIK : Sir, direction 198 says : other ground can be taken up now. If at- all, "No Bill shall be included for introduction in the objections which are being raised are to be the list of business for a day until after copies heard as a matter between the Speaker and the thereof have been made available for the Government. use of Members for at least two days before MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Pleaee sit down now. I the day on which the Bill is proposed to be have heard you. Let him complete. introduced SHRI P.C. THOMAS : I would request for ydlir ruling. This is the point that I am raising. This Bill has been MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Only the Minister will circulated only yesterday. So, this Bill cannot be have to reply. The Minister will reply to it. introduced. (Interruptions) But there is another provision. I am drawing your attention to that provision also. That provision Is very SHRI RAM NAIK : It is for the Chair to give a ruling. important and 'It shall not be included’, it says : He has to examine the point. The Minister has to reply and it is for the Chair to give a ruling...(Interruptions) “Provided further that in other cases where the Minister desires that the Bill may be [Translation] introduced earlier than two days after the circulation of copies or even without prior MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER : Let one person raise the circulation, he shall give full reasons in a point of order, you raise it later on. Let him complete it first. At least let him complete first. memorandum for the consideration of the Speaker explaining as to why the Bill is (Interruptions) sought to be introduced without making available to Members copies thereof in (English] advance, and if the Speaker gives SHRI P.C.
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