FDRATION INTERNATIONALE DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION . Minutes of the 17th Annual Congress held at AMSTERDAM on 25th and 26th May 1928. Féderation Internationale de Football Associafim Minutes of the Seventeenth Annual Congress , held at AMSTERDAM (Milifiezaal) on 25th and 26th May 1928. Mr. J. RIMET, President of the Federation in the Chair. Present from the Executive Committee : Messrs. G. BONNET, M . FERRETTI, Ing. M. FISCHER, E. voN FRENCKELL, Dr. 1. SCHRICKER, R . W. SEELDRAYERS (Vice- Presidents), C. A. W. HIRSCHMAN (hon. Secretary- treasurer) . The following National Associations were represented : Argentine : A. J. LESSER V* Esthonla: ALEXANDER MAEN D J. R . PORTO — Finland : HENNING RELANDE R S.- L. GARCIA E. J. UHART France : R. CHEVALLIE R F. 1 . PARERA M . DE VIENN E H . DELAUNAY Austria : . EBERSTALLER Dr. R V GEORGE LEV Y Ing. H. FISCHER HUGO MEISL — Germany : F. LINNEMAN N G . P. BLASCHKE Belgium : A. VERDYCK V ED. KARTIN I 0 . VAN KESBEECK GOTTFR . HINZE JOHN LANGENUS — Greece : BASILIOS ZARKADI S Brazill: Dr. F. NABUCO DE ABREU V Hungary : Dr. M. MAMUSICH Chile : NORBERTO L. DE GUEVARA V ARPAD KENYERES CARLOS CONCHA Dr. H . FODO R JUAN H. LIVINGSTONE Irish Free State : J. F. HARRiSON Czecho-Slovakia- Prof. Dr. R . PELIKAN V J. YOUNGE R Dr. W. TSCHAKERT Italy : Avv. GIOVANNI MAUR O F . SCHEINOST COMM. MARIO FERRETT I G . VACCAR O Denmark: Louis OESTRUP V JURGEN R. STAVNS13JERG — Jugoslavia : JOSEF RIBOL I Dr. 'MIROSLAV 'PANDAKOVI C Egypt : A. FOUAD ANWAR BEY V VICT. ZANGL . MOHAMED SOBRY BEY — lmxemburg, BATTY SCHROEDER ALY MOKHLEs EFFENDI — VAUL -`GE.*LZbT YOUSSOF MOHAMED EFFENDI — MICHEL FLUCHAR D ,LAON 4)i*MU6 * v means: Voting representative . Nic. SoaxiT a Report from the Auditor. Netherlands : In J . W. Kips V Spain : JULIAN OLAV E Communication was given of a letter from the Auditor (Ing . M. FISCHER) that h e C. A. W. HIRSCHMA N Sweden: ANTON JOHANSON . P. TIMMERMANS examined the accounts of 1926—27 and found them in order CARL LINDE S. COLDEWE Y M. J . KOOLHAA S Switzerland : Ing. J. SCHLEGE L Alteration of art. 12 Statutes . K. GASSMAN N As the Congresses usally follow too closely the end of the financial year, it wa s Norway : D. EI E V MARCEL HENNINGER unanimously decided to alter art . 12 Statutes as follows : REIDAR BERG H J. BERTSCHINGER „The financial year of the Federation shall commence on the Ist day of January P. CHR . ANDERSEN CH.SOMMER in one year and end on the 31st day of December of the same year ”. Poland : Ing. TAD. KUCHAR V Turkey : A. CHEREFEDDINE BEY For 1928 the financial year will commence on Ist May and end on 31st December. O Portugal : Cap. ANTONIO RIBEIR Agreed. Dos REIS — Uruguay : Dr. FELIX POLLER I Dr. JOS~ SALAZAR CARREIRA V Dr. ENRIQUE E . BUERO u RICARDO DE ORNELLAS — ARTURO L. MACCI O Proposal from the National Associations of Argentine, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Per . CANDIDO DE OLIVEIRA — Jost G. USERA BERMUDEZ and Uruguay to recognise the Spanish language Uruguay (Dr. E. BUERo) reminded that a similar proposal was rejected at the Pari s Roumania : CAMILLE MANUILA V U.S. of America : Col . Dr . G. R . MANNIN G V Congress 1924, since then the reasons for taking up again such a proposal have becom e ELMER A. SCHROEDER Also present : J . SALGADO (Mexico) . stronger . It wished that Spanish should be treated in the same way as the other language s spoken by a great number of persons. The President stated that the official opening of the Congress took place on the day Italy (G. MAURO) stated that at the Rome Congress 1926 recognition was asked fo r before by the Dutch Minister of Education, Sciences and Arts, Mr . J. WASZINK . the italian language, it was not accepted for practical reasons . It asked the same rights fo r Considering the rather big programme, he expressed the hope that the discussion s italian as for Spanish . would be as brief as possible and that everybody would put aside his own particular interest s Portugal (Dr. SALAZAR CARREIRA) and Norway (REIDAR BERGH) wished the sam e when the interests of the whole Organisation would be at stake . privileges for the portuguese and norwegian languages . Czechoslovakia (Prof . Dr. R . PELIKAN) asked permission to have an interpellatio n s after the main points of the agenda had been discussed . Agreed. Netherlands (ing. J. W. Kips) remarked that although the dutch language wa spoken in several parts of the world by many millions of people, it would not follow th e s Minutes of the 16th Annual Congress held at Helsingfors 1927 . same example . It had practical objections, the translations were causingt , a considerable los d A letter was read from The Football Association (England) remarking that it s of time. It proposed that each language should be admitted but that the translations woul representatives at the above named Congress did not vote in favour of the Belgian proposa l only take place in french being the diplomatic language . with regard to the attitude of the Federation in connection with the question of paymen t Upon the proposal of the Chairman the proposaI was withdrawn for the presen t of compensation for lost wages . session in order to discuss it in a following session . This would give an opportunity to com e Mr. J. OLAVE (Commission for the Minutes) stated that the English delegates vote d to some agreement . neither for nor against the proposal . Adopted . The Minutes were confirmed . Proposal from the National Associations of Argentine, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Per u Commission for approval of the Minutes. and Urugay to recognise the Confederacion Sudamericana de Football as the sole representative Messrs. Ing. J. W. Kips and Prof . Dr. R. PELIKAN were appointed to form th e of the F. 1. F. A. for South America . Commission for approval of the Minutes . The Chairman explained the opinion of the Executive Committee, he proposed tha t in accordance with art . 14 (paragr. 3) Statutes, there should not be an objection to form Annual Report from the Secretary . groups between the affiliated National Associations . The Secretary read a letter received from the President of the International Olympi c However it should be distinctly understood that there would be no alteration in the Committee, Count de Baillet Latour, stating that in connection with the question of paymen t direct relations of each National Association with the F . 1. F. A, of compensation for broken time an arrangement was made with the F . 1. F. A. only valable for the Olympic Games 1928 and that with regard to the principle the 1 . 0. C. did not Agreed. pronounce a vote whether it was in favour or against it . The report was adopted . Proposal from the Hungarian Football Association (seconded by the Austrian Footbal l Association) to issue the Official Communications monthly in english, french and german . Annual Report from the Treasurer. Hungary (Dr. MAMUsicH) knew by experience how useful the edition of the Official Was adopted . Communications in the german language would be . 4 The Secretary was of opinion that the present situation was more practical, th e OffielFil Coin munications were translated by each country from english in its own language . 2nd Session. It saved to the Secretariate a loss of time for translation and expenses for translation an d Congress Languages . printing. With regard to the use of different languages at the Congresses the followin g Austria (Ing. H. FISCHER), Norway (D. EIE) and Ing. M. FISCHER were in favou r motion was proposed : of the proposal. „The National Associations of the Netherlands, Italy, Uruguay, Portugal, Brazil, Spain (OLAVE) wished that if the proposal was adopted, the means necessary fo r Argentine, Chile, Austria, Hungary, U . S . America, Czechoslovakia and Spain in order t o carrying it out should be voted . facilitate the work of Congresses accept the suggestion of Mr. Kips that delegates of eac h Association may use their own language at the Congress provided that they assure th e The proposal was altered as follows : translation of their speeches either in english, french or german ” . „The F. 1. F. A. shall publish a paper ,Official Communications” which will be sen t to all National Associations in sufficient copies, containing the information, which i s Adopted . necessary to them . This paper will be issued in the english, french and german language, the communi- International Championship. cations in english shall be the only official ones . " The following resolution was proposed by France (DELAUNAY) : The proposal was adopted (Netherlands voted against) . ,The Congress decides to organise in 1930 a competition open to tile representativ e teams of all affiliated National Associations. It was understood that for carrying out this resolution the necessary means (fo r A Commission nominated by the Congress will study the conditions of organisatio n translators) would be put at the disposal of the Secretary . of this competition . Upon the consideration that the paper could only be issued, when there was somethin g The project must be submitted to the next Congress for final approbation " . to communicate, the Hungarian F . A . withdrew its proposal for monthly publication . It was This resolution was adopted by 23 to 5 votes (Denmark, Esthonia, Finland, Norway , expected that important communications would be sent forthwith and the other ones whe n Sweden), Germany abstained from voting . necessary. As members of this Commission were nominated Messrs H . DELAUNAY, F. LINNEMAN N Agreed. and H. MEISL . The Commission will be presided by a member of the Executive Committee . International Championship . The Chairman reminded that a Commission to study this problem met on 5th-Februar y Election of Officers .
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