Casualties of Texas’ Oldest Hispanic Owned Newspaper Celebrating War in 35 Years of Iraq 4,791 Publishing Afghan 2590 as of July ‘El Respeto al Derecho 28,2011 Ajeno es la Paz” e l e t i i t o r Lie Benito Juarez VOL.XXX1V No. Week of July 28 thru August 3, 2011 www.eleditor.com Lubbock/Midland-Odessa Region Estudiantes de Texas esperan por el Dream Act Los hemianos colombianos Lo linico que pido es un camino cfvicos y estudiantiles a unirse a lucha para que el Gobiemo federal “No estamos pidiendo que se Mauro y Marlon Aiboleda son dos a la legalidad", agregd Mauro, una campana para evitar la deport- aprueba el Dream Act ha colocado nos regale nada, sino mds bien que estudiantes indocumentados de quien se gradud en varios estados vean nuestros m^ritos y a partir de Texas que iras haber agotado lodos este ano de la publicidad y alli puedan damos la opoitunidad los recursos solo esperan que el Facultad de pancartas virtu- de legalizamos al pais que nosotros Dream Act sea una realidad para Administracidn ales en las redes liamamos nuestro hogar”, sostuvo poder regularizar su eslatus. de Negocios de sociales para Mauro Arboleda. Los hermanos Arboleda de 24 y la Universidad acumular firmar Aunque las autoridades migra- 22 anos respectivamente Uegaron a de Houston. y pedirle a las torias le han concedido la prorroga Estados Unidos en 2004 precedenl- El joven fue autoridades que de deportacidn, los recursos para es de su natal Colombia y pidieron puesto en lib- no deporte a los que permanezean tiempo en asilo politico porque. aseguran. era eitad bajo una hermanos Arbo­ temtorio estadounidense se e st^ “perseguidos pob'ticos" y temen orden de apla- leda y a miles agotando. por sus vidas si regresan a su pais. zamiento de su de estudiantes Segun Gino Mesa, abogado en El asilo se les fue negado en deportacidn que que se encuen- inmigracidn y defensor legal de 2007. durar^ un ano. tran en la misma los hermanos Arboleda. e.sie tipo Hace ties semanas. Mauro Este lunes, situacidn. de casos son dificiles porque el file delenido por las autoridades Marlon, el defendido solo tiene cierto numero policiales y luego trasladado a un menor de los erdo con Mauro de apelaciones. cenlro de detencidn de inmigracidn Arboleda, Arboleda. la “Y en el caso de estos hermanos, donde pas6 varios dias. se presentd peticidn ha las apelaciones ya se agotaron. ‘"Salia por la manana para voluntariamente sido hrmada y Lo unico que se espera que de darle tutona a un estudiante esta- a una corte de avalada por m ^ aqui a un ano, en la fecha en que dounidense y varias patrullas me inmigracidn de 10,000 per­ ellos deben salir deportados, cual- siguieron y me detuvieron. de Houston sonas en todo el quier cosa puede pasar y quizis Me hicieron preguntas sobre (Texas) y tam- pais y han sido exista entonces una ley que los mi hermano y mi estatus, pero €\ bi6n logrd que dirigidas tanto ampare”, subrayd Mesa. (Marlon) nunca salid de casa”, se le conceda la a John Morton, Segtin cifras del Depaitamento dijo el mayor de los Arboleda en prdrroga o ac- jefe regional de Seguridad Nacional (DHS), en entrevista con Efe. cidn diferida de de la oficina de 2010 se otorgaron 542 acciones “A mi me ayudd la gente que su deportacidn. ICE en Texas, diferidas o prdrrogas que no requi- me apoyd a nivel nacional. por eso Marlon como a Janet eren la intervencidn del Congreso me sacaron tan pronto de un centro estudia actualmente ingenieria El caso de los hermanos Aibo- acidndeestos estudiantes. Napolitano, Secretaria de Seguri- para suspender lemporalmenle la de reclusidn, algo que no sucede. mecdnica en la Universidad de leda ha motivado a varios grupos La campana “End our pain”, que dad Nacional. deportacidn de indocumentados. Barack Obama Courts Latino Voters, Boehner Pushes Plan; WH Pushes Compromise between Democrats and Repub­ Calls For Partner On Immigration .. licans and the White House, that [Boehner's remark] it doesn’t really hold up. Republicans need to come for­ Can.” “And believe me, right now, while Supreme Court Justice So­ Obama believes the situation pro­ ward to pass immigration reform. dealing with Congress right now nia Sotomayor is the first Latina vides the chance lo do something President Barack Obama said at a — the idea of doing things on my justice. Obama said many of his historic “that will require political meeting of Latino advocacy group own is very tempting. Not just on other legislative actions, such as will by Democrats and Republicans, National Council of La Raza on immigration reform. But that’s not education reform and last year’s a willingness to take heat from your Monday, continuing his push for how our system worics.” health care law were a “huge vic­ base as opposed to placate your Latino voles in 2012 amid concern Overall, the president’s record on tory for the Latino community. base,” Camey said. “But it requires over his record deportations of immigration issues remains fairly “These are victories for NCLR, a will on both sides.” undocumented immigrants. stark, with little progress toward they are victories for America, He also ripped House leaders for “I need a dance partner here, the comprehensive immigration and we did it with your help,” he taking up a measure they know ha.s and the floor is empty,” Obama reform he promised lo pass in his said. “We kept our promises.” no chance of passing the Senate or said, referencing Republicans who first term. The DREAM Act failed Meanwhile, the president has being signed by Obama. formerly supported immigration in the Senate in December despite made a concerted effort to court House Republicans worked to cor­ lion estimates and would reduce the Camey said all sides need to come reform and now say enforcement passing the House. Latinos for his re-election cam­ ral support for House Speaker John deficit by $850 billion in 10 years. together before the deadline and the must be increased first. “Feel “There is still some unfinished paign, after he won the Latino Boehner’s debt plan as the White Concerning rallying Republicans United States loses its borrowing free to keep the population by large House pushed for compromise around his proposal. Boehner said authority. heat on me, and margins in 2(X)8. Wednesday. his plan was the only alternative “While at midnight on Aug. 2 we keep the heat on His speech at Na­ Boehner and other leaders ex­ floating that has a chance to pass the don’t all turn into pumpkins, we do. Democrats, but tional Council of pressed confidence momentum was House and Senate - and if it’s the as a country, lose our borrowing here’s the thing to La Raza’s yearly swinging in their direction, a day af­ only game available, will be signed authority for the first time in our his­ remember: Tlie conference is the ter the Congressional Budget Office by President Obama. tory,” the spokesman said. “And that Democrats and third immigration- said neither the Boehner plan nor the “Barack Obama hates it. Harry would be a very bad thing.... This is your president related address he measure offered by Senate Majority Reid hates it. [House Minority real and dangerous .” are with you. has given in the Leader Harry Reid captured as much Leader] Nancy Pelosi hates it," The CBO also said Senate Major­ Remember who last three months. in savings as they projected. Boehner said. “Why any representa­ ity Leader Harry Reid’s alternative it is we need to Obama delivered Boehner bluntly told his cau­ tive would want to be on the side debt plan would cut the U.S, deficit change the laws.” a major immigra­ cus during a closed-door meeting of Barack Obama. Harry Reid and by $22 trillion, not $2.7 trillion as But as Obama tion address at the Wednesday to “get your ass in line” Nancy Pelosi [is] beyond me.” Reid touted. calls for immi­ Texas-Mexico behind his plan, two Republicans Meanwhik, White House spokes­ However. Sen. Jeff Se.ssions. gration reform border in May, who attended the meeting told CNN. man Jay Camey said compromise R-Ala.. ranking Repubbean on the that is unlikely to visited Puerto Rico Boehner confirmed lo conser­ was still possible to reach a plan Senate Budget Committee, said pass Congress, last month, and ha.s vative radio show host Laura that would raise the debt ceiling and Reid’s proposal “does not achieve Latinos and im­ hosted a number of Ingraham’s he did indeed give the reduce underlying debt and deficit anything close lo the promised sav­ migration reform Latino celebrities and activists at directive in those terms. before Tuesday when the country ings.” supporters are becoming increas­ business,” National Council of the White House. “I sure did.” Boehner said. risks default on some of its obliga­ “Far fix)m the $2.7 trillion in cuts ingly firustraied with the record La Raza President Janet Murguia “They know that Republican He said his goal was lo work with tions. claimed, the mie spending cuts in numbers of people forced out of said in the president’s introduc­ control of the House means pro­ members to coalesce around his Referring to Boehner’s comment, this proposal are closer to $1 trilbon the country each year under his tion, pointing out the DREAM Act immigrant legislative measures plan, which he said he plans to bring Camey said during Wednesday’s over 10 years..
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