INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISPUTE REGARDING NAVIGATIONAL AND RELATED RIGHTS (COSTA RICA V. NICARAGUA) REJOINDER OF ~ THE REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA VOLUME II ANNEXES 15 JULY 2008 VOLUME II TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME II ANNEXES NUMBER DOCUMENT PAGE AGREEMENTS ANNEX 1 Convention Between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, 3 Supplemental to the Convention of July 13th of this Year, Related to the Improvement of the Colorado or San Juan Rivers (Rivas-Esquivel), 21 December 1868 ANNEX 2 Convention on Biodiversity Conservation and Protection 9 of Priority Wild Areas in Central America, 5 June 1992 ANNEX 3 Inter-Institutional Convention for Environmental 17 Conservation and the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Signed Between the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources and the Sandinista People's Army, 29 March 1995 ANNEX 4 Final Minutes from the IV Nicaragua-Costa Rica 23 Binational Meeting, 13 May 1997 PLEADINGS OF COSTA RICA ANNEX 5 Argument on the Question of the Validity of the Treaty of 21 Limits Between Costa Rica and Nicaragua and Other Supplementary Points Connected with it, submitted ta the Arbitration of the President of the United States of America, Filed on Behalf of the Government of Costa Rica. Washington: Gibson Bros., 1887 I ANNEX 6 Reply to the Argument of Nicaragua on the Question of 39 the Validity or Nullity of the Treaty ofLimits of April 15, 1858, to be decided by The President ofthe United States of America, as Arbitrator, Filed on Behalf of the Government of Costa Rica. Washington: Gibson Bros., 1887 DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE AND RECORDS ANNEX 7 Instructions carried by the special Minister appointed to 43 the Government of Nicaragua, Mr. Francisco Maria Oreamuno's Diplomatie Mission to Nicaragua, 1838 ANNEX 8 "Protocol of the conference of 10 Januacy 1854." 49 Published in Esgueva, Antonio. The Borders of Nicaragua and Costa Rica in the historical documents. Managua: IHNCA-UCA, 2007. pp. 336-337, Document No. 132a ANNEX 9 "Protocol of the conference of 9 February 1854." 53 Published in Esgueva, Antonio. The Borders of Nicaragua and Costa Rica in the historical documents. Managua: IHNCA-UCA, 2007. pp. 340-341, Document No. 132e ANNEX 10 "Memorandum from Costa Rica, dated 13 February 57 1854, mentioned in the protocol of the conference of 17 February." Published in Esgueva, Antonio. The Borders ofNicaragua and Costa Rica in the historical documents. Managua: IHNCA-UCA, 2007. p. 344, Document No. 134 ANNEX 11 Message of the President of the Republic [of Costa Rica] 61 to the Congress of 6 September 1857. Published in Gaceta del Salvador, Cojutepeque, 7 October 1857 ANNEX 12 Note from William Carey Jones, ·Special Agent of the 69 United States to Central America, to Lewis Cass, Secretary ofState of the United States, 2 November 1857 Il ANNEX 13 Note from William Carey Jones, Special Agent of the 75 United States of America to Central America, to General Lewis Cass, Secretary of State of the United States, 30 January 1858 ANNEX 14 Letter from Eduardo Montealegre, Foreign Minister of 79 Nicaragua, to Lorenzo Guerrero, Director of the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, 1 September 1999 and Email from Dr. Alfredo Ferreti Lugo, General Secretary of the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute, to Cafio Blanco Marina, 13 September 1999 PRESS REPORTS ANNEX 15 "Costa Ricans Damage Flora in the San Juan River," La 85 Prensa (Managua), 13 June 1991 ANNEX 16 "Tourist and Guide Kidnapped," La Naci6n (San José), 3 89 January 1996 ANNEX 17 "Border Row with Nicaraguans," La Naci6n (San José), 95 16 July 1998 ANNEX 18 "Aleman Rejects Arbitration: Costa Rica Accepts New 101 Meeting with Nicaragua," La Prensa (Managua), 25 July 1998 ANNEX 19 "Country Finn in Meeting with Nicaraguans," La Naci6n 107 (San José), 29 July 1998 ANNEX 20 "Costa Rican Guards Point Guns at Nicaraguan Boaters," 115 La Prensa (Managua), 30 July 1998 ANNEX 2, "Nicaraguans Denounce Costa Rican Harassment on 119 National Territory," La Prensa (Managua), 2 August 1998 ANNEX 22 "Costa Rica Retaliates," La Prensa (Managua), 15 125 III August 1998 ANNEX 23 "Another Costa Rican Map 'Takes the River,'" El Nuevo 129 Diario (Managua), 26 August 1999 ANNEX 24 "Indio Maiz Declared World Biosphere Reserve," La 133 Prensa (Managua), 10 July 2003 ANNEX 25 "Crocodile Devours child in the Indio River," La Prensa 137 (Managua), 10 April 2007 ANNEX 26 "Crocodile Kills 13-year old boy Who Was Bathing in 143 the River," La Naci6n (San José), 5 May 2007 ANNEX 27 "Costa Rican Mine Has Unleashed Concern in 149 Nicaragua," Miami Herald (Miami, FL), 21 June 2008 BOOKS AND TREATISES ANNEX 28 Folkman, Jr, David I. The Nicaragua Route. Salt Lake 155 City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1972 ANNEX 29 Gonzâlez Villalobos, Pauline. The Sarapiqui Route: A 159 Sociopolitical Hisfory of a Road. San José: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Universidad de Costa Rica, 1976 ANNEX 30 Houk, Richard J. "The Development of Foreign Trade 173 and Communication in Costa Rica to the Construction of the First Railway", (The Americas, Vol. 10, No. 2., 1953, Oct., pp. 197 -209) ANNEX 31 Jiménez Pérez, Ignacio. The Manatees of the San Juan 189 River and the Tortuguero Channels: Eco/ogy and Conservation. Managua: ARAUCARIA, 2000 ANNEX 32 Jiménez Oreamuno, Ricardo. His Thoughts. San José: 193 Editorial Costa Rica, 1980 ANNEX 33 Le6n Sâenz, Jorge. The Evolution of Foreign Trade and 197 Maritime Transport of Costa Rica: 1821-1900, San José: IV Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica, 1997 ANNEX34 McNeil, Jean. The Rough Guide to Costa Rica. Fourth 209 Edition (April 2005). New York: Rough Guides, 2005 ANNEX35 Molina, Felipe. Report on the Border Questions Raised 213 Between the Republic of Costa Rica and the State of Nicaragua. Madrid: Imprenta de la Viuda de Calero, 1850 ANNEX36 Molina, Felipe. Study of the Republic of Costa Rica. New 221 York: S. W. Benedict Printers, 1851 ANNEX37 Molina, Felipe. Memoir on the Boundary Question 227 Pending Between the Republic of Costa Rica and the State ofNicaragua. Washington: Gideon & Co.: 1851 ANNEX38 Rodriguez Bolafios, Jose Alberto & Borge Carvajal, 231 Victor Guillermo. The Railroad to the Atlantic in Costa Rica. San José: University of Costa Rica: 1979 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS ANNEX 39 UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme Certificate 235 for the San Juan River Biosphere Reserve of Nicaragua, 15 September 2003 ANNEX 40 Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, San 239 Juan River Wildlife Refuge Management Plan, Managua: ARAUCARIA-MARENA-AECI, 2005 ANNEX 41 Meyrat, Alan. The Biological Stretch of Southeast 265 Nicaragua: Important Space for the Conservation of Nature. MARENA-ARAUCARIA, 2006 ANNEX 42 Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, 273 Indio Maiz Biological Reserve Management Plan, 2005- 2010 Period. Fourth Version, 9 May 2006 ANNEX 43 Public Prosecutor's Office of San Carlos, Rio San Juan 281 Province, Nicaragua. "Criminal Complaint 000/06." 21 v December 2006 ANNEX 44 "The Annotated Ramsar List: Nicaragua/' The Ramsar 285 Convention on Wetlands. Available at http ://www .ramsar. org/profile/pro files_ nicaragua.htm ANNEX 45 "Biosphere Reserve Information for Rio San Juan," 291 UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Resen;es Directory. Available at http ://www. unesco. org/mabdb/br/brdir/directocy/ biores.asp?mode=all&code=NIC+02 ANNEX 46 Nicaragua, Ministry of the Environment and Natural 295 Resources, "Species under threat of Extinction: Indio Maiz and BOSA WAS Biosphere Reserves," 2008 ANNEX 47 Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, 301 "Southeast Nicaragua Biosphere Reserve: Strategie Program 2008." Available at: http://www .marena.gob.ni/index.php?option=com_remos itory&Itemid= 181 &func=fileinfo&id=523 MILITARY DOCUMENTS ANNEX 48 Army of Nicaragua, "Action Plan for Issuance of 305 Departure Clearance Certificates in the San Juan River," 5 July 2001 LA WS, DECREES AND REGULATIONS ANNEX 49 Costa Rica, "Basis for the formation of a Company, 309 named the Sarapiquf Company .... " Published in Reply to the Argument of Nicaragua on the Question of the Validity or Nullity of the Treaty of Limits of April 15, 1858, to be decided by the President of the United States of America as Arbitrator. Washington, Gibson Bros., 1887. Document No. 26, pp. 144-146 VI ANNEX 50 Costa Rica, Decree No. 14 of 1860, Decree Closing the 315 Moin and Sarapiqui Ports ANNEX 51 Nicaragua, Agreement No. 5, Accession and Ratification 319 of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 23 April 1977. Published in La Gaceta No. 183, 15 August 1977 ANNEX 52 Nicaragua, Decree No. 161, Law Creating the 325 Nicaraguan Tourism lnstitute, 14 November 1979. Published in La Gaceta No. 62, 20 November 1979 ANNEX 53 Nicaragua, Register No. 3743- RIF 791975, Regulations 329 on the Issuance, Format and Use of Special Tourism Cards, 25 May 1993 ANNEX 54 Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua of 335 1987 and its Reforms, Articles 92 and 130 ANNEX 55 Nicaragua, Law No. 495, General Tourism Law, 2 July 339 2004. Published in La Gaceta No. 184, 22 September 2004 ANNEX 56 Nicaragua, Presidential Decree No. 57-2005, 31 August 345 2005 ANNEX 57 Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources 355 Ministerial Resolution No. 029-2006, including the almendro tree (Dipteryx Panamensis) in the Nicaraguan Closed Season System of Wild Species in the List of Indefinite National Closed Seasons, 16 June 2006. Published in La Gaceta, No. 141, 21 July 2006 DICTION ARIES ANNEX 58 The New Pocket Dictionary, of the Spanish and English 361 Languages. London, 1809 ANNEX 59 Royal Spanish Academy Dictionaries 365 a) Royal Spanish Academy, Dictionary of the Castilian Language. Fourth Edition. Madrid, Viuda de VII Ibarra, 1803 b) Royal Spanish Academy, Dictionary of the Castilian Language. Fifth Edition. Madrid, Imprenta Real, 1817 c) Royal Spanish Academy, Dictionary of the Castillan Language.
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