UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 327 Recueil des Traites Trait&s et accords internationaux .enregistris oa classe's et inscrits au ripertoire au Secrgtariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations 1. Nos. 4714-4728 VOLUME 327 1959 I1 No. 554 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and internationalagreements registered from 13 March .1959 to 30 April 1959 Pae No. 4714. Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Federal Republic of Germany, etc. : International Convention (with annexes) for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954. Done at London, on 12 May 1954 .......... 3 No. 4715. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Turkey: Agreement concerning a loan by the United Kingdom Government to the Turkish Government. Signed at Paris, on 25 November 1958 . 35 No. 4716. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Lebanon: Exchange of notes (with annex) constituting an agreement concerning the loan of arms to Lebanon. Beirut, 19 May 1958 ............. ... 43 No. 4717. Pakistan and Afghanistan: Agreement (with annex) relating to air services. Signed at K1abul, on 23 June 1957 ........... .............................. .... 51 No. 4718. Union of South Africa and Federal Republic of Germany: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement for the avoidance of double taxation on income derived from shipping and aircraft. Pretoria, 9 May and 26 August 1955 and 17 and 28 September 1956 ...... .. 83 No. 4719. United Nations and Sudan: Agreement for the provision of operational and executive personnel. Signed at Khartoum, on 28 March 1959 ...... .................. ... 95 Traits et accords internationaux enregistre's ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies os VOLUME 327 1959 1. N 47144728 VOLUME __327_ 1959 _II. No 554 TABLE DES MATIMRES I Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris du 13 mars 1959 au 30 avril 1959 Pags No 4714. Belgique, Canada, Danemark, France, R~publique f~d~rale d'Alle- magne, etc.: Convention internationale (avec annexes) pour la prevention de la pollution des eaux de la mer par les hydrocarbures, 1954. Faite h Londres, le 12 mai 1954 ............ .......................... 3 No 4715. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Turquie: Accord relatif un prit du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni au Gouvernement turc. Sign6 i Paris, le 25 novembre 1958 ..... .............. ... 35 No 4716. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Liban: Rchange de notes (avec annexe) constituant un accord relatif A un prt d'armes au Liban. Beyrouth, 19 mai 1958 .... ............. ... 43 No 4717. Pakistan et Afghanistan: Accord (avec annexe) relatif aux services a~riens. Sign6 1 Kaboul, le 23 juin 1957 ........... ............................. .... 51 No 4718. Union sud-africaine et Rpublique fddfrale d'Allemagne: Rchange de notes constituant un accord tendant iL viter la double imposition des revenus des entreprises de navigation maritime et a6rienne. Pretoria, 9 mai et 26 aofit 1955 et 17 et 28 septembre 1956 .. .......... ... 83 No 4719. Organisation des Nations Unies et Soudan: Accord r~gissant 1'envoi de personnel d'administration et de direction. Sign6 iL Khartoum, le 28 mars 1959 ...... ................... .... 95 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1959 Page No. 4720. Belgium and Spain: Cultural Agreement. Signed at Madrid, on 27 October 1958 .......... .107 No. 4721. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, France, etc.: Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Commercial Road Ve- hicles (with annexes and Protocol of signature). Done at Geneva, on 18 May 1956 .......... .......................... ... 123 No. 4722. Netherlands and Federal Republic of Germany: Agreement concerning air services (with exchange of notes). Signed at The Hague, on 28 September 1956 ...... ................. ... 185 No. 4723. Netherlands and Yugoslavia: Agreement (with annex) relating to scheduled air services. Signed at Bel- grade, on 13 March 1957 ....... ..................... ... 227 No. 4724. India and Iran: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (with exchange of letters). Signed at Tehran, on 15 December 1954 ......... ................... 245 No. 4725. United States of America and Iran: Agreement of co-operation. Signed at Ankara, on 5 March 1959 ..... ... 277 No. 4726. United States of America and Pakistan: Agreement of co-operation. Signed at Ankara, on 5 March 1959 ..... ... 285 No. 4727. United States of America and Turkey: Agreement of co-operation. Signed at Ankara, on 5 March 1959 ..... ... 293 No. 4728. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Federa- tion of Malaya: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement about the representation of the Government of the Federation of Malaya on the Internal Security Council to be established under Part VII of the Singapore (Constitution) Order- in-Council, 1958. Kuala Lumpur, 8 November 1958 .............. 301 II Treaties and internationalagreements filed and recorded Irom 2 March 1959 to 30 April 1959 No. 554. International Labour Organisation and Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization: Agreement. Approved by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on 11 December 1948 and by the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization Assembly on 16 January 1959 ......... ... 309 1959 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds V et Espagne: Pages No 4720. Belgique Accord culturel. Sign6 h Madrid, le 27 octobre 1958 ..... ........... 107 No 4721. Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Ripublique f~dirale d'Allemagne, France, etc.: Convention douani~re relative L l'importation temporaire des v6hicules routiers commerciaux (avec annexes et Protocole de signature). Faite A Gen~ve, le 18 mai 1956 ....... ..................... ... 123 No 4722. Pays-Bas et Ripublique fdrale d'Allemagne: Accord relatif aux services a6riens (avec 6change de notes). Sign6 L La Haye, le 28 septembre 1956 ....... ....................... .... 185 No 4723. Pays-Bas et Yougoslavie: Accord (avec annexe) relatif aux services a6riens r6guliers. Sign6 LBelgrade, le 13 mars 1957 ......... ......................... ... 227 No 4724. Inde et Iran: Trait6 de commerce et de navigation (avec 6change de lettres). Sign6 h Th6ran, le 15 d6cembre 1954 ........ ....................... ... 245 NO 4725. Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et Iran: Accord de coop6ration. Sign6 h Ankara, le 5 mars 1959 ............. ... 277 No 4726. Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et Pakistan: Accord de coop6ration. Sign6 A Ankara, le 5 mars 1959 ............. ... 285 NO 4727. Etats-Unis d'Amrique et Turquie: Accord de coop6ration. Sign6 a Ankara, le 5 mars 1959 ............. ... 293 No 4728. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Fidfration de Malaisie: tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif h la representation du Gou- vernement de la F6d6ration de Malaisie au Conseil de s6curit6 int~rieure qui doit 6tre cr66 en vertu du titre VII de l'ordre en conseil de 1958 relatif A la Constitution de Singapour. Kuala Lumpur, 8 novembre 1958 301 II Traits et accords internationaux classds et inscrits au rdpertoire du 2 mars 1959 au 30 avril 1959 No 554. Organisation internationale du Travail et Organisation intergouver- nementale consultative de ]a navigation maritime: Accord. Approuv6 par le Conseil d'administration du Bureau international du Travail le 11 d6cembre 1948 et par l'Assembl6e de l'Organisation inter- gouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime le 16 janvier 1959 309 VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1959 concerning treaties and Page ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., internationalagreements registered with the Secretariato/ the United Nations No. 186. International Convention for the Suppression of Illicit Traffic in Dan- gerous Drugs, signed at Geneva on 26 June 1936, with Protocol of Signature, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success, New York, on 11 December 1946: Ratification by the Netherlands ......... ................... 322 No. 521. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies. Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 21 November 1947: Revised Annex VII. Adopted by the Tenth World Health Assembly: Acceptance by Yugoslavia ........ ...................... 324 Accession by Nicaragua to the above-mentioned Convention in respect of certain specialized agencies ....... .................... ... 324 Final text of Annex XIII. Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Inter- national Finance Corporation on 2 April 1959 ... ............ ... 326 No. 545. Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and Ireland for services between the two countries. Signed at London, on 21 June 1948: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement modifying the annex to the above-mentioned Agreement. Dublin, 2 and 19 October 1957 . 328 No. 557. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between the Governments of Sweden and Ireland relating to air transport. Dublin, 29 May 1946: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement modifying the annex to the above-mentioned Agreement. Dublin, 2 October 1957, and Stockholm, 21 October 1957 ........... ......................... 332 No. 561. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to air transport between the Governments of Denmark and Ireland. Dublin, 18 November 1947: Exchaige of notes
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