“Inspiring Jointness” Q s NRDC-GR July 2016 - January 2017 / Issue 08 erald Joint Monument Inauguration (page 63) THE MAGAZINE OF NATO RAPID DEPLOYABLE CORPS - GREECE July July 16 2014 - January / issue 17/ Issue 03 08 overview EDITORIAL BOARD Public Afairs Ofce EDITORIAL Chief PAO/PAA OF-5 (HAF) Stavros SIDIROPOULOS Chief PA Plans and Analysis OF-5 (HAF) Konstantnos ARAMPANTZIS Chief Media OPS/Deputy Chief PAO/PAA OF-3 (HEA) Elias NIKEZIS Dear Readers, Chief Social Media OF-1 (HEA) Sotrios ROUMELIOTIS Chief Producton OR-9 (HEA) Georgios THEODOROU Photographer OR-6 (HEA) Alexandros ATSKAKANIS How tme fies, July 2016 looks like yesterday when our last Communicaton Informaton magazine No7 has been published. A New Year arrived with new Tel.: +30 2310 882452 / IVSN 451-2452 email: [email protected], email: [email protected] intentons, new goals and new beginnings. HERALD Magazine www.nrdc.gr Twiter: @NRDC-GR Facebook: NATO Rapid Deployeable Corps - Greece will contnue to keep the memories and introduce successes and YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/user/nrdcgreece challenges stay behind like a trail of the past looking forward to editorial the path of the future. Chief of Hellenic Natonal Defense Genaral Staf Address p.01 NRDC-GR HQs Commander’s address p.02 NRDC-GR HQs Deputy Commander’s Adress p.03 The last semester of 2016, dominatng by great achieve- ments, completes a challenging year that underscores the great special guests Strategic communication (Stratcom): eforts by all the Headquarters’ staf members that day by day Influence Other Than War p.04 built a fruitul and promising relatonship with local, natonal and articles multnatonal civilian and military enttes. Cyber Security as Part of the Contemporary Security Environment p.07 NRDC-GR LOAC SEMINAR 2016 Public Afairs ambiton to keep its online presence and vis- “Operatonalizing the Law of Armed Conficts” p.11 Legal Advisors in a Demanding and ibility reached unprecedented views of the NRDC-GR website Changing Operatonal Environments p.13 and Social Media accounts (NRDC-GR YouTube channel, Twiter Readiness Acton Plan- A legal overview p.14 The Growing Nuclear Club Challenging NATO Planners p.15 and the recent created HQ’s Facebook account), paving a way for more openness and transparency. seminars - conferences 5th GRF(L) HQ’s Chiefs of Staf Conference Hosted By NRDC-GR p.19 Herald magazine is one of the most successful media plat- “Financial Controllers’ Conference 2016” p.20 5th LANDCOM J6 Conference and CIS Interoperability forms. It represents an open window to the world, via address- Seminar Hosted by NRDC-GR HQ p.22 Evaluaton Planning and Management Board (EPMB I/16) p.23 ing views and beliefs of subject mater experts and special guest, NRDC-GR Plenary Conference 2016 p.24 NRDC-GR AOCC Seminar “IKAROS” p.25 in military, historical, scientfc, cultural and other issues of a NRDC-GR J3 Air Seminar “PEGASOS 2016” p.26 global interest. NRDC-GR Hosted the 2nd Bi Annual Internatonal AOCC Conference 2016 p.27 NRDC-GR Spokespersons and Key Leaders Media I would like to express our greatest thanks and appreciaton Engagement Training p.28 NRDC-GR Commander Atended LC3 Conference to all contributng guests and staf for their artcles, news and in Strasburg p.30 Civil & Military Meetng in NRDC-GR HQ p.31 event coverage, and much more. Views expressed in this mag- NRDC-GR and MPSOTC LOAC SEMINAR 2016 azine belong to the authors and do not represent any ofcial “Operatonalizing the Law of Armed Conficts: The tactcal perspectve” p.33 opinions of NRDC-GR or NATO. Advanced FAST – FAS & Dynamic Targetng Training Course in NRDC-GR p.38 NRDC-GR Joint Logistc Support Group Seminar 2016 p.39 The year is new, the hopes are new, the aspiratons are new Exercise Planning Course for Jordanian Armed Forces p.40 NRDC-GR and University of Macedonia Memorandum but our wishes for happiness and prosperity remains the same of Cooperaton p.41 NRDC-GR Afliaton Conference 2017 p.43 from you and your families. NRDC-GR Intelligence Seminar “Sikinos 2017” p.45 Best Wishes community relations NRDC-GR Celebrates the French Natonal Day p.47 NRDC-GR Celebrates the Romanian Flag Day p.48 1st Hellenic Army Commander Visits NRDC-GR p.49 USA Military Ataché Visits NRDC-GR HQ p.50 Polish Flag Joining Ceremony to NRDC- GR HQ p.51 Stavros SIDIROPOULOS COS KFOR and KFOR COM JLSG Visit NRDC-GR HQ p.53 OF-5 (H AF) Commander of NATO Headquarters Allied Land Command (LANDCOM) Visits NRDC-GR HQ p.54 Chief Chief PAO/PAA 11th Anniversary of NRDC – GR JHQ Establishment Day p.55 NRDC-GR/PAO NRDC-GR Celebrates the German Flag Day p.57 NRDC-GR Celebrates The Spanish Natonal Day p.58 Chief of Hellenic Natonal Defense General Staf Visits NRDC-GR HQ p.59 Commander NRDC-GR Visits Afliated Unit in Romania p.60 NRDC-GR HQ Celebrated the Albanian Natonal Day p.61 Commander KFOR Visits NRDC-GR HQ p.62 NRDC-GR Joint Monument Inauguraton p.63 July July 16 2014 - January / issue 17/ Issue 03 08 EDITORIAL Chief of Hellenic National Defense Genaral Staff Admiral Evaggelos APOSTOLAKIS mission in place. This year, we will contnue our ef- forts to showcase NRDC-GR as a pioneer HQ with a leading role within the Alli- ance. Stafed by highly skilled personnel, adequately trained, NRDC-GR is able to respond efectvely across the full range of potental military operatons and is fully connected in accordance with NATO standards. This capacity will extend even more with the admission of USA, UK and Germany as full members. At this point I would like to empha- size on mult-natonality which is the key Greece, as a member of NATO, EU, the Tactcal level within a joint, interagen- element for the success of NRDC-GR. A OSCE and a number of regional inita- cy, intergovernmental and multnatonal multplier that represents in the best way, tves, undertakes in the context of its context. Under this framework the tran- our common eforts to defend our core Natonal Defence Policy objectves, com- siton of NRDC-GR to JHQ is vital for the values and our collectve commitment to bined eforts in the area of military diplo- NATO structure and our Natonal Defense the Alliance’s three core tasks which are macy. The target is to support not only Policy. collectve defense, crisis management the natonal interests and to upgrade the As a result, Greece has taken the and cooperatve security through part- security environment in the Eastern Med- politcal decision to ofer the NRDC-GR nerships. Bringing our joint staf together, iterranean but also to ensure the Hellenic as a JHQ for the command and control we enforce the adaptaton of NATO new Armed Forces’ interoperability with the of Small Joint Operatons from July 1st, concepts and doctrines from top to down NATO and EU member states. 2018 into the Long Term Rotaton Plan and vice versa. The ever-changing global security (LTRP). It will give us the opportunity of Looking in the future, I am proud to environment requires modern Armed advanced training and educaton. Our say that NRDC-GR will contnue to main- Forces with enhanced Land, Air and partcipaton to the LTPR will ensure tain and develop its readiness and capa- Maritme power. It is crucial for us to in- greater fexibility and the ability of our bilites within the contemporary opera- tegrate all aspects of a “Comprehensive forces to deploy quickly and efectvely tonal environment. Approach” from the Strategic down to when and where there is an approved 01 EDITORIAL Commander NRDC - GR HQs Lieutenant General Dimitrios BIKOS I am honored to welcome our diferent Natons working together in the diference, and we have the best. readers to this editon of NRDC-GR Her- multnatonal formatons with great suc- Our mutual success will depend on great ald as your new commander. Our unit, cess. NRDC-GR worked and contnuous to thinking, cooperaton, and teamwork. Ex- NRDC-GR is a multnatonal Graduated work hard to achieve interoperability and panding the joint mindset to encompass Readiness Forces for Land (GRF-L). As a expertse through exercises and certfca- multnatonal perspectves builds the HQs it was established on the solid base tons. Exercises stress procedures, team- trust and shared understanding among of one of the oldest and most glorious work across Natonal frameworks, and all and addresses the challenges of joint formatons of the Hellenic Army. It plays help us to identfy interoperability gaps. operatons with a more efectve combi- a vital role as a NATO member as contn- Our HQs successfully conducted a myr- naton of cross-domain synergy. uously focus its eforts on carrying out iad of tasks and are working full ‘speed I look forward to our future, con- and sustaining core warfghtng functons ahead’ in a very intricate and metculous tnuing together to meet any challenges, in order to steadily enable the Alliance passion to overcome all obstacles in or- and bring NRDC-GR to the next level of by being ready to rapidly deploy and re- der to be ready for the Joint Task Force readiness. My intent is directly related spond to an unforeseen or developing HQs (JTF) evaluaton and certfcaton. to the NRDC-GR’s mission and role con- crisis, either Artcle 5 or NA5CRO. This is an excitng tme to be di- cerning its contributon to the defense The security of the Alliance is rectly involved in laying the framework of the Alliance. I want us to maintain our relied on the readiness of the forces.
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