HANNAH ARENDT-A RETROSPECTIVE SY/I,1POSIUM Do Well to Reflect Upon the .Jewish Feminine ;.Ll'chetype,S'~Hich'ij;E E~Pecia:Ny',(; ,: Significant Now." ~

HANNAH ARENDT-A RETROSPECTIVE SY/I,1POSIUM Do Well to Reflect Upon the .Jewish Feminine ;.Ll'chetype,S'~Hich'ij;E E~Pecia:Ny',(; ,: Significant Now." ~

:. ::;:. <::. - Sel' ial~'De Pti(~,"<., ';', />.' .... ( Xerox Un! v.ers1tY"~,1.e;-cjf1~pl~;'.·, , , 369 N~ Ze~b.,Rd.:': i," ," Ann Arbor', '111 ~h .i"" : .,: 4810.6".:::',';··N;I:'.,·': ... I...... Shifra Bron;zniCK Steven M. Cohen Arnie Eisen Michael Strassfeld, " ' • Jeannette M~ B?,ron .'" David Biale .', Henry Feingold Sharon Muller . FEMININE ARGHETYF?ES'.lN"THE)BIBtE,' Everett Gendler,' ' ,,'. Number 39 ~; ; R'8S 0 S8 Editors Shifra Bronznick -1\RTICLES Steven Cohen, Publisher Anita Norich ISRAEL: OLD MYTHS AND NEWFACTS.~ Ellen Umansky A PERSONAL SYMPOSIUM, Steve Zipperstein . Ii) hap fhe B/cssillg- Why! am Ma/"'z"ng Aliyah', Contributing Hdiwr! Mitchell Cohen Amie Eisen ........... '. " ... , .. , .. <. ~.. ' : ••• ' ;; ..... """'",:,.,7 Leonard Levin "If Jewishness is ;Jt· the',cellter of one's life, o~e ta,.kes't.h~cr.~~ti?A;ofI~;ael"·1 Alan Minl1. witli LJltilllate. rersonal seriousness. .. ,0 whether,'one·;·shoiildn:ot' William Novak OJleas~{.S he Not Joel Rosenhcr~ living thcrr.:. out of guilt (though this guiLt v.,.o:ould'riot'beurihe'aithy)i; Zev Shanken nor out ~)r obligation (though I feel a certain 'obligation), n.9rbecaus~a1iY:i4.· Lucy Y. Steinit I is nccessary to become a better Jew (it isn()~). On,e.goes,'ifonesq·.'de9i4~:s,;·, hccausc onc physically cannot sit by and let other people1;)low it:.",. '''0., "RESPONSE: A ContcmpOf"ry Jt'wish Review, IS :111 Illdq)('Il(knl lour 11.11 (>I Jewish expression, T()ward a Creative Dia.s'pora Michael St r<lssfcld ..... :' RESPONSE is a'11 affUiatc of tht' Jc\"ish Student Pn'ss SnvIl'e. :llld I~ ;1 rllcrll bn . of''the North American Jewish Stmknt Appeal. !Istt'd in the Illdo. td Jt'wl\11 "I\t tillles my heart lies in the East, but rightnow mYiif~#~¢re;inihe:g~lJ~:': P.eriodicals. I would like to beHevc that the determining issues aiel1ot,for1l1e, th~'pra9rj..· . ,RES}>ONSE is published four times a year: September, Janud:;", ~1arch and J IIn(' cal' reasons but rather the struggle for a new:r~ligi9:U:S __yisi~W~d4Y1if~.J~,::,: "Subscriptions are $8 per year in the United States: SG rer year in Canada: S 10 involved in that struggle-the struggle to pre ate a newsYlltlt.~sis:of,inode1'nitY, per'year outside of North America: $6 for U.S. students. Single copies S2. and tradition for our time. While this vision couldbedreate·d·,fuIsrae~.th~te:. '.~Copyright 1980' by RESPONSE: A Contemrorary kwish Review, 610 is at present no reason why it has to be donen11sr~el(an.djndeelth~r~.:ar.~" W:'113th St.~ New York. N,Y. 10025. All rights reserved LInder International pieces of Israel that make th~ whole processm¥~4 mote diff~citlt).:lcQntlriu~' '. md'Pan:'Ame~ican COpy~t Conventions. to remain here, feeling uneasy, dissatisfied, yefhopefuL"? . , ; I!o." ,I RE'SP,ONSE\ve1comes'articles, fiction, poetry, artwork and letters. Contributors From Sister to Stranger...,.!srael Then and Now, ", ' sttouldkeep a copy o~.everything sent, as we cannot be responsible for lost or :riti~plaGed m3,~eriaL Manuscripts, triple-spaced, with self-addressed stamped Shifra Bronznick .............. ~ .....:.. >; .. <'.... '.; ... :... ~.:: 'envclQPes~should:be sent to RESPONSE, Editorial Office, 610 W. 113th St., "My problem with Israel is not that I am no't aZ;io~kt.-MY. prdblemist~t Ne\v:,York~New,York 10025. Writers should include their phone numbers. 0'ur,phoD.I::'nufuber is ,(212) 222-3699. Back issues are available from University I am having trouble liking Israel very much. I knc)\7{thai I once1ovedlsnlet I . Microfilm~,'A@',Arbor, Micbig-aTI, admired her past, and was hopeful abouther f~ture.·N8wIIQ()k·atherLas .. ' " .' '" something like a childhood friend with ·little·but>rn:einoriesto:hold'u~'·to~·· .:IIlt~niational,Standard Serial Number: ISSN: 0034-5709, gether. 111 always be her friend but my passi~a:nd de~otionaref~ding.'~ ,.,'.: " . '$ehon~:"cl<lSS,:pos~a:ge paid at New York City and additional mailing points: 'Vol. XII, No.3 ii .... people •. Baron exammes this aspect . ()f Aiendt'slife·startingWlth·herfJe~i~~~t{{:i. Propagaiuiists ~(). Pijacem~1Ws-...;"i~ New Rolesfor American Zionists , ambiva)ence as a university st\1deIlt;,htiprofesSiOnat;comlriitnleiitt~i~esctiing;t!~~': . " .~tev~nM. Cohen .. ;l·:. ti; ........ ~ ......................... 25 researclling, and publishing ,E~~opean.· J ewiSh •. ,~l11t\lral. mateiiais; .'. ~d:'con~::"<: ,'.; "~:"br~eimay:yellbeb~iter off if AmeriCan Jews who have marched in the ,eluding 'with a remarkable. tale ;ofcontroVersysuqotindin'gArendt's,~unetat:' • .,.< . ceremony. .' . .' " '>.' .. , " " l . propag.anda war to a t~ne :called by the Israeli consulate, march loyally for . p~acemstead.~~rael will be better served by American Jews who publicly acce1?t the legItimacy of many Palestinian claims, while rejecting those that' are clead~ un~c~p~ble. Such a shift in role for the staunchest supporters Ten Feminine Archetypes in the Jewislz, Bible, ' of Israel, ineVItably entails anxiety, pain, and soul-searching. Nevertheless Everett Gendler. .............. : .•..... : . a position which proposes solutions responsive to the legitimate needs of .'-!; • both peoples, Israe~s and Palestinians, is nM only morally superior, but, "Archetypes are cues from the' realrilof the',Cpllectiv~;Unc9n~46Js'6~,' in fact"may be politically more effective." Objective Psyche which point toward' the next 'stag~,.othuman .. 'ipsycl1ic developmen t, . Those of us caught up in the. ~eep an,d ma~sive'tr~nsfo~~ mation of the Jewish collective psyche occuqing'i~thei:tJ.S;toQaY·would HANNAH ARENDT-A RETROSPECTIVE SY/I,1POSIUM do well to reflect upon the .Jewish feminine ;.ll'chetype,s'~hich'ij;e e~pecia:ny',(; ,: significant now." ~ . .' .', . ,. A.rendt iilJerusa/em , David Biale .................. , .. ,33 A Child's Smile Elizabeth Feldman ...... _ .... , ...: ... ,,' .,. ':' " ... Years after its publication, Eichmann ill ienLsalem rcmains as cOlltrovt:rsial ~ .i. :,.~}:.~"."i:·.\8'~' , as: Gver. H~nnah Arendt's legal analysis claims that although thc Jerusalem A paralyzed infant; the' severe, contortions of a palSied:gir1;f:child'::vtitb::a' court had [jurisdiction over Eichmann, the charge against him was highly stump for a foot. How does one offer God "wordsofjust~ce,merdy,loving,',: problematiC. Her discussion of these two contradictOl), issues offers a (asci· kindness? No, I could offer no., praise; I clenched mY. teeth~,lwas,:,QbSets~4: ~atinginsight into her thought. with their faces, those forsaken children." " The Bureall~'rat as Mass Killer: Arcrzdt OT1 Fichrnarzrz . ~ Henry Femgold .... _ . , , . , .. , ... 45 REVIEW Hannah Ar.endt proposes an answer to the quest ion of how "civilized" A Child of the Holocaust human beings could construct the ghastly machinery responsible for the Anita Norieh ....................... ~ .• ·"'i~,'.·,~,'·,~'·;>2.L~:t:r~.?~.>., Holocaust. She fmds it in the role of murderer as functio~ary. as,bureaucrat The outburst of interest in the Holocau~t has generaryd'whai~some,11a~e,: doing his job oftr~sporting millions of victims to the gas chamber. called a "Holocaust industry." This reviewer of. Helen: Epstein's 'Children 1'lze Parzah ~ndrome of the Holocaust, herself the child of surVivorsimdpr9fes~ibnaily,~emplQye(f; Sl~aroil Muller ...... _ . 52 by an agency focusing on the Holocaust, istorn:b~:thed~~lol?~~t.. '~F'6~, . " many of us this is a gratifying sign:, almpst a·persona1accolllPlis.hment~':since.';,: " Haml~ Ar~ndt distinguished between two spheres of human existence: it seems to validate our own obsessions with, the 'topic.F6~qtlle~s,suc~ari" ' . the 'public-political sphere represented by the citoyen and the private-societal industry seems at best to be in particularly badtast~andatworSta.nabuse ~sphereof the bourgeois. In her view, the pre-eminent fact of Jewish existence of the memory of the .. dead and the privacy of sUIYivors~bythdv~g'on'the'; wa:s th.~ p:<>litical ineptitude and indifference of the Jews and their confme­ horror in their lives." , . ' '.. ment to the'inferior societal realm identified with the contemptible bour- , ,?eoisie,. a view that Sharon Muller examines and rejects. POETRY , 'c':" . ,',' ", '." ,IAn1W-i Areizd?:,Personal Reflections To Put Your Mouth to Dust : ~::J¢~~Jt~,M. Baron .' ~ ...... _ ............................ 58 David Rosenberg: ......• ~ .' ..... , ...• ~:~ •. : ...'.' .... >. ' her decades' of close friendship with Hannah Arendt, Jeannette :,,'.prit~~~':U1?9n Das Faustrecht der Liebe'.. ,..', '.",B,ar~~,o~fersin.sight in,to an oft-maligned and much misunderstood side of the Mark W. Kiel ..........•.. , ,.... , .~ ....,.': .......... "~ .~,~~'. ~80' ¥?ted .. tlriDk~t:,;,.J:1er. cqmplicated attachment to lewishness and the Jewish "~::.-::, ...,....., " , - "\, :.. '- :':' .:':.":"'; ...',~ '.. , tn~des and standards, for easy .ans~¢rs,jn~tantreco.gnitiop,::~4Ja~-~n~~rd~~{~J~;'>' :·Havu(iatii{ pdate; West Sider's Rejoinder ...... _ ....... '$7 domination of desire itself:· dictatorships,6r.oialgiatitica~bil; .. ·..... ,:.,:" :'. ' .. .·..• ,i,~,,'<':':.: . ,Although poetry has usu~y,~u~ested•. '~~6~caSion::(to:;\vW9,hjtf" response), 'today it is as if in confrontation with prevailing 'notIons' of r~~ty:{ I '.0', . ' . (If the world of discourse were'a walnut, then prose may examine the shell and , . What i$ Poetry :For? its environment, while :poetry hIlS 'to; he lesspolite,.iInfne~iflt~:~~ac~'o.ge~,..a~"~y; .• ·· 'DaVid ~osenberg. .4, reconstruct the nut itself.) Why has thishappened?'Wh)':haspo~tiy;in.q\lr,tin1e/c: become a weapon against a dictatorsliip of clJltutallip-~ervtce?WhY

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