
t57L TheCanadian Mburalo gist Vol. 35,pp. 157l-1606 (1997) RECOMMENDEDNOMENCLATURE FOR ZEOLITE MINERALS: REPOFT OFTHE SUBCOMMITTEEON ZEOLITESOF THE INTERNATIONAL MINERALOGICAL ASSOCIATION,COMMISSION ON NEWMINERALS AND MINERALNAMES DOUGLASS. COOMBS1(Chairnan) GeologyDepartmznt, university of Otago,P,O, Box 56, Duned.in, New Zealand ALBEMOALBERTI Istiato d.iMineralogia" (JniversftA di Fenara, CorsoErcole I" d.'Este,j2, 144100Ferrara, Italy TIIOMAS ARMBRUSTER Laboratoimftr chcmischeund mburalogische Kristatlographie, Universitdt Bern" Freiestrasse 3, CH-i012Bem, Swiaerl'anl GILBERTOARTIOLI Dipartimentodi Scienzed.ell.a kna. [Jniversitd.di Milana,vin. Botticelli, 23, I-20133 Milarc, Italy CARMINECOLELLA Dipartimentodi Ingegneriadei Materiali e dellaProd.azionc, Universitd Fedcrico II di Napoli, PiazzpleV Tecchio,80, I-80125 NapolL ltaly ERMANNOGALLI Dipartimcntod.i Scienze dellaTbrra, Universitd di Modena,via S.Eufetnia, 19, 141100 Modena, Italy JOELD. GRICE MineralSciences Division, Canadian Musewn of Naturc,Ottawa" Ontarin KiP 6P4,Canada FRIEDRICHLIEBAU Mineralogisch-PetrographischesInstint, IJniversitdtKiel, Olshaasenstasse40-60, D-2300 Kiel" Germany JOSEPHA. MANDARINO (retiredfrom Subcommittee,December I 994 Depanmcntof Mineralagy,Royal Ontario Mweum, Toronto, Onnrio MSS2C6 Canada HIDEOMINATO 5-37-17 Kugayam+ Suginami-ku,Tolqo 168,Japan ERNESTH. MCKEL Division of Exploration and Mining, CSIRO,Private Bag, Wembley6014, WestemAu*tralia" Aastralin ELIO PASSAGLIA Dipanimento di ScienzedellaTerra, Universitd.di Modena"via S. Eufemia 19,I-4II0a Modenu haly DONALD R. PEACOR Departnent of Geological Sciences,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michisan 48109, U.S.A. SIMONAQUARTIERI Dipartim.entodi ScienzeitellaTena, Universitd ili Modeno, via S. Eufemiu 19,141100 Modena"Italy ROMANORINALDI Dipartinznto di Scienzedella Terra, Universitd.di Perugia I-06100 Perugia" Italy MAITCOLMROSS U.S. Geological Suney, MS 954, Reston, Wrginia20192, U.SA. RICHARDA. SHEPPARD U.S. GeologicatSurvey, MS 939, Box 25M6, Federal Center Denve4 Colorado 80225, U.SA. EKKEHARTTILLMANNS Institutflr Mineralogie md Kristallographie, UniversitdtWiett Althanstrasse14, A-1090 Vmna, Austria GIOVANNAVEZZALIM Dipartimento di Scienzed.ella Tena, Ilniversitd. di Modena, via S. Er{emia 19, 141100 Moden'alta$ I E-mnil address: [email protected] r572 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST ABSTRACT This report embodiesrecommendations on zeolite nomenclatureapproved by the InternationalMineralogical Association, Commissionon New Minerals and Mineral Names.In a working definition of a zeolite mineral usedfor this revie\p,structures containingan intemrptedf:amework oftetrahedraare accepted where other zeolitic propertiesprevail, and completesubstitrtioD by elementsother than Si andAl is allowed. Separatespecies are recognizedin topologically distinctive compositionalseries in which different extra-framework cations are the most abundant in atomic proportions. To name these, the appropriate chemicalsymbol is attachedby a hyphento the seriesname as a suffx, exceptforthe narnesharmotomq pollucite andwairakite in the phillipsite and analcime series.Differences in space-groupsymmetry and in order-disorder relationships in zeolites having the sametopologically distinctive framework do not in generalprovide adequategrounds for recognition of separate species.Zeolite species ate not to be distinguished solely on the ratio Si : Al except for heulandite (Si : Al < 4.0) and clhoptilolite (Si : Al > 4.0). Dehydration"partial hydration, and overhydrationare not suffrcient groundsfor the recogrition of separatespecies of zeolites. Use of the term "ideal formula" should be avoided in referring to a simplified or averaged formula of a zeolite. Newly recognized speciesin compositional series are as follows: brewsterite-Sr, -Ba" chabazite-Ca" -Na -Ii clinoptilolite-I! -Nq -C4 dachiardite-C4 -Na, erionite-Na"-K, -Cq faujasite-Na,-Ca -Mg, ferrierite-Mg, -K -Na gmelinite-Na,-Cq -K heulandite-Ca,-Nq -K -Sr, levyne-Ca -Na paulingite-K -Ca, phillipsils-1.{q -Cq -K and stilbite-Ca, -Na. Key references,type locality, origin of name,chemical dat4 ZA structure-typesymbols, space-group synmefiry, unit-cell dimensions,and commentson structureare listed for 13 compositional series,82 acceptedzeotte mineral species,and thJee of doubtfrrl status.Herschelite, leonhardite, svetlozarite, and wellsile are discreditedas mineral speciesnames. Obsolete and discreditednames are [sted. Keyvords: zeolitenomenclanre, herschelite, leonhardite, svetlozarite, wellsite, brewsterite,chabazite, clinoptilolite, dachiardite, erionite, faujasite, ferrierite, gmelinite, heulandite"levyne, paulingite, phill;Fsite, stilbite. SoMruans Ce rapport contient les recommandationsi propos de la nomenclaturedes z6olites, telles qu'approuvdespar l'Association min{mlsgiqus internationale,commission des nouveaux min6raux et des noms de min6raux. Daas la d6finition d'une z€olite retenueici, les structurescontenant une trame interrompue de t6traAdressont acceptdesdgns les cas oi les autrespropri6t6s satisfont les crit0res de cetie famille de min6raux. De plus, il peut y avoir remplacementcomplet de Si et Al par d'autres 6l€ments.Des espbcesdistinctes font partie de s6riesde compositionsdont I'agencementtopologique est le m6me,le cation dominant ne faisant pas partie de la trame d6ierminantl'espBce. Pour en d6terminerle nom, il s'agit de rattacherle symbole chimiqueappropri6 au nom de la s6riepar un trait d'union, sauf dansles casde harmotome,po[ucite et wairakite, faisantpartie des s6riesde la phillipsite et de I'analcime. Des diff6rencesen symdtrie exprim6espar le groupe spatial et en degt6 d'ordre Si-Al dansles z6olites ayant le m€me agencemetrttopologique ne suffisent pas en g6n6ralpour ddfinir une especedistincte. Le seul critdre de rapport Si : Al ne sufEt pas pour distinguer les espBcesde z6olites, sauf pour la heuladite (Si : Al < 4.0) et clinoptilolite (Si : Al > 4.O).Yetat de d6shydratation,d'hydratation partielle, et de sur-hydratation ne suffit pas pour reconnaltre une espBcedistincte de z6olite, On doit 6viter d'utiliser le concept d'une "formule iddale" en parlant des formules simplifi6es ou repr6sentativesdes z6olites. I,es nouveaux noms d'espOcesdans ces s6ries de compositions sont: brewsterite-Sr,-Ba, chabazite-Ca,-Na -K, clinoptilolite-I( -Na -Ca dachiardite-Ca -Na,6rionite-Na" -K -Cq faujasite-N4 -Ca -Mg, ferrierite-Mg, -K, -Na, gmelinite-Na, -Ca, -K, heulandite-Ca, -Na, -K, -Sr, l6vyne-Ca, -Na, paulingite-K, -Ca, philipsite-Na, -C4 -K, et stilbite-Ca"-Na- Nous pr6sentonsles r6f6rences-cl6s,la localit6-type,l'origine du nom, des donn6es chimiques,le symbole structural ZA, le groupe spatial et la syndftie, les parambtes r6ticulaires et des commentairessur la structurede 13 s6riescompositionnelles, 82 espBceshomologu6es, et trois dont le statut est douteux.Herschelite, ldonhardite, svetlozaxite,et we[site sont discr6dit6escotrme norns d'esp€cesmin6rales. Nous dressonsune liste des noms obsoldteset discr6dit6s. (Iraduit par la R6daction) Mots-cl6s:.nomenclature des z6olites, herschelite, ldonhardite, svetlozarite, wellsite, brewsterite, chabazite,clinoptilolite, dachiardite,6rionite, faujasite, ferrierite, gmelinite, heulandite,l6vyne, paulingite, phillipsite, stilbite. INIRoDuc"iloN described with their present 6saning by L842. Forty-six zeolites were listed by Gouardi & Galli The name"zenli€'\'ras inftoducedby the Swedish (1985), and new speciescontinue to be described.The mineralogist Cronstedt ia 1756 for certain silicate first crystal-structure determination of a zeolite was minerals in allusion to their behavior on heating in a done on analcime (Taylor 1930); following this, Hey borax bead (Greek zeo =borli lithos = stone). Three (1930) concluded tlat zeolites in general have such minerals were listed by Haiiy (1801), namely aluminosilicatefraneworks with loosely bondednlkali stilbite, analcime, and harmotome, together with or alkali-earth cations, or both. Molecules of HrO "mesofype", which has not survived. Chabazite and occupy extra-framework positions. He pointed out leucitehad been named even earlier. Nineteen had been tle consequentialrequirements that the molar ratio RECOMMENDEDNOMENCI.-ATURE FOR AOLIIE MINERALS L573 AlzOr : (CaSr,BaNaz,K)O = 1 and that O : (Si + Al) = The recommendations of an IMA CNMMN 2 in the empirical formula. subcommitteeset up to review zeolite nomenclature Zeolites have other highly characteristic features are set out below. Theserecommendations have been developedto varying degrees,notably the potential adoptedby the Commission. for reversiblelow-temperature dehydration, the ability of the dehydrated forms to reversibly absorb otler DtrnmIoN oF A ZEoIxrEMINERAL molecules,a tendencytoward more or less easylow- temperatureexchange of extra-frameworkcations, and In arriving at its working definition of a zeolite, a lack of clear-cut, structu(ally controlled constraints 1ls gufssmmittee took the view that zeolitesin the on end-membercompositions in terms of Si : Al ratios historical na4 mineralogical sense are naturally within the framework. In somecases, observed extra- occurring minerals, irrespective of how the term may framework compositions may be artefacts of cation be appliedto syntheticmaterials and in industry.In the exchangeresulting from humanactivities in the labora- light of advances in mineralogy, the Hey (1930) tory or elsewhere,and firrtlermore, tle compositions definition is found to be too restictive. The Subcom- are not convenienflydetermined by traditional optical mittee
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