Volume 85. Number 43$1.00 FRIDAY, MOUNT PROSPECT_FEBRUARY 13,2015 ******ECR LOT 0013A"C071 MT PROSPECT PUBLICLIBRARY 10 S EMERSON STSTE 1 MT PROSPECT. IL60056-3295 1 `Do Right Thing' Isabella Drainage Fremd Takes When It Comes Improvements Down Prospect To Shoveling»Page 3A Start In March»Page 4A For Crown»Page 1B NOB.S.>> Hard hitting political coverage from the Journal & Topics Does Public Have Right To Know? Most Running For Village Board Say MP Said Enough On Village Manager's Absence -- By RICHARD MAYER trustee this April agree that any One candidate, however,Dyslin, one of seven candidatesthere are many professions in Assistant Managing Editor public explanation on Villagethinks the public does deserverunning for three village boardwhich that doesn't necessarily Manager Michael Janonis'an explanation. seats. "Everyone has a right to happen. Sports is one of them. Most of the candidates run-recent leave of absence should "There should have been aprivacy, especially in medicalPolitics and government is ning for Mount Prospect village not be required. little more detail," said Johnmatters by the law. However, (Continued on page 8A) Police: 3 It's An MP Tradition In Custody After Drug Deal Ends In Gunshots An apparent drug deal gone bad led to gunshots and two wounded victims Tuesday night (Feb. 10) in Wheeling north of Prospect Hts. Police and paramedics first responded to Walgreens, 1199 W. Dundee Rd., at 7 p.m. for a male subject suffering from a gunshot wound. Forty minutes later, a second subject arrived at a local hospi- tal, also with apparent gunshot wounds, Wheeling police said Wednesday morning. The injuries were believed to be non -life threatening. The subjects are in stable condition and expected to make a full rn recovery, police said. Based on their investigation, including witness statements, 0 two groups of subjects arranged 0' and met in the 400 block of Central Continental Bakery this week prepared for the Lenten season with their annual fattening up before Lent begins next Wednesday, kl) McHenry Road to buy and Feb. 18. The bakery's specialty pastries for this traditional Polish cuisine are known as paczkis or bismarcks, Nearly 90,000 of the delec- 0 sell drugs. table treats are consumed by Central Continental customers during the bakery's six -day event. Above, bakery production manager and 32 - year employee of Central Continental, Connie Trakas, serves up a few varieties of the 42 types they will make. The Mount Prospect bakery k.0 "It appears the drug deal went has been in business since 1924 and will stay open 24 hours on Monday, Feb. 16 to cater to the thousands who crave the delicioussweet (Continued on page 8A) treats. The paczki celebration runs from Feb. 12-17. (Bob Wessell/The Journal) www.journal-topics.com Page 2A I Friday, February 13, 2015 The Journal MW Students `Flash Mob' Against Violence Groups Join 'One Billing Rising' Effort Maine West High School'sraped during their lifetime. human rights group Voice With the world population for the Nameless partneredat 7 billion, this adds up to with the school's Orchesismore than one billion women Maine West Orchesis dancers rehearse for "Expedition Orchesis" taking stage today and tomorrow. and Poetry Slam groupsand girls. to join a flash mob in the People throughout the student cafeteria this morn-entire world came together Journey ing (Friday) as part of theon Feb. 14, 2013 to demand global One Billion Risingan end to violence against On Over movement to end violencewomen. against women. One year ago on Feb. 14, The Maine West mob was2014, One Billion Rising for To Maine to feature a declaration fromJustice focused on the issue both young men and women,of justice for all survivors of West For spoken word poetry, postersgender violence. and banners and a dance fill- Events took place in 200 ing the cafeteria. countries, where women, Orchesis Launched on Valentine'smen, and youth came to- Maine West High School Day 2012, One Billion Ris-gether to "Rise, Release, and Dance" outside of pub- Orchesis dance performances ing began as a call to action of "Expedition Orchesis" take based on the staggering sta-lic gathering places where place today (Friday) and to- tistic that 1 in 3 women onwomen deserve to feel safe, morrow, both at 7 p.m. the planet will be beaten orbut too often do not. West teacher and orchesis director Lisa Jacob said "Ex-of dance. pedition" takes the audience There is a ticket fee. on a global tour and features Maine West islocated something for those whoat 1755 S. Wolf Rd., Des INTRODUCING A NEW GENERATION enjoy many different typesPlaines. OF CARE AT OAKTON PAVILLION AND OAKTON ARMS For over 30 years, the staff of Generations Healthcare Network District 214 Marks has been committed to providing compassionate, innovative care with peace of mind for seniors and their families. Creating family Century Of Success partnerships and providing these world -class services at Oakton » Photos,page5A Pavillion and Oakton Arms is our mission. OAKTON PAVILLION OAKTON ARMS Skilled Nursing & Independent 30 days Rehabilitation Center Living for Seniors SRI/R SPORT Post -Acute Care $ 75 ,zti-freeLi Training ac Fitness includes An individualized Program Design Comprehensive Evaivation 113 West Central Road Unlimited Per5orial Training Mount Prospect, IL 60056 phone: 847-773-7282 Unlimited Group 'Training www.savasport.com "OA Faitth, gat ?pea grca4 ye/wale:met lareline " Make a Healthy Change This New Year PERSONAL AND GROUP TRAINING GENERATIONS l`Gudance, Motivation. Accountab HEALTH CARE NETWORK aditvl frY401j *Weight Loss, Strength, Endurance Generations Oakton Pavillon Generations Oakton Arras *Nutr tional Education 1660.1665 Oakton Place. Des Plaines. IL 60018 847.299.5588 www.journal-topics.com The Journal I Friday, February 13, 2015 I Page 3A 'nr'jie3t Mayor Seeks Commission Volunteers Openings To Fill him know that they are willing Economic Developmentmary Mulligan who passedpositions which expire Dec. 1, to serve. Commission. One positionaway, 2016, Dec. 1, 2015, and Dec. 1, On Five City Six of the open slots are towhich expires Apr. 30, 2017, Special Events Commis-2014, replacing Ed Beauvais, Advisory Boards replace individuals who havereplacing Jim Ulett who re-sion. One position whichMandy Griffin and Pam New - resigned. signed, expires Aug. 31, 2018,re- ford, who all resigned. Openings currently exist Library Board of Trustees.placing Heather Larson who To learn more about the posi- Positions on five city ofon: One position which expiresresigned, tions, call Mayor Bogusz city Des Plaines volunteer com- Consumer Protection Com-June 30, 2017, replacing Rose- Youth Commission. Threehall office at 847-391-5301. missions need to be filled andmission. One position which Mayor Matt Bogusz is invitingexpires Aug. 30, 2016, replac- interested local residents to leting Tim Hardt who resigned, Now through Fat Tuesday, March 4th Arena Pasting Allstate Logo On Roof For Planes Airline passengers in planesperform the work in time for landing at O'Hare Airport over the Allstate -sponsored We Day Rosemont will notice by Mar. Illinois on Apr. 30. We Day is 31 a giant "Allstate" insurancean event attended by 15,000 company logo on the roof ofstudents and teachers from the Allstate Arena. around the country where the As part of a multi -yearnation's future leaders learn naming rights deal betweenhow to tackle social issues. Blackened Catfish Fried Oysters the village and the insurance Just to the north of the arena, company, Rosemont will painta Target logo is painted on in white the Allstate logo onthe roof of the Target retail its blue stadium roof. store. Seafood Gumbo Crawfish Etouffee Rosemont Village Board A glide path for planes members on Wednesday, Feb.landing at O'Hare from the 11 voted to hire South Waternortheast passes directly over Signs at a cost of $118,665 tothe stadium. Shrimp & Crawfish Pasta Jambalaya Crawfish Boil `Do Right Thing' Po Boy Sandwiches Oysters in the Half Shell Crawfish Pie When It Comes To II Shoveling Snow Red Beans & Rice Cornbread Muffins Mount Prospect does notis a senior citizen that can't fine residents or businessshovel, it can be construed owners who fail to clearas unfair that one person is Bread Pudding with Rum Sauce their sidewalks of snow, butcited and not the other. If the village does encourageboth were cited, there would shovelers to take care of theirbe negative feedback from own piles. the public for citing a senior Acting Village Managercitizen who is unable shovel, 1220 E. Northwest Hwy, Des Plaines David Strahl said the mainStrahl added. problem is enforcing the If a sidewalk still needs to 847.827.1817 issue. be cleared, the acting village "We try to encouragemanager encourages anyone donsdockseafood.com people to do the right thingto clear it so there are no and this kind of stuff happens further issues. He also said if Family Owned Since 1951 every time there is a heavythere are any nearby fire hy- snowfall," Strahl said. drants still covered in snow, Strahl said the main issuethe village requests residents is, if there is a sidewalk inhelp out and clear away snow front of two homes that isso the fire department can use Dine In Carry Out BYOB not cleared, and one ownerthe hydrants with no issues. es Page 4A I Friday, February 13, 2015 I The Journal www.journal-topics.com MP Drainage Work To Begin In March JOURNALDP Fire & Topics By RICHARD MAYER ed background on the project Once one section is com- Station Assistant Managing Editor and explained the purpose and pleted with piping, the village Newspapers timeframe for completion. would follow up by resurfac- "It was a very positive meet- 622 Graceland Avenue Approximately 30 Mount ing the street.
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