MORNINOSIDE GOLLEQE YEAR LIBRARY 26" SIOUX CITY IOWA; BROADCASTING TELECASTING THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF RADIO AND TELEVISION JUNE 10, 1957 35¢ PER COPY HFdrdSr31.1 8;3O8 .. Celler report less severe than advance Page 31 billing 6L££Z s+QI 9 Ai. TO T7191,3 More Hollywood movies in works for tv release Page 52 001 a .cs8aqyi ZïíLfi£tï aBaTToO aplsut:usow Khrushchev interview: News story of the week Page 60 Everybody's talking about closed- circuit pay tv Page 80 NOW the Best News for Shrewd Advertisers since Saturation Packages NIGHTTIME SPOT RADIO FOR OFFERS 2 THE PRICE OF 1 Two Spots at night can now be bought for the price See your Petry man for the full story and start of one Spot during the day on many of the country's buying huge, rich, attentive nighttime audiences at greatest Radio stations. the new low prices. Radio Division EDWARD PETRY & CO., INC. The Original Station Representative EW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA DETROIT LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO ST LOUIS Fred Wells R. S. Hoak Wm. C. Metz Sid Baumseen Partner Owner President Partner Blue Bunny Ice Cream Hook Oldsmobile Co. Metz Baking Co. National Furniture Co. We don't work for KVTV, but KVTV really works for us Testimonial Pitch "We're selling products front bread to rugs, from ice The way to sell Sioux City, northwest Iowa and the cream to cars on KVTV Channel 9. Some of us use Siouxland market is KVTV Channel 9. Why? Lots of spot schedules, some use local shows, some use syndi- people (229,330 families), with lots of money ($1,013,- cated shows." But we all tell the same story. KVTV is 000 income) watch KVTV most (79% more audience really working for us, really pulling sales from all over than competition -Feb. '57 Pulse). The sponsors pic- the market." tured know Sioux City and they place their adver- tising where it pays. If you'd like to join the happy sponsors in the picture, contact your KATZ man. ' Represents 1826 programs and 806 announcements over the posi 1 4 years. A Cowles Station. Under the same management as WNAX- 570, Yankton, South Dakota. Don D. Sullivan, General Manager. /l CBSABC SIOUX CITY, IOWA KETT' COW Wn 1leW Mdton FUINAM NVnNna/an Nilr!aab.a, CABEII taYlEa Ibón, CMaakórOn Homlin KANAWHA Cobin Crçk MAXIMUM NEW POWER TOWER Now WCHS -TV in Charleston, West Virginia is delivering bigger audiences in Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky from its new 1,000 foot tower atop Coal Mountain. 1,250 feet above average terrain and 2,049 feet above sea level, WCHS -TV's mammoth tower (transmitting at maximum power of 158 kw) guarantees even more audience for your spots or programs. (The February 1957 Combined ARB for Charleston- Huntington -Ashland put WCHS -TV first in total quarter -hour wins over COMBINED competition.) Find out from your Branham man why WCHS -TV is your best buy in the Charleston -Huntington- Ashland market. WCHSTV Serving Charleston -Huntington -Ashland - -- -from the biggest market Charleston's only TV station Published every Monday. with Yearbook Numbers (53rd and 54th issues) published In January and July by Baosactsrma PaaLICATIONS. Ixc, Ms DeSales St., N.W., Washington 5. D. C. Entered as second class matter March 14, 1933, at-Post Office at Washington, D. C., under act of March 3, 1879. FOUR IN ONE PLUS This one television station delivers four standard metropolitan area markets plus TV sets 917,320 CHANNEL B MULTI -CITY MARKET 1,015,655 families 31/2 million people $33/4 billion retail sales $61/4 billion annual income WGALTV LANCASTER, PENNA. NBC and CBS STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Page 4 June 10, 1957 BROADCASTING TELECASTING closed circuit: SUSPENSE Explosive Khrushchev ap- group as assistant to president, Gordon to lighten ban on electronic reporting in pearance on CBS-AM -TV, Face the Na- R. McLendon. courtroom won't get serious ABA consid- tion last week (Sunday) almost didn't hap- BT eration until House of Delegates meets in pen because of Soviet bureaucratic red FEDERAL Trade Commission attorneys February 1958. tape, it now can be stated authoritatively. are mulling questions raised by several BT Soviet party boss raised question about complaints received in last week or so from COX SUPPORTER If Sen. John W. use of "outside" man (B. J. Cutler, Herald- radio stations attacking purported exag- Bricker, of Ohio, ranking Republican Tribune) as panelist, but CBS insisted that gerated advertising claims by competitors. member of Interstate Commerce Com- customary format be retained. Kremlin Complaints allege that offenders are claim- mittee, has his way, report of Democratic green light was not given until Monday, ing bigger audiences and more coverage counsel Kenneth Cox on network opera- May 27-day before interview was shot. than they actually have. Basic question for tions will be adopted as report of full CBS crew of half -dozen reportedly was all FTC apparently is one of jurisdiction. committee, according to reliable sources. packed and ready to leave when clearance BT Reports of previous committee counsel, provocative, were came. REFUTING RUMORS People on Ford which were highly re- leased as rather BT Dealers account at J. Walter Thompson reports to committee than committee. CURBSTONE estimate of overall cost of Co. say they're having to work overtime to by history- making broadcast was about $25,- knock down reports, circulating last week, BT 000. In addition to six -man crew, 30 that they and Ford-because of Ford BASIS for FCC's stand that it has right to crates of equipment, weighing 2,250 Div.'s $5.5 million package buy on CBS authorize pay tv on broadcast frequencies pounds, were moved by air from Paris to Radio network [BST, May 13, et seq.] - (see page 70) is Congressional legislative Moscow. are recommending that they get extra ex- history involving Radio Act of 1927. In BT posure by buying only on stations not af- that year there were two proposals to pro- hibit charging of fees for broadcast recep- IN THE RUNNING Scuttlebutt last filiated with CBS Radio. They stress no tion. Both failed of passage. This, accord- week on FCC sweepstakes for McCon- such recommendation has been made and ing to certain toll tv proponents, implies naughey vacancy upcoming June 30: T. that, moreover, in handling Ford Dealers' that Congress did not mean to prohibit Pollock, St. Louis attorney, multi -million-dollar spot campaign they're Hartley charge for receiving broadcast signals. scratched and out of running. New entries: buying time on same basis as always: best Former Rep. Clifton Young, of Reno availabilities they can get. Placing time on BT (Harvard graduate, 35- year -old Republi- basis alleged, they say, would not be in TWO HOT ONES One Commissioner's can, attorney active in young Republicans, best interests of client. opinion on two hot topics will be aired at infantry major World War II) and Charles BT Md.-D. C. Radio & Television Broad- O. Pengra, of Boston (senior partner in ROBERT HELLER & Assoc., Cleveland casters Assn. meeting at Ocean City, Md., Boston law firm of Choate, Hall & Stew- management engineering firm, has been this week. Comr. T. A. M. Craven ex- art). Still in running: George S. Smith, commissioned by CBS to make study of pected to contend: (1) that broadcasters by president of FCC Bar Assn.; FCC General network's housing and space requirements default are allowing government to censor Counsel Warren Baker, FCC Secretary in New York, with report likely within programs indirectly and actually to run Mary Jane Morris, latter coming up with three months. Report will be projected economics of their operations, whereas he strong Midwest support, particularly from into future needs of company and, in tv, interprets law to provide for free compe- her native Michigan. will take into account originations from tition with no censorship and minimum of BT New York as against Hollywood, as well government interference; (2) that test of subscription tv on "open circuit" basis, in members as live vs. film. Starting point was analysis NOT only FCC members, but his judgment, is essential and that he ex- over delay made by CBS of its own needs and require- of Congress expressing concern pects FCC to authorize experiment, with in naming McConnaughey successor as ments over next five years. BT only question in his mind what "peri- Commissioner. Almost everybody seems meters" of testing should be. - they haven't in favor of chairmanship for John C. Doer THE REAL TOLL Though BT fer, including candidates. Failure to get come out and said so, number of Holly- Senate confirmation by lune 30 would wood studios and independent producers BECAUSE General Motors plans to spend hamstring FCC, particularly where tie are against toll tv strictly for reasons of so much money in television next year, votes might be involved. Members of Sen- national economy. They feel toll tv will it's understood firm may name top Madi- ate Commerce Committee, unhappy about wreck economy because average wage son Ave. executive to head newly created way administration has been handling ap- earners will feed tv coin box at expense post of tv head of GM. pointments anyway, doesn't want to be of paying more necessary household bills. BT stampeded into confirmation action at They estimate that viewers now spend over IN THE RING Stanley Hubbard presi- eleventh hour. 13 hours weekly with tv, that monthly bill dent of KSTP Inc., St. Paul- Minneapolis, BT for pay -tv would come to $30 including who last month took over ownership of and maintenance.
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