Christ Against the Occult Meaning of Catholic Series –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Help Support Us Click here to purchase the Introduction to the Holy Bible audiobook, and listen to a free sample. My Email: [email protected] –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Color Key: Website or Web Link = Blue *Click on Link to Follow Book, Literature or Title = Red Video or Audio Link = Orange *Click on Link to Follow –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Video Playlists Relevant to This Series Series References Playlist - https://tinyurl.com/aj93fp6r Fr. Ripperger - Diabolical Communism - https://tinyurl.com/yxpyfato Fr. Ripperger - Generational Spirits - https://youtu.be/-OVhMBuhFo8 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Part I - Introduction • Lucis Trust Online The Esoteric Meaning of Lucifer - https:// tinyurl.com/gukl2zz - Descent and Sacrifice [of the “Fallen Angels”] - https://tinyurl.com/yxrpwhbk - Support of the United Nations - https://tinyurl.com/jtf46uw - United Nations Charter & Lucis Trust - https://tinyurl.com/y4yex3vf | Here is an article on Pope Francis telling Catholics that it is their “duty to obey” the United Nations. • JSTOR Online The Ouroboros as an Auroral Phenomenon - https:// www.jstor.org/stable/40206938 - An excellent article on tracing the symbol of the Ouroboros from the Ancient Egyptian world, to Hellenistic culture, to Hermetic alchemy. You can sign up for free and read 6 articles every 3 months for no cost. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Part II - Gnosticism, New Testament Battles, Philo, Paul, Alexandrian Mystery Schools & Hypatia Alexandrian “Gnosis” & Jewish Gnosticism • Khiok-Khng Yeo Rhetorical Interaction in 1Corinthains 8 & 10 (Brill) - https://tinyurl.com/y3373bzk - pp. 125-141 - This section demonstrates various scholarly viewpoints that relate to Jewish Gnosticism, rebellion, the myths of Sophia and Ialdabaoth, and also the influence of Philo of Alexandria ; there is also an element of elitism in regards to their ‘Gnosis’ and viewing the Cosmos as a “miscarriage” and being disillusioned under Roman rule. It also expands upon the idea of Paul in Corinthians using Gnostic language to speak to people falling prey to it’s ideas, rather than being a Gnostic himself. The argument made is that Paul is trying to reconcile the Corinthians back to Christianity (Catholicism) and to turn them away from the Philo-influenced Gnosticism in which they were succumbing to. This idea is echoed in other scholarly texts on the topic in these references, in particular the Theological Dictionary citations. | pp. 142-155 - This section deals with the “weak” vs. the “strong” in regards to Paul dealing with dietary restrictions tied to philosophical / theological beliefs. It also mentions the oddities where there is certainly overlap with Philo’s ideas, yet not entirely in regards to particular issues. There are also debates over “freedom” among these Gnostics, but the views seem to be almost entirely subjective in contradistinction to the Apostle Paul’s views ; this is also in conjunction with more issues with elitist mindsets in relationship to said ‘Gnosis.’ • Elaine Pagels The Gnostic Gospels pp. 36-38 - Ms. Pagel’s provides us with insights as to what the early Gnostics believed about the “Demiurge” as merely being an “image” or a “veil” of the true “higher powers” ; i.e. the “God of Israel” is a false authority, and that the Gnostic initiate, in his pseudo-baptismal “sacrament” of initiation, “declares his independence” from the “sphere of authority” of this false-God and cannot be judged by them [i.e. lawlessness]. • Paul Foster Case The Tarot pp. 161-165 - Mr. Case, the creator of the BOTA Tarot deck, gives us insights into what The Devil card represents in Occultism ; the typical Enlightenment ‘buzz words’ with Gnostic roots are attributed: Ignorance, Saturn, black, bondage, a veil, ridiculous figure, made up by man’s false conceptions– –i.e. Roman Catholicism and the God of Israel contains all of those attributes and is “The Devil” of Occultism. • Eliphas Levi Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual pp. 194-195, 379, 398, 404-405 - Eliphas Levi, the popularizer of the Baphomet and influence on Albert Pike, H.P. Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley, gives us the following insights: 1) Hellenism is the “savior” of the world, and is the esoteric meaning of Jesus Christ. 2) The Kabbalah Jews knew this, and Philo of Alexandria has the keys of ‘gnosis’ to unlock the Tarot system of Occultism. 3) This Occult Science will bind the “ignorance of the Middle Ages” of which built “the empire of superstition and idiotic credulity” and will “emancipate” the altars of the Roman Catholic Church. 4) Only when “science...enchains” this “spectre of Satan” (i.e. Roman Catholicism) will we become “awake” after our sleeping during the “Middle Ages.” 5) The Gnostics and Manicheans preserved this wisdom during these Dark Ages, and they had the true “meaning of the divine Apocalypse.” • Carl Sagan Pale Blue Dot pp. 314 - https://tinyurl.com/yby32zf2 - Sagan’s quote on man becoming gods, Gnosticism, Hinduism, the Talmud and ‘alternative’ accounts / interpretations of Genesis’ creation story and the garden ; here is the Cornell University article on Sagan’s Sphinx Head home. • Gnosis Online The Thunder, Perfect Mind - http://gnosis.org/naghamm/ thunder.html - The duality of the “virgin” as the ‘holy spirit’ akin to being a ‘prostitute’ in the Gnostic schema which influenced the Simon Magus tradition. | On the Origin of the World - http:// gnosis.org/naghamm/origin.html - The Gnostic’s version of ‘Genesis’ where the ‘virgin’ Sophia has a bizarre form of an ‘immaculate abortion.’ • Johannes Van Oort Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica. Collected Essays of Gilles Quispel (Brill) - https://tinyurl.com/y55v2gkz - pp. 39-41 - Palestinian “Law-abiding” Jews vs. Liberal Jewish culture in Alexandria ; the Gnostic Sophia originating from liberal Jews mixing with Egyptian religion in Alexandria that had an affinity for “sexual…freedom” related to their gods, androgyny and also reincarnation. Cosmology was also tied to the “great Archon” and his “cosmic egg” formed in “chaos” (likely lending to the ‘miscarriage of the Cosmos’ viewpoints of early Jewish Gnostics) which is very akin to Big Bang cosmology theories on the ‘Cosmic Egg’ and the ‘chaos’ of the universe being created. There are also comments about Jews in Alexandria forming a sort of primitive “B’nai Brith” in conjunction with a “sort of Masonic Lodge” which was a mixture of Jews and Greeks/Copts alike. | pp. 113 - The Gnostic inverted ‘sacrament’ of marriage is transformed into being an allegory for finding your inner ‘Gnosis’ and spark of the divine and androgynous union within the consciousness of an “initiate” or “higher-self.” Much of this is related to union with a “guardian angel” ; this is very much a proto-type of Aleister Crowley’s views on union with the “Holy Guardian Angel” which he styles Lucifer, source: Aleister Crowley Magick in Theory and Practice pp. 193, 274-278. | pp. 141-147 - Connections are made to the Cathars and some ‘Enlightenment’ mystics such as Gottfried Arnold, a follower of Jakob Böhme, who was very sympathetic to Church heretics throughout the ages and in particular the early Gnostics as the ‘good guys’ and the ones who were righteous and “innocent lambs and true Christians.” This all lays the foundations for the rise of Masonry and the Illuminati in Prussian territories. | pp. 156 - A very good definition of Gnosticism, “Today Gnosticism is defined as a religion in its own right, whose myths state that the Unknown God is not the creator (demiurge, YHVH); that the world is an error, the consequence of a fall and split within the deity; and that man, spiritual man, is alien to the natural world and related to the deity and becomes conscious of his deepest Self when he hears the word of revelation. Not sin or guilt, but unconsciousness, is the cause of evil.” There are also relevant comments on how early Gnosticism was known almost exclusively by its “opponents” (being Irenaeus, Hippolytus, Epiphanius) and as to why the Nag Hammadi discoveries in Egypt in 1945 are so ‘great’ since they are the texts without the polemics. UNESCO was directly responsible for funding the translation projects which allow them to be freely available via the Gnosis.org online archive. The distinctions are mentioned that certain texts aren’t ‘technically’ Gnostic such as The Gospel of Thomas (Encratite), Thunder, Perfect Mind (said to be Jewish), whereas something like the Apocryphon of John is one of the works most closely related to early Gnostic ideas in Alexandria. | pp. 184 - Implications of The Gospel of Thomas in regards to Our Blessed Mother, “But [the Gospel of] Thomas is the only one to transmit that (only) the [male] followers of Jesus can be saved (i.e. can enter the kingdom of God), which implies that the Mother of God is not in heaven.” | pp. 196-225 - Exegesis on The Gospel of Thomas and some of its ‘Judaizing’ views in regards to the Mosaic Sabbath, the Pharisees “keys of gnosis” and them not being regarded as “hypocrites” in Thomas like in the NT Gospels ; there are mentions of possible overlap (which is Quispel’s theory, not without its problems via his own admission) with a text called the Gospel of the Egyptians. What is most relevant about Thomas is the utter disdain for
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