381 Index a Anabaena 289 ABC transporter 297 – azollae 85 acetate 311f. anabolic metabolism 288 acetic acid bacteria 124 anammox 89 Acetobacter xylinum 124 animal Acetobacterium woodii 292, 318 – bacteria 203ff. acetone 105ff., 321 anthrax 209f. acetone-butanol fermentation 321f. antibiotic 151ff., 338f. acetyl-CoA 313 – resistance gene 160ff. Acidianus ambivalens 282ff. antimicrobial 150 Acinetobacter Aquifex aeolicus 289 – baumannii 215 Arc system 307ff. – calcoaceticus 313 archaea 7, 17ff., 53, 278, 281ff. – species 249 – metabolism 283 acyclovir (Zovirax) 227 – methane 93 adenine 268 – methanogenic 292 adenosine 5′-diphosphate (ADP) 9, 60, – phylogenetic tree 282 330 Archaeoglobus fulgidus 284 adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) 9, 60, Arthrobacter simplex 313 274f., 301, 317, 330 ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 124f. – synthesis in microbes 301 Aspergillus species 215 Agrobacterium tumefaciens 165ff., 291 ATP, see adenosine 5′-triphosphate AIDS (acquired immunodefi ciency ATP synthase 60, 66, 303 syndrome) 222ff. autotrophic growth 316 D-alanine 123 Azoarcus 85, 185 L-alanine 123 Azolla 85 Alcanivorax Azospirillum 85, 185 – borkumensis 313 Azotobacter vinelandii 293 – species 249 alcohol dehydrogenase 111ff. b alcohol fermentation 318ff. Bacillus 156, 194ff. – via the EMP and the ED pathways 321 – anthracis 149, 186, 209, 290ff. Ames test 33 – licheniformis 194, 290ff., 334f. amino acid 271 – subtilis 194, 240, 274, 293, 325f. – fermentation 321 – thuringensis (Bt) 167, 293 ammonia 87ff. bacteria 53f., 73f. ammonia monooxygenase 313 – animal 203ff. amphotericin 156 – climate 99f. amylase 300 – competence 139 Discover the World of Microbes: Bacteria, Archaea, and Viruses, First Edition. Gerhard Gottschalk. © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Published 2012 by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. bbindex.inddindex.indd 338181 99/8/2011/8/2011 55:46:22:46:22 PPMM 382 Index – deep sea 47f. c – diversity 289ff. c-AMP receptor protein (CRP) 328 – ethanol-producing 111 Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle 62, – food resource 203ff. 316f. – Gram-negative 152f., 274 cancer 215ff. – Gram-positive 152f., 274 candicidin 156 – human 203ff. Candida – methanotrophic 314 – albicans 76, 215 – nickel-resistant 131 – lipolytica 313 – nitrifying 313 – species 249 – phylogenetic tree 289f. capsid 221 – plant 217f. capsomer 221 – production factory 191ff. carbohydrate 311 – resistance 160ff. carbon cycle 56, 101 – sulfate-reducing 50 carbon dioxide 100ff., 111 – symbiotic 48 – fi xation 317ff. bacterial fermentation 318 carbon dioxide cycle 101 bacterial food 203 carbon metabolism 311ff. bacterial genome 239 carbon monoxide 246 bacterial growth 4ff., 261ff. Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans 246, 277 bacterial sex life 133ff. carcinogenic compound 33f. bacterial spore 108 Carsonella bacterial sulfur cycle 284 – ruddii 333 bacteriophage 145ff. – species 187 bacteriorhodopsin 58f., 283, 304 cell membrane 273 Bacteroides fragilis 77 cell wall 273f. base pairing 269 cellulase 113f., 300 beer 115 cellulose 114 Beggiatoa 252 Cenarchaeum symbiosum 281 – alba 285 Cephalosporium 154ff. beta (β)-lactam antibiotic 153f. – roseum 313 beta (β)-lactamase 135 Che protein 306 Bifi dobacterium 79 cheese 121ff. bile acid 78 chemiosmotic mechanism 301 biodiesel 118 chemolithotrophic way of life 49 bioelement 127 chemostat 263 bioenergy 118 chemosynthetic symbiosis 48 bioethanol 114f. chemotaxis 306 biofi lm 182 chitinase 300 biofuel 102, 109, 111ff. Chlamydia pneumoniae 209 biogas 93ff., 117f. Chlorella 61f. bioinformatics 235 Chlorobium limicola 291 biological warfare 209f. Chlorofl exus bioluminescent bacteria 178 – aurantiacus 289 biomass 101, 109, 114, 117 chloroplast 187 biotechnology 191, 339f. cholera toxin (CTX) 211 Bordetella pertussis 204 Chondromyces robustus 294 Borrelia burgdorferi 206 Chromatium okenii 179, 285, 291 borreliosis 205 Citrobacter species 196f. bronchitis 209 Clamydia trachomatis 76 bubonic plague 205 cloning 173 Buchnera Clostridium – aphidicola 187 – aceticum 292, 318, 325 butanol 105ff., 117, 321 – acetobutylicum 105ff., 290ff., 321f., γ-butyrolactone 309 325 bbindex.inddindex.indd 338282 99/8/2011/8/2011 55:46:22:46:22 PPMM Index 383 – acidiurici 325 – restriction enzyme 169ff. – botulinum 290ff., 323 – sequence 236 – diffi cile 77, 211 – transfer 136ff. – histolyticum 204, 323 DNA polymerase 174, 228 – ljungdahlii 277, 292, 318 DNA virus 225 – pasteurianum 325 Dunaliella 45f. – perfringens 204 – species 196 e – sporogenes 323 Eco R1 169 – sticklandii 323 EET (extracellular electron transfer) 248 – tetani 204f., 238, 290ff., 326, 333 EHEC (enterohemorrhagic E. coli) 211f. – thermoaceticum 130 Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) pathway cobalt 127 302, 311, 321ff. coenzyme B 95 endosymbiont 185ff. coenzyme B12 128 endosymbiosis 70f. coenzyme F430 94, 127 energy 297ff. coenzyme M 95 energy conservation 117ff. cold seep 50 Enterococcus cold vent 50 – aecium 215 combustible air 91ff. – faecalis 215 competence Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway 311ff. – bacteria 139 enzyme 9, 269 complementary DNA (cDNA) 224 – anaerobic 321 conjugation 140ff. enzyme activity conjugative plasmid 142 – regulation 330 coral bleaching 186 epidemics 221 Corynebacterium glutamicum 179, 192 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) 227, 344 Crenarchaeota 281 Erwinia uredovora 167 CTP (cytidine 5′-triphosphate) 330 erythromycin 155 cyanobacteria 31ff., 69f. Escherichia coli 76f., 94, 145ff., 179, 196, cyclic AMP (cAMP) 328 213ff., 291, 326ff. cytoplasmic membrane 273 ETEC (enterotoxigenic E. coli) 211f. cytosine 268 ethanol 111 Eubacterium rectale 77 d eukaryotic cell 13 deep-sea vent 48 Euryarchaeota 281 Deinococcus radiodurans 245f., 289 exoenzyme 300 denitrifi cation 304 extremozyme 200 Desulfobacterium autotrophicum 285, 304, 318 f Desulfovibrio vulgaris 179, 285 F-factor 159 Desulfurococcales 281 fermentation Desulfuromonas acetoxidans 285 – acetone-butanol 105ff., 318ff., 321f. diabetes 194f. – alcohol 318ff. diarrhea 210 – amino acid 321 dicarboxylic azobenzene (DCAB) 134 – butyrate 321 dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DAP) – homoacetate 319, 321 316 – lactic acid 318 DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 7ff., 267 – mixed acid 321ff. – base 268 – propionate 123 – complementary (cDNA) 224 ferredoxin 119 – methylation 171, 326 Firmicutes 293 – mitochondrial (mtDNA) 187f. fl agella 179f., 306 – regulation 326 fl avin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) 303 – replication 10, 270 food chain 291 bbindex.inddindex.indd 338383 99/8/2011/8/2011 55:46:22:46:22 PPMM 384 Index Frankia 85, 185 Herpes simplex virus 227 furanosyl borate ester 309 Herpes virus 8 (HHV-8) 231 heterodisulfi de 95 g HIV (human immunodefi ciency virus) GC content 335 228ff. gene 333 homoacetate fermentation 321 gene cloning 173 homoserine lactone 309 gene technology 171 horizontal gene transfer 137, 333 gene therapy 232 human gene transfer 137, 142, 333f. – bacteria 73ff., 203ff. – horizontal 333, 137 hydrocarbon 250 genetic code 272 – degradation 315 genetic engineer 165ff. hydrochlorofl uorocarbon (HCFC) 99 genetic engineering 196 hydrogen sulfi de 49 genome 333 Hydrogenobacter thermophilus 318 genomics 235ff. hyper cycle 27 Geobacter metallireducens 304 hyperthermophiles 281 glacier ice 244 global warming potential (GWP) i 103f. Ignicoccus hospitalis 255, 281 Gloeocapsa 290 immunotherapy 149 Gluconobacter oxydans (Gluconobacter infection 204 oxidans) 124, 316 – in hospital 215 glucose 313 infl uenza virus 222ff. glucose isomerase enzyme 192 – infection cycle 226 glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (GAP) informational macromolecule 267 316f. insulin 195 glyoxylic acid (glyoxylate) cycle 311f. interbacterial relationship 177ff. GMO (genetically modifi ed microorganism) intestinal microfl ora 78 219 isoamyl alcohol 105 Gram-negative bacteria 152f., 274 Gram-positive bacteria 152f., 274 k green manuring 84 Klebsiella 197f. green sulfur bacteria 67 – aerogenes 325 growth – pneumoniae 331 – aerobic heterotrophic 311 Korachaeota 281 – microbial 4ff., 261ff. guanine 268 l β-lactam antibiotic 153f. h β-lactamase 135 HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) lactic acid bacteria 121 231 lactic acid fermentation 318 habitat 283 Lactobacillus Haemophilus infl uenzae 76, 235ff., 305 – bulgaricus 121, 318 Haloarcula marismortui 46, 283 – helveticus 318 Halobacteriales 283 – lactis 318 Haloferax volcanii 46 – species 196 Haloraptus utahensis 42 lambda (λ) bacteriophage 147f. Halorubrum sodomense 47 Legionella pneumophila 206ff. Helicobacter pylori 74, 216, 291 Legionnaire’s disease 206 Heliobacterium 290ff. Leuconostoc mesenteroides 318 hemagglutinin (HA, H) 225f. lignocellulose 113 hemicellulose 114 lipase 300 Herpes 222 Listeria monocytogenes 214 bbindex.inddindex.indd 338484 99/8/2011/8/2011 55:46:22:46:22 PPMM Index 385 listeriosis 214 Methylobacterium 104, 218 LUCA (last universal common ancestor) Methylomonas 104 15ff., 277 methylotrophy 217f. Lyme disease 205 microbe – ATP synthesis 301 m – climate maker 99ff. macromolecule – incredible 245ff. – informational 267 – resistance to radiation 245 Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense 247 microbial growth 261ff. malaria 205 – batch culture 261 MCP (methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein) – condition 263 306f. – continuous culture 263 membrane 297ff. – logarithmic 261 metabolism microbial metabolism – anabolic 288 – regulation 325ff. – archaea 283 microbial shape 264 – carbon 311ff. microbial size 264 – microbial 325 microorganism metagenomic library 242 – aerobic 264 metagenomics 241f. – anaerobic 264 metal needle effect 94 – chemotrophic 264 methane 91ff., 103, 117, 313f. – dead sea 45ff. – aerobic oxidation 314 – facultative anaerobic
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