Yom Ha’atzmaut Sameach!! Sun-Thurs: 11:30am-10pm Linking Bergen, Essex & Union Counties Issue #78 Fri: 11:30am-2:30pm • Sat: Closed (Go for Pizza!!) Order on-Line at www.chopstixusa.com 201-833-0200 172 West Englewood Ave. Teaneck, NJ 07666 JL The Rabbinical Council Of Bergen County RCBC Oriental Hot Dogs GLATT KOSHER FREE w' 10.00 purchase With coupon. May not be combined with other offers CHINESE TAKE-OUT Excludes parties. Expires 5-28-15 JEWISH LINK April 24th- 5 Iyar 5775 Parshat Tazria-Metzorah December 18, 2014 - April 23, 2015 | 4 Iyar, 5775 CANDLE Light Candles: 7:27 PM OF NEW JERSEYIssue #61 LIGHTING 26 Kislev, 5775 Shabbat Ends: 8:36 PM Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, Renowned Rosh Yeshiva and Leader, Dies at 81 (Israel Hayom/Exclusive to JNS.org) Rabbi Aha- The rabbi was born in Paris in ture from Harvard University. In 1960, Lichtenstein Check out ron Lichtenstein, a leading religious Zionist fi g- 1933. His family fl ed Vichy France married Soloveitchik’s daughter Tova, and they had ure and the chief rabbi of the prestigious Har for the United States eight years six children. In 1971, he moved to Israel at the invi- our Produce Etzion yeshiva in Judea, died on Monday at 81. later. Having settled in New York, tation of Holocaust survivor Rabbi Yehuda Amital & Prices! Lichtenstein, who lived in the community Lichtenstein was ordained at Ye- to join him at the helm of Yeshivat Har Etzion. of Alon Shvut in Gush Etzion, received the Isra- shiva University and studied un- CONTINUED ON P. 20 el Prize for Jewish religious literature in 2014 as der his father-in-law, Rabbi Jo- SEE AD ON BACK COVER well as a number of additional prizes for his pro- seph Soloveitchik. He received See our Editorial on pg 8 lifi c written work in Hebrew and English. his doctorate in English litera- and ARTICLES ON PAGES 10 & 20 Scared and Proud: The The Corpse in Bergen-Belsen: Opportunity of This Generation A Love Story By Rabbi Kenneth Brander stretcher is something that is be- By Elizabeth Kratz (Below is the tran- yond my grasp. script of the Yom Haz- I have no comprehension of Teaneck—With somber tones, ikaron Address delivered what it is like to be taught to breathe heartbreak, many tears, but also this past Wednesday night and shoot at targets 2 football fi elds with joy and hope for redemption, to the YU student body.) away but cautioned that precision the greater Teaneck community ob- PHOTO BY YEFIM FLEYSHMAKHER See our ad on page 29 I have no idea of what it means is essential in order to insure, not served Yom Hashoah last Thursday cal residents. Central to the evening to be a Chayal. mission objectives, but mission suc- evening at Teaneck High School. was the survivor testimony of How- To go through the training to be- cess that the civilian standing adja- The 33rd annual Yom Hashoah Hol- ard and Nancy Kleinberg, who met come a combat soldier in the IDF. cent to the enemy combatant is pro- ocaust Commemoration event, or- in Bergen-Belsen and married, years To trek 45 miles in less than 24 tected, for we are all created b’tzelem ganized by the Jewish Community later, in Toronto. hours while carrying 60 lbs of gear. Elokim (in the image of God). Council of Greater Teaneck, was at- It’s the To climb the steepest part of tended by approximately 1,200 lo- CONTINUED ON P. 31 the Hermon while supporting a CONTINUED ON P. 72 of Team Richards SPORTS Ben Porat Yosef Reaches Major Manufacturing Wins MGBL Milestone With Building Purchase $2 COUPON INSIDE! Second Grade Championship By Ruth Roth Parkside Living in Jerusalem By Elliot Rothschild Paramus—April 15 marked an historic day for Ben Porat Yosef This past Monday (BPY). On that day, the thirteen- was the seventh yahrzeit year-old school completed the pur- of Mitch Gross, a’h, in chase of its permanent home - a whose memory MGBL 72,000 square foot facility set on was founded. Mitch a seven acre cul-de-sac which it would have enjoyed the had been renting from the Frisch competition this past School, concluding an agreement Sunday. Forty children LUXURY RESIDENCES that was struck between the two playing and competing in IN BAKKA Rav Tomer Ronen, Rosh HaYeshiva (left) with Jessica Kohn, Early the sport he loved and in See our ad on page 16 CONTINUED ON P. 59 Childhood Director. which he excelled. CONTINUED ON P. 62 "Turning your dreams into royal creations" FOR SHAVUOS OR YOUR NEXT SIMCHA: UNIQUE ELEGANT SEATING See our ad on page 70 See our ad on page 35 See our ad on page 52 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM April 23, 2015 • 4 Iyar, 5775 1 It’s the of Start your barbecue season with a bold variety of sliders! Our chefs prepared new varieties of fresh sliders, seasoned with the best spices and rubs. Our pastrami, turkey, teriyaki & ginger sliders will take your barbecue to the next level of flavor & taste! Plus you,’ll save $2 off any slider variety! Start your grilling at Glatt Express,home of the slider! Get $2 off any variety of sliders at Glatt Express with this coupon! Valid until 5/1. Limit one coupon per purchase. Happy barbecuing! ANY SLIDER PACKAGES WITH COUPON! 201.837.8110 [email protected] 1400 Queen Anne Road HOURS / Sun & Mon: 7am - 6pm / Tues: 7am - 7pm / Wed: 7am - 8pm / Thu: 7am - 9pm / Fri: 7am - 4:30pm 2 April 23, 2015 • 4 Iyar, 5775 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM RECIPES, TIPS & FOODIE INSPIRATION FROM GLATT EXPRESS! EXPRESSyourself! Grilling season is here! While the men devour the steaks and the kids enjoy the beef sliders, here’s a delicious, easy and healthy grilled chicken recipe for you to to enjoy! The sauce (bvb|Ѳ- ru;vv|_bv"m7-|o]u-0-ѲѲ|_;bm]u;7b;m|v=ou|_bv7bv_ij tastes great on steaks, burgers and other MORROCAN CHICKEN SKEWERS l;-|vij PREP: 20 min COOK: 12 min SERVES: 5 INGREDIENTS FOR THE CHICKEN: FOR THE MOROCCAN SAUCE: 1 tablespoon paprika 1/4 cup cilantro leaves 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin 1/2 cup mint leaves 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 tablespoon ground ginger 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar 1/2 tablespoon kosher salt Soak the 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt 1 lime, juiced skewers for 3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1 1/2 teaspoons honey an hour in water so they 5 (8-inch) wooden skewers 1/2 cup olive oil 7omĻ|0umij DIRECTIONS Preheat the grill or grill pan to medium-high heat. Start with the Grilled Chicken: Combine all of the spices, sugar and salt in a large bowl. Add the chicken and |ovv|o1o-|ĸ||_;1_b1h;mom|_;vh;;uv-m7Ѳ-om|_;]ubѲѲĸoohmࢼѲ |_;1_b1h;mbv1ooh;7|_uo]_Ķ|umbm]o[;mvo|_-||_;vrb1;v7omĻ|0umĶ about 10 to 12 minutes. Arrange on a serving tray & serve with the Morrocan Herb Sauce. Now, create the Moroccan Herb Sauce: You can also cube the Add the fresh herbs, spices, salt, lime juice, and honey in a blender. Blend to chicken breasts combine and, while blending, slowly add the olive oil. Once combined, taste so it cooks and adjust the seasoning if necessary, and transfer to a serving bowl. ;;mѲij Discover at STUDIO 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM April 23, 2015 • 4 Iyar, 5775 3 WORLD NEWS BRIEFS Netanyahu and Rivlin Refuse ministry’s recommendation. junction last week, reportedly told Shin further confessed that he initially sought Meetings With Jimmy Carter Carter has repeatedly spoken out Bet security agency investigators, confi rm- to use a pre-existing mental condition to (Israel Hayom/Exclusive to JNS.org) Is- against Israeli policies concerning the Pal- ing their suspicions. claim he was insane and shirk responsibili- raeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu estinian Authority, particularly in his 2006 The Shin Bet had suspected that the ty for the attack. and President Reuven Rivlin declined re- book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, and April 16 incident, which killed Shalom Yo- quests for meetings with former US pres- took an ardent anti-Israel stance during last hai Sherki, 26, and seriously injured Shi- EL AL Airlines Offers Special ident Jimmy Carter, who is scheduled to summer’s war in Gaza. He stated that there ra Klein, 20, was a terrorist attack, but also Pricing for Yom Ha’atzmaut visit Israel and the disputed Palestinian ter- was “no justifi cation in the world for what pursued leads suggesting an accident. Ac- EL AL Israel Airlines is providing trav- ritories in early May, Israel’s Channel 10 re- Israel is doing” during Operation Protective cording to Israel’s Channel 2, Koutineh, elers with exceptional spring savings in ported Monday. Edge and urged President Barack Obama to who holds an Israeli ID card, told investiga- honor of Israel’s 67th Independence Day. The decision reportedly followed a rec- remove Hamas from the US State Depart- tors that he was driving around Jerusalem The special roundtrip airfare is $867 from ommendation by the Israeli Foreign Minis- ment’s list of terrorist organizations. in his car “looking to murder Jews” over New York (JFK/Newark) for travel April try that Carter, a harsh critic of Israel’s pol- what he called his “miserable life,” saying 23–June 14, 2015 and $967 from Los An- icies, be declared persona non grata in the Jerusalem Car Ramming he and several of his relatives had been de- geles for departures April 23–May 31.
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