

TOPONE www.toponeauto.com TOPONE www.toponeauto.com TOPONE www.toponeauto.com Cars series: 1. --------------------------------------- Acura 14. ------------------------------------- Dacia 2. --------------------------------------- Alfa-Romeo 15. ------------------------------------- Daewoo 3. --------------------------------------- Alpina 16. ------------------------------------- DAF 4. --------------------------------------- Alpine 17. ------------------------------------- Daihatsu 5. --------------------------------------- Aston Martin 18. ------------------------------------- Dodge 6. --------------------------------------- Audi 19. ------------------------------------- Renault 7. --------------------------------------- AUSTIN 20. ------------------------------------- Rolls-Royce 8. --------------------------------------- BMW 21. ------------------------------------- Rover 9. --------------------------------------- Buick 22. ------------------------------------- Saab 10. ----------------------------------- Cadillac 23. ------------------------------------- Scania 11. ----------------------------------- Chevrolet 24. ------------------------------------- Seat 12. ------------------------------------- Chrysler 25. ------------------------------------- Skoda 13. ------------------------------------- Citroen 26. ------------------------------------- Smart TOPONE www.toponeauto.com 27. ------------------------------------- Ssangyong 43. -------------------------------------- Hino 28. ------------------------------------- Subaru 44. -------------------------------------- Holden 29. ------------------------------------- Suzuki 45. -------------------------------------- Honda 30. ------------------------------------- TATA 46. -------------------------------------- Hummer 31. ------------------------------------- Toyota 47. -------------------------------------- Hyundai 32. ------------------------------------- Triumph 48. -------------------------------------- Infinit 33. ------------------------------------- Vauxhall 49. -------------------------------------- Isuzu 34. ------------------------------------- Volkswagen 50. -------------------------------------- Iveco 35. ------------------------------------- Volvo 51. -------------------------------------- Jaguar 36. ------------------------------------- Eagle 52. -------------------------------------- Jeep 37. ------------------------------------- Ferrari 53. -------------------------------------- KIA 38. ------------------------------------- Fiat 54. -------------------------------------- Lada 39. ------------------------------------- Ford 55. -------------------------------------- Lancia 40. ------------------------------------- Ford USA 56. -------------------------------------- Land Rover 41. ------------------------------------- FSO 57. -------------------------------------- Lexus 42. -------------------------------------- GM 58. -------------------------------------- Lincoln TOPONE www.toponeauto.com 59. -------------------------------------- Man 67. -------------------------------------- Nissan 60. -------------------------------------- Maserati 68. -------------------------------------- Oldsmobile 61. -------------------------------------- Mazda 69. -------------------------------------- Opel 62. -------------------------------- Mercedes-Benz 70. -------------------------------------- Others 63. -------------------------------------- MG 71. -------------------------------------- Peugeot 64. -------------------------------------- Mini 72. -------------------------------------- Plymouth 65. -------------------------------------- Mitsubishi 73. -------------------------------------- Pontiac 66. -------------------------------------- Moskvich 74. -------------------------------------- Porsche 75. -------------------------------------- ZAZ TOPONE www.toponeauto.com Top One Auto Parts Manufactory Co., Ltd Tel: 0086-20-62390458 Fax: 0086-20- 62390468 Add: Room 607,FuYing international building No.166,ChangGang Zhong Road,HaiZhu District.GuangZhou,China website: www.toponeauto.com BRAKE PADS CATALOGUE Acura series WIDTH HEIGHT THICKNESS TO NO. OEM FMSI TRW MK AK FERODO WVA MAKE MODEL YEAR F/R (MM) (MM) (MM) ACURA MDX V6-3.7L 2007-2009 TO1280 45022STXA00 D1280-8396 F 170 57.7 16.9 TRUCK ZDX V6-3.7L 2010- TO1049 45022SEPA60 D1049-7952 Acura TL 2007 F 130 80 14 23355 1990/01 - / NSX TO504 43022SL0E50 D504-7383 GDB3039 D5063M 23356 Acura 1995/01 - R 110.9 56.8 16 NSX Targa (NA1) 23357 1997/12 AN-260WK A-310WK GDB3191 A-260WK 21719 TO365 D365-7256 GDB3175 1986/01 - 43022SG0G01 D5046M AN-310WK 21721 Acura Legend R 88.8 47 15 TO537 D537-7418 GDB1063 1991/08 AN-492WK 21720 GDB774 A-492WK A-310K 1986-1991 20078 A-231WK LEGEND 1986/01 - TO342 43022SG9000 D342-7236 GDB994 D5030M 20079 Acura R 85 50.17 15 AN-231WK 1991/08 20029 TOPONE www.toponeauto.com LEGEND 1986/01 - 1986-1996 1991/08 LEGEND II 1991/08 - 21719 GDB3154 A-359WK 1996/08 TO536 43022SM4G00 D536-7418 D5066M FDB1679 23652 Acura R 88.9 47.5 15.4 GDB3269 AN-359WK LEGEND II Coupe 23653 1991/08 - 1996/08 LEGEND Coupe 1987/01 - 1991/08 21845 1992-1998 21846 GDB1186 FDB1015 D579-7459 AN-386WK 21847 TO579 1605848 GDB3162 D4031M FSL1015 Acura Acura F 137.6 58.5 16.5 D579-7585 A-386WK 21871 GDB7204 TAR1015 21869 21870 1986-1991 20082 AN-230WK FDB466 LEGEND 1986/01 - TO341 45022SD4A10 D341-7235 GDB733 D5027M 20081 Acura F 129 53 17.5 A-230WK FDB465 1991/08 20067 INTEGRA Coupe 1985-1990 1985/01 - 1990/12 A-211WK 20099 INTEGRA Hatchback TO334 45022SE0505 D334-7229 GDB925 D5022M AN-211WK FDB454 20109 Acura F 127.62 48.64 14 1985/01 - 1990/12 A-211K 20104 INTEGRA Saloon 1985/01 - 1990/12 FDB776 1991-2005 21696 D621-7497 GDB1183 A-376WK FSL776 TO621 45022504V10 D5070M 21695 Acura Acura F 136.3 57.8 17.3 D621-7998 GDB3375 AN-376WK FDS776 21694 TAR776 TOPONE www.toponeauto.com INTEGRA Coupe 1985-1991 1985/01 - 1990/12 INTEGRA Hatchback 21448 D409-7235 AN-274WK FDB748 1985/01 - 1990/12 TO409 45022SG0010 GDB3034 D5050M 21447 Acura F 129 53 17.5 D409-7445 A-274WK TAR748 INTEGRA Saloon 21446 1985/01 - 1990/12 LEGEND 1986/01 - 1991/08 LEGEND 1986/01 - 1986-1997 1991/08 LEGEND II 1991/08 - 1996/08 GDB995 LEGEND II Coupe GDB3196 21651 A-358WK FDB1505 1991/08 - 1996/08 TO503 45022S1AE20 D503-7382 GDB3188 D5060M 21653 Acura F 148.6 57.7 17.5 AN-358WK FDB905 LEGEND III 1996/08 -/ GDB1062 21652 LEGEND Coupe GDB3177 1987/01 - 1991/08 NSX 1990/01 - / NSX Targa (NA1) 1995/01 - 1997/12 24053 1996-- 23729 TO1276 D1276-8392 24054 AN-613WK TO959 45022S0KA00 D959-7857 GDB3240 D5100M FDB1669 24091 Acura LEGEND III 1996/08 -/ F 148.7 59 16.9 A-613WK TO787 D787-7656 24090 24055 23722 TOPONE www.toponeauto.com INTEGRA Coupe 1985-1990 1985/01 - 1990/12 21312 06022-SP8-00 INTEGRA Hatchback TO364 D364-7233 D5049 21313 Acura R 89 35 12.8 0 1985/01 - 1990/12 21314 INTEGRA Saloon 1985/01 - 1990/12 INTEGRA Coupe 1985-1990 1985/01 - 1990/12 FDB621 21312 AN-265WK INTEGRA Hatchback TO374 43022SE0S01 D374-7233 GDB499 D5042M TAR621 21313 Acura R 89 35 12.8 A-265WK 1985/01 - 1990/12 FSL621 21314 INTEGRA Saloon 1985/01 - 1990/12 2002-2007 A-743WK TO1089 45022SHJA00 D1089-7994 GDB7738 D5153M 24342 Acura Acura F 154.6 58.6 17.9 AN-743WK NEW AN-644K TO793 45022S0X020 D793-7663 Acura Acura F 139 56 17 A-644K NEW D1102-8208 TO1102 45022SJCA00 Acura Acura F 158 58.3 18 D1102-8202 NEW TO1103 43022SJCA00 D1103-8209 Acura Acura R 113 49.8 15.2 NEW TO865 43022S0XA00 D865-7740 GDB3415 Acura Acura R 100.8 43 15.5 TOPONE www.toponeauto.com 2008-- D1336-8447 24435 TO1336 AN-740WK 43022TA0A00 D1451-8711 GDB3482 D5162M FDB4198 24661 Acura Acura R 93.2 46.5 15 TO1451 A-740WK D1451-8447 24662 NEW TO1281 43022SZAA00 D1281-8397 Acura Acura R 113.3 48.4 15.4 NEW TO1506 45022TL2A00 D1506-7656 Acura Acura F 148.7 59 16.9 TOPONE www.toponeauto.com Top One Auto Parts Manufactory Co., Ltd Tel: 0086-20-62390458 Fax: 0086-20- 62390468 Add: Room 607,FuYing international building No.166,ChangGang Zhong Road,HaiZhu District.GuangZhou,China website: www.toponeauto.com BRAKE PADS CATALOGUE Alfa-Romeo series WIDTH HEIGHT THICKNESS TO NO. OEM FMSI TRW MK AK FERODO WVA MAKE MODEL YEAR F/R (MM) (MM) (MM) 21147 TO590 0009945816 D590-7649 GDB483 FDB542 21260 Alfa Romeo 164 Series 1990-95 F 129.9 58.9 19 21148 20239 TO125 111785 D125-7032 GDB142 FDB91 Alfa Romeo Alfasud 1972-75 F 62 57 15 20240 75 (162B) 1985/05 - 1992/12 90 (162) 1984/10 - 1987/07 20323 ALFETTA (116) 1974/07 - 20998 1984/12 TO109 0060719983 D109-7391 GDB364 FDB391 20997 Alfa Romeo 1974-1992 F 76.7 65.2 16.5 GIULIETTA (116) 1977/10 - 21180 1985/12 21198 GTV (116) 1978/01 - 1987/02 D228-7498 GDB1050 20638 FDB222 164/A6/A8/S6/80/90/100/200 TO228 60760120 D228-7309 GDB1163 21143 Alfa-Romeo 1985-99 R 87 66.8 15.8 TAR222 /4000/5000/Cabriolet D851-7727 GDB1310 21144 TOPONE www.toponeauto.com 1750-2000 1968/03 - 1975/07 GIULIA 1964/06 - 1978/12 GT 1963/03 - 1977/12 TO45 D45-734 FDB11X 20011 006071360100 GDB100 Alfa-Romeo MONTREAL 1972/12 - 1963-1993 F 76.5 69.6 15 TO45 D45-7021 FDB11 20383 1979/03 SPIDER (105) 1966/03 - 1977/12 SPIDER (115) 1971/03 - 1993/12 GDB465 TO306 D306-7208 GDB829 20668 164/A4/A6/A8/Series100/20 0060743565 FDB596 Alfa-Romeo 1990-99 R 87 66.8 16.5 TO228 D228-7144 GDB814 20598 0/5000 GDB653 20833 20834 TO458 GDB458 145 (930) /146 (930) /155 0060777600 FDB370 21134 Alfa-Romeo 1994-2005 F 104.4 66.5 17.1 TO1223 GDB1223 (167) /SPIDER (916S_) 21135 21136 ALFETTA (116) 1974/07 - 1984/12 ALFETTA GT (116) 1974/01 - 1986/01 GIULIA 1964/06 - 1978/12 GIULIA GT 1962/10 - D31-7255 FDB2 1966/03--1 TO31 0060526040 GDB101 20107 Alfa-Romeo 1980/12

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