World High Speed Rolling Stock 10th September 2018 Number Tractive Max.Tr. Max.Op. Weight of the Power weight Max.Axle Train Train Seats Owners or Year in Power Accelerati Signaling Country Class Train set Formula Features of train Effort Speed Speed Voltage train ratio Load length width Suppliers Observations Operators Service [kW] on[m/s2] systems sets [kN] [km/h] [km/h] [t] [kW/t] [t] [m] [mm] 1st class 2nd class Total M: Motor Coach, C: Concentrated Train Succeeded company is Current Loaded T: Trailer Coach, powered, sets For shown in case of original Maximum Maximum (planned) (Calculated For 3 classes train, 1st and 2nd classes are L: Locomotive, A: Articulated, currently Unloaded Loaded Passenger company disappeared. acceleration train speed operation from the data included in '1st class' MB: Motor Bogie, T: Tilting, used and car Some subsidary comapanies speed on this table) TB: Trailer Bogie D: Double Decker planned are neglected. "Railjet" 3kV(partially) 16+76, 316, 408, Siemens Taurus Austria TI ÖBB 1L7T C 60 2008- 6400 300 230 230 15kV16.7Hz 479 #VALUE! 22.5 204.78 2825 partially partially partially LZB/PZB,ZUB Siemens Locomotive: Class 1116, partially 1216 (OBB 1216) + 25kV50Hz 6+42 394 442 Siemens Viaggio Austria TI WestBahn 4010 2M4T 7 2011- 6000 200 200 15kV16.7Hz 296 17.9 150 2800 60 441 501 LZB/PZB,ZUB Stadler 3kV Czech NY CD CD 680 "Pendolino" 4M3T T 6 2003- 3920 200 230 200 15KV16.7Hz 385 9.5 14.75 184.4 2800 105 228 333 LS, LZB/PZB Alstom 25kV50Hz "ČD railjet" 3kV Siemens Taurus Czech TI CD 1L7T C 6 2014- 6400 300 230 230 15kV16.7Hz 479 12.4 21.5 204.78 2825 6+42 394 442 LZB/PZB,ZUB Siemens Locomotive: Class 1216 type (OBB 1216) + 25kV50Hz Siemens Viaggio Finland TI VR SM3 4M2T T 18 1995- 4000 163 0.5 220 220 25kV50Hz 328 11.5 14.3 159 3200 47 238(+2) 285(+2) EBICAB900 Alstom Broad gauge (1524) Karelian 3kV Broad gauge (1522 and 1520) Finland,Russia TI Sm6 4M3T T 4 2010- 5500 226 220 220 409(Loaded) 13.4 17 184.8 3200 42+6 304 352+2hp Alstom Railways 25kV50Hz Operated by RZD and VR. No.3001-3232 373 0.75kV SNCF 16 (No.3201-3232), BR 11 (No.3001-3022), SNCB 3 (No.3103-3108) France, 2L18T TVM/KVB,TBL, NY Eurostar e300 C, A 26 1993- 12200 300 300 3kV 752 15.0 17 394 2814 206 544 750 Alstom 7 sets are equipped for DC 1,5kV operation. (Belgium,) UK (+ 2MB) AWS/TPWS 26 sets: for Eurostar TGV-TSMT 25kV50Hz No.3101 exists, not operation. No.3102 for scrapping in 2015. No.3103/4 for scrapping in 2016. No.3015/6 were refurbished in 2015. 0.75kV No.3301-3314 373 2L14T TVM/KVB,TBL, France TI SNCF C, A 0 1993- 12200 300 300 3kV 665 16.8 17 320 2814 114 444 558 Alstom Built for Notrh of London,French domestic use TGV-TSMT (+ 2MB) AWS/TPWS 25kV50Hz one locomotive, No.3308, exists at National Train Museum in York 1.5kV TVM/KVB,TBL, 374 12 3kV No.4001-4010 UK TI Eurostar 8M8T 2015- 16000 320 300 17 400 2950 222 672 894 AWS/TPWS,ET Siemens e320 (17) 15kV16.7Hz Siemens Velaro D series. CS 25kV50Hz France, 1.5kV TVM/KVB, No. 4531-4540, owned by SNCF (Belgium,) NY Thalys Thalys PBA 2L8T C, A 9 1996- 8800 320 300 3kV 385 21.2 17 200 2904 120 257 377 TBL,ATB, Alstom Same series as TGV Réseau (tric.). 4531 (now 4551) is used for SNCF Netherlands 25kV50Hz ETCS 1.5kV TVM/KVB, No.4301-4346 France, 3kV TBL/TBL2, SNCF 6 (No.4341-4346), NS 4 (No.4321-4322,4331-4332) , SNCB 7 (Belgium,) TI Thalys Thalys PBKA 2L8T C, A 17 1996- 8800 320 300 385 21.2 17 200 2904 120 257 377 Alstom 15kV16.7Hz ATB,PZB/LZB, (No.4301-4307), Netherlands 25kV50Hz ETCS No.4321-4322-> DB -> NS No. 1-102 2L8T 1.5kV 110 240 350 No38 -> TGV Postal, No1 -> No38, No46 was abandoned after the accident at France TI SNCF TGV PSE (bic.) C, A 34 1981- 6400 300 300 385 15.5 17 200 2814 TVM/KVB Alstom (+ 2MB) 25KV50Hz 69 276 345 La Vavrette, No70 was abandoned after the accident at Voiron, No88 -> tri- current, No99 was abandoned, 1.5kV France, 2L8T 1981- No. 110-118, No118 <- bi-current set No88, No112, No114: SBB NY SNCF, SBB TGV PSE (tric.) C, A 0 6400 270 270 15kV16.7Hz 385 15.5 17 200 2814 110 248 358 TVM/KVB,ZUB Alstom Switzerland (+ 2MB) 2014 Operation finished in 2014. 25kV50Hz No.951-953 2L8T C, A 1981- 1.5kV France SNCF TGV Postal 0 6400 270 270 385 17 200 2904 N/A N/A N/A TVM/KVB Alstom 5 half sets are alternative for maintenance (+ 2MB) Postal 2015 25KV50Hz 2 additional half sets will come from PSE 38 No.301-405 1.5kV France NY SNCF TGV Atlantique 2L10T C, A 70 1989- 8800 300 300 435 18.6 17 237 2904 116 364 480 TVM/KVB Alstom Renovated to Lacroix 455 places(105+350) 25kV50Hz TVM430 is installed from No 386 to No 405 No.501-553, 19 (No.515-533) sets are converted to POS and Duplex Réseau, 1.5kV, France NY SNCF TGV Réseau (bic.) 2L8T C, A 26 1993- 8800 320 320 383 21.3 17 200 2904 118 257 375 TVM/KVB Alstom 3sets are added from Réseau tric (No551-553). No 502 was abandoned after 25kV50Hz the accident at Bierne. Renovating by Lacroix to 355 places(105+252) No.4501-4529, No.4551 1.5kV TVM/KVB,TBL, 3 sets (No.4507-4509) are converted to Réseau bi. France TI SNCF TGV Réseau (tric.) 2L8T C, A 27 1993- 8800 320 320 3kV 383 21.3 17 200 2904 118 257 375 Alstom SCMT No.4530 -> IRIS320, No.4551 <- No.4531 Thalys PBA 25kV50Hz 4507-30: suited for Belgium(TBL), 4501-06: suited for Italy(SCMT) 1.5kV France NY SNCF TGV Duplex 2L8T C, A, D 88 1996- 8800 320 320 390 20.4 17 200 2896 182 330 512 TVM/KVB Alstom No.201-289 25kV50Hz 1.5kV No.601-619 France NY SNCF TGV Réseau Duplex 2L8T C, A, D 19 2006- 8800 320 320 25kV50Hz 380 20.9 17 200 2896 182 330 512 TVM/KVB Alstom 613-615: tri-voltage(+15kV16.7Hz) (15kV16.7Hz) 1.5kV France, TVM/KVB,PZB/ No. 4401-4419 TI SNCF, SBB TGV POS 2L8T C, A, D 19 2006- 9280 320 320 15kV16.7Hz 423 20.6 17 200 2904 105 252 357 Alstom Switzerland LZB,SUB,ETCS 4406: SBB 25kV50Hz 1.5kV TVM/KVB,ETC France NY SNCF TGV Duplex Dasye 2L8T C, A, D 49 2009- 9280 320 320 390 21.5 17 200 2896 182 330 512 Alstom No.701-749 25kV50Hz S TGV Duplex 1.5kV TVM/KVB,PZB/ No.4701-4730 France TI SNCF RGV2N2 2L8T C, A, D 30 2011- 9280 320 320 15kV16.7Hz 390 21.5 17 200 2896 509 Alstom LZB, ETCS These train sets are operable in Germany. (tric.) 25kV50Hz TGV Duplex No.801-825 for first 25 sets. 15 sets are domestic use, 10 sets are operable 25 1.5kV TVM/KVB, France D. Gwennan SNCF RGV2N2 2L8T C, A, D 2013- 9280 320 320 390 21.5 17 200 2896 509 Alstom in Spain. (56) 25kV50Hz ETCS (bic.) Additional 40 sets were ordered. 23 1.5kV No,851-854 for first 4 sets. France D. Gwennan SNCF TGV Océane 2L8T C, A, D 2016- 9280 320 320 390 21.4 17 200 2896 158 398 556 TVM, ETCS Alstom (40) 25kV50Hz Additional 36 will be mid-2019. 1.5kV C, A TVM/KVB,TBL, France NY SNCF IRIS320 2L8T 1 1993- 8800 320 320 3kV 200 2904 N/A N/A N/A Alstom TGV Réseau (tric.) 4530 Inspection SCMT 25kV50Hz UIC High Speed 1/6 World High Speed Rolling Stock 10th September 2018 Number Tractive Max.Tr. Max.Op. Weight of the Power weight Max.Axle Train Train Seats Owners or Year in Power Accelerati Signaling Country Class Train set Formula Features of train Effort Speed Speed Voltage train ratio Load length width Suppliers Observations Operators Service [kW] on[m/s2] systems sets [kN] [km/h] [km/h] [t] [kW/t] [t] [m] [mm] 1st class 2nd class Total sets have 197/506 seats after modernisation (which is completed now); 1 Siemens Germany NY DB AG 401(ICE1) 2L12T C 59 1991- 9600 400 280 280 15kV16.7Hz 782 11.5 19.5 358 3020 197 506 703 LZB/PZB,ZUB was abandoned by Eschede accident. 19 sets also suited for traffic to Bombardier Switzerland (ZUB installed) Siemens Germany NY DB AG 402(ICE2) 1L7T C 44 1996- 4800 200 280 280 15kV16.7 Hz 410 10.9 19.5 205 3020 105 263 368 LZB/PZB Passenger car consists of 6 coaches and driving trailer. Bombardier Siemens Germany NY DB AG 403(ICE3) 4M4T 50 2000- 8000 300 330 300 15kV16.7 Hz 409 18.0 16 200 2950 98 331 429 LZB/PZB Last 13 delivered from 2005 (with 98/344 seats) Bombardier 1.5kV 4 sets belong to NS. Germany, DB AG, 406(ICE3M) DB 330 3kV LZB/PZB, Siemens NY 4M4T 11 2000- 8000 300 300 435 17.1 16 200 2950 93 326 419 For Frankfurt-Brussels/Amsterdam and Basle-Amsterdam.
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